Valentine Confession

Valentine Confession



AN: I used PH currency as that’s the currency that I’m familiar with. You’ll know what I’m saying once you read this story. Also, I would like to put a disclaimer that English is not my native language so there could be wrong grammar here and there. But still, I hope you like the story. I would love to know what you think so comments are highly appreciated.



Being a senior student is an enjoyable and exhilarating experience. You get to enjoy school life with your friends thinking that this will be your last year until you become a “semi” adult and go to college. However, you’ll also need to work extra hard to obtain high grades and pass entrance examinations.


But that should not be what I’m thinking right now. It is a fun and busy week for students and teachers. Why? Because it is Valentine’s week. The school organized a funding event to help the school carry out its future projects. Why not raise money while allowing students to enjoy themselves and have fun for a week right? It’s like hitting two birds with one stone.


I arrived at school at 8:00 am right on time for the flag ceremony. After that, our first period with our advisor Mrs. Kim, is just us playing around. Mrs. Kim told us that there will be no lessons, quizzes, and assignments for this week and that it’s for us to go out of the classroom and enjoy the booths that the teachers and students prepared. That statement garners shouts and applause from the class.



Students at this time have their own thing. Others already left the classroom excited to roam around the campus without worrying about missing a class. The introverts just sit in the corner with earphones stuck to their early clearly avoiding any human interaction. The studious students just opened their textbooks and started studying.


“So… Where should we go first?” Joy, one of her closest friends (along with Yeri), said as she approached her.


“I actually have no idea. We can just roam around the campus and let’s see the other students have fun.”


“Wendy, this is our last year and you still don’t have a boyfriend. Now’s the time to flirt! Come on girl!” Yeri said all of a sudden as she finally joins the two. They might be her best friends but she hasn’t told them yet about her uality.


“I have to agree with Yeri. You need to get laid” Joy unabashedly said.


“What the hell, Joy! Do you even know what that means?” Wendy exclaimed as she looks around the room worried that their teacher heard her however her eyes dart to one person who’s just silently sitting on her desk as her friend, Seulgi talks to her.


“Of course, I’m not 5! I know what that means. And besides, that’s how adults talk right?”


“No! That’s how jerks talk.” She exclaimed yet again. So early in the morning yet these two already exhaust her.


“Yeah. Whatever. Let’s just go out and have some fun, shall we?” Joy said.


“Yes! Let’s go! I can’t wait to see Rosé and Lisa.” Yeri said excitedly.


She got up reluctantly and looked at that person again but she’s no longer in her seat. She let out a sigh and go with Joy and Yeri who’s hopping with excitement.


As she looks around the campus, she saw a number of booths that are flocked with students.


There’s a flower booth where students can buy a rose and give it to their crush. That explains why there are few girls who are holding roses and displaying them so the students can see. This is like a popularity contest where the more flowers you have, the more popular you are.


There are also chocolate booths where you can buy chocolates shaped like a bear or a heart that again, you can give to your crush. There’s also a love letter booth where you can write a love letter to your crush and it’s up to you if you want to give it anonymously or you can give it yourself.


Now, there are also 3 big booths that caught her interest. The most popular one is the marriage booth. There will be a student who will act as a priest and will conduct your “wedding” with your crush. There are rules though. When the priest says “You may now kiss the bride” the student who paid to register can choose the “level of kiss” that they want.


50 pesos – Just handshake.

100 pesos – Kiss the hand of your bride/groom.

250 pesos – Hug your bride/groom.

500 pesos – Kiss on the cheek.


For 100 pesos and up, both parties should consent to this by signing a waiver. This is being supervised by at least 1 teacher to make sure that no one gets overboard. She heard that the teachers debated if they are going to allow the kiss on the cheek but they need money to support the school’s projects so they agreed as long as there’s supervision from teachers and booth organizers.


The second one is the jail booth. You and your crush will go inside a valentine decorated “jail” where you get to spend few minutes with your crush alone. The jail will have a camera inside that the teacher will monitor. No touching is allowed. The rule is you’ll just talk. Same with marriage boot, there are levels of payments that the one who registers can pick.


