Chapter 8 - Chemistry

Project IZ*ONE

"Alright, girls! The finals are in a couple days, so we have to go out and train our butts off today!" Eunbi proclaimed loudly. She seemed way more motivated today than usual, and it was apparent to the others.

"What's up with Eunbi-unnie today?" Yuri whispers to Yena. "Beats me, but I agree with her. If we just sit back, we might get surprised like how we were with Seoyoung's team" The girl replied. Yuri still feels chills remembering that match. Seoyoung had scared the living daylights out of her.

"What's the plan, captain?" Chaewon asked.

"Well, our opponents are roommates with us, right? We can build a plan around what we know of them." The team nods in agreement, and proceeds to fill each other in on their opponent team's powers.

"Okay, I think the play is to take Sakura out of the game. Their communication is based around her. Because of this, I'm gonna take Hyewon and go midfield while Yuri and Yena play defense." Eunbi says.

"Aww, but defense is boring, unnie." Yena whines.

"Yeah, and so is losing." Eunbi snaps back, surprising the group. "This is the finals, Yena. We have to bring our A game."

"I suppose so." Yena quietly agrees.

"Minjoo and Chaewon, you two go on offense again. Wonyoung's powers seem to rely on being able to target you, so stealth and misdirection might throw her off." The two nod in response.

"Alright, team! You know the plan. Let's win this!" And the others cheer in agreement.


At another table, another team was planning their strategy out as well.

"Okay, girls. Good job with the last match. We beat the odds." Chaeyeon says, giving Sakura a smug look as she adds the last bit in. "Once again, we'll be facing some familiar people, so let's not disappoint them by giving our best!"

"From what I can gather, this match will really be a 50-50." Sakura says.

"Ooh, that's gonna make things more fun for sure!" Nako cheers.

"So, one thing I noticed from our last match was we became very reliant on Sakura's communication. We have to be able to read each other's moves so we can keep pushing without a problem." Chaeyeon says.

"And how exactly are we going to do that?" Wonyoung asks.

"I was getting there, Wonyoungie. We have pairs assigned for positions, right? Since we have a couple days off, I want us to hang out with our partner for a whole day."

"Yah, unnie, don't you think it's a bit too much?" Yujin says. "Is this some excuse to just hang out with Sakura more?"

"What?! Of course not. This is purely to develop our teamwork." Chaeyeon and Sakura both turn away, hiding the redness in their faces.

"Sure, it is, unnie." Yujin says sarcastically.

"What are you complaining about anyway? You already follow me around all day as it is." Wonyoung quickly turns the tables on Yujin, who's taken aback by that.

While this is happening, the two other Japanese are observing curiously. "Hii-chan, is this how Koreans try to hit on people?" Nako asks.

"No clue, but these guys are all so obvious." Hitomi says, shaking her head.

"Oh, one more thing." Chaeyeon says, clearing . "I'm making a position change. Yujin and Wonyoung will take offense, while Nako and Hitomi take defense."

"Why so suddenly?" Asks Hitomi.

"It'll be easier for you guys to handle Minjoo and Chaewon. Trust me."

She then glares at the two youngest. "You two better cooperate. You're going to have to capture the flag from them." Yujin and Wonyoung quickly stop bickering and nod.

"Okay, everyone. We have a game plan. Let's show them what we're made off!" Chaeyeon cheers, and similar to the other table, her teammates join in.


"Eunbi seems on edge, don't you think?" Yuri asks her roommate as they walk back to their rooms. While the others went back to the training rooms to ready themselves, her and Yena had elected to rest instead.

"I mean, she's the leader. I wouldn't blame her for it." It was surprising to Yuri how Yena quickly composed herself after being scolded by Eunbi, earlier. She had a knack of not letting things affect her, which she admired about Yena.

"Besides..." She adds, expression suddenly turning serious. "This is a big match. Everyone's going to be watching."

"Aren't you nervous though?"

"Sure, I am, but what's the point in letting it show? We've made it this far, Yuri. Might as well finish strong. We are working hard for reasons bigger than ourselves, aren't we?" Yuri thinks back to their quick chat in their last match. How can this girl be the same duck-faced loser she has to put up with every day?

"And what exactly is your reason for trying so hard? Where do you get your motivation?" She asks curiously.

