Renovation in Selsi

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Dahyun's POV

"Dahyun please come back."


My eyes shot open when I heard an almost realistic voice of Mina's, calling me out in nothingness. I jolted out of my bed and looked at the mirror. 


I'm not crying.


But inside I am. 


I, Kim Dahyun is a woman who's not afraid to cry whenever I feel like but her, Count Eury of Selsi doesn't cry no matter how sour the situation is and how bad it is in her favor. 


Which proved my first theory that I am still living Eury's body mechanisms. Eury's overly aggressive personality clashed with mine which usually comes out as an apathetic expression. If I wanted to maintain or fix relationships in this world, I guess that's where I have to start changing first. 


With a sigh, I went back to my bed and placed my palms over my face. First thing in the morning and I'm already tired. 


It was already near evening when I arrived at Count Eury's home in Selsi and one thing I can tell right after seeing the place:




It's super dull. The front yard's grass weren't trimmed, autumn leaves are scattered everywhere, the fountain wasn't working and no staff greeted me outside. I found all of them working quietly inside the house and only gave me a curt nod as if it's enough to recognize my presence. 


Now I know it's the 'Eury' treatment but isn't Eury still a Count in the story? I figured I still don't know a lot of Eury's character considering all of the POVs are on Trinity's side. However, I cannot say that I didn't expect this. 


Dinner was served cold but I somehow made a fuss just by eating it. They must've expected a different reaction but unfortunately for them, I'm used to eating cold ramen whenever I get into a fight with my girlfriend. 


Then I spent the entire night listing down the characters I knew as well as the events that I know would partake. 


All those brainstorming made me hungry. Let's start the day with this then. 


Eury's room wasn't that fancy. As much as Eury is a frustrating villain, she's not the type that gets things done illegally so that's a relief for me. I don't have to deal with the consequences of her actions (although it's what I'm generally experiencing right now). But I don't know about Eury's stand in money and material things. 


She doesn't seem the type to show off fancy things—this I conclude from the hideous choice of wardrobe she wore yesterday and also from the basic things found in her room and house in general. 


What a weird villain. Driven by the leash of love alone. Envy and Greed, used in an entirely different way. No wonder she ended up getting killed.


Damn I shivered again when I thought of it. Yeah it definitely shouldn't happen to me now that I'm in charge of her. 


I arrived at the kitchen with no food on the table. Because of that, I was once again forced to make a serious expression. Subtly glancing at the group of maids just talking at the corner whle cleaning lousily, others even snickering and I was quite reminded of a brief scene where I got bullied back in middle school for having a chubby body. 


I guess this is only just the beginning of living Eury's life huh? 


Oh well. I guess I have no choice. 


They got quiet when I walked towards the kitchen where I saw the cooks just lazying around. They jolted up when they saw me walked in but I couldn't care less about them right now. 


"My Lady—"


I smiled, "Where do you store the coal?" 


The two old ladies looked at each other and was hesitant to talk to me. I waited until one of them gathered their courage to respond. 


"My Lady, there's no coal right now. B-But no worries! Bruno is on his way to the market."




I started walking towards the door that leads to the back yard of this place and there I saw how brutal the condition is. It's clearly unloved. When I spotted the cabin that Eury used to carve something for Princess Arizona, I entered it with no hesitation. 


Dust and a couple of spider webs greeted me with a blow. Coughing, I fanned the air away and smiled widely at the extra woods stacked neatly on the side. 


My staff behind me was quite schocked to see the pile of wood in here. They didn't know so it would only mean that Eury's order in the previous chapters, regarding its maintenance wasn't met. 


"We didn't know My Lady—!"


"It's okay." 


I proceed to busy myself with breakfast and my staff can only watch me with such surprise while I was eating my meal. It was really uncomfortable. 




Last night's brainstorming brought me to a conclusion. I've made up my mind, I will give it my all in living as Eury but that doesn't mean I'll copy her ways and behavior. First I'm going to find clues on how to get back to my homeland and that includes reconciling with Trinity. 


Then, I should probably learn a defense art: may it be magic, combat or swordplay—anything to help me in my danger routes. 


To add that, I also decided to build a strong household where I can trust the people I'm living with under this roof. The last thing I need right now is betrayal—though that would most likely to happen in Eury's case. 


Christ why do this girl have to be so villain-y. 


Anyways today will mark the first day of my stay in Count Eury's body. I'm no tenant, I'm a master of my own and that is why I will act according to my own devices. 


