Love, unexpectedly

One-shot series (aespa Winter X Karina ver)
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“Do I really have to do this Ryujin?” Minjeong tries to change her friend’s mind

“Yes, you do. You must” Ryujin stood her ground 

“And why should I?”

“For our old time sake”

“As if we aren’t still bestfriend?” Minjeong argue

“Yes, we still are and because of that I really wanted you in it” 

“But- you can still set me up on a date without having me joining the show”

“Do you want me to count how many times you ran away before?” Ryujin starts counting with her fingers “Even my fingers aren’t enough” 

“I get your point. B-but, aren’t the show for celebrities only??” Minjeong still trying to find a way not to agree on joining the show

“We’re doing we got married spin-off with non celebrities, wanted to have more realness, not having to be too careful, more sincere, you know what I mean?”

“Hmm… And what makes you think I won’t run away this time too?”

“Because I know you maybe would, that’s why I want you to join the show”

“You really don’t mind if I really ran away?”

“Emm… Because the one I’m going to partner you with, may have a higher tendency to run away or she could be the reason why you wanted to stay” 






Their eyes met after so long

“How have you been, Jimin?”

“Emm, doing okay” Jimin averts her eyes “What about you?” She tries to keep the conversation going

“Doing fine too” The other blooms a smile

“Do I really have to do this, Minju?” Jimin places an envelope on the table

“I hope you will. It’s about time you fulfill your last promise to me, right Jimin?” 

“The one I made when we broke up a year ago?”

“Emm, that one” Minju nods “When I agree to part ways with you only when you promised me that you’ll be a better version of yourself a year later”

“What if, I can’t fulfill that promise?”

“I know you well enough that I know you can. You’ve never broken any of your promises”

“What if this will be the first time I broke it?”

“I can just hope you won’t” 

And their eyes met again. 

One is trying to make the other smile

And the other is trying to hide her tears

“I just don’t want to hurt other people anymore like I hurt you, Minju”

“You didn’t hurt me at all, Jimin. You did that so I won’t be hurting and I agreed to that, remember?” 

“Hmm… Are you happy now with her?”

Jimin’s eyes fall onto Yujin who’s waiting for Minju at a different table 

“Emm, I am” Minju smiles “And I hope you will too Jimin”

After giving it a much thought, Jimin finally decides 

“Okay…” She takes a deep breath “I’ll do it. I’ll find my happiness once again”




“Is she here yet?” Minjeong walks to Ryujin while waiting for her partner to come

“She’s arriving soon, don’t you dare to run away this fast” Ryujin warned while shooting a sharp eyes to Minjeong

“Relax, this is too soon. But anyway, I thought the staffs would be a lot more than this?”

“We’re changing it. Just gonna leave the both of you with two or three cameraman most of the time, and I won’t be with you guys most of the time anyway. I’m leaving once I pass the first mission card to you both today” At that time, Ryujin gets a notification from her staff that the other cast is nearing “Right, she’s arriving. Go and wait for her under the tree”




“Nervous, Jimin?” Yeji asks while she makes sure Jimin knows what to do when she meets her partner 

“Less nervous now that I know you’re a part of the staff” 

“Minju didn’t tell you?”

“Nope. It did cross my mind that you might be behind this but I was too preoccupied with my emotions when I met her the other day that I forgot to ask”

Yeji gets the signal from Ryujin to let Jimin walks to the meeting point

“You should go now. She’s waiting for you” Yeji squeezes Jimin’s shoulder “Wishing for your happiness too”




“Pretty isn’t it?” 

“Hmm? Huh?” Minjeong is taken by surprise with Jimin sudden entrance that she almost fall, luckily Jimin’s hands move fast enough to grab Minjeong’s hand and support her waist 

“Are you okay? I’m so sorry for approaching you by surprise” Jimin helps the latter to stand

“Emm, I- I’m okay. I think you can let me go now” 

Only then Jimin realizes she’s still holding the latter’s hand and waist

“Oh right. Sorry about that again” Jimin quickly moves her hand away and bows a little “I-I’m Jimin by the way. Yu Jimin. And you?”