"Ah, well, do you remember when I first talked about how I had a form of cancer as a kid?" Yuri nods, urging her to go on. "Like I said, my parents didn't have much money, so they had to wake up early every day to make bibimbap to sell on the streets just to pay my hospital bills." Hearing that makes Yuri's heart heavy. The girl standing in front of her right now may not even be here if it weren't for the love of her parents. "It was almost worse for me when I discovered my powers. The neighbors demanded answers, but they hid me. They protected me. I'm here to pay them back. I want to make the team, so I can protect them. That's why I came here willingly instead of laying low." Yena's story really hit Yuri. The love from her parents. Yuri really wished she could know what that felt like. Yena's conviction and drive came from a good place, hidden by her playful and energetic attitude. "I guess that's why I'm always so serious during matches. I may joke around a lot outside of them, but I won't treat my parents' love for me as one. When the lights are on, I have to be able to perform." At this point, Yuri was just in awe of this girl as they settle into a comfortable silence.

"What about you?" Yena asks suddenly, shaking Yuri from her thoughts. "We never did manage to finish our game. What's your story? What drives you?" Yuri considers this for a while, trying to pick out the details she wanted to share.

"Okay, so, I think I ended with saying how I admitted to my parents that I had powers, right?" Yena nods.


One year ago...

Life had been pretty rough on Yuri. Her number one dream was to become a singer. She practiced all day and night as a child, and though she was good, people rarely looked her way. It didn't help that her parents weren't exactly on board with her dreams either. They always wanted her to get a more secure job.

People in school would always bully her too, making fun of her voice for not being the type for a normal idol. Yes, her singing was good, but it was too unique in the eyes of many. It was too husky sounding, not a style that many girl-group singers had at the time.

It changed one day though. When the teasing had become too much, she turned to her classmates, saying, "Can't you all just mind your own business and go away?" And to her surprise, they did. Yuri couldn't understand what had happened. Since when did they listen to me? She thought.

It became a pattern. She'd say her thoughts out loud and people would listen and comply for reasons unknown to her. People would lend her school supplies, give her the best portions at the cafeteria, straight-As. Yuri should've been grateful, but she knew it was too good to be true, so she tried testing her power. She'd walk up to a random person and ask for money. They obliged. Yuri knew her voice was strong, but she didn't think it would be in that sense.

That's when she went out to a restaurant with her parents and got them a free meal. At first, she was excited to share her findings, but they reacted differently. The first thing her dad did when they got home was call the loan sharks that had been hounding them for months about their debt. He got Yuri to persuade them not to follow up, and it worked. Her parents were cheering and laughing, and at the time, Yuri didn't know any better. I made them proud for once. She had thought.

The next day, her mother dragged her along to shop and quickly got bags full of expensive luxury brands for free. Now, Yuri had started getting conflicted. Her parents were happy because of her, but was she doing the right thing? When her dad asked her to talk to a sportscar dealer, she had questioned him, asking if they were going too far, and her father responded harshly.

"Don't you want to make your parents happy?" He had asked. "After all we've done for you, paying for your silly music lessons when it's clear you won't make it, you don't think you should pay us back?" Yuri had curled up in a ball, trying to shield herself from the pointed words being spat at her. "The only way an agency will take you is if you sweet talk them like you're doing right now!" Her father quickly rummaged through a drawer to find some duct tape and wrapped it around Yuri's mouth. "Now just be a good girl, and listen when your parents are asking you to do something."

That night, Yuri had made a run for it. She'd taken all her belongings and ran away to the train station where she hid for the evening. By morning, she was starving, but the tape covering was too strong for her to remove. She managed to make her way to the closest ramen shop, knocking on the door. To her relief, the owner, an old man with a scraggly white beard, opened it and took pity on the little girl on his doorstep. He took her in and nursed her back to health, Yuri the whole time keeping shut. After a couple days of prodding, Yuri finally told him about what had happened to her. She was so afraid of using her voice now because she didn't know if she could even believe that what she was saying was her or her power.

"Don't worry, young one. You'll find your way eventually." The man had said.

"How do I know if that's what you want to say or what I made you say?" Yuri asked timidly.

"I guess you won't." The man says with a laugh. "But whether it is or not, you have to know that you control your voice, not the other way around." Those words resonate within her, making her think back to when she'd just discovered her powers.

"Thank you, sir. I best be on my way. I'm sorry for causing you any trouble." Yuri says.

"Don't worry about it. I couldn't just leave you out there, now could I? But a word of advice, if you want to master your powers, there are many institutes in Seoul where you can do that peacefully." Yuri turns around and nods, thanking the man.

