
Her Light

01: It seems like everyone are happy but me. Am I cursed? 



To say Sooyoung was disinterested would be an understatement. The female sat there barely interested or engaged in conversation. She tried to engage in conversation with her friends, but she ended up not saying much. 

She didn't feel like going out. She wanted to crawl back to her hole and disappear. 

She didn't wanted to be here, surrounded by love couples. It made her feel bitter, it triggered false memories of the time where she still had cover over her eyes. 

But she was convinced by her parents and Kaera who forced her to move. She was grumpy. She didn't want to go out. 

Oh go then, drawn in your own sorrows. But life will bypass you and later on you'll realize you have done nothing but dwell on the past that doesn't exist anymore. 

Words crushed her but the latter was right. She should stop dwelling. She should stop being pathetic but she was unable to. 

Joohyun and Kaera never survived what she had. Joohyun had a beautiful happy ending, a dream relationship anyone could only wish for. A charming guy came like an angel to neutralize darkness in which she dwelled. 

Joohyun took life very lightly until he appeared. Jongin showed her that the choices she made were wrong, that her actions hurt people around her. 

From friends they turned into lovers, and after they graduated from college, they got married. The love flame was always present between them.

While their other friends either divorced, they stayed together. 

Kaera found her perfect match accidentally after booking the same room. Fate simply paired her up with the man of her dreams who understood her dreams and desires. 

While I made a bad choice to even allow Chanyeol inside of my heart. She thought with an torment. 

Her best friend and boyfriend did the ultimate betrayal. 

She found out that Chanyeol was in a parallel relationship with both. He had decency to ask if she'd be with both of them because he can't choose. 


The nerve. 


Using polyamory like that made her feel disgusted with him and angrier. Her best friend was no better. I’ll lend you Chanyeol whenever, I wouldn’t mind. 

So her friends couldn't understand her because their significant others wouldn't do what Chanyeol did to her. 

Everything came clearer. 

All gifts he got her, trips, he felt guilty and he wanted to redeem himself for what he'd do. 

Surrounded by couples, who were happy, she wanted to scream. It made her feel sick hearing spoken 'ily' too often. 

He spoke too often. And it left her with nothing. All broken promises hurt her. 

Observing and listening to what men were promising to women around her, made her feel sick. False hope. False promises. 

She played with her food while listening to the conversation of her friends. 

"You two are dating for a while," Joohyun started, "when would be the big day?" 

"In due time," Taemin replied casually, taking his lover's hand in hers. 

"You know very well we are not rushing," Kaera winked. "Right, love?" 

"Of course, my queen." 

Jongin placed hands on Joohyun's ears. "Seriously, dude."

"What the hell, Kim Jongin?! I'm not a kid!" Joohyun huffed. 

"You're too innocent! It was cringey!" Jongin defensily phrased. 

"Oh really? You call me your bunny boo, this isn't worse like that!" 

The two Lee's  pretended to throw up. "You two exceeded the level of cringiness." Kaera scrunched her nose.

Jongin grinned. "So? She brings cringiness out of me." 

Taemin rolled his eyes. “You are naturally cringey! What are you talking about?!”

Sooyoung gave a flat smile at their antics. She wanted to be happy for her friends, but this overwhelming happiness that she was surrounded by was too much. 

"Is food alright, Young?" Jongin asked. 

"Yes... I don't feel that hungry." She gave lame response. 

"You barely touched food. You do realize what will happen?" Kaera's mother-like voice forced Sooyoung to look at the latter. 

"You know I'm not big eater--" 

"You ate an apple this morning instead of a proper meal. Do not play with me. Eat. If your mother 

She felt like a fifth wheel. She wanted to leave. Until she caught a familiar figure approaching one of the seats across from them. 

Her whole body froze, the food she ate made her feel nauseous. She lost an appetite. The moment she saw who approached her - Chanyeol

Was this some sick joke? Was somebody playing a prank on her? 

She thought she wouldn’t see them ever again. She thought they left the country, at least that was what she was told. But apparently they weren’t, they stayed from behind. 

The urge to run out of the restaurant was far greater. She couldn’t deal with this. She was pretending she was fine, that she doesn’t care about the impact of their actions. She was wrong. 

It haunted her down and it found her. 

“Sooyoung.”  Chanyeol whispered. 

Even his voice became dreadful. His whole existence became dreadful and she felt an urge to kill both of them with her bare hands. But she won’t do that. She had self respect. 

