The Workout

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Chapter Thirteen: The WorkOut


“I’m Kim Jisoo! I can do this!”


“I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul.”


“You is kind. You is smart. You is important.”




“Who’s brave? Kim jisoo! Who is not going to be scared? Kim Jisoo!”


“What am I saying? I can’t do this! It’s just going to be me and Jennie without Yeri or Irene to buffer!” Jisoo panicked.


Jisoo kept psyching herself up outloud inside her car. She’s been parked outside the pilates studio for a good ten minutes already but can’t bring herself to go down.


She checked her watch and saw that she only had three more minutes until 8.


“You got this, Kim Jisoo. It’s just exercising. Pfft. You’re in good shape. You won’t make a fool out of yourself. Jennie will watch you… Oh god, Jennie will watch me.” Jisoo groaned.


*buzz buzz*


Jisoo quickly got her phone to check if it was Jennie.


Irene💃: don't be a wuss and go down the car. don't embarrass me.


Jisoo quickly looked around the parking area if Irene was there watching her. After making sure Irene wasn’t in sight, she quickly replied to the girl.


Jisoo: WHERE ARE YOU?! how did you even know?


Irene💃: i know you. bet you’re giving yourself your own pep talk.😏

Jisoo: DID YOU INSTALL A SPY CAMERA IN MY CAR? the heck, unnie!


Irene💃: pfft, course not. i just know how you are when you’re nervous. anyway, what are you wearing?😏


Jisoo: …


Jisoo: that’s a very y question, unnie.🤪 just a tank top and tights. why?🙄


Jisoo checked her clothes and felt that it looked nice. Now she’s wondering why Irene asked that. Is she supposed to wear something else for this? Lisa said all workout clothes are the same so why worry. 


Irene💃: oh… nothing. hahahaha! but seriously, go down the car already if you’re still there. don't be late. it leaves a bad impression. 


Irene💃: ENJOY 😏😏😏


She quickly kept her phone after seeing it was already 8:05, checked her reflection, and dashed out of the car. She didn’t want Jennie to think badly of her after all.


Upon entering the studio, Jisoo looked around for Jennie and saw only the receptionist. She checked her phone and didn’t see any message from the girl. 


“Ms. Kim Jisoo?”


Jisoo quickly looked up and saw the receptionist looking at her with a bright smile. She gave a small smile and approached the girl.


“Hi, I’m here for…” Jisoo started.


“Ms. Jennie, right? Yes, she mentioned you were coming in today. She told me to bring you directly to the private room when you arrive.” The receptionist smiled and guided Jisoo to the room. Jisoo saw some of the rooms occupied already with some classes and one on one sessions.


“Ms. Kim is just in the office but will be with you shortly.” The receptionist said as she opened the private room for Jisoo. She thanked the girl who left right after and went to place her gym bag on the floor.


Jisoo looked around the room and saw some equipment for pilates and a big space for some stretching. She tried to stretch her body to prepare for today’s workout and to keep her heart in place to make sure she won’t act stupid in front of Jennie.


After checking the time and seeing that Jennie was still nowhere to be found, she went to the window of the room first and looked outside to calm herself. She breathed in and appreciated the nice glow of the sun today.


“Hey, you.”


Jisoo quickly turned around and saw Jennie with a bright smile looking at her fondly.


“H-hi.” Jisoo stammered.


‘Great. My first word and I stuttered.’ Jisoo internally groaned.


“Sorry, I’m a bit late. I had to handle something in the office.” Jennie explained and dropped her gym bag beside hers.


“No, it’s okay. Uhmm, but why were you in the office?” Jisoo asked while secretly glancing at Jennie’s outfit.


‘Jacket and tights. Okay, not bad. I’m safe. Whew. I won’t have a nosebleed. But, her body, damn. It really is so y… ’Jisoo celebrated but scolded her brain for thinking about that.


“Oh, uhmm, I’m kind of one of the owners of this place.” Jennie shyly answered while tucking her hair behind her ears.


‘She’s so cute.’ Jisoo swooned.


“Wow, really?! That’s so cool, Jennie! No wonder Irene and Yeri are really vouching for you.” Jisoo said, greatly impressed with the girl.


“Yeah, I really love this workout and decided to invest in this place.” Jennie proudly answered.


“Well, now I know I’m really in good hands.” Jisoo could feel her face heating up a little after saying that.


“Of course, Jisoo. I’ll take care of you real good.” Jennie winked at her and smiled.


‘DON’T FAINT, KIM JISOO!’ Jisoo could feel herself really brushing this time.


“So, are you ready to start?” Jennie got some mats for them and placed them on the floor.


“Y-yes, of course!” 


‘Stop stuttering!’


“Alright, we will start with some light stretches first to wake our bodies up.” Jennie said professionally.


“Uhmm…” Jisoo stammered. “Is it just going to be us?”


“Haha, yeah! I’ll be your trainer, Jisoo. I’m qualified already to teach you. Is that okay?” Jennie smiled again.


‘Please keep smiling at me.’ Jisoo couldn’t help but smile back.


“Of course, Jennie. I trust you.” 


“Alright, Jisoo. Lie down on the mat”


“Wh-what?” Jisoo stuttered.


“Lie down on the mat, Jisoo. Warm up for pilates is different from your usual gym warm up.” Jennie smirked.


“Oh, hehe, I see.” Jisoo laughed awkwardly.


‘Damn it, Jisoo. Focus!’


Jisoo finally followed Jennie and just relaxed herself on the mat. She controlled her breathing and tried to think about Lisa and Irene mocking her if she made a fool out of herself.