Seoul, huh? Beats hiding around over here. She thinks. Yuri turns around one more time to the Ramen shop, but finds it closed and empty. That's not right. The shop looked like no one has set foot in it for years. Yuri's left to ponder what had just happened while she uses the rest of her money to buy a ticket from Busan to Seoul, away from her bullies, away from her parents, away from her past. She was leaving it all behind.


"You're a singer?" Yena lets out absentmindedly.

"Really? Out of all that, what you got was that I used to sing?" Yuri huffs. She'd never told anyone that story before and this is what she takes?

"I mean, the part with the strange man was interesting too." Yena says, and Yuri internally facepalms because she can tell it's sincere. She is so hopeless.

"But, yeah. Yuri, I'm sorry to hear about that. I didn't know your parents were like that."

"Don't be. I may be envious that your parents truly loved you, but that doesn't mean I wished they didn't for my sake. It's good that they did. That's how parents should be." She sounds bitter with the last bit she let out.

"You haven't answered the question though." Yena says.

"What question?" Confusion passing over her face.

"What drives you to do well here?" She reiterates what Yuri had asked her originally. She gives it some thought struggling to think of an answer before settling on what she felt was what she wanted.

"Freedom is cool and all, but I think what I want is to simply be acknowledged. My parents cared more about my powers than me. My schoolmates always made fun of me. It'd be nice to hear I did a good job by simply being me." She says.

"Well, I think you've been doing a good job." Yena says sincerely. Yuri turns to hide her flushed face, gathering her composure. "Thanks, duck-face." She responds.

As the two approach their room, an argument is heard from another corridor. The two girls recognize one of the voices, Seoyoung.

"I still can't believe we lost to those losers." She grumbled.

"Relax, we can still gain their favor if we at least get third place tomorrow, Seoyoung, don't worry." A worried voice says gingerly, as if afraid to anger the blonde girl. Yuri and Yena are peering over from the edge of the corridor trying to make out what was happening.

"I'll make sure we beat Gaeun. I have an ace up my sleeve, so I swear if we lose because of one of you imbeciles, you know what's coming." To punctuate her threat, she shifts her hand into that iron blade that punctured Eunbi and pierces it into the wall next to the girl, missing her ear by a few inches. This understandably causes Yuri and Yena to jump in surprise, causing a creaking noise.

"Huh, what's that?" Seoyoung turns in their direction, seemingly glaring at them through the wall. "That's enough, let's go." And with that, the two walk off,

"Phew, that was close." Yena says, sighing in relief.

"Uhm, unnie. You can let go of me now," Yena hadn't realized she had grabbed hold of Yuri and quickly pulls back, missing the look of disapproval written on Yuri's face.

"Well, we should get in the room now, don't you think?" Yuri says.

"Yeah, we got another long day of training with general Eunbi again tomorrow."

"It was nice getting to know you better, Yena." And Yuri meant it. She was glad that she managed to get that weight of her chest after so long.

"If you're happy, maybe give me a sample of that singing of yours, hmm?" Yena says smoothly.

"Hmph, Yeah, as if." Yuri says, and walks ahead, but as Yena is trailing her, she could just make out the tune of 'heart' by IU being hummed by Yuri, and it was one of the best things she's ever heard.

If I burst out into laughter, it's you~

If I slump down, it's you~

If I'm holding something back, it's you~

Is this just some random song, or did she pick out my emotions perfectly? Yena thinks to herself. She quickly dismisses it as some coincidence. Why would she like someone like me? There's no place for emotions in a place like this, and the two finally get to their destination.

It's alright if you don't know, or if you don't find me~

It's just that small light that won't go out~

It's twinkling and living right here~

It lives forever~


"What does Chaeyeon even mean by 'get to know your partner better'?" Yujin groans as she and Wonyoung are sitting at a lunch table. "I mean, we've known each other for over six months already haven't we, Wonyoung? I'm pretty sure we know each other pretty well already." She adds.

"Really now? What's my favorite color?" Wonyoung asks suddenly.

"Easy. Pink" Yujin responds confidently.

"Oh yeah? Favorite clothing brand?"


"Favorite ice cream flavor?"

"You're one of the only ones I know who likes mint-chocolate." Yujin says smugly. The two went back and forth for a while with Yujin getting every question correct.

"Yah, have you been stalking me or something?" Wonyoung says, exasperated.