I was slicing my last piece of egg when the utensil slid off of my hand. 


Oh right..I also need to learn more, not only in basic etiquettes but also in this world in general. Details that I may of have not caught while reading. But hey that's impossible, I read this Manhwa at least three times a week. 


"Greetings Count Eury, I sincerely apologize for the lack of resources. It was my responsibility to maintain it and yet I disappointed you." 




Oh that's right. She's the person I was waiting to show up. 


Count Myrll Rioca

Eury's Distant Cousin/Personal Assistant

21 years old


A distant cousin of Eury's in her mother side who got adopted into Eury's family after her family died in a war and became Eury's companion and secretary. She's a fellow count who wants to serve Eury willingly and also the very few ones who can talk informally to Eury and see her in an eye to eye setting. 


I always thought of her as an accomplice of Eury's evilness because of her blind eye to it. She's originally the deliverer of gifts to Princess Arizona and Eury's spokeperson too. I guess that's just how she cares about this character, although she got held captive by the Royal Knights and Guards when Eury destroyed the wedding , inabling her to be with the Count in the very last minute of her life. 


A character I needed with me in this unfamiliar world. 


I can affirm that, the moment she greeted me with two fingers over her chest. 


Out of happiness, I jumped out of my seat and hugged Eury's—and now my—younger cousin, "Myrll! You don't know how relieved and happy I am to see you!"




I detached myself momentarily and looked at her, "You're not one of those people who hates me to the core right?! You won't sell me to the Royal Knights?"


Myrll's jaw dropped and an eyebrow was raised before she massaged the bridge of her nose.


"Where did that come from? Would I go to such lengths, attending your family's quarterly gathering and dinner in your stead if I hated you that much? Eury I've been into 6 years worth of Gatherings already. Do you know how dark your father always look whenever I come instead of you? It's like putting my life constantly on the line." She stopped for a moment to check my temperature by placing her palm on my forehead.


"I was gone for just a day, settling your affairs with Viscount Idetal whom you offended by his physical appearance and now, not only you did something stupid again but you're also overreacting. Just how have you been my dear cousin?" 


Oh wow. She can be a rapper. Damn. 


Although Myrll's scolding me, her expression is still calm. That alone is a standing ovation but wait—


"Hey! It's Count Idetal's fault for coming at me like that!"


It happened before the Seasonal Gathering of Nobles, Count Eury was attending a meeting intended for nobles in a specific prefecture, that time it was Selsi and Viscount Idetal was talking about Count Eury a bit too loud, the villainess heard it and retaliated. 


I'd also respond to that! a different manner but still!


"Yeah, yeah I know, I heard that but what about yesterday's events? You're not invited and yet you still came. I thought we talked about moving on last time? What was the reason?" 


I diverted my gaze from her and I can't stop myself from getting hurt when I remembered the Princess....Mina and her words that I can't seem to take in well. 


I heard her sigh and signalled the staff to clean up the table before dragging me back to my room. 


"Eury, that engagement..... wasn't on purpose. Princess Arizona only did that because she's the cause of your injury back then and when she fell in love with the Marquess she begged you to break off the engagement and you did but you said you won't give up on her yet." 


I don't know why but hearing Eury's villain origin story made me feel something inside. I know I shouldn't feel empathetic towards my character but no one really deserves that kind of treatment. A treatment where one makes someone feel so disposable. 


"Yeah I know. I'm giving up on her. Don't worry that's my last straw." I reassured her. 


"No Eury, you really should accept—what?" 


I smiled bitterly before stretching my limbs, "Yup! That's going to be my last involvement with them..or with Princess Arizona at least. I still have to see Marquess Trinity and apologize." 


Myrll is looking as if there's something wrong with me and I can't blame her. This is already Kim Dahyun speaking, not Eury. 


"Yup?" Myrll shook her head, "Where did you learn such things? Nevermind that. Well hearing you say something genuine so rarely, I see to it that you are well rewarded for that. If there's anything I can do to ease your sadness, tell me."


The piqued my interest and of course I grabbed the chance before it can even slip away. 


"Very well then." 


[ 2 Hours Later ]


Myrll fell unto the couch followed by an exhausted sigh while I was all smiles throughout the duration. Well she did offer and it's within her reach so...


"I never expected you to engage me in such basic reviews." She stated. 


"It's called a Q and A portion besides I was entertained and feeling less sad now. That's the goal right?" I countered.


She sighed once again, "Q and A..where are you getting such terms?" She muttered. 