“Alright, now try to follow what I am doing. These are just some basic stretches we do in pilates. I’ll show it to you first and then you can follow along anytime. Okay?” Jennie gently said.


Jisoo looked at Jennie and saw that the girl was just lying down with her knees folded up while her feet were firmly placed on the mat as well.


‘Okay, not bad. I got this!’ Jisoo nodded and followed Jennie.


“Alright, just take deep calming breaths, Jisoo. This way your body will be relaxed before we start.” Jennie softly said as she closed her eyes and started with her breathing exercise.


Jisoo looked at the girl and caught herself getting mesmerized on how peaceful Jennie looked.


‘Pabo, copy what she’s doing. She might catch you staring.’ Jisoo immediately started copying what Jennie was doing and felt herself slowly relaxing.


“Now, we’re going to start moving our lower body to stretch out our legs. Follow my movements so you won’t over stretch yourself.” 


Jennie started stretching her lower body in different ways and it took all of Jisoo’s will not to stare the whole time.


‘Hot damn… don’t stare, don’t stare… follow the steps…’ Jisoo repeated in her mind but her eyes would always betray her and would stare at Jennie’s legs. 


‘Even her legs are beautiful… Imagine if those legs are around…’ Jisoo stared dreamily.


“Jisoo? Is everything okay?” Jennie asked, breaking her train of thought.


“U-uh, y-yeah. Sorry. I got distracted by, uhmm, something. Sorry, I was thinking of something. Yes, that’s it.” Jisoo stammered, earning her a smirk from Jennie.


“Well, I hope what distracted you was worth it.” Jennie teased with a sly glint in her eyes.


“Considering that you’ll feel the pain tomorrow if you don’t stretch well.”


“Sorry, I’m going to focus now.” Jisoo gives Jennie a sheepish smile.


“It’s a good thing you’re cute so I’ll let you get away with this one.” Jennie smiled and started to show her again another kind of warm up.


Jisoo could feel her blush creeping in after being called cute. She tried to compose herself and followed what Jennie was doing.


‘I can do this. Don’t show Jennie that you are a fool, Jisoo. You are fit. You are strong. You will not embarrass yourself again.’ Jisoo repeated this new mantra inside her head as she followed Jennie’s warm up until they started doing the actual stretches for pilates. 


As they started with the workout, Jisoo found it a bit of a challenge as some movements were easy enough, while the others were complicated and something that she has to get used to. Add to the fact that she has been trying her very best not to drool over Jennie as she watches her do the movements effortlessly.


“Hmmm, you’re doing this step wrong. You might pull a muscle.” Jisoo heard Jennie say.


All of a sudden, she felt warm hands rest on her hips.


“Okay, you got to lift yourself slowly here or else it will bite back later on.” Jennie said professionally as she slowly guides Jisoo’s body to do the correct posture. Jennie's hands touched her body gently, making Jisoo panic and developing goosebumps on her skin.


‘Craaaaaap… control yourself, Jisoo! YOU ARE STRONG! Do not react, do not react. Oh my God, I think I’m going to have a nosebleed!’ Jisoo’s brain switched to overdrive as she panicked from Jennie’s touch. She could only grunt as she followed Jennie’s hands.


“Very good, Jisoo. You got it.” Jennie proudly said as she removed her hands.


‘Touch me again… Stop it, brain!’ Jisoo could only force a smile as she tried to fight herself from thinking of Jennie and her wonderful hands.


“So we will have more stretches on the mat later. But, I’ll show you some workout that we can do with some equipment as well. Alright? Now, do you need to hydrate?”


“Yes.” Jisoo squeaked. ‘Damn it.’


“Alright, go ahead.” Jennie laughed.


Jisoo quickly went to her gym bag to get her water and drank immediately.


‘Jisoo, you got to be professional here. Jennie is being professional and teaching you properly. Stop ogling and fantasizing about her and how amazing she looks while stretching. You’ll be taking her out on a date anyway tonight… Oh my God, I’m going out with her tonight.’ Jisoo gulped as she battled with her thoughts.


“Hey, slow down there. Didn’t realize you tire easily, Jisoo.” Jennie giggled.


“Oh, sorry. I didn’t realize I was that thirsty.” Jisoo awkwardly laughed. 


“Aren’t you going to drink some?” Jisoo asked the girl after noticing that Jennie didn’t leave the mat.


“I’m good, Jisoo. Go ahead. I’ll just stretch some more while waiting.” Jennie gave her a smile and proceeded to do more stretches that she didn’t ask Jisoo to do a while ago.


‘Holy mother of…’ Jisoo gawked at Jennie as the girl made some moves that emphasized her assets well.


‘Don’t stare. Damn it. Don’t stare.’ Jisoo tried not to stare but she couldn’t help but just watch the girl and find her so enchanting as she stretched her wonderful body.


“Hey, are you ready to join me?” Jennie interrupted her thoughts.


“Huh? What?” Jisoo softl

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Cruuushx3 #1
Cruuushx3 #2
Chapter 12: I can't with Lisa HAHAHAH she's too funny!
Cruuushx3 #3
Chapter 9: I'm loving this!
Chapter 16: I love it. Thank you for the update 😊
1120 streak #5
Chapter 16: I got addicted and I want more 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
1120 streak #6
sooyerong #7
Jensoo4everlove #8
Woo-hoo you're back!!!!
Taitai84 1226 streak #9
Chapter 16: Welcome back!!

And I want to know which deity granted Jisoo’s wish to finally confess cuz I need some wishes granted too!
charitomeria #10
Chapter 16: Welcome back… can’t wait for more chapters 🥰