“Minjeong. Kim Minjeong”



And they both let out a tiny chuckles 

“Sorry for not saying hello first just then. The cherry blossoms are just too pretty” Jimin’s lips form a curve

“They are, aren’t they?” Minjeong blooms a smile too

“Your favorite flower and your favorite season?” Jimin takes a guess from the way she first saw Minjeong staring at the cherry blossom trees 

“Emm, yes, you got that right. Yours too?”

“Unfortunately no, they are pretty but they aren’t my favorite flower and spring is not my favorite season”

“Then what are your favorites then?”

“I’ll let you know when the season comes”

“Will us last that long?” Minjeong has her doubts 

“We’re just getting started, aren’t we?” Jimin’s words somehow hit them both deep

Before they both could lost their words, a mission card is delivered to them and Minjeong receives it

“Can I open it?” She asks Jimin

“Go ahead” Jimin nods “What did it says?”

“Hmm??” Minjeong is bewildered as she read the card again and darts her eyes to Ryujin who’s standing behind the camera. Ryujin nods as her answer

“You may now go to your new home” Jimin reads it out loud “P/S : The house is unfurnished. Second P/S : It is not compulsory to stay there except for the first two weeks but we hope you will stay there even after that” 

Minjeong is still taken aback that she doesn’t really listen to what Jimin is saying

“Third P/S : Why are you two still standing there? Get moving!” Jimin chuckles, feeling amused “Ready, Minjeong?”

“Huh? Hmm? Ready for?”

“You are still in shocked aren’t you?” Jimin’s smile gets wider as she passes the mission card to Minjeong “Come. Let’s go and see our new home” She grabs the handle of Minjeong’s luggage 

“How- how are we gonna go there?”

“I’ll drive us there. Shall we?”




“We have a lot of shoppings need to be done today” Jimin utters as soon as she’s done scanning their new home

“You aren’t concerned with having only one bedroom?”

“Emm, not really. Why? You are?”

“Yes, I am. Where am I going to sleep?”

“In the bedroom, where else would you be sleeping?”

“And you?”

“I can sleep here in the living room. We could get a futon so I can sleep on it” Jimin eases Minjeong’s worry “Now that we’ve made that clear, you should go and scan the house too Minjeong. I’ll make a list as we go”




“Okay so they can only deliver your bed tomorrow and my futon at 5pm today” 

“Emm” Minjeong looks worried 

“Are you alright?” Jimin notices it

“Yeah, I’m okay” Minjeong lies “What else do we need to buy here?”

“Kitchen & bathroom items but let’s stop by that aisle for a second” Jimin quickly leads the way 

“What do we need this for?” Minjeong asks while Jimin browse through the sleeping bag 

“For me to sleep in tonight” She answers

“But your futon will be delivered this evening though?”

“I know. But that’s for you to sleep on tonight, so you don’t have to worry anymore, alright?” Jimin blooms a smile, she knows what’s inside Minjeong’s head just then “Plus, I’m actually looking for a perfect time to buy a new sleeping bag anyway for me to use when I go camping” She gives another reason so that Minjeong won’t think she’s just wasting money “Hmm, maybe you should get one too. We can go camping sometimes if you like” 


“Emm, yeah. You’ve never go to one?”

“No, never. I don’t really have time for that” 

“Okay. Let’s just get yourself one, who knows you might have the time for it later. Go ahead and choose one” 

“Hmm… Which one should I choose? Can you choose it for me instead?”

“What about this one?” Jimin picks up a red-colored sleeping bag “The material is nice and comfy too. My favorite brand” 

“Emm… The color is a bit too striking”

“Ahh, what’s your favorite color then?”

“Light purple maybe?”

“Let’s see” Jimin’s eyes quickly scans through the shelves and finally lands on one “Perfect. Found it. This will be okay?” She holds the light-purple color sleeping bag proudly and Minjeong nods.

“Okay, we’re done over here. Let’s go and find other items”




“Why are you blushing?” Jimin stands next to Minjeong after getting the towels from another aisle

“Are my cheeks that red?”

“Light-pink I’d say” Jimin chuckles 

“It’s just this design is too cheesy” Minjeong points towards the heart-printed design on the coffee mug 

“Do you think so?”