"Like I said. We've been around each other almost constantly for around six months. I probably know you better than you know yourself. It probably doesn't help that you've only known branded things all your life." Yujin laughs.

Then why can't you see that I like you dummy. She thinks, but what she says is different.

"Coming from you? Ms. Ahn Superstar? You think I'm that superficial? It's so obvious how much you relied on those commercials to feed your own ego. I wouldn't dare associate myself with you otherwise. You should've just stayed back home at the farms!" Her comments seem to come off a little harsh, seeing as how Yujin shrinks at them, which is difficult given her height.

"Aish, okay, I'm sorry, Ms. Too good for everyone. It's not like anyone at Starship wanted to be friends with you given your princess attitude." Yujin sighs and walks away leaving her lunch unfinished.

Stupid, you really messed this up, didn't you? Is the thought that runs through both of their minds simultaneously.

Wonyoung thinks back to the first time she'd met Yujin. Sure, she'd initially hated her, but the girl who was one year older than her managed to worm her way into her life. Maybe she does come off too strong most of the time.


Seven months ago...

"Daddy, I really don't want to go..." She'd pled to her father.

"I'm sorry, Wonyoungie, but the police just won't allow it." He said sadly.

"Then why can't you just pay them off? Is there anything you haven't tried?" Wonyoung was afraid. Her family had moved from the states back to Korea because the laws for mutant children had become too strict. They never even would've been allowed to leave if her dad hadn't used his connections to charter a private jet, but they couldn't run forever. Wonyoung couldn't hide her powers forever. Sure, being able to float objects with the power of her mind was cool, but she'd gladly trade it away to be normal again.

"They're going to take you to an institute called Starship. I hear they have good facilities for people like you. That's the best place we could give you with our situation." There was definite hurt in her father's tone. He would've given the world for his daughter if he could, but money can't solve every problem.

"I'm sorry honey, but you have to go..." That was the first time she'd ever heard her father deny a request from her.

It was a long car ride because to her surprise, she wasn't the only kid being taken. She assumes that Korea has stricter guidelines regarding early bloomers such as herself. Most mutants got their powers in their mid to late teens. Wonyoung was just 14.

The van she was in ventured into a semi-rural area, a place Wonyoung had never imagined herself seeing. Two men go out with their rifles at hand and Wonyoung can only hear sobbing, sobbing from an older woman. When the men returned, they had brought with them another young girl. She looks...familiar. She was tall like her, but her face couldn't have been older than her by that much. The girl wasn't crying, but she looked crestfallen.

This girl is something. Wonyoung thought. The police had her kicking and screaming in protest as she was brought to the van. This new girl had managed to walk into the vehicle on her own.


The car ride was quiet all the way until they reached a building with the name 'Starship' emblazoned on the sign. Wonyoung and the other girl were led to a briefing room where they were told their schedules, what they were and weren't allowed to do, things like that. The other girl just nodded along while she complained and whined at every point. Wonyoung was never used to having her requests denied and it was showing. The instructor had already snapped at her several times in a matter of minutes.

"Listen here, girly. This isn't the mansion estate you grew up in, obviously, and we aren't your servants. Don't expect your every whim to be catered to, princess."

The two were shown their room that they had to share, and once they closed the door, the other girl, Ahn Yujin, she'd found out, had changed her demeanor dramatically.

"Oh my god! That was something, wasn't it?" She stretches her arms, as if she were going to go on a sprint, and with how fast she was talking, she might as well have been.

"My name's Yujin. You may know me from the eyewear commercials you see around Seoul? Nice to meet you!" She extends her hand intending to shake Wonyoung's but she harshly slaps it away. "Never heard of you." She says flatly.

"Really...? I was all over the billboards and tv commercials. You've never heard of me?"

"Do I look like I need glasses to you?" Wonyoung says sarcastically.

"I guess not...Jeez, you must be fun at parties." Yujin comments.

"I'm fourteen! Do I look like I can go to parties?"

"It's an expression! Lighten up a bit, will you?"

"If you're gonna be my roommate, I don't think I'll be able to."

"Well too bad, princess. You're stuck with me now."

And it was true. Sure, there were other kids at Starship, but she drove them all away with her spoiled attitude. They'd hated her. They made fun of her and tried to make things as difficult as possible, using up all the hot water, cutting in front of her in the lunch line, you name it. They all knew she came from a rich family, but here, she was simply one of them, and Wonyoung had refused to accept it.

