Chapter 6

Accidentally Changing The Story of a Web Drama

Kyungmi crossed her arms while thinking carefully about her feelings and her purpose of being inside of the drama. “I can’t let my feelings get the best of me, or else the story will change. Plus, it is already destined that Kyungwoo likes Jarim but might end up liking Minji as some guys from an internet community from my previous life predicted. So I, an extra, shouldn’t interfere with the course of the story and stay calm...the only problem is that I can’t stand the injustice and the frustrating situations that happen “. She pouted and rubbed her hair with frustration. “Out of all the characters, why should I fall for Lee Kyungwoo, WHY?! … Although Kyungwoo doesn’t treat me as he likes me. Right! He’s doing that because we are friends! The only thing I need to do is to control my feelings, that will do “. She thought as she nodded with determination. Then she received a message and grabbed her phone to check it. 


Wang Ja: I’m dating now


Kyungmi’s eyes widened and grabbed her phone with both of her hands before typing. 


KyungM: Oh~ Finally announcing as an official couple?

Yang Min: Really? First of all, congratulations! 

Wang Ja: Don’t congratulate me. Who knows when we’ll break up. 

Ah Rong: Gee, why are you thinking like that? Don’t tell me you’re dating him because you felt forced? 

Wang Ja: I don’t know. Things have blown up. 

Yang Min: Why? Gong Jooyoung is a pretty nice guy. Other than the fact that he overreacts. 

Wang Ja: We’ll see. 

KyungM: Since you’ve decided to date, try to get along well. 

Wang Ja: I’m not sure. 


Then Jarim stopped responding.


“So they are finally dating…..”. Kyungmi mumbled as she tapped her phone over her chin a few times. “That means I’m in episode 7 now…”. “It should go smoothly because they will have a big discussion later “. She sighed and put her phone to a side before getting in her bed, laying down so she could go to dreamland. 



~ Dream ~


Where am I? Why is everything so dark? “. Jieun questioned as she looked at her outfit and saw she was wearing the school uniform from her previous life in Jieun’s body. “What is this? Am I in myself right now? “. She looked around to see her old self and scenes of her past life. The scenes were taken out from a movie as they displayed her childhood and her adolescence. 

What the hell is this? “. She asked herself as she slowly walked on an unending path while staring at the scenes. She saw one from when she was ten years old, being bullied for being a weirdo. She scoffed as she watched with amusement at the scene. “Has this ever happened? “. Then she saw one of her parents being a happy couple while celebrating her 100 days birthday party. She laughed at the memory, amazed that she still had them. As she continued walking, she saw a scene that kind of broke her heart. At the age of thirteen, that age was the key point of change in her life. When his father became aggressive and her mother was the punch bag for every insult he lets out. She didn’t remember this scene but she was surprised that in that memory, her mother was left alone on the floor while breaking down in tears. 

Mom…”. She mumbled and felt something wet on her cheeks. She tapped her left cheek to see water in her fingers, meaning that she was shedding tears after watching the scene. She never knew her mother could show that kind of emotion. After the divorce, Jieun was more worried about taking care of herself that she forgot about her mother, about how she was or how she was feeling. Besides, being a nurse required staying in the hospital most of the time, so Jieun would never interact or see her mother. She couldn’t even remember the last time she had a meal with her. Then a scene appeared where she was sixteen and she remembered she had a fight with her mom over her hobbies. Jieun ended up crying until falling asleep as she was upset that her mother never understood her likes or dislikes. 

I don’t remember this memory at all….”. Jieun frowned in confusion as she saw her mother entering her bedroom while slowly walking toward her and sitting at the edge of her bed. Her mother caressed her hair while whispering some sentences that at that time, Jieun wasn’t able to understand. 