“Wait, you don’t?” Minjeong is surprised 

“Hey, it’s better than this one?” Jimin points towards the two mugs, one showing a cartoon blowing a kiss and the other is receiving it “Wait, this might be cheesier” She holds a cup with the words ‘You complete me’ then she changes to the other one ‘My heart is wherever you are’ “Should I go on?” She teases when she realizes Minjeong’s ears are turning redder. Minjeong can’t utter any words so she just shakes her head lightly 

“Should we just go with this one?” Jimin grabs two mugs with cherry blossoms design on it “The pink one for you? Okay?”

“Emm, okay. Pink one for me”




“I’m going to go change. I’ll be back in a minute” Jimin places the last groceries box on the island before she goes to the room. 

“Ouch!” As soon as she’s done changing, she hears a little scream from the kitchen and she immediately runs towards Minjeong

“Careful!” Minjeong warns, only then Jimin sees the scattered glass on the floor “I accidentally dropped the glass” 

So Jimin tip-toed till she reaches Minjeong. Out of reflex, she places Minjeong’s pinky finger on her lips to stop the bleeding. Only after that she opens the tap water and places it against the running water.

“Wait here and don’t move” She goes back to the room and brings back a first-aid kit “Luckily it’s not that deep” She scans through the cut “But this will stings a bit” She carefully apply an ointment on the wound before she covers it with a bandage “We’ll change to a new one before you go to bed, alright?” 

“Emm” Minjeong nods “Thanks Jimin”

“No worries” Jimin smiles “Go and stay at the living room while I cleaned these” 

“Let me help you”

“It’s okay Minjeong. Not gonna let you hurt yourself anymore” Jimin refuses the help “Go and try the futon and see if you are comfortable sleeping on it tonight”

Minjeong finally concurs and she carefully walks towards the living room

“Do you always have the first-aid kit with you all the time Jimin?”

“Hmm? Why do you ask?”

“Just because. Saw one in your car’s dashboard too”

“Emm, I always have them with me. Old habit die hard they say” Jimin answers while she cleans the broken glass “Right, what do you want to eat for dinner? Should we order delivery instead or do you want to go out?”

“Delivery is fine with me. I have to leave early tomorrow morning”

“Right about that. How far is your office from here? And how are you gonna go there?”

“Should take me an hour by train”

“Mind if I dropped you off at your office instead? I’ll come and pick you up in the evening too”

“B-but I’ve an early schedule tomorrow”

“How early is your early?”

“Need to be there by 7:30 and I might come home late”

“I’ve no problem waking up early. And what time should I pick you up in the evening?”

“The event might finish around dinner time though”

“That’s perfect then. We can go out for dinner tomorrow”

“What about your work, Jimin?”

“You don’t have to worry about that. I can manage my time” Jimin washes her hand as she’s done cleaning and she walks towards Minjeong 

“Now, what should we order for dinner?”





“It smells good” Minjeong is awaken by the delicious smell coming from the kitchen

“Huh? Oh. You’re awake. Morning” Jimin greets the sleepy Minjeong

“Morning, Jimin” Minjeong greets her back

“Want to try some?” 

“Hmm? But I haven’t brushes my teeth”

“You can do that after this. Here, give it a taste” Jimin feeds the latter a bit of the scramble eggs she makes “Taste good?”

“Emm” Minjeong nods cutely.

To Jimin surprise, that makes her heart flutters 

“Pretty” It slipped off her lips


“Nothing. I didn’t say anything. Go ahead and get ready. I’ll pack your breakfast while at it”




“Text me when you’re done with your work, I’ll come to fetch you” Jimin reminds Minjeong once she stops her car at the latter’s office entrance

“Will do. But, are you sure you don’t mind even if I finished work late?”

“I’d rather pick you up then letting you ride the public transport. Didn’t you watch the news?” She’s just concerned with the increasing news of people went missing these past few months

“Okay, I’ll text you then. See you later, Jimin” Minjeong gets out of the car and waves a goodbye before she closes the door

“Minjeong, wait!” 