The only one who stayed with her, ate with her, defended her, was Yujin. She gave that girl a lot of crap, but Yujin was really a sincere friend to her. Wonyoung couldn't find a reason she'd be nice to her. After all, Yujin's probably the one she nagged the most.

When the institute was called to send their top trainees to them, Yujin volunteered. In their room, they were arguing about it.

"C'mon Wonyoung. It's not like things are any better over here if we stay. This is a chance to meet more people, to be able to gain recognition."

"And why would I want anything like that?" Yujin ponders this momentarily.

"Hmm, I guess you're right. The princess does have everything she needs back at home when we're allowed to visit, but me? I want to make a name for myself again. Making the final team will let everyone know my name, and make all the people who wrote me off regret their actions." Wonyoung pretended not to listen to Yujin's ramblings but she was aware that she used to be Korea's next rising child star, but people her once they discovered she had powers. The shift in the public's perception of someone can change in the blink of an eye. Wonyoung would know, she'd felt similarly about a lot of celebrities for their scandals and life choices. "I lost everything, Wonyoung. I have to do this."

"So why do you want me to go with you? This sounds like your problem, not mine."

"Well, it'll be weird not having you nag me every day. Gahyeon-unnie can do it, but I'm used to having you around. Can't you go just because?" Wonyoung could see it in her eyes that she wouldn't take no for an answer. She sighs.

"I don't know why I'm agreeing to this, but fine. It's not like anyone here will miss me. Also, you do need someone to nag you every morning for getting up late."

"Wait, so you'll go?!?" Yujin barks out, and when Wonyoung nods, she gives her a big hug, like a dog had just jumped onto her, causing her cheeks to flush. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

"Alright, Alright. Go to bed now before I change my mind." She really doesn't know why she agreed to go with Yujin. Maybe she was just being carried by emotion because that would never be something she'd do if she thought about it rationally.


"You seem to be lost in thought." A voice ripples through her thoughts and grabs her attention.

"Oh, Yuri. It's just you." Wonyoung responds.

"Just me? Were you expecting someone else?" She says sarcastically. They'd gotten off on a rough start but Wonyoung and Yuri had slowly befriended each other over the past week and a half.

"So, what's with the long face?" Yuri asks.

"Unnie, how do you get someone to know you like them?"

"By telling them of course. C'mon Wonyoung, I thought you were top of your class back in the states." Yuri tsks.

"I meant aside from that, unnie!" She says exasperatedly. "It feels like I'm being so obvious, but she isn't seeing anything."

"And what exactly have you done for Yujin?" She asks bluntly.

"Huh? Yujin?" Wonyoung says, starting to trip over her words. "I n-never said it was her. I just meant in general!" At this, Yuri lets off a light laugh.

"Wonyoung, who else are you close with in this entire facility? You already act like a brat to everyone else." Yuri chides. Her comment stung, but Wonyoung did understand where Yuri was coming from. "But even if you can be harsh, I can tell you have a soft heart. My advice from earlier stands though. If you want her to know, you just gotta tell her."

"But what if she doesn't feel the same way?" Wonyoung whines. Just thinking about being rejected scares her. It's something she isn't used to. All the boys and girls back in her old school fawned over her all the time. It was her job to do the rejecting.

"Aish, little one. You're still so young. If it isn't meant to be, you just have to accept it. Move on. Learn." Yuri's advice resonates with her. She had a point.

"Oh, thank you, Yuri-unnie! I'm glad I can rely on you." Wonyoung says. "You must've learnt a lot from Yena-unnie." She adds.

"Pardon, what?" Yuri asks, having the tables turned towards her. "I don't know what you mean. I was just thinking back to all the movie's I watched growing up." She says with a very unconvincing laugh.

Wonyoung stands up with her food tray, about to walk off, sighing. "Unnie, I'm pretty sure you're lagging behind your heart right now. Good luck in our match, Yuri-unnie! You guys are gonna need it against my team." And with that, she heads off, leaving Yuri alone this time.

She did say I was just for dating if ever. There's no way she'd like me back. Yuri grumbles to herself. And yet you still hummed that song for her anyway hoping she'd get the message. Her conscience says back. True, they hadn't known each other for a while, but Yena's energy and passion really captured her attention. Yuri would laugh at all her jokes even if they were corny. She'd shared her backstory to her too, something she hasn't told anyone before. What am I going to do?