I’m sorry for yelling at you, Jieun-ah. I didn’t mean to hurt you with my words “. Her mother began speaking. “It’s my fault that I wasn’t able to take care of you, so it’s understandable that you went to find ways to feel the happiness I couldn’t give you “. Then she got shocked when she saw her mother shedding tears of remorse and guilt. “I’m sorry I wasn’t able to be a mother figure for you….”. She sniffed while still caressing her daughter’s hair. “But I want to let you know that I never stopped loving you and I never will. How can I just throw you away when you mean everything to me…”.

Mom….”. Jieun was crying hard as she covered with both hands while watching the scene with a broken heart. 

Mom will always love you, no matter what you do….I hope you can one day understand that those concerns are because I want the best for you “. 

I’m sorry….I’m so sorry, mom….”. Jieun’s voice cracked as she fell on her knees and banged her chest. She now felt guilty for never approaching her mother and always hiding from her. She now realized why she came into this world...she was given a second chance to amend the things she could never do, one of them being repairing her relationship with her mother. Since she no longer could go back to her previous life, she should at least appreciate her new life by changing for good. 


Then all the rooms went black. 


~ End of the Dream ~


Kyungmi exhaled a heavy breath as she tried to wake up from her sleep. She opened her eyes widely and took a look around her room. She noticed her mother looking at her with concern as she helped her sit up. 


“Did you have a bad dream? You were crying “. Her mother eyed her with concern as she wiped her daughter’s tears and sweat with her hand. 

“Mom….”. Kyungmi mumbled as she abruptly hugged her tightly. 

“Kyungmi-ah, what’s wrong? “. Her mother was confused by her behavior as she tried to pull her away when Kyungmi resisted and hugged her tighter. 

“Let’s just stay like this for five minutes….I promise I will let go after that….”. Kyungmi breathed as she closed her eyes and tightened the embrace to feel her warmth. Her mother felt puzzled but said nothing as she patted her daughter’s back to calm her down. “Fine….If I can’t go back to my previous life, I should at least give this life a chance to live to the maximum and cherish the people that care about me. That’s what matters “. 


After she got everything ready for school, Kyungmi decided to have a quick breakfast with her mom like usual. Kyungmi took glances at her between bites of her toast as she thought of how to bring her words out. Noticing her being stuck in her thoughts, her mother asked her. 


“You want to say something? “. Her mother asked while looking at her with curiosity. Kyungmi stopped eating as she put her toast down before looking directly at her. 

“Mom...there’s something I want to try “. 

“What is it? “. Her mother blinked while attentively looking at her. Kyungmi hesitated to bring it but her mother assured her that she could tell her anything she wanted. 

“I….I want to try working a part-time job “. She confessed. 

“Huh? “. Her mother looked at her with confusion. “Why would you want to work now? You are still seventeen “. 

“I gave it a thought about it and I want to experience it. Plus, I want to earn my own money “. She explained. 

“Well….I think it won’t be bad to try “. Her mother nodded in agreement at the idea. “But will you be okay? You don’t have a good physical shape after the accident “. She reasoned at her with worry. 

“Don’t worry. This time I will be careful “. Her mother sighed as she put her mug of coffee down. 

“If you wish, I won’t stop you “. She gave her permission. “But don’t just go for any job, I would like it if it’s in a coffee shop, since it’s less dangerous “. 

“Alright, I will “. Kyungmi smiled at her before checking the time. “I will get going then. See you at night “. Kyungmi said as she stood up and grabbed her backpack. Before leaving, she pecked her mother’s cheek and waved at her. Her mother was dazed at first but then a wide smile appeared on her face. 


Kyungmi arrived at the bus stop and encountered Jarim, Jooyoung, and Kyungwoo. She halted when she spotted the latter but decided to just act like she usually would with him. 


“Hi “. She greeted them. 

“Hi! “. Jooyoung greeted her rather enthusiastically. “Jarim and I are dating! “. 

“Ah...I know “. She giggled. “Congratulations “. 

“Thank you “. Jooyoung beamed. 

“Are you okay? “. Jarim asked with slight concern. “You have dark circles under your eyes and...your eyes are kind of puffy “. 

“Ah? Ah….I think it’s because I didn’t sleep well “. Kyungmi said.  