“Hmm?” Minjeong is put onto a halt and turns herself around, seeing Jimin runs towards her 

“Your breakfast” Jimin passes the brown bag to Minjeong “It’s at the backseat, forgot to give it to you”

“Thanks Jimin. Safe drive!”

“Okay, bye bye!” Jimin shoots a smile as she heads back to her car


“Oh? Hi Arin!” 

“That’s her?” 

“Emm, that’s her”

“Ryujin asks me to check up on you after your first night. So, are you planning to run? Or are you going to stay?”

“For now? I don’t have any plan to run away yet”




“Oh? Someone is early?” Seulgi looks at her watch, and it’s only 15 minutes past 8. Jimin usually comes at 9 the earliest.

“I have something I wanted to make and I have to be back at home by 11. The house is still a mess”

“How was your meeting with her? Everything okay? Are you okay?”

“Everything is fine. And I’m still okay” Jimin wears her work apron “Anything happened yesterday when I’m out?”

“We got a few customers coming” Seulgi walks towards Jimin with their design book “We have these two new orders yesterday and one needs it by the end of next week, the other one the following”

“Okay. Can you do the one for next week, and I’ll do the other one?”

“No probs with me. I’m already on it”

“Cool. How was the workshop?”

“No problem for that one too. Our new recruit did well on her first task” At that time, their new staff walks in 

“Morning everyone!”

“Good morning, Juyeon!” Jimin greets “Everything is okay with the hands on workshop yesterday?”

“Emm, yes. Don’t worry about it boss! I’ll keep your reputation as it is!”

“Just do well is enough for me. Also, if there’s no customers for the workshop, you should watch and learn from Seulgi for the new order”

“On it!” 

“Okay, I’m off to the workshop. Mark, there are customers coming, go and assist them” Jimin tells her other worker who’s unaware of the situation “Beep me if anything Seulgi. Catch you later”




“Is the food to your liking, Minjeong?” Jimin asks when she sees the latter is playing around with the beef using the chopsticks 

“Hmm? Oh, yes, the food is good” Minjeong stops playing around and shoves the beef into but she finds it hard for her to swallow

“How was work today? Bearable?”

“Emm, but not so much. One of the prototypes isn’t working well, so I’m trying to find out the reason why”

“When is it due?”

“In two days, hmm” Minjeong releases a heavy sigh “I feel bad for you though”

“Hmm? Why is that?”

“I might not gonna be back home for the next two days. I usually sleep in my office for cases like this”

“Ahhh, understandable. I can just see you on weekend then” Jimin shoots a smile

“I still feel bad. We’re only getting started and I already have to leave you alone for a while”

“I’m really fine, Minjeong. Don’t have to worry about me, alright?” Jimin assures the latter “Oh right, before I forgot. This is for you” She gives Minjeong a box wrapped with gift wrapper. 

“What is it?”

“Just a little present for you”

Minjeong opens it and a smile quickly blooms on her lips 

“Told you I’m going to make a better one than the one you have your eyes on the other day right?”

Minjeong had her eyes on a winter flakes designed coffee mug when they went shopping but Jimin decided to make it better by adding cherry blossoms flower with it.

“You made it this morning?”

“Emm, I did. Do you like it?”

“No, I don’t like it”


“I love it! Wahh, I’m going to use this in the office tomorrow and show it off to everyone” Minjeong looks the brightest that time, her smile, is just heart-fluttering 


“Hmm? I’m sorry Jimin, did you say something?”

“Hmm? No, I don’t. Come, I’ll drive you back to your office”




“Jimin, I’m home” Minjeong calls the other as soon as she steps inside their home however her calls is not answered. Minjeong goes to the bedroom, knocks on the bathroom door but Jimin isn’t there. She even takes a peek outside and Jimin’s car is parked at the crib yet the owner is nowhere to be found. Minjeong gives Jimin a call, but it goes to the voicemail instead. So Minjeong decides to go outside and wait for the latter. Just as she closes the door, Jimin arrives with her motorbike.

“When did you arrived? Who dropped you off?”

Jimin asks as soon as she takes of her helmet 

“A few minutes ago, my colleague dropped me off. Where have you been? Your phone is turned off”

“Ahh, yeah. I forgot to charge it. Sorry” Jimin shows her phone with black screen “I went to the nearest bakery to get your breakfast” Jimin shows off a bag full of breads “Shall we go inside, Minjeong?”