'I'm just telling you to be on your toes during the finals. Make sure she doesn't do anything sketchy' Gaeun's warning from two nights ago had been replaying in Chaeyeon's mind for a while. She hasn't steered us in the wrong direction yet though, has she? She thinks to herself. Chaeyeon tries to dismiss it, she'd gotten Sakura to agree to spending time with her after lunch so they could train and work better together.

"O-of course!" She'd managed to get out. "T-that would increase our odds of winning by at least five percent." Chaeyeon thought it was cute how she was stumbling over her words, but sighed when she brought up numbers again.

"Again, Sakura-chan, it isn't always about the numbers. Can we think about the real world for just a couple hours?" Sakura blushes and nods in agreement. "We can meet tomorrow after lunch by the auditorium. Sound good?" Again, Sakura just nodded along which was enough for her.

As she was walking towards the auditorium the next day, Chaeyeon heard a heated exchange in Japanese. She only managed to understand bits and pieces of it since they were talking very quickly. Change the plan...Follow orders.... She recognized Sakura's voice first, and she assumed the second was Jurina, seeing as though she was with her almost all the time. Chaeyeon feels embarrassed for eavesdropping, but Gaeun's words keep playing in her mind. 'Something suspicious is going on.' Chaeyeon finally focuses and calls out to Sakura, as not to surprise them both. "Sakura-chan? You here yet?" She asked aloud. After a few moments, she sees Jurina walk around the corner, clearly miffed about something, probably her argument with Sakura. Jurina gives Chaeyeon a disapproving glare, and walks on.

"Hi, Chaeyeon." She heard Sakura say as she slowly rounded the corner.

"What was that all about?" Chaeyeon had asked. "Oh, it was nothing, just the shower order again." She responded quickly, which got Chaeyeon on edge. What's she hiding?

Before she can think more, Sakura speaks up again. "So, you wanted to build our chemistry, right? Let's head over to the training hall then." And she walks ahead.

'As the team leader, you are responsible for the well-being of your teammates. If something is up, you must address it before it becomes a problem.' Chaeyeon grumbles to herself. Why do you always have to be right Gaeun-unnie?


The sun was starting to set on another long day. Chaeyeon and Sakura had been talking the whole time. They'd walk around the facility exchanging stories of where they came from and what their lives were like before they were sent here. Sakura had spent a lot of that time going on about her favorite games and how she dreamed of being a streamer when she grew up. Though Chaeyeon knew little about it, she listened wholeheartedly and encouraged her to go on. She wondered how such a stoic number-driven person could have such a simple backstory. While she discovered her powers during a physed class, breaking the school record for the hundred-yard dash, Sakura discovered hers while at an arcade. She'd thought she was just a natural, but after winning her 1000th ticket, she knew something was off.

"1000th?" Chaeyeon had asked while laughing. "Shouldn't you have kept going for a while more?"

"I was just shocked, okay?" Sakura had whined. "I just tapped the machine to test if I was right and the tickets just flowed out. If I kept going, I would've been arrested!" Sakura had noticed many things about Chaeyeon while getting to know her, but that laugh of hers was pretty iconic. It just infused anyone who'd hear it with positive energy.

The two had settled on a bench overlooking the city below. The training facility that most trainees referred to as a school at this point was situated on a large hilltop. The view was simply astounding, the forest slowly merging with the sprawling cityscape was a sight to see. During the sunset, the fading colors of orange in the sky reflected just right on the buildings below. Chaeyeon simply admired the side profile of the girl sitting next to her. How can someone this pretty and perfect be behind a secret mission? Chaeyeon is quick to look away when Sakura turns to meet her gaze.

"It's lovely here in Korea, isn't it?" Sakura said. "There are views like this back in Japan, but I don't think I really appreciated them since I was always sitting in my room playing games." She adds jokingly which causes Chaeyeon to grin. That grin was slowly wiped away as Gaeun's words kept repeating in her head. Do I really have to ruin this moment? She really didn't want to, but since the match was tomorrow, there really was no other time. I'm the leader. The team needs me.

"Hey, uhm, Sakura?" When the older girl turned to face her, Chaeyeon became flustered, but she had to gather herself. "Where do you and Jurina always end up going? We always see you around each other, walking around. I'm pretty sure you guys have an idea of how the place looks like by now, right?"

At this, Sakura's serene expression falters replaced by her normal guarded one. It's hard to believe this was the same girl who was animatedly talking about animal crossing just minutes ago. "Oh, Jurina just likes walking around, you know?" Chaeyeon knew her well enough to know she was holding something back.