“Why? Is this something related to your date? “. Jarim asked and Kyungwoo’s eyes widened at the question. 

“What kind of bastard is he? Did he make you cry? Tell me “. He demanded. 

“It wasn’t something like that “. Kyungmi tried to explain. “I was the one who dumped him since I wasn’t interested in dating and he took it well. It’s because I couldn’t sleep well, that’s all “. 

“Ah...I see “. Kyungwoo replied, suddenly becoming embarrassed by his outburst. The bus came and the four of them hopped in, with Jarim and Jooyoung sitting together while Kyungmi and Kyungwoo took the individual seats from the right side. Kyungmi took out her phone to find some announcements of part-time jobs she could go and work. Since her mother’s birthday was getting closer, she wanted to earn some money and buy her something special, a way to thank her for being an amazing mother. Kyungwoo noticed that and leaned forward to look at her. 

“Looking for a part-time job? “. He asked. 

“Hm~ “. She nodded as she scrolled down the options. “I want to earn my own money to buy something for my mom “. 

“Really? I’m about to work at a cafe soon “. He replied, earning Kyungmi’s attention. “If you want, you can come and work with me. They need a waitress anyway “. 

“Really?! “. 

“But it’s up to you on how the interview goes “. 

“I have confidence that I will be able to work there! “. She beamed in content that she would be able to get a part-time job. 

“But this is a secret between us. No one should know about it “. He warned her. 

“Don’t worry! I’m not planning to tell the girls either “. She gave him an ‘OK’ sign with her fingers. Kyungwoo just smirked and nodded in understanding when he frowned after hearing Jooyoung and Jarim’s conversation. 

“Darling…..”. Jooyoung called Jarim. 

“Don’t call me that “. 

“Can...I hold your hand? “. He asked. 

“You may not “. 

“Then….”. Jooyoung put an arm around her. “I’ll put my arm around your shoulder “. He said while smiling widely. Kyungwoo frowned with disgust before responding. 

“Yah “. The couple looked at him. “I’ll go to school by myself starting tomorrow “. 

“Make it two….”. Kyungmi mumbled as she lifted her hand while shaking her head at how cringy Jooyoung was acting toward Jarim. 



Kyungmi decided to join the boys at the rest area while reviewing the notes for the upcoming exams she had next week. Although she wasn’t in TOP 3, at least she wasn’t bad in her studies. 


“We have exams next week. Are you getting along with your studies? “. Kyungmin asked. At that, Kyungwoo sighed. 

“I want to get along with them, but my studies hate me “. Kyungwoo joked as Kyungmi suppressed her laugh and continued focusing on her notes. 

“Hey, should I teach you? “. Byunghoon suggested. 

“You always got hit because of your report cards in middle school. Where is that confidence coming from? “. Kyungwoo retorted. Byunghoon scoffed as he stared at him. 

“I was still building up my energy back then! “. He exclaimed as he lifted his arms in the air. “Don’t you know what a ki blast is? I’ll show you how I crush the whole school in one blow “.

“What ki blast takes a year to build up? “. Kyungmin mocked. “I would rather ask Kyungmi to teach me “. He said as pointed at her with his head. “She seems to be smart though, and look! She’s already studying “. Kyungmin pointed out as Kyungwoo looked over her shoulder. 

“Wow~ Ahn Kaeng is right. I would rather get lessons by her, her notes are no joke “. 

“It’s not like I’m in TOP 3 anyway “. Kyungmi mumbled as she flipped a flashcard. “Plus, I have no time to teach you “. 

“Why not? “. Kyungmin blinked with curiosity. 

“Then I will have to spend my golden time repeating every single explanation to you guys over and over again until you understand them “. She replied as she glanced at them. “And my time has a price “. 

“What a stingy person “. Kyungwoo scoffed in disbelief. 

“I learned it from you though~  “. She sang in a teasing way while flipping another card. 

“This girl really….”. Kyungwoo sighed while shaking his head. 

