Moonlight Night

The Love of Wenrene
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Irene makes her way to the grand black sparkling marble stairs, she stands in front of them, she holds onto the railing as she looks out the big window to the right.


Irene: What a lovely night it is today, a beautiful moonlight night for a celebration.


She makes her way slowly up the stairs as she holds the extra length of her dress up as the clicks of her heels surround the air around her. She begins to smile softly as she hums a little toon to herself, as she is almost reaching the top of the stairs, she looks at the person waiting for her at the top. 


As she reaches the top, the person waiting bows to her and holds out a crimson colored pillow towards Joohyun, a glove is placed on top of it.


Seungwan: My Lady, everything is set and ready for you in your room.


Joohyun smiles as she walks past Seungwan, her personal butler.


Joohyun: Then let's go, love. We can't wait much longer.


Joohyun walking in the front as Seungwan follows, they reach the dark room that is lit up by the shining moon from outside. Joohyun stands at the foot of the bed, waiting. Seungwan, standing in front of Joohyun, bows as she lifts the crimson colored pillow once again towards Joohyun. Joohyun takes the glove in one hand and puts it on her right hand, she looks towards the window and smiles.


Joohyun: What a beautiful night it is tonight, isn't it Seungwan?<

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As everyone asks why, I say "I'm an angst lover, what can I say? 😭"


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Riscark #1
Chapter 125: so this is basically a love letter
WluvsBaetokki #2
Chapter 125: God Joo-Hyun! Marey me jisoos fries!
Riscark #3
Chapter 124: It started with angst and it ended full blown fluff, I LOVE IT!!!
WluvsBaetokki #4
Chapter 124: Aaayyyyeeeeeee so cute
WenRene_77 66 streak #5
Chapter 124: will there be a part 2? 💙💝
16 streak #6
Chapter 7: Cutiesss
16 streak #7
Chapter 6: Woahh noo now I hate Irene -_-
16 streak #8
Chapter 3: Nooo *cue music* in my dreams you love me back ~~
16 streak #9
This was soo good!! Love it
Chapter 98: Still sad while reading this, can you make a prologue/continuation of this story pleasee 😔🙏🏻