“Long black? Flat white? Or hot chocolate for you?” Jimin offers

“Hot chocolate for me” Minjeong answers as she plates their breakfast 

“With whipped cream or nope?”

“With whipped cream, please”

“Okay. One for me too then” 

Jimin comes to the dining table with two hot chocolate in their couple mugs 

“I don’t know which one is your favorite, I just know that you like breads and pastries, so I bought almost all of their best sellers”

“My favorite? This one” Minjeong reaches to the butter croissant “It tastes the best when dipped into the hot chocolate”

“You should try their egg tart too, that’s their best sellers”

“Why aren’t you eating any?”

“After you” Jimin waits till Minjeong grabs a bite before she starts eating her toast

“So, what are we doing today?” Minjeong asks with half full 

“You aren’t tired? I didn’t really plan anything for today, thought that you wanted to take a rest after working 2 days and night straight” 

“There’s one place I wanted to go but it won’t be opened till later”

“We can go there if you wanted to but you should go and get some sleep first after this. It’s getting harder to see your eyes” Jimin chuckles, Minjeong is trying hard to open her eyes during their breakfast 

“Can I eat this later, Jimin? I think, I really needed that sleep”

“Go ahead. I’ll pack them for our date. I’ll wake you up in a few hours”




Before they leave for their date, a mission card arrive, one for each of them.


“Why there are two? Different mission for you and me?”

Both of them open the mission card at the same time and both are taken aback a bit

“What does it say on yours?” Jimin asks realizing the latter’s ears are getting redder 

“By the end of the day, please decide on one physical action that you would like to give or to get from your partner” Minjeong could feel her face is getting hotter “What’s yours Jimin?”

“Please decide on a nickname you wanted to call your partner as” Jimin utters “This should be easy”

“Hmm? You’ve already decided on one?”

“Emm, I have” Jimin nods 

“What is it?” Minjeong asks, curious 

“It’s a secret” Jimin grins “I’ll call you with the nickname when the right time comes”




“Did you already decided on what to call Minjeong as?” Ryujin asks Jimin during their one on one interview

“Emm, I did”

“Like for real?”

“Emm, for real”

“Can’t you tell us what it is? Honey? Darling?”

“Emm, none of those” Jimin shakes her head with a witty smile “I really can’t say it though, but I think I will soon”




“Let’s be honest, you actually do have something on your mind already, didn’t you?” It’s Minjeong’s interview time

“Hmm… Yes. Yes, I do” She knows Ryujin already knows what is it

“Then, why didn’t you tell her?”

“Just because, it’s too embarrassing to ask for that out of nowhere”

“No, I meant. When you met her after two days, why didn’t you asked her this morning?” 




“Ice cream shop?” Jimin’s face lit up 

“Yes but it’s not your common ice cream shop. You can create any kind of flavor you wanted here” Minjeong feels relieved, she makes the right choice of coming here thinking this would be a good way to make up the lack of time she spent with Jimin knowing how much Jimin loves ice cream

“Even if the combination I wanted to try is a bit weird?”

“Hmm… Yes… But how weird is your weird, Jimin?”

The latter only answers with a goofy grins


“Tteokbokki with mint chocolate??” 

“Emm, I saw one youtuber ate it, I’ve always been curious about the taste ever since then” Jimin grins

“Did the youtuber said it was delicious?”

“No, he didn’t”

“And yet you still wanted to try it?”

“Emm, yes” 

Just then, the ice cream is delivered to them. Even the color doesn’t look that appetizing, Minjeong quickly distances herself

“Why aren’t you eating it?” Minjeong asks Jimin who can’t stop staring at the ice cream

“I’m starting to have doubts” Jimin plays with the spoon “You aren’t gonna try it?”

“You try it first” Minjeong rummage through her handbag “Wait, I need to record this”

“Okay, here we go” Jimin reluctantly get a spoonful of the ice cream and shoves it into . Wanted to trick Minjeong to eating it, her expression turns calmer, although the truth is she’s having a hard time swallowing the ice cream

“Hmm, it doesn’t taste that bad. It’s actually good though” Jimin gets another spoonful and gives it to Minjeong “Your turn”

“You aren’t lying, are you?”