“By the way, where is that punk, Gong Jooyoung? “. Kyungmin asked, then Kyungwoo chuckled. 

“Where else could he be? “. 

“Probably admiring over Jarim like she’s a statue “. Kyungmi sighed as she closed her flashcards. “He’s been doing that in every recess “. She then stood up. “Come on, we will have Maths soon “. 




At the end of the classes, Kyungmi and the girls decided to go to Minji’s house to study for the exams. As they made their way to the exit, they encountered Jooyoung who was calling at Jarim. He and the rest of the boys arrived as Jooyoung began speaking. 


“We’re going to the library to study “. 

“What? Us? “. Kyungmin looked at him with shock. 

“Yeah “. Joyoung hummed while glancing at his friends to play along.  “We said so earlier “.

“Studying happens at the library, of course “. Byunghoon agreed with him. 

“Don’t just play around there “. Jarim replied. 

“Then, if I get an average over 60 this time, we get to hold hands, okay? “. Jooyoung proposed. 

“Why are you setting the conditions yourself? Plus, what’s so impressive about 60? “. Jarim sighed. “How bad are your grades exactly? “. 

“That’s why I’m going to the library! “. He replied. “If I go to the library, I’ll be able to concentrate, and there are a lot of books there “. He said as he gave signs at Kyungmi and Minji with his eyes. 

“Jarim-ah, let’s go study at the library too “. Minji suggested.

“Why? I thought we’re going to your house to study “. 

“If we go to my house, we might just end up watching TV “. Minji explained. 

“I agree “. Kyungmi nodded at Minji’s words. “I think studying in an environment like the library will help us to focus more, right Ahram? “. Kyungmi looked at Ahram to play along.  

“Yeah. Let’s go to the library “. She nodded in agreement. Jarim tilted her head to the side before giving in as everyone made their way to the library. When they arrived, they took a large table where everyone could fit in. They began studying and more than thirty minutes had passed. Kyungmi began flipping her notebook to memorize the contents of Science with the flashcards of Maths in her right hand. She was so immersed in her studies that she didn’t notice Kyungwoo patting at the surface of the table. She turned her attention toward him, wondering what he wanted when he whispered. 

“Let’s have a rest “. 

“Right now? “. She frowned with confusion. “But we’ve been here for thirty minutes “. Then he gave her an eye sign toward the couple and Kyungmi understood what he meant, after realizing that everyone else left. She sighed as she closed her notebook and put her flashcards above it. “I suppose you will buy me a drink, right? “. She whispered back as she slowly stood up to avoid being caught by Jarim for leaving. 

“Why should I? “. Kyungwoo chuckled in disbelief as they made their way out of the library. 

“Because you just took out some of my golden time “. She refuted with her arms crossed. 

“Okay, fine “. Kyungwoo nodded in agreement. “What do you want to drink? “. 


After buying their drinks, they made their way to the rest area of the library, joining the rest of the group. Kyungmi took a seat next to Minji, while Kyungwoo sat on the bench with Kyungmin. Kyungmi laughed seeing Ahram teaching Byunghoon a choreography as she took a sip of her cider. 

“Do we have to go this far for them? “. Kyungwoo questioned while eyeing Minji, who was looking at her phone. 

“Weren’t you pushing them together too? “. She asked as she put her phone to the side. 

“If they decide to date, it’s done. What more is there to do? “. He retorted. 

“They need to share the same feelings for it to be done “. Minji replied. 

“Wang Ja doesn’t even like him. Why did she agree to date him? “. 

“Rather than saying she doesn’t like him, it’s just complicated “. She sighed after taking a sip of her drink. Kyungmi knew what she was thinking so she didn’t say anything. 

“Does Wang Jarim even want a boyfriend? “. Kyungmin asked. “She seems completely indifferent to dating “. 

“That’s not true. She wasn’t always like that “. Minji defended in Jarim 's honor. “She wanted a boyfriend, too “. With that sentence, Ahram and Byunghoon stopped dancing as the boys looked surprised as well. 