50 pesos - 2 mins inside the jail

150 pesos - 5 mins inside the jail

300 pesos – 10 minutes inside the jail.


The third booth is her favorite. The song request and dedication booth. For 50 pesos you get to select one song and dedicate it to your crush. The song will be played through the whole campus so of course, the teacher will check if the song request is appropriate to be played. You can also add another 50 pesos if you want to send a message to your crush.


Knowing how she loves music and recommending it to her friends, it’s a great way to let the students hear the great indie music they are missing out on. She was contemplating if she’ll use the third booth when she heard someone talk from the speaker that is heard from the entire campus.


“Hello! Good morning teachers and my fellow students. This is your school president Kim Jisoo. Today is the first day of our Valentine's Week and I already feel the love in the air…”


She groans as she heard the cheesy line while Joy and Yeri just giggled.


“…to start the day, I am going to play a song requested by Park Bogum and dedicated to Irene Bae with a note “Hope you’ll give me a chance”. Here’s Bruno Mar’s, “Just The Way You Are”.


She was stunned for few seconds until she heard Joy and Yeri laugh.


“I can’t believe, Bogum chose that song. That’s so cheesy and I’m pretty sure Irene will hate it.” Yeri said laughing.


“How do you know? You’re not even close with Irene?” She asks.


“Duh, I’m also friends with Seulgi which is Irene’s best friend. And Seulgi once told me that Irene hates cheesy lines especially from her hundreds of suitors.” Yeri rolls her eyes as she explained.

“Oh right. We are always together that I forgot that you are friends with Seulgi too.” Joy responds and the two started talking about inviting Seulgi and hang out with her.


She is still occupied and thinking about Irene when she saw the girl walking with Seulgi carrying a paper bag full of roses. “Of course.” She said quietly.


No one knows even her best friends, Joy and Yeri, that she had a huge crush on Irene ever since their freshman year. She’s really good at hiding her feelings that even the two most nosey people on earth couldn’t even notice it.


Irene and Wendy never really had conversations apart from school-related stuff. She never really thought of confessing because she knew that Irene doesn’t feel the same way for her. The girl couldn’t even look at her straight for 5 seconds. She actually thought that Irene hates her and she’s just being civil with her and trying to be polite. So, she only likes Irene from afar. She only checks Irene out when she knows no one’s looking. And seeing how popular Irene is making her confidence stoop so low.


As Irene and Seulgi almost pass them, Yeri shouted and called Seulgi. They both looked in their direction and their eyes met for few seconds until Irene breaks the contact and looked at her friends and showed her shy smile.


“Why can’t she look at me the way she looks at them?” she thought. But she tried to pretend that it’s nothing and joined the conversation. Yeri and Seulgi are making fun of Irene because of Bogum’s song request while Irene’s ears are as red as tomatoes.


“Hey you guys, stop making fun of Irene. Bogum is a nice good-looking guy. They actually look good together, if you think about it.” She said with a slight smile, not really meaning it. However, when she looked at Irene, the girl lost her shy smile and replaced it with just a blank look.


“Damn, what did I do this time?” she said to herself frustrated that everything she says garners a bad reaction or no reaction at all from Irene. Fortunately, Eric, her childhood friend from Canada who also moved back to South Korea, came all of a sudden and called her.


“Yow, Wendy! Can I see you for a second please?” Eric asked pleadingly.


“Why? What’s wrong?” she said worried as Eric rarely uses that tone.


“Nothing’s wrong. I just need to talk to you.”


“Ok. Guys, I’ll go with Eric first. I’ll meet you in the cafeteria in 30 minutes?”


“Sure. Have fun with your Korean American friends!” Joy said jokingly.


She laughs dismissing what Joy said and when she looked at Irene, the girl is now frowning obviously pissed at something. It’s probably her again so she just let out a sigh and left the group with Eric.