“You need to try it first and see” Jimin insists and despite having her doubts, Minjeong eats it too.

“Yahhhh! Yu Jimin!” Minjeong quickly drinks her orange juice to reduce the weird taste she’s tasting right now while Jimin is having a good laugh for successfully tricking Minjeong “How did you manage to swallow it?”

“Some of the ice cream is still in my mouth actually” Jimin gets a big spoonful of vanilla bean ice cream and eat it. Only then she manages to swallow them all “Sorry, won’t trick you anymore” Jimin apologize after getting a sharp eyes with a pout from Minjeong

“Ahhh, you should stop giving me that look, Minjeong”


“It’s the third time you make my heart flutter” Jimin wiped the trace of ice cream at the corner of Minjeong’s mouth with her thumb 

“Your cuteness is irresistible” 

“What are you saying? I’m not cute though” Minjeong’s face starts to feel warmer

“In my eyes, you are” Jimin shoots a smile “Your ears are getting red” She chuckles “Come, let’s go to the next place you wanted to go”




“Keychain?” Jimin asks as soon as they step inside the shop

“Emm, I wanted to make a couple items with you that we can always carry. Thought that keychain would be a good choice for now”

“Wait” Jimin takes out her phone “Ahh, don’t have any place to put at my phone. Hmm…” Jimin continues to think “Ahaa, guess I’ll put it at my car keys instead”

“I’ll do yours, and you do mine. Okay?” Minjeong suggest and the latter agrees.


“Heyy, you can’t take a peek at what I’m choosing” Jimin quickly covers the small bucket she’s carrying 

“I’m not” Minjeong chuckles “I was looking at you”

“Hmm? Me?” Jimin lands her gaze on Minjeong 

“You have this habit to shut your lips tight when you focus on something, don’t you? You did the same thing when we went shopping the other day”

“Ohhh” Jimin laughs a little “That and also when I’m nervous”

“Which one is it for today?”

“I’d say… Both?”

“Why would you be nervous though?”

“Why wouldn’t I? You’re here right next to me” And Jimin’s cheeks blushes a little


“Okay, on the count of 3, we’ll exchange the keychain”

“Emm, okay” Jimin nods and Minjeong does the countdown 1…2…3. 

They exchange the keychain

Minjeong couldn’t hide her smile when she reads the word on the keychain

“So this is what you’re planning to call me?”

“Emm… Not always but I might call you that at times” Jimin rubs her nape feeling shy “I almost called you as one today”

“Then, why didn’t you?”

“Guess I’m still too shy to say it” 

“Would you be less shy with me if I do this?” 

“Do what Minjeong?”

“This” And the latter quickly wraps her arms around Jimin’s waist and pushes herself into Jimin’s embrace

Jimin is taken aback for a while that she doesn’t know what to do. It’s almost as if she’s freezing, the weather suddenly turns colder than winter.

“I actually wanted to asked you for a hug this morning, I don’t know why, but I just wanted to do that when I saw you” Minjeong tightened her hug “Guess I was too shy and feel like it might look weird since we just knew each other but to be honest, the last two days have been hard and tiring for me, was even thinking of going back to my own home to rest. But I’m glad I choose to come home to you instead”

Slowly, Jimin is getting warmer and she returns the embrace she’s gotten. 




“Were you surprise getting the hug from Minjeong this evening?”

“Emm… I was” Jimin’s ears turn red “I still am”

“Wait, why are your eyes teary?”

“Hmm? Ohh, ahh” Jimin looks up to stop the tears from falling “Guess it’s been a while since I got a hug from someone. I mean, the kind of hug I got from her today”




“It must have taken you a lot of courage to do that”

“You meant, hugging her?” Minjeong asks


“Emm, it does. But I felt like it was a perfect time to do that. So I just did”

“What does the keychain she gave you says?”

“This” Minjeong finally shows it to the camera





“Where’s the chef though?” Minjeong takes a sit at the table of the open kitchen

“You’re looking at one” Jimin smiles cunningly as she heads to the kitchen and wears the apron

“You owned this restaurant?”

