Chapter 5

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“Sorry. Sorry" "Really sorry!"

"Sorry for making you wait.” I hurried into the passenger seat of the car.

“You were working, what can we do?" "I had to wait of course!” he said, looking towards me with a blank expression.

And the next moment he extended his hand to pat my head flashing a wide grin, “Aigoo, You worked hard.” his hand patting my head for a while.

I pouted seeing him pet me like Roo now.

I was jealous of Roo sometimes when he gave her all his attention, but that was just another thing I liked about him too. 

"For how long are you here?" I asked, rubbing the back of my neck. I had to know what intensity of anger I had cooled down right now.

"Didn't you check your phone?" his voice raised a bit again. Maybe I shouldn't have touched that matter again.

"Ah!?" I blinked feigning innocent eyes at him as he stared at me with a poker face.

"Let it be!" 

"Just take my apology for now." I said looking straight again to avoid his stare.

I heard him laugh as I took a glance at him looking at me through the corner of my eyes.

“I got you coffee and food. It’s on the backseat.” he informed.

I turned back to notice a carry bag with a coffee tumbler and a subway jumbo sandwich peeking out from the bag.

My face lit up as usual, when I saw food and coffee, as my mouth was watering already.

This tiring day needed exactly this to end well.

“Ah! I was so hungry. Thank you!” I sang in the bliss of filling my tummy with it.

I turned back to pick the bag from the back seat.

“Get your seatbelt, Ryujin!” he commanded, looking at me smiling over my sight of going crazy over a burger and coffee.

“Hmm...” I was busy taking out the burger from the bag first. 

In the next moment...... I was forced to lean back on my seat with burger in one hand and coffee in the other held in the air as oppa was leaning over to reach the seatbelt across my seat.

So what?

I couldn't believe I was feeling this strange feeling again.

It's just a casual gesture. Why are you so shocked Ryujin?

I looked straight on the road trying to breathe in ......and breathe out for a moment.

He shouldn't notice how uneasy I was right now.

We coming close to each other was getting weird since some days now.

'I was supposed to hug him that day but ended up staying with minho oppa pretending that I forgot to turn to him, when we met for minho oppa's discharge get together few months ago.' I remembered that moment all of a sudden now.

Why this feels like a dejavu!?

Days weren't the right measure of time, maybe it has been randomly a few times since many years now?

Maybe it started in the days when he was helping me in the gym for the last 2 years?

Or... maybe more back ....

From the day when I fell in his arms? the kitchen counter incident?

The memories from the past were coming back to me like all of them were waiting for me to notice them.

I didn't even analyze it so much back then.

I don't exactly remember when this feeling started coming to me so often !?

It feels too exciting to be new & yet too comfortable to be old now.

My heart was racing so fast as it would burst out if I didn’t stop it.

He was still trying to fix the belt as I looked down slightly after some seconds.

His clear jawline from the side angle right in front of me, conveniently matched at the angle of my eyes, perfectly visible, inspite of the dim light in the car.

Ohh! So this is what shawols admire about this beauty?

Was I sleeping over his handsome face for all these years?

How could I not look at such a handsome face and admire it? 

He was just beautiful in every way right now.

His scent was all I could smell in the air now after being in such proximity now. All I was feeling right now was his presence getting imprinted as an unforgettable moment in every sense.

I could feel the touch of the long-sleeve of his t-shirt on my skin as if just the part of cloth was enough to tease my skin in that very small part of my body sending shudders down my spine.

I felt my stomach flinching in that short moment as if I was consumed in that world, where I could see nothing but him. 

“You and your food!" I could hear his voice whispering in my ear as he was trying to push the belt inside, his cheeks just a touch away from mine, still very close to my eyes and attractive.

His voice sounded like a breeze tingling in my ears, making me dizzy for a while.

I shouldn't get close to him after this. I snapped.

I looked up again trying to find peace of mind.

Why is it so ..... y suddenly?

Am I getting ually attracted to him right now?

To him? I could feel the pinch in my stomach now as I gulped the water in my mouth.

No way.... this can't be happening to me !!

I couldn't ignore the fact that something was genuinely different about my thoughts for him since the past few days.

Whether it was him getting closer or just we talking about each other's life these days!

I wasn't the same girl talking to my 10-yr-old

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I just divided the fourth chapter into 3 different chapters as it was exceptionally long... !! It was something I didn't realized when I published it earlier. I haven't changed anything from the story, so those who have already read the story, it's the same ...except for addition in no of chapters.


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2026 streak #1
Chapter 13: The story ended? And wait, there's a sequel? Is it also focused on Ryujin and Jjong? And more than anything, I'm curious of the next door neighbour of Jinki. Wonder if she has replied yet and so on. LoL... Anyway, bottom-line, I had fun reading this story ^^
2026 streak #2
Chapter 12: This chapter was sweet. I'm not sure what else to comment except that I can't believe there's only one more chapter left to read. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #3
Chapter 11: Ooh... They finally confessed? Nice... His sister is cool... Wonder how things would go from here in. Also, his sister purposely left her place because she has planned this with Jjong right? Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #4
Chapter 10: Awww Changmin is the sweetest, isn't he? Hehe excuse my biased a**. Jokes apart, I really hope he gets a happy ending too. And wonder how things would go for the main characters. I enjoyed their teasing a lot. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #5
Chapter 9: Hahaha Jinki's mom not beating around the bush, not even to a stranger was funny. Ok, so Changmin knows about her feelings. Although I wonder how, still in hoping he wouldn't choose to go down the heartbreak path. Excuse my biased a**. LoL... Anyway, can't wait to see how they would all react when she comes back after sending Changmin off. Will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #6
Chapter 6: Somehow I was confused for a while at the beginning of the chapter. Don't ask me why. I don't even know. Anyway, this chapter was nice. And I can't believe that it was just a dream of hers. You are such a tease. LoL... Also, I forgot about her friends at the hospital. For some reason, my brain kept assuming Seokha to be a boy. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #7
Chapter 5: Poor her! With all her struggles and worries regarding her feelings and the fear of future. I can't wait to see how things would go from here. So I'll be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #8
Chapter 4: Yunho the bartender! I cracked up hard the moment he was introduced. Inspired by the Champagne MV or something? Just curious... Jokes aside, the chapter was nice. Had fun reading it. But gotta ask something out of curiosity, is it a Shawol authors' thing to write long a** chapters with 8k or over? Anyway, can't wait to read more. But I'll be back later to do so ^^
2026 streak #9
Chapter 3: Hahaha their friendship was something. Especially how her parents got along with them. Although much hasn't happened in this chapter, I'm looking forward to reading how this story develops further. Will be back later to read more ^^
2026 streak #10
Chapter 2: Ah, so that was how they met? It was nice to see how they positively motivated her. I think you were referring to them from Lucifer era but as you described them by their look, I was confused for a while. My poor brain couldn't handle it. So eventually I gave up imagining who was speaking which sentences. LoL XD anyway, jokes apart, I'll be back later to read more and find out how this story will develop further ^^