
My Husband, Mr. Nice

Author's note : Before I begin the story, I would like to make this clear; This story is not supposed to make complete sense. This story was made to keep myself--and other Heeseung/Enhypen stans-- entertained and happy. Please keep in mind that this is all purely fictional. Putting that aside, I hope you all enjoy this story.

PS: I forgot to update here and updated only on Wattpad as No1_Chicken_Lover. My bad...


Accidents happen. Or do they?

Hana could feel a weight around her waist as she slowly traced back what she was doing. Why is there a weight around her waist? Why is her back warm? Why is-

She opened her eyes to an unfamiliar surrounding. Slowly looking down to her waist, she saw a masculine arm hanging freely off of it. That was definitely not an arm she recognised.

Hana slowly turned around, coming face to face with what she thought to be the most gorgeous human sleeping. Except, why would this gorgeous human be here? Yesterday she came here to rest. And out. So, how could this be? Unless...

She jumped up from the bed, stepping away from the scene. Her hair, now untied and unkempt, covered the pure confusion on her face. Tucking her hair back, she analysed her surroundings. There are some clothes on the floor. Her torso was exposed except for the bra she had on. Gorgeous human in the bed was shirtless. She was debating whether to scream for her life or call 911 or something but the sound of his breathing getting louder stopped her.

The gorgeous human was waking up. Slowly lifting his head up, his eyes adjusted to the figure of Hana standing in front of the bed, looking disheveled and at a loss for words. "...What's wrong?" he groggily asked before realising the situation. He widened his eyes, glancing down to his bare torso and then back up to Hana's similar state.

He let out a small yelp before sitting up, eventually coming to the same thought as Hana did. " I out. I'm serious, I'm so sorry-"

"I out too. But I out alone! So how did you-"

"I was searching for the toilet and- Ah, it doesn't matter! What time is it?" He ruffled his hair, confusion and frustration evident on his face. Hana hadn't seen him show this much expression in a day but seeing him panic made her panic even more.

She fumbled around for her phone and unlocked the screen in a hurry.
"It's almost noon! We're late, I look like this, you look like that, we're in a bed together, it's only my second day and I'm going to get scolded- " she stops blabbering as she watched his expression change.

His face went back to his default gentleman poker face, "Not unless we have an excuse, let's go. We'll figure out what happened on the way." He spots his shirt on the floor and quickly threw it on. Hana was in a mess but she followed his lead and cleaned herself up in a hurry.

The house was dead silent as the two step out into the living room. There were a few bodies here and there that looked similar to their state earlier, making them wince as they passed by them. Daniel was nowhere to be seen and so was Jooyoung. Thankfully for Hana and Heeseung, they made it out of the house without anyone spotting them.

"I parked here. Let's go." Heeseung waves her over. "I can't go like this. I look like I just got wrecked! By you, probably!" Hana pointed to herself from top to bottom, sounding exasperated. "I'll send you home then. We'll talk about it on the way, alright?" he waves her over again.

She couldn't help but pout and listen because he was talking so nicely. She followed behind him, swiftly getting into his car. She gave him her address and a few minutes into the ride, she started," So, what really happened? "

Heeseung sighs, " To be honest, I'm not really sure myself. The clothes aside, I really went to the toilet and fumbled my way. Before I knew it I out on a bed. " He sounded pretty convincing. " What about you? " he gestured with his chin, making a left turn as he did. Even in a situation like this, Hana was just amazed at his good looks.

" I- I was sitting down, I told Daniel to enjoy the party. It was so hot and I out. " She looked down. The two of them were both blank about what happened afterwards and could only assume one thing. " I didn't see any...wrapper...too.. " she trailed off, adding onto the tension.

The silence was deafening. They were both in their own thoughts, unsure of what to do or say. Hana could see her apartment building coming into view and pointed, " That's it. " The car slowed down to a stop but the tension was still there. They could clearly hear the uncomfortable unbuckling of the seatbelt. The moment Hana was about to open the door, Heeseung held her arm. " Come back, alright? I'll be waiting. " She could feel her heart jump a little when she looked up at him. His expression was in between guilt and fear, though she could only guess because it was so subtle.

She nodded, " I'll be back in 10. "

As soon as Hana got home, she quickly stripped and took a quick shower, put on some light make up and wore a set of fresh new clothes. So much better. Her mind was still stuck on what happened, but she knew there was nothing she could remember for now. She took a deep breath before leaving her house. She entered the car, silent again. Heeseung took one look at her and drove off.

The second journey was much quieter than earlier. She looked at Heeseung discreetly from the side of her eye. Trying to break the silence, she offered him wet tissues. He didn't get to wash up, did he? Taking them from her, he took the chance to clean up his face at a red light- Not that he looked any different, though. He really doesn't look like he got messed up this morning. Is that a gift from God, too? " Thanks. " he quietly said before focusing on the road again.

The sight of the company's building came into view this time. Hana was nervous because she had missed half a day of work already. It was only her second day, too. As if sensing it, Heeseung said, " Don't worry. I have an excuse for us. " What excuse could he come up for this?

The two walked in awkwardly together. At this point she was expecting him to say something like, " Don't act like you were with me. Nothing happened. " but he didn't. He just kept a composed look the whole time as if he had everything in control.