Almost an hour after when she finally joined her friends in the cafeteria surprisingly, Irene and Seulgi are still with them. Everyone was laughing while Irene is covering her face clearly embarrassed.


“What’s funny? Share it with me!” She said to her friends as she approached them. Irene stands up so quickly and ran as fast as she can.


“What? What did I do now?” She said completely surprised by Irene’s reaction. Well, surprise is not really the reaction she’s feeling right now. It’s more like sadness and disappointment.


“Sorry about that, Wendy.” Seulgi said as she stands and bid farewell to the group to follow Irene.



“I don’t get why Irene hates me so much. I mean I haven’t done anything to her. I did not do anything to offend her right?” she asks her friends as she genuinely wants to know why.


Joy and Yeri just looked at each other and smile. She should have known that that smile is not just a normal smile. It’s a smile of 2 demons conniving to bring her down.




A few hours later, she found herself sitting in front of Irene inside the marriage booth. How did she get there? You probably know why already.


She looked at Joy and Yeri and whispers “I’m going to kill both of you. I swear to God!”


Kyungsoo the acting officiant of the wedding ceremony starts reading his script. He also gave them the vow script that they need to follow. After reading the vow script and exchanging “I Do’s” (with a loud cheer and applause from their schoolmates) Kyungsoo continues as he is about to do the declaration of marriage script.

“And now by the power vested in me by Seoul International High School, it is my honor and delight to declare you married. Go forth and live each day to the fullest. You may seal this declaration with a kiss…”


“…On the cheek.” KyungSoo continues after checking the registration form.


“What?” Wendy exclaimed clearly surprised that Joy and Yeri spent 500 pesos just to make fun of her.


She looks at Irene who’s just silent and looking down playing with her hands. She doesn’t know whether Irene’s just anxious as there’s a lot of students watching them, nervous or angry that she’s in this position. She finally looks up to me and I took that chance to apologize.


“I’m sorry, Irene. This is clearly Joy and Yeri’s doing. I’m so sorry.”


“It’s fine, Wendy. You don’t have to say sorry. Let’s just get this over with?” Irene responds. “Unless you don’t want to?” Irene continued waiting for her response.


She really doesn’t know what to do. She doesn’t want to take advantage of Irene but she also wants to experience kissing Irene on the cheek for once. The opportunity already presented itself. She’s been crushing Irene for 4 years now. Is she really going to let the chance pass?


“ it!” She said to herself as she moves closer to Irene and kissed her on the cheek. It happened too fast but I can still feel the softness of her cheek and how it felt like when my lips touched it.


Irene was clearly caught by surprise as her eyes gotten so wide right now probably due to shock and her face starting to turn red.


Meanwhile, Wendy’s heart is beating so hard that she’s actually afraid that Irene might hear it. As stupid as that sounds. Joy, Yeri, and Seulgi (whom she just noticed just now) are clapping and cheering them both as well as other students who came to the booth to watch them. It finally sinks into her what she did that she covers her face out of embarrassment mixed with happiness as she finally gets to kiss Irene.


The moment they left the booth, other students are now escorting them to another place.


“Wait. Where are we going?” She asks confused. She also looked at Irene who’s clueless as she is.


“Wendy, we are escorting you and Irene to the jail booth.” The student said as a matter of fact.


“You are what?” She shouted clearly fed up with Joy and Yeri’s pranks.


“Oh come on, Wendy! You already kissed Irene. No need to be shy.” Yeri and all the students listening laughed.


She was about to chase Yeri when Irene suddenly grab her arm to stop her. She looked at Irene and finally let out a sigh as she let the students them to the jail booth.





“So, your friends paid for you to be in jail for 5 minutes. Please remember that no skinship is allowed. You are just going talk and that's it.” They both looked away trying to hide their red cheeks as they remember the kiss that happened just a few minutes ago.


After the student organizer told them about the rules, Irene and Wendy were left alone. They are sitting on the chair silently and contemplating who’s going to talk first.


