Battle since before 2001?!

Zombieland SJ

Jongwoon's video has gained more than 10 million views in just 1 month. It was even voted as the best video of Decmeber 2022. Still, he still gives credit to the others as well. Especially Donghee, who helped film everything.

"Alright! 9 nominations! Viral Film Awards, here we come!" (Jongwoon)

"And it's all thanks to your producing skills." (Donghee)

"Nah, I just came up with the idea. I think it's thanks to your cinematography." (Jongwoon)

"You think?" (Donghee)

"Yeah, look. 7 of the 9 nominations are all cinematography and director based. Looks like we got clear winner." (Jongwoon)

"Maybe. But this is my first non-music video since I died. I'm not sure if the critics would like it." (Donghee)

"They will." Ryuah just came back with Heechul and Kibum from work. "And they have to."

"Yeah... Let's not go that far." (Heechul)

"By the way, Woorin's an idol, right?" (Jongwoon)

"Why you ask?" (Kibum)

"He was mentioned as an actor on the show." (Jongwoon)

"He started his acting career first before his company decided to put him in Finale." Ryuah starts to explain. "I think he still does some acting but not as much as he did when he was younger."


Today is Super Junior's last music video shoot for 2022. After this and the Viral Film Awards, they will spend the rest of the year with their families.

"Okay, that's a wrap! Good work, everyone." (Donghee)

"Can't wait for this music video to release!" (Hyukjae)

"I know, but we have to wait until late January." Donghae says in a playful tone.

As they start to pack up their filming equipment, a man started to come towards them. He looked like he was in his late 30s to early 40s and has a camera with him.

"May we help you?" (Jungsoo)

"No, I just wondering what the commotion was about. Looks like a video filming."

"It is." (Donghee)

"Well, you're still far away to becoming successful in that field."

"Huh?" (Donghee)

"WHAT DID YOU SAY, PUNK?!" (Youngwoon)

"Woah, woah, woah! Calm down. Idols should not go for violence." (Jungsoo)

"... Sorry. But you know me. I tend to blow my fuse when it comes to guys like him." (Youngwoon)

"It's okay, Kangin. He's right. I'm still far away from being a pro." (Donghee)

"Well then, I'll get out of your way now."

With that, the man just left them. Some of them are surprised while some have no idea what just happened.

"Seriously, what's his problem?" (Youngwoon)

"I... think I know." (Donghee)


After Super Junior got back to the mansion, Donghee started to explained who that guy was.


"Yeah... Kisang and I actually go way back since the start of our middle school days. We were in the filmmaking club together and... Let's just say he became severely... Ugh... What's the right word? Competitive?" (Donghee)

"I think that's an understatement..." (Sungmin)

"Ditto that." (Henry)

"I think the word 'understatement' is an understatement..." (Siwon)

"And our debut films got in nominated on the same award show. I tried to keep the competition friendly but..." (Donghee)

"He got too stuck up on his pride, right?" (Ryeowook)

"Yeah and he didn't take his loss very lightly." (Donghee)

"And it seems, according to several articles, out of all the films he directed, he only got 1 win out of about 3 nominations for the past 20 years. That's not a good record when compared to other modern filmmakers." (Kyuhyun)

"That goes to show how unwatchable his films are. And it seems like the critics can agree with that." (Zhou Mi)

"How many films did you direct before you died?" (Han Geng)

"97. And that's counting both short and full-length films." (Donghee)

"In just a year?" (Heechul)

"Well, I was working on multiple films at the same time so..." (Donghee)

"... I respect that." (Heechul)

"And it seems we do have to worry about him again. His latest short film is nominated for several categories in the Viral Film Awards." (Kyuhyun)

"Which ones?" (Jungsoo)

"For the critics' chocies, best director, best producer, best casting, best costuming, best camera work and best editing. For the fans' chocies, most likes, most reposts and best video of the year." (Kyuhyun)

"Wait... Those are the categories for our video!" (Jongwoon)

"Is this...?" (Siwon)

"It is... A head to head." (Kibum)



"Shin Donghee... You died 20 years ago... I managed to surpassed you in number of directed film... But why can't I get a single win since then?!" (Kisang)

[Filmmaker Do Kisang, Showed no grief at Shin Donghee's funeral.] posted 02/12/07 (Likes : 0, Dislikes : 721)

[Do Kisang, First film win. ] posted 03/01/28 (Likes : 0, Dislikes : 20,126)