I just chuckled awkwardly before sipping the tea brought to us by one of the maids and the moment I did, I coughed at the bitter taste of it. Not only was it bitter but it also lost its heat which makes it even more distasteful. 


Myrll immediately grabbed the cup from my hand and took a sip. 


Before Myrll can even say something a maid already took a step forward and bowed—not at me but—at Myrll. 


"Count Myrll! W-We apologize for this accident! The tea maker must've put a wrong mixture in! I shall go and get it changed i-immediately."


Sigh couldn't they be more obvious?


"Aren't you sick and tired of how your staff treats you?" Myrll asked. 


What she said made me ponder. Was Eury able to withstand such hate? What a strong minded person. 


"I really don't mind before but now, well I guess you do have a point." I stood up and made my way outside with Myrll following me.


"Myrll, call all my staff in and meet me in the common room." I requested. 


It took about an hour for Myrll to gather my staff, probably because she was still giving them an earful before letting them assemble here. 


I counted and the total sum of Eury's staff reached approximately 38. Too many. I don't need these many people and but I also need a few to help me manage this huge household. 


Chatters can be heard everywhere until Myrll shushed them. 


"Good Afternoon to each and every one of you here. I gathered all of you here for an important announcement I'm about to make. I know I've been too harsh with you and I'll take this as an opportunity to redeem myself." I spoke very clearly, using my experience as a future AB Literature student and previous Student Council President.


"By doing so, I've thought of this." Before I can proceed with my announcement, I took a huge breath and composed myself since I'm about to make a huge decision that might or might not affect the storyline. 


"My Household will undergo renovation!" I declared. 


I've thought about this a lot. Mina always said that I'm an organized person and I think, now, that is true. I'll be spending an indefinite time here, in this world and if there's something I can do to make my stay worthwhile then I'll do it. 


I can already sense the confused but happy energy coming through and that's when I broke the glass.


"However, I regret to inform you that along with the renovation also comes with the removal of staffs." That got them quiet.


Myrll didn't react so I suspect that she's already expecting this.


Except for this:


"Starting today. You are all fired!" I annunciated happily, "You have the rest of the day to pack up!" 


That's when a horse of complaints washed in. Even Myrll who's looking at me wide-eyed, suddenly placed a hand on my shoulder, "Hey Eury, are you serious?! We can't take care of this house alone!"


"Count Eury please don't do this to us!"

"How about my family!"

"I still have a son to feed!"

"My father is not in good health!" 

"I'm too old to find a new job!" 



Bastards. Then you should've done your job well. I wanted to say that but I can't because I also need to have empathy for what Eury have done to them these past years. 


"If you're going to complain about it then complain to the Royal Family! They're hiring more staff for the upcoming Engagement Party. Unlike me, they hire incompetent workers. That's all, you are dismissed..forever peace out!" 


It's my first time acting as a villain and surprisingly I don't feel too bad about it. After all, I'm doing this for a good cause. 


Murmurs can be heard left and right but they still complied. 


"Oh and one more thing. Blab all you want about me and my ty-ness, I do

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Once again I remind you that this is a work of fiction and i'll be using different names for my characters with the image of twice members doing this role. If you're uncomfortable or it's not your cup of tea it's perfectly fine <33


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Aiko8114 #1
I hope everything is okey with you author, it's been 2years but here I'm again read the most beautiful story of all time
Meliodas27 #2
Hi tor nim hehe pls know that we are always waiting for you hope you come back soon u really really love your story that's why i keep repeating it and i hope you continue it 🥹
Chapter 19: I keep coming back and re-reading this. Hope it's not discontinued as it would be a shame. This is really good, ant I hope we get to the end someday.
Meliodas27 #4
Author nim please update we are still waiting for you i keep reading your aus everyday and i have repeated this one many times because its so good pls update 🥹🥹
Meliodas27 #5
Author nim 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹😭 please update 🥹🥹 we are waiting for you 🥹🥹 hope you update soon 🥹🥹
Author-nim...T.T wala na ba talagang pag-asa ang Eury-Savina ship namin T.T
Pakpak99 #7
Chapter 19: Please update author-nim 🥺
Aiko8114 #8
Author.. please update- I'm still waiting new chapter, as if it's yesterday, I'm still reading all the previous once.
Meliodas27 #9
Tor nim hello hehe update na I'm not angry anymore update na pwease tor nim
Ms_Freed08 #10
i miss this story please update author