“Wang Ja wanted a boyfriend? “. Kyungwoo questioned. 

“What? Then why is she acting like this now? “. Byunghoon asked. Minji forced a smile and shrugged her shoulders. 

“I don’t know “. But Kyungmi and Ahram knew the answer. Kyungmi could feel Kyungwoo’s gaze on her, knowing that he wanted an answer but she decided to ignore him as she drank her soda. 



Kyungmi and the girls returned to the library and they spotted Jarim at the drink machine so they decided to go there. 


“I’m already hungry from dancing “. Ahram moaned in tiredness as the three girls approached Jarim.

“Where were you three? “. Jarim asked. “You said you wanted to study “. 

“We’re going to start now “. Minji replied as she glanced in the direction Jooyoung went. “How was your library date? “. Jarim rolled her eyes in frustration. 

“Stop it, already. Why are you three like that, too? I’ll deal with him on my own “. Then Jarim passed the drink Jooyoung gave her to Ahram. “Here, drink “. Ahram smirked a little before refusing it. 

“I don’t want it “. 

“Oh my goodness, Oh Piggy turned down food? “. Minji teased as she slightly slapped her arm. 

“Gong Jooyoung gave it to you “. Ahram nodded at the drink with her head. “If you don’t like him, it’s not too late to break up with him now “. She said. “What were you doing when you agreed to date him? “. 

“Yah, Ah Rong “. Minji nudged her in the arm. 

“I don’t dislike Gong Jooyoung “. Jarim confessed. 

“Then what is it? “. Ahram questioned but Jarim couldn’t utter a word.

“Hey, that trash is different from Gong Jooyoung “. Minji insisted. Kyungmi exhaled through her nose with her arms crossed as she stared at Jarim. 

“I don’t know “. Jarim just responded before walking away. Ahram just sighed while Minji watched with concern. 

“I didn’t want to say this….”. Kyungmi started. “But I agree with Ahram “. She said. “The more Jarim acts like that, the more Jooyoung can get hurt, and that’s not good in a relationship “. Then she excused herself and went back to study. 


Once studies were over, Kyungmi decided to follow Kyungwoo to have an interview with the manager of the Italian cafe located in Ilsam. Once she was done with the process, the manager told them that they could start working during the weekends. As a gesture of gratitude, she invited him for dinner at a Japanese Udon restaurant. 


“Since you recommended a place to work, I will be the one paying today “. She said as she put wooden chopsticks on his side. 

“Wow~ so generous of you “. He teased. “I should order more food then “. 

“Yah, have some consciousness! “. She glared at him. “I’m even buying you dinner “. 

“I was joking “. He laughed. “Alright, I will accept with gratitude “. 

“Tsk “. She scoffed as she took out chopsticks for herself. 

“But why did you want to buy something for your mom with the money you earn? “. He asked as he mixed the noodles with his chopsticks. 

“Ah~ “. She stopped eating and put her chopsticks down. “Her birthday is coming soon and I want to surprise her with a nice gift “. 

“I think it will be enough if you just buy her a cake, why bother buying a present? “. He asked as he slurped the noodles in his mouth. Kyungmi weakly smiled at the thought. 

“Because she deserves it “. She softly replied and Kyungwoo stopped eating. “My dad died when I was thirteen and my mom had a hard time raising me “. She explained. “That’s why I want to pay her back for all the efforts she put in because I’m thankful toward her “. Then she grabbed her chopsticks again and continued eating. 

“It’s just you and your mom? “. He asked and she nodded at his question. Then he suddenly chuckled, making her feel confused by his reaction. “We have something in common then….I also just live with my mom “. Kyungmi softened by his words. “I know….I know your dad was an abusive and aggressive person….just like my dad from my previous life “. “My parents got divorced when I was in 2nd year of middle school “. 

“Sorry to hear that “. She replied with a soft voice. 

“It’s nothing “. He replied and continued eating. “I think it was the right decision because my dad was a problematic person “. 