“I’m sorry again. I’m seriously going to kill Joy and Yeri.” Wendy said finally breaking the silence.


“That’s fine. You don’t have to apologize. I’m pretty sure, Seulgi is involved as well.”


“Why us though?” She asks confused.


Irene just lowered her head and stayed silent. Few seconds passed and they are again enveloped with the deafening silence.


“I need to think of something. Small talk is fine.” Wendy said to herself. She was surprised yet again when Irene finally talk.


“Do you really hate me that much that you don’t like being here with me?” Irene asks her truthfully and gave her a determined look.


“What? I don’t hate you. Why would you think that?” Wendy asks incredulously.


“Well, you never really talked to me. You always avoided me unless it’s school-related stuff.” Irene stopped talking for a few seconds and she thought she’s already done talking but she speaks again. “You’re very friendly with everyone, you know. Even to the teachers. Except me.”


Wendy can’t believe what she’s hearing right now. “But all this time, I thought you are the one who hates me, who’s avoiding me. You can’t even look me in the eye.”


“Because I thought you hate me!” Irene said.


“Well, I thought you hate me too!”


They looked at each other and finally smiled.


“So, all this time, we both thought that we hate each other when we're not?”


Irene just laughed as a response.


“Why did we even think that?”


“Who would blame me though. As I’ve said you are always loud and friendly to everyone except me.” Irene said.


“How can I be loud towards someone I li—” She stopped herself before she said something she shouldn’t have.


“Towards someone you what?” Irene asks her suspiciously.


Fortunately, the alarm rings and the student entered the booth informing them that their 5 minutes is up. She pretends that she already forgot their old conversation and asked Irene to go to Joy, Yeri, and Seulgi who are waiting for them.



“Well well well. Mrs. Son and Bae, you’re a little naughty. After your wedding, you went straight to jail.” Joy said teasing them that of course, the garners laugh from Yeri and Seulgi.


“Shut up! I will kill you all for this.”


“Wendy, don’t pretend that you don’t like what we did. Look at Irene. At least she’s not pretending!”


She looked at Irene curiously and the girl is just smiling shyly. She got to admit that she’s glad that they finally got to talk. This might be the start of them being friends.


“Well, I’m not a kind person like Irene. I’m going to tell uncle and aunt that you spent your allowance for this.”


“Yaah!!!” Joy and Yeri shrieked in unison.


With the girl’s reaction, she pumped her fist in the air happily and imagined that “Don’t You (Forget About Me)” was being played in the background.




Days have passed so quickly that it’s already the last day of Valentine's Week. Irene and Seulgi became their close friend since that day. They are always together and even decided to hang out outside the campus.


Hanging out with Irene every day is a blessing yet torture. She’s happy that she gets to be friends with her but it’s also extra hard for her to suppress her feelings and make sure that she and their friends won’t figure it out.

While Irene is still shy towards her, she also noticed that she always clung their arms together and always sit and stand beside her. Again, she’s not complaining but it’s still hard and confusing for her.


The day was about to end and booths are now being removed by the students and organizers. Everyone was out playing and seizing the moment as next week will be the start of the normal class again.


“Hey, what do you guys plan to do?” She asked her friends.


“Why don’t we go home early and sleepover at your house? We can do a movie marathon or play some board games.” Joy proposes.


“Well, I don’t mind. It’s up to you guys.” She answered.


“Great! Ok, then we’ll go home first to get some clothes and will come to your house at 6?” Yeri said excitedly.


They are about to leave when someone touched her hand to stop her from leaving. She looked behind her, curious, only to find Irene, looking nervous.


“U-Uhmm.. Wait.. Uhm. Can you go a bit later? I need to tell you something.”


“Okay?.. What about the other girls?” she asked and was a bit confused as this is the first time Irene did something like this.


“That’s fine. We can go and we’ll just see you at your house. Just give Irene your address and I’ll get yours from Yeri.” Seulgi explained.


Few minutes passed after Irene drag her to their empty classroom while the girl is consciously looking at her wristwatch.