“Sooyoung!” Byul exclaimed, aiming to hug her. 

She pulled back. “Byul.” 

“What a great pleasure,” her former friend went on, “why don’t we have lunch with you? Honey, are you fine with it?” She snuggled to the tall man, who grimaced. 

“No, babygirl, why don’t we go somewhere else?”

This was too much. That’s how he used to call her. How long had he been calling her like that? Was it at the same time as me? 

“Yes, leave. There’s nothing for you here,” Kaera’s voice was cold and collected. 

Byul’s lip curled. “Always Sooyoung’s saviour. Are you her spokesperson?” 

“Careful there. You are talking about my future wife. If you have come to cause a scene here then it shows how low you really gone. And you, Chanyeol,” Taemin squined, “I told you I don’t want to ever see you.” 

The people took notice of them, being interested in what’s been said. Great. We are drawing attention. This was bad. She hated being in the center of attention. 

Kaera noticed and immediately went to her, but she remained close eyes towards her lover. Having friends close truly made her feel at ease, but not enough to erase her rising emotions. 

“I didn’t know it was forbidden for me to walk freely, teacher Lee?” 

“Are you asking to be dead?” Taemin warningly hissed. 

“I’ll help you,” said Jongin, “I wasted years being friends with you. I am ashamed to be calling myself your friend. Don’t think any of us will allow you to walk freely.” 

Byul scoffed a laugh. “How pathetic you are...Please, if anything Chanyeol erased your sorry asses and made the right choice. I warmed his bed many nights while Sooyoung was busy with her career. If anything, I taught him things nobody had.” 

Sooyoung felt tears falling down. She felt her legs moving to run away. The faces of her former friend and boyfriend started to change faces, showcasing monsters instead. 

Still unable to accept the reality. Her soul was filled with so many questions - why’s and what if’s. 

She wanted to scream out of pure anger and frustration she had been panting up. She wanted to punch. She wanted to run away where nobody would find her. 

She wanted to go back to the time when she used to be carefree and strong. Instead of being this weak individual, who depends on a man. 

“She didn’t give me what I wanted, she never listened to my needs or desires,” she heard Chanyeol, “it’s her fault I searched for solace elsewhere. Byul gave me more than anyone else did.”

“You claim to love her and yet you don’t seem like it. Just because she doesn’t want doesn’t mean she is obligated to do so!” Joohyun growled. “You think I don’t know what’s in your creepy brain? I knew you were a bad choice.” 

Sooyoung wanted to leave. She was gonna make a scene or even worse. She’ll slice herself veins and be done with it. 

The urge to grab a knife was big. Really? Because of a man? Are you for real? You would do that for someone who didn’t even care. Why would you go so low? 

“It’s her duty, we were to be married. It’s expected of her to attend to my needs and desires first,” Chanyeol rose eyebrow, “but she wasn’t ready. All she cared about was her precious career, as if she would make any money from it.” 

“Yeah...sounds like a dream to me,” Byul rolled her eyes. 

“You ! She published her works, she is respected among other young writers, it’s something you can’t understand!” Kaera growled 

“That is not how you treat a one lady.” 

A soft male voice caused them all to turn around. Why would a stranger come to my rescue? She wondered. 

She doesn’t need people to baby her, unless they are her closest friends. But this person seemed to just randomly pop up and got involved in something that’s not his business. 

“Especially since she was someone you’d spend your life with,” he went on, “if I were you, I wouldn’t suffocate my ex, but I’d let her go and move on.” 

His words have an impact on her. That’s what I want. I want to move on and heal. But how? She closed her eyes, ignoring painful clenching in her heart. 

“That’s none of your business!” Chanyeol hissed. “Watch it, pal!”

The latter smiled. “Typical narcissistic behaviour. You want to be happy, but you also want to make her suffer. And cut that ‘pal’ we are not friends nor acquainted. Thank god.” 

Byul rolled her eyes. “Who are you to her? Her saviour?” 

“Oh no, I am not. I am just someone who silently watched humiliating yourselves before everyone here. And yet, you are adults. Seems like you two need one treatment. Think about it,” he flashed them a smile. 

Sooyoung tried to stay composed and not say something inappropriate. She has to accept the fact that this man was kind enough to stand up for her. 

“He needs something better,” said Kaera, “he needs one head slam to understand what is he doing.” 