“I see….”. She nodded in understanding. 

“Aren’t you curious? “. He blinked with confusion. 

“I am…..”. She chuckled. “But I don’t want to ask if you feel uncomfortable. I know it’s hard to bring this kind of topic up “. She commented and Kyungwoo stared at her with amusement. “Eat quickly or the noodles will get soggy “. She said and began eating again. Kyungwoo couldn’t help but smile at her words. Although he wasn’t ready to tell his story, he was grateful that she was understanding and not being pushy like many girls are. Shaking his head with a smile, he began eating as well. 




The exam day came and every class from the first year began to resolve the Maths exam. Kyungmi confidently resolved all the questions as she transferred the answers to the answer sheet. She took a glance at her right side and saw that Kyungwoo was sleeping. She slightly shook her head in disbelief. “I wonder how many hours he can sleep….He’s like a sloth “. She then focused back on her test. When the exam was over, the girls gathered around to get ready to leave as they decided to go to karaoke. Then, Jooyoung came over jumping with a smile on his face. 


“Jarim-ah, let’s go on a date since exams are over “. 

“I already made plans “. She replied. 

“What? “. He blinked in confusion. “What plans? “. 

“We’re going to karaoke together “. 

“That sounds fun. I can just go with you guys then! “. 

“Why? Someone who doesn’t know you are coming too “. 

“Even more reason I should come. You can introduce me as your boyfriend “. He said while pointing at himself before staring at Minji. “Right? “. Kyungmi chuckled while shaking her head. Surely Jooyoung had his ways to be with Jarim. 

“R-Right “. Minji nodded in agreement and avoided eye contact with Jarim when the latter looked at her with betrayal. 


The girls first went to the karaoke room while Jooyoung went to get snacks along with Kyungwoo. There, Kyungmi met one of Minji’s middle school friends named Bae Jiyeon, who happened to go to the same school as Seri. She was friendly for the first meeting so Kyungmi was glad that she could get along with her. Sitting at the last row of the sofa in the back, she cheered Jinhee and Ahram as they were singing their hearts out. As they almost finished, Jooyoung and Kyungwoo appeared with snacks. The girls stopped singing as they made their way to get snacks. 

“You came? “. Kyungmi asked when Kyungwoo sat next to her. He nodded with a smirk. 

“This is my treat “. Jooyoung said as he pointed at the snacks. 

“Yah, Jooyoung is a really great guy “. Ahram commented as she opened a bag of snacks. “You two should get married “. 

“Shut up “. Jarim warned her. 

“Ah~ This is my friend from middle school, Bae Jiyeon “. Minji introduced her to the guys. 

“Hi “. Jiyeon waved with a smile. “I go to Yeokdong High School “. 

“Hi “. The guys greeted her while lifting their hands. 

“I’m Gong Jooyoung, Jarim’s boyfriend “. He introduced himself. 

“I know “. She giggled. “Hey, he’s much cuter in person! “. Jooyoung smiled and then headed toward where Jarim was sitting. Kyungmi checked on her phone for any replies from Seri and how she was doing with her new boyfriend. After she dumped her date, Seri kind of protested that she let go of such a nice guy, insisting that she should give him a second chance. Although she exchanged words with Park Jihoo at times, she didn’t have the intention to try dating him at all. 

“Aren’t you going to sing? “. She turned around to see Kyungwoo staring at her while eating some potato chips. 

“Maybe later “. She told him. “I’m not good at singing though “. 

“I will help you, I will be your background choir “. 

“Aigoo~ stop joking “. She shook her head with a giggle at his joke. Then the music started as Ahram went to the stage to sing again along with Minji. Kyungmi smiled as she clapped along to the song. 


Then it was the boys turn as they sang a ballad song, giving a kind of romantic vibe. Kyungmi, now sitting at the front, was cheering for the boys while also trying to get along with Minji’s friend. But then the latter said that she will be back, leaving her alone as she made her way to Minji and Jinhee. “Aigoo~ this must be the part where they attempt to move Kyungwoo’s bangs out from his face “. Kyungmi decided to ignore it and checked some things on her Instagram. She then saw Kyungwoo approaching her and sitting next to her. 