“What are we waiting for again? You said you need to tell me something.” Wendy finally asked. Irene who’s now getting pale stands up abruptly paced around.


“Irene” Wendy called her now, worried at the girl.


“I - " Irene finally starts talking when the speaker interrupted her.


“Hello, teachers and my fellow students. This is me again, School President Kim Jisoo. If you are still on campus, I just want to conclude this event with one final song request from none other than Irene Bae. I know! I can’t believe it myself.” Jisoo laughs.


“She wants us to play “Confession Song” by Got7 and she dedicated this to Son Wendy with a message “Please say yes”.


Wendy’s eyes are now wide open as she listens to Jisoo.


“Goodbye, everyone. Happy weekend.” Jisoo finally said as the Confession Song started playing.


Hundreds of confessions without success

I feel so unconfident should I just go back

I say I’ll confess for sure

but it’s pointless with no actions in the end

Can’t keep my head up in front of you

I’m in love with you, why are these words so hard

I keep hesitating to say over and over again

Why is it so hard just to write a simple letter

I keep writing and tearing it over and over again


Wendy doesn’t know what to say and feel at the moment. She’s trying to sink in everything while listening to the song.


You may not feel the same way as I do

I may never see you again,

that’s what I’m afraid of

Don’t have the courage to tell you

With this song let me

open my heart to you


Wendy looked at Irene only to see the girl looking at her intensely. She can’t bear to stare at Irene while listening and understanding the message from the song so she breaks the eye contract and focused on listening to the song.


My heart beats like a DRUM

My arms just wait for the day to hug you tight

My calendar just waits for the day marked red

My confession just waits for my courage

Though I am still a timid fool

I hope this song I wrote for countless nights

Deliver my sincerity

Take one side of the earphone in your hand

Shall we?


I love you, baby I,

I love you (for a very long time)

I love you, baby I,

I love you (I do)


Few minutes have passed since the song stopped playing yet Wendy is still silent.


“So.. What do you think?” Irene said finally breaking the silence.


“You.. You’re telling me you like me all this time?”  Irene shyly nods as she looked at Wendy. “Wow. I could not believe it. I thought I’m the only one who likes you.”


“What are you talking about I already like you the first time I saw you-- Wait what? What did you say?” Irene asked again to confirm what she just heard.


“I said I like you too.”


“How? Why?” Irene asked completely shocked by the revelation.


“What do you mean why? Have you looked at yourself?” Wendy jokingly said as it’s Irene’s turn to be shocked.


“But seriously, I like you too. I just tried to hide my feelings for you because I don’t want to be rejected by Irene Bae and be added to the list of students you turned down.” Wendy smiled teasing Irene.


“But I rejected them because you’re the one that I like.”


“I know that now and you have no idea how happy I am right now. So to answer your question, “Yes”.


Irene smiled and slowly approached Wendy. “Can I hug you?”


Wendy answered by wrapping her arms around Irene.


“You’re so warm. I love it.” Irene said as she tightens her hold of Wendy.


“Irene?” Wendy asked.




“What makes you confess?”


“Because I can’t hold it anymore. I want to take my chance with you.”


"You really like me huh. Well, I can't really blame you. I'm such a great catch." she playfully said as she felt a slap on her arm from Irene.


“We just got together and you’re already hitting me? You’re scary Irene.” She teased Irene again who just pouts like a child.


“This is nice.” Wendy said as both of them are still wrapped in each other's arms. They were like that for a while when Wendy started teasing Irene again.


“Don’t you think we are moving too fast? You’ll be meeting my parents already.”


“Yaah!” Irene whined as she hit her arm again.


“Ouch! If I only knew you’re like this, I’d probably change my mind about dating you. Now, I would like to know If I can get out of this relationship alive.” She playfully said that of course makes Irene hit her again.


She might get a bruise tomorrow, but it’s all worth it.




Meanwhile, the 3 girls are hiding behind the classroom witnessing how the love story of the two unfold. They high five each other and said “We did it.” in unison.



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