Chanyeol went forward angrily, but Byul stopped him. “Baby, let them, let’s go. We have nothing to do with these peasants. They aren’t part of our life anymore.” 

Sooyoung had enough. Finding some strange inner strength, she went forward, seeing red. She was unable to control her actions.







A/N: Oh gosh! Sooyoung!!!! What do you think it may happened? Hm? Let me hear your thoughts XD


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794 streak #1
Chapter 1: Oh my stars, Kaeri, you're her maid of honor. And you're just going to walk away with Chanyeol on the fricken wedding day?? No. Can't defend you, Sir. *smh*
745 streak #2
So many things to read, so little time! But I am in for this ride!
Chapter 2: So not only Byul it is but Lechyeol it was considering his lecherous character.

If Byul was satisfying him over Sooyoung, what was the point to stay with her in the first place. Is she rich or something for him to leech over her until being in front of the Altair?

Death threats are never a good idea according to my TV series experiences XD. Always ends up against the one pronouncing them. Better ignore them completely, narcissistics despise that the most after all.

Would have leave the restaurant after calling a waiter stating it would be Chanyeol paying for her since he owes her that at least before waving at byul remembering her that if he was able to do that to her there is no assurance he won't do it again with byul and another one...

And "Babygirl"?! Yeurk sounds e-like in my ears. I don't think a single man would like to be called "babyboy" right? ...
Chapter 2: Things like this where I wish killing is accepted by the law🤬 I'm so mad at Byul and Chanyeol!
Chapter 1: Yeah! I'm proud of "Byul"!
Chapter 1: Well, it would have been even more fun with the priest asking if anyone was against the marriage and the Byul standing up to oppose before grasping Chanyeol hand and running outside the church together.

I laughed at the "Dude" of Jongin.

Some details would have been nice in the prologue to introduce a little more each character. Like if Jongin and Taemin were Chanyeol's best men or just sitting in front row admiring their wife and girlfriend in formal dress ( no description of them by the way, even of the wedding dress, no color of flower if I recall) like setting the happy ambiance, the dreamy atmosphere, the pride of the bride in front of all her friends and family, her hopes/expectations and plans for the future. All that would have been useful to accentuate the heartbreaking situation and put more drama into the scene in my opinion. But of course that's a prologue and I am a perfectionist and always see the potential of something and how to improve it. So don't take it badly. ;) just advices to improve.

As always you have great ideas and good characters. I'm curious of the following chapters.
Chapter 2: Not the victim blaming im gna be SICK grrrr how tf did she not see the red flags w her best friend?? Byul is totally a her??? And chanyeol too omg don't get me started and not our main man junmyeon just appearing out of nowhere and roasting the out of chanbyul as he should DESERVED hes so y purr
Chapter 2: wtfff i’m still here, unmotivated, writing 0 sentences (actually a few paragraphs but 0 sentences sounds cooler) for any of my stories and here you are spewing new chapters like it’s nothing?!?! DEEEEEE

Plssssss InHyun moment (kinda sounds like InYeon)—*clears throat* moment of silence — “a charming guy came like an angel to neutralize darkness in which she dwelled” T___________T I felt that for my bb???

“Jongin showed her that the choices she made were wrong, that her actions hurt people around her.” PLSS WHY ARE YOU attacking Nayeon like that XDD T___T that hurts (bc it’s true). FO readers need to read this XDDDD But yes exactly, “while their other friends divorced, they stayed together” yest theyre that type, they went through /a lot/ so they can surely survive staying married XD psh, piece of cake

“Bunny boo”—I’ve already expressed my feelings about this,,,, bunny boo

Ok back to the main story. The NERVE chanyeol has to ask sooyoung to be in a polyamorous relationship?! I mean sure, some are open to it but like, *ehem* Sooyoung doesnt seem to be the type of person XDDD
anyway, Byul?! The same nerve???? as if theyve done nothing to sooyoung?? Chanyeol and byul is a disaster and naive. Omg, i’m a type of person who cares about my personal and career goals and if my man can’t respect that, he aint for me. And SY being bitter at the beginning of the chapter is completely understandable, imagine your man doing that on your wedding ceremony?? smh

And yes suho (it better be) to the rescue and speaking facts “yall adults”.
Chapter 1: gosh chanyeol getting the cold feet at that very moment, i can already imagine how much of a jerk he is (and you warned me) XD, same goes for the best friend like wth. poor sooyoung tho, she already doesn't deserve it