“So? What do you think? “. He asked, referring to him singing. 

“Not bad for an amateur “. She teased. 

“This girl seriously…”. He scoffed but smiled anyway. “What were you checking? “. He asked as he took his phone out. 

“Just some items….I’m trying to find ideas for my mother’s birthday present “. 

“Have you thought of any? “. 

“I was thinking between perfume and make-up…”. She hummed as she looked at him. “What do you think? “. 

“Let me have a look “. He said as Kyungmi leaned closer to him while showing him the items she selected for her mother. Just then, Byunghoon and Kyungmin came over. 

“You still have a lot of time left in this room “. Byunghoon commented.

“Where were you? “. Kyungwoo asked when he noticed their presence. 

“In room 7, with the guys from Class 2 “. Kyungmin replied as he took the remote away from Jooyoung. Kyungmi noticed the sad expression on his face, knowing that he wanted to sing a duet with Jarim, but the latter refused. 

“Hey “. She looked at her right to see Kyungwoo pointing at her phone. She almost got startled by how close their faces were. “Let’s see the options “. 

“Oh...okay “. She nodded as she unlocked her phone. As they were looking through the items, Minji suddenly came to Kyungwoo’s right side and sat down. The both of them looked at her with curiosity as she just flashed them a small smile and they continued with what they were doing. Then, Minji reached her hand toward Kyungwoo’s bangs, startling the guy while looking at her with confusion. Kyungmi followed his gaze and blinked at Minji who was just smiling at her.  

“Kyungmi-ah, can you pass me the remote? “. 

“Sure…? “. Kyungmi slowly nodded as she grabbed it and passed it to her. Minji thanked her and focused her attention on the screen. 

“Don’t you have a mic for me? “. Kyungmin asked 

“Nope “. Ahram replied, uninterested as she focused on eating when the music stopped, grabbing Kyungmin’s attention. 

“Ah why? “. He whined. 

“I don’t want to listen to your voice “. Minji retorted, earning a pout from him. 


Then Minji continued her attempt to remove Kyungwoo’s bangs. Kyungmi noticed them and somehow she felt kind of annoyed by her intentions, thinking it was kind of disrespectful to invade his personal space. When she saw her bringing an inalambric fan toward his hair, Kyungmi had enough. Standing up, she grabbed Kyungwoo’s wrist to lift him up and dragged him toward the stage. 

“Kyungwoo-ah, let’s sing together “. She suggested while getting two microphones and handing him one. He first looked at her in confusion but accepted the mic anyway and began singing. She sang as well as she kept glancing behind at Minji, and when the latter excused herself to go to the bathroom, she left the microphone on the sofa and followed her behind. Arriving at the bathroom, she leaned herself against the wall with her arms crossed as she waited for Minji to finish her business. When the latter came out of the stall, she was surprised to find Kyungmi there. 


“Yah, Minji-ah “. Kyungmi started as she looked at her with a blank expression. “What were you trying to do back there? “. 

“Huh? “. Minji looked at her in confusion. “What do you mean? “. 

“I saw everything “. Kyungmi replied while inhaling through her nose. “I saw how you were trying to remove Kyungwoo’s bangs “. 

“Ah~ It’s because the girls and I were curious about what he looked like without his bangs “. Minji tried to explain. “What’s wrong about that? “. Kyungmi sighed as she moved away from the wall and stood in front of her. 

“Weren’t you concerned about how uncomfortable Kyungwoo was acting with your intentions? “. She asked. “Even though he acts like he knows nothing, he actually took an eye off what you were trying to do “. 

“What? “. Her face was kind of pale by the news. “So that means he knows? “. 

“Yeah, so let me give you some advice “. Kyungmi commented. “Even though you have curiosity, you shouldn’t cross into someone’s personal space. What you did back there was something that could have bothered him and it would lead to an uncomfortable situation where you will feel regret and guilt “. 