As they reached Hana's desk, she quickly settled down, trying not to gain attention from her colleagues. Not that they weren't already eyeing the two of them, but there was a rising tension as everyone looked up at Heeseung. " I gave her a tour of our best products in town. Hopefully, she'll have more ideas and motivation to do her best afterwards. " He gestured a hand at her, giving that small warm smile. " Do your best today, guys. " He walked off, leaving everyone in awe, even Hana. Damn, he's good.

The first one to approach Hana was Yuna. " Oh my god, Hana! How was it walking around with him? I told you, he's the nicest person, isn't he! " She waved her hands in excitement. Hana chuckled nervously, " Uh, he's a man of few words... Doesn't say more than what's needed, but it was fine. " she gave a thumbs up to her friend. Yuna squeals, " Doesn't that make him even more attractive? I wish he took me on a tour, too.. " she sighs, wheeling herself back to her desk.

Hana laughed hesitantly, thinking about the scene in the morning. " Sure... " she says without confidence as she set her laptop on the table and started doing some work.

After that incident, nothing much happened. Hana had good days at work, everyone was so nice and encouraging. Whenever Heeseung and Hana walked past each other, they'd give a small smile and a bow, but that was it. It could've been worse, she thought. It had been two weeks since she started working there and Hana was up and ready to have another good day at work.

Except she was feeling so nauseous. A few minutes after she woke up she was overwhelmed with sudden nausea. She rushed to the toilet, immediately throwing out yesterday's dinner. She could see the remnants of the ramyeon she had. That's nasty. She quickly cleaned up and took a shower. She was dressing up when that nausea came back again. She didn't vomit this time, though. Did she eat something wrong yesterday?

Hana quickly finished up and went to work, trying not to think so much. By the time she was at her desk, she looked tired. " You alright, Hana? You don't look so good. " Yuna wheeled herself to her desk, rubbing her back.

"Yeah, I'm just feeling a little under the weather-" At this moment, that pang of nausea hit again. She held a hand up before rushing off to the toilet. Yuna widened her eyes as she watched her go. It was barely 15 minutes into work and she was gone. Yuna looked dumbfounded as she sat there waiting for her friend to come back. " Morning, Heeseung! "

Her ears perked up, looking at the handsome figure coming nearer to her. He stopped in front of the desk, glancing to the empty seat. " Morning. Where's Hana? "

" Morning, uh.." Yuna scratched her cheek, confused, " She didn't look so good and ran to the toilet. She'll be back, though! " she gave a sheepish smile. His brows seemed to raise for a moment. Thinning his lips, he nodded and bid goodbye. Is she okay? Is it what he thinks it is?

Hana sighed, looking at her drained face in the mirror. "Please don't tell me... Nah, it can't be." she sighed, face-palming herself. Dragging herself to her seat, she gave a weak smile to Yuna. " Heeseung came by earlier, asking where you were. " This made her eyes widen. Did she tell him that she ran to the toilet? " He may not show it much, but he did seem worried. You should take an off day if you need to, Hana. " Yuna pat her back before wheeling herself back to her desk as usual. It's only been a few weeks since she started work, it wouldn't look good to suddenly take an off day.

Soon it was lunch time and thankfully she didn't feel nauseous. She was looking forward to eating some soupy meal today but the moment the smell of various food hit her nose, she was back to feeling nauseous. She managed to buy her kimchi soup before settling down at a table with Yuna but her face couldn't hide the disgust she felt. " Yah, are you okay? You're doing that face again. " she looked at her in worry. Hana shook her head, " Nope, I'm fine. " she gave a weak thumbs up, " I'm fine. " That was just to convince herself.

" Hana, do you need to take an off day? " a familiar voice asked and she immediately spun to look. " I- " her gaze traveled up to his face and there it was again, that mixed look of guilt and fear. Except this time he looked more worried as his brows were tense. Yuna, looking at this exchange, was surprised. When did he arrive?

" Hm? " Heeseung hummed in question, waiting for her answer. " I-I'm fine. There's only a few more hours till work ends. I can do it. " Hana said hesitantly. It sounded more like an encouragement for herself. Heeseung thinned his lips, his eyes seemed to question her but he quickly turned and gave a smile to Yuna before walking off with his packed lunch. " Is there something going on with you two? Why did he look like he was about to murder you right there and then- And he's not usually like that... " she eyes Hana suspiciously.

Hana frowned in confusion, " That's true.. I mean, no, there's nothing going on. " she casually sips on her kimchi soup, pushing back the nausea that was gradually coming back. Yuna gave a mischievous look but started eating without another word. It was all going smoothly until she reached her desk. She could feel the contents of the kimchi soup from 20 minutes ago rising to . Not again, she sighed.

Without another word, she ran to the toilet, brushing past what seemed to be the one person she didn't want to see right now. A few minutes after throwing up her kimchi soup, she leaned against the sink, tired. The creaking of the door made her look up and of course, it was him. " I think you should take off for a few days. " Hana nodded, too tired to fight back because she couldn't focus on work with this nausea constantly attacking her.

She walked out, approaching him slowly. He eyed her from top to bottom before wrapping an arm around her back to support her. What he said next stopped her in her tracks.

" I'll take responsibility, so just have a few days off. "


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