“Nope. My friend’s” Jimin rolls up her sleeves “Right, I haven’t told you what I do for a living though I’ve already given you hints” 

“Emm, so when will you bring me to your workplace then?”

“Whenever you’re free”

“How about tomorrow?”

“Sure, we can do that” Jimin serves Minjeong ice water before she starts cooking

“Can you eat raw food, Minjeong?”

“Emm, nope. I tried before but I threw up after”

“Okay, I’ll change the menu then. Won’t take me long”


“Are you sure you’re not a chef, Jimin?” 

“Hmm? I’m not, like for real”

“Hmm, you can be a great one if you really are”

“Ahh…” Jimin chuckles “My food isn’t for everyone though. I only cook for people that are close or special to me”

“Which one is me?”

“Which one you wanted to be?” Jimin returns the question back to Minjeong with a sly smile “I should give you a red card, Minjeong”

“So suddenly?”

“Emm, your blushing face is not good for my heart”

“As if yours aren’t?” 

“My ears are turning red too, aren’t they?” Jimin asks as she quickly covers her ears

“Emm, they are” Minjeong nods shyly “Ahh, I need something to drink. Do they have beer here?”

“Should have. But you wouldn’t mind drinking alone, do you?” Jimin gets ready to leave her sit

“What about you?”

“I don’t drink”

“Just for tonight or at all?”

“At all. I’ve never drink beer nor wine or whatever alcoholic drinks there are”

“Hmm? But why?”

“Emm, just because I- Hmm… Let’s just say I’m trying to keep my record clean” The truth is, her past life doesn’t allow her too. Not that she can’t but she just doesn’t want to risk it.

“Nevermind then. I won’t drink either” Minjeong decides not to

“You sure?”

“Emm, I’m sure. But anyway, if you don’t drink, what did you do to relieve your stress then?”

“I’ll show you what I do after dinner”




“Right, why didn’t I think about this when I asked you just then” Minjeong chuckles when she found herself standing in front of the ice-cream freezer at the 7/11 mart.

“Hee~ So which one for you?”

“Vanilla ice cream cone”

“Okay, choco vanilla for me then”


“Why do I have a feeling this is your place to go to relieve your stress?”

“What makes you think so?”

“Because, there’s one mart near your friend’s restaurant but you drove me all the way here just for ice cream that can be gotten from other marts?”

“Emm, you’re right. This is my top 5 spots to go”

“Top 5? There are 4 more??”

“Yeap, but it gets further the higher they are on the chart”

“If the closest one is already 30 mins away, what about your number 1?”

“Emm… 4-5 hours away depends on my speed?”

“Wahh, now I’m really curious”

“We can go there sometimes. Let me know when you really really need to get away from people, I’ll drive you there”




“Come to this address when you’re awake”


Minjeong arrives at the address Jimin left on the note with a cab. It’s a two-storey warehouse and seeing how wide the place is impresses her. Unsure if she did arrive at the right place, she gives Jimin a call.


“Morning Jimin”

“Morning” The other side answers “

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280 streak #1
Chapter 3: So good 🤧🥰
280 streak #2
Chapter 2: 🥹🥹🥹
280 streak #3
Chapter 1: cutie chapter 🥰
24 streak #4
Chapter 4: So far, I love all the chapters… they’re all soft and sweet and not in cringey way… I’m hoping to see more updates in the future authornim…
blanketlove 93 streak #5
Chapter 1: omg.... its so good... jimin ks the sweetest person ever to minjeong 🥺
Chapter 4: Welcome back, author!!!! kyaaaaaaa.... i'm so happy to see you again here hehe...

I love their journey towards each other's feelings. Thank you for sharing this beautiful story, author ^^
Chapter 4: This is the first time I've read your stories and I just have to tell you, they're beautiful; the way you express their personalities, the stories behind them and how they develop their love it's just perfect. Thank u for sharing this with us; and you can come back whenever you want to, cuz as far as I can read, everytime you do, you bring magic with you.
Chapter 2: wow the emotions are on the mark
Author-nim... how are you?
odeill23 #10
Chapter 2: wow this one was so good