"Sakura, I'm not just the team leader, you know? You can talk to me as a friend too. Whatever it is, you can tell me." Chaeyeon said, trying to coax the answer out of her.

"I...don't know what you're talking about. I've known Jurina for five years, I hang out with her because I'm familiar with her." She responded coldly. Sakura certainly wasn't going to give her answers any time soon, and that frustrates Chaeyeon a bit.

"Alright then." She gets up, beginning to leave, but before she does, she turns around. "I don't know what's going on, but you can always trust me, okay? We're a team, so we have to cooperate with everyone else if we want to win. Just...tell me if you want to talk." It was disappointing for her, but Chaeyeon at least hoped that Sakura would stop hiding whatever it was she's protecting.

When Sakura was sure Chaeyeon was out of earshot, she lets out a deep sigh. She knows something's up. I can't let Jurina hurt her again. She remembers the times Jurina would berate her for not following orders, growing up. She'd been trained to be able to infiltrate any data base, and Jurina would always be with her, taking care of the guards. After five years of doing it, she'd started to become restless, asking when she'd be able to have a break for herself. Jurina would always tell her though that there were never breaks for people like them because taking a break would be suicide. If a mutant didn't keep moving, they'd be captured, tortured, experimented on. That fear had pushed Sakura to continually follow orders, but she always wondered if there was more to the world than that. Jurina had to keep reminding her that this was just another covert operation, and not an avenue to make friends. Yet, Chaeyeon had managed to force herself closer to her, made her lower her walls. There was something about Chaeyeon that got her to open up, but that's part of the reason she wants to distance herself from her. Jurina had made it clear in the past what would happen if she made an acquaintance. That's just another mouth to keep track of. She had to follow orders to protect her. The sun had long set into the horizon, and the darkness filled with stars had covered the sky. She was alone now, staring at the constellations wondering what to do next.


The next day...

"Attention everyone!" Seunggi's voice booms from the speakers. "The third-place match will begin at 3:00 pm, followed by the finals a bit after. I wish all teams the best that they may show to everyone what they're made off!"

"Hey, Eunbi. Right?" Gaeun asks as she approaches her. The crowds were shuffling around during breakfast time, hoping to finish in time to watch the finals.

"Yes, and you're Gaeun?" To which, Gaeun nods. Now that they were face to face, Eunbi felt slightly intimidated, but for what she lacked in height, she made up for with charisma. She was very good at hiding her discomforts. "What is it you want to talk about?"

"Right into things, are we?" Gaeun says sarcastically but nevertheless, continues. "As you know, you're facing Chaeyeon's team in the finals. I just wanted to say to not go easy on them at all."

"As if we were going to." She responds. "We already have the game plan ready. We won't fold that easily." Eunbi says proudly.

"That's good, but I want you guys to pay special attention to Sakura. Make sure she doesn't do anything suspicious."

"She's already the focal point of our plan. It doesn't take a genius to see how she observes the battlefield."

"That isn't what I meant. Just keep tabs on her at all times." Gaeun says sternly.

"What's with the seriousness? Do you know something we don't?"

"Not exactly. All I know is not all the Japanese are here for the training." She warns.

"Okay then, I understand." Eunbi says. She may not know exactly what's going on, but if it can put Gaeun on edge, it's serious. She was one of the only trainees older than her. Nothing rattled her. They say that she's had experience in the field prior to being sent here, and it shows with her calm demeanor and pin-point leadership. That's the type of person Eunbi wanted to be for her teammates.

"Anyway, good luck, Eunbi. It's gonna be a dogfight"

"Good luck to you too. It should be fairly simple for you guys anyway- take out Seoyoung, take the win." And with that, they both walk to their respective teams.


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1753 streak #1
Need to get back to reading this!! So many chapters to catch up on!!!!
new subscriber here!
will read this
1753 streak #4
Chapter 13: wow!!!
1753 streak #5
Chapter 11: wow yena's backstory gave me the feel!!
1753 streak #6
Chapter 10: the battle scenes are really drawing me in!!
1753 streak #7
Chapter 9: getting good!!!!
Hey! I really like your story! I would like to translate it into Russian, if you don't mind. /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\
1753 streak #9
Chapter 6: I like the battle scenes! nice to see how their powers come into play!
1753 streak #10
Chapter 4: nice! i really like reading this super power perspective!