Chapter 15: That Night Pt. 1

Just Another Toy
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Hello, readers! 

Sorry for the late update. I was a bit busy nowadays. But no matter what happened, I'll finish this story. 

Lastly, for those ChanBaek fans, you may also be interested to read A Second Chance Isn't As Sweet As What You Think!




All white. Everything is white.

The light is blinding me. Anyone, please turn off the light.

“Park Doryeonim, can you hear me?”

Please turn off the light. Please.

“Park Doryeonim, can you hear me? Hello?”

I can feel someone lightly touching my shoulder, and I can hear someone vaguely speaking to me. However, I was not sure who the person was. The voice sounded familiar, but my brain was too foggy to remember the owner of it.

“Doctor, what’s happening to him?”

And then a ray of orange light stormed into my eyes. I desperately wanted to close my right eye, but there were two fingers which prevented me from doing so. The owner of the fingers, probably a doctor, did the same to my left eye. Slowly, I regained my consciousness and could see people around me.

I woke up in a hospital bed with Mr. Liem and the doctor on my right side. After adjusting my eyes, I finally could find Kyungsoo, still wearing the same attire when we went together to the warehouse, sleeping on the couch situated across the bed I occupied at the moment.

“What’s wrong with him?” Both Mr. Liem and the doctor took a glance at Kyungsoo.

“Too tired.” Mr. Liem answered. “Last night, he couldn’t sleep as he already swore that he wouldn’t leave your side. Not even for a toilet break.”

I felt glad that I only slept for a night. I thought, I experienced another set of days as a comatose patient, like what happened after ‘that night’.

“We must find and save Baekha. She knows everything about ‘that night’, Ajeossi.”

Instead of answering me, Mr. Liem smiled at the doctor and asked him to give us some space. He made me realize that this topic was way too sensitive to be discussed in the presence of a doctor. Something odd and dangerous must have happened that night.

“I think you should go back to America and live there for some time, Doryeonim,” Mr. Liem said as soon as the doctor had closed the door.

“I rather not, Ajeossi. Not until I find out the truth about what happened that night.”

Mr. Liem took off his glasses and rubbed his temple with devastation evident in his eyes. He said, “There’s no such truth, Doryeonim. It’s only about the winner and the loser. The winner takes all, the loser shall be exiled. That’s it.”

“What do you mean by that?”

Mr. Liem sighed, but he did not answer my question. So I pushed him some more to make him spill the beans. Unfortunately, it was useless.

“We’ll gain nothing out of rescuing Ms. Byun Baekha. You should forget everything and continue your life in America. Now take a rest and I’ll see you tomorrow, Doryeonim.”

Mr. Liem could barely leave my side as I quickly gripped his hand and forced his old and weak body to go back to his seat, right on my bed.

“I know that you care about me and see me as another son of yours. However, don’t you feel sorry for me for even just a bit?”


I s

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Beau1996 1371 streak #1
Chapter 18: Goodness - does anyone deserve a death like that??
agsk98 #2
This fanfic seems to be really interesting! Looking forward to it!
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