“Yah, but why are you getting angry because of him? “. Minji frowned when she noticed how annoyed Kyungmi was looking at her. “Do you perhaps know why he’s having his bangs like that? “. 

“No, I don’t. I’m just saying that you shouldn’t do something you would regret later “. She explained. “Maybe for you, it was out of curiosity but to him… might be something that he doesn’t want to show to anyone. If you happen to have a secret that you don’t want to share but your friends keep bugging to find it out, how would you feel about it? “. Kyungmi questioned, leaving Minji speechless. “I’m just telling you to see the situation before taking action “. She replied. “I’m going to leave now “. Kyungmi said as she walked out of the bathroom, leaving Minji behind. Once she was out, she was surprised to see Kyungwoo leaning his back against the wall with his hands in the pockets of his pants. “How...long have you been here? “. She asked as she rubbed her arm with awkwardness. She wished he hadn’t listened to their conversation. 

“Ever since you got in the bathroom “. He confessed and she mentally panicked. 

“So you...heard our conversation? “. When he didn’t reply, she closed her eyes. “So you did “. She sighed. “Sorry if I interfered, it’s just that I noticed that you were getting uncomfortable by her intentions so I couldn’t just stand still “. She then glanced at him, noticing his blank expression. “Sorry….”. 

“Why are you apologizing? “. 

“Huh? “. She blinked at him with confusion. “Well...because I interfered in your situation when I shouldn’t have...that’s why “. He exhaled through his nose before nodding. 

“You did well “. He replied, surprising her with his reply. “I was going to confront her myself, but it’s nice to see a friend supporting me “. He slightly smirked, making her chuckle a little. 

“Although Minji is my friend, I know how to differentiate between what’s right and what’s wrong “. 

“ said that knowing about why I let my bangs grow? “. He suddenly asked. She knew since she remembered this scene like the palm of her hand, but she decided to deny it, or he will get suspicious about where she heard about it.

“I don’t...and I don’t need to know about it “. She replied. “I don’t think I have the right to know if you don’t want to tell it “. She explained. Suddenly, Kyungwoo leaned off the wall and slowly lifted his bangs up, showing a small scar on the left side of his forehead. Kyungmi’s eyes widened in surprise. She knew how it looked after seeing the episode where it shows the scar but it was the first time she was seeing it up close. She lifted her hand to reach toward the scar until she stopped and looked at him for permission. “May I? “. She questioned. Kyungwoo hesitated at first before nodding in affirmation. Then the tips of her fingers touched the surface of the scar, tracing it softly to the line. Somehow, Kyungmi felt heartbroken since she knew the cause of this scar. “It must have been painful “. She whispered as she pursed her lips out, while he attentively stared at her expression of concern. Then, she remembered that Minji was still in the bathroom and might see them so she grabbed his wrist and brought it down before fixing his bangs for him while he looked at her with confusion. “It’s because Minji might see it “. She whispered at him and he simply chuckled at her gestures. “About the origin of this don’t need to tell me right away “. Kyungmi told him. “Do it when you feel comfortable telling me “. 

“Okay “. He whispered with a nod. She softly smiled at him before telling him. 

“Let's go back! We still have a few minutes before our time is over “. She said, referring that they didn’t have much time to stay in the karaoke room. 

“Okay “. He nodded and then followed her as they made their way to their karaoke booth. 

When they were gone, Minji walked out of the bathroom as she saw them leaving in the distance. In the end, she was able to see Kyungwoo’s scar and she felt bad for trying to remove his bangs, understanding Kyungmi’s words now. “Should I apologize to him? “. She wondered and shook her head as she headed back to the karaoke booth. 

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I'm glad you liked it, although it's just a simple one~
four chapters updateeeeee!!!! yayyyyy!!!
Chapter 15: isn't it supposed to be chapter 11??
jurroz #4
Chapter 7: obsessed with this so far
Wow! My favorite genre! Can't wait to read this!