"Even when you're dead... Why do you always beat me?!" (Kisang)

[Filmmaker Shin Donghee's debut film, Old as Time, wins 4 awards!] posted 01/03/27 (Likes : 13,409 , Dislikes : 19)

[Shin Donghee's last short film, Always With You, wins all award shows. He will forever be missed.] posted 02/12/29 (Likes : 19,007, Dislikes : 27)

"But this time, it's different... I got 9 nominations... I just need to win all of them! No matter how long it's going to take, I'm not going to give up!" (Kisang)


And then it came. December 17th. The day of the Viral Film Awards. Jungsoo, Youngwoon, Siwon, Kibum Zhou Mi and Henry decided to come along with Jongwoon and Donghee to the award show for extra measures just in case. The awards were packed with several actors, musicians, and filming crews. And then, they spotted him.

"There he is..." (Kibum)

"And look at him. Being a total show-off." (Zhou Mi)

"That just makes me literally wanna break his head of his neck!" (Youngwoon)

"Yeah... Try and restrain. That being said, I don't like him either." (Jungsoo)

"And so do other people. Read these." (Siwon)

That guy got nominated for the Viral Film Awards? No way he's gonna win! - @heart_matcha

A heartless filmmaker at an award show? No thanks - @sj_superfan_no1

I got a perfect nickname for him : Colorless Film IRL! - @sapphire_diamond

"Harsh... But I think he deserves them." (Henry)

"But he's not the kind of guy who takes in people's criticism to improve. He only sees them as "worthless" and "bothersome"." (Donghee)

The award show went on and it was time to reveal the winners.

And the award for 'Best Web Drama Lead' goes to... Kim Samin for her performance on the web drama 'Ride My Road'!

'Best Art Creator' goes to... 'Hiya Blue'!

'Most viewed Social Media Group' goes to... 'Connect Planet'!

Lots of web dramas, short and full-length films, social media groups. A lot of them got awarded and everyone was happy for them. Except for who-know-who. Then it came. The 9 most important awards of the Viral Film Awards.

"Thank you for the wait. Now... it's time to reveal the winners of the last and major awards of the Viral Film Awards!" (Presenter)

Everyone (not really...) was getting nervous, as all the winners of each category will be shown on the screen at the same time.

"And the winners are..." (Presenter)

Best Director : Shindong of Super Junior

Best Producer : Yesung of Super Junior

Best Casting : Short Film 'Flight of My Memories' (Studio 'Life on Light')

Best Costuming : Dance Video 'Animation Revival' (Super Junior)

Best Camera Work : Dance Video 'Animation Revival' (Super Junior)

Best Editing : Dance Video 'Animation Revival' (Super Junior)

Most Likes : 'Dreams to Follow' (Social Media Group 'Endless Stories')

Most Reposts : 'Making a "cake" for my bird pal'  (Influencer 'Feather Pals')

Best Video of the Year : Dance Video 'Animation Revival' (Super Junior)

"We... WE DID IT!" (Donghee)

Super Junior got 6 wins out of the 9 nominations. They were happy, not only for their wins, but for the other winners too. However, there was only one person who couldn't accept it.


"You have to. And the vote wasn't rigged. We were all chosen by the critics and fans and there's nothing we can do about it." (Donghee)

"No... I can't let this!" (Kisang)

"Oh, I can't take this anymore! LISTEN, MISTER!!!" (Youngwoon)

"Huh?" (Kisang)

"Guess why people don't like your films." (Zhou Mi)

"It's because they can't find them enjoyable." (Henry)

"And you don't take in any criticism." (Jungsoo)

"That "criticism" is just good for nothi..." (Kisang)

"Oh just shut it, will ya?! The criticism filmmakers get for their films are to help them improve." (Jongwoon)

"But... I did win once." (Kisang)

"That's true. But that's only because the reviews say it's the most tolerable film from you they ever watched. Not because it's as good as you think." (Donghee)

With Super Junior's sharp words, Kisang remained silent.

"And let me tell you something. You should be thankful to the people who work with you and succeed together." (Donghee)

With that, despite the brief rant, the 12th Viral Film Awards was a success!

Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while. School and work got a bit hectic. But now I'm back and trying to write more often.

I'm going to make this as Season 1 and make it a total of 50 episodes (not counting updates and character lists). Season 2 will be coming soon.

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Chapter 29: ????