Once Again
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❝Home isn't where you're from, it's where you find light when all grows dark❞ - pierce brown.




4:12 pm 



The sun hovered around like everyday, beaming it's sunlight in the backyard of their home but home was silent unusually because the members were yet to arrive from their respective places but here was Gayoung, standing on the stool in the kitchen with her arm stretching upward to the upper cabinet to get the bowl again. 


While everyone was busy in their lives, Gayoung also had the same thought of it but the thought didn't like Gayoung's thought as her schedule informed her that she was not so busy which led her to get home with Ji-hu's pasta recipe which she got it by making him stay in her cabin for an hour to get the procedure ready in her head to get the latter late for his gym practices. 


"You can do it, Gayoung." 


She mumbled, pulling her arm up a little only to groan where the next second her mind got a glimpse of Baekhyun as he was the only one who could do the honors of keeping the bowl too high for her reach which she was sure that it was to as nowadays that man left no chance over it since Gayoung would do the same. 


And that's how their 'back at you' thing continues everyday that they were used to it as they were getting close enough with each other as how their marriage was hitting the second month. 


She continued her struggle to get the bowl with her mumbling to herself while not even realizing or hearing the front door opening as Baekhyun entered inside with his steps walking further inside to get the glimpse of the woman in the kitchen clad in her casuals with a bun but the sight had his lips curve in a smile, a satisfying one actually. 


"Just you wait, I am going to hide all of brain's doctor's watch collection." 


And his smile dropped when he heard her mumbling about him, actually plotting again where the next minute he was standing behind her as he looked up, staring at her back. "So, this is how you bad mouth me when I'm not around." 


Gayoung flinched, almost falling backwards but Baekhyun was fast enough to palm her back while without even realizing it, Gayoung instantly looked over her shoulder with her narrowed eyes to him. "You scared me again!" 


"And you need to be careful, again." He snapped back, slowly making her stand straight but his hand kept still on her back to be careful because she wasn't before hearing a huff from her. "You're the one to talk? Because of whom I am standing here on the stool to get the bowl?" 


Baekhyun stifled his chuckle while stretching his hand towards her beside her. "Okay, come down, I'll get it for you." 


Gayoung slapped it away like a highfive while turning to him with a look. "No, thank you because I can do this!" 


"Are you sure about that?" He asked, his eyes peering up to down indicating her height and Gayoung gasped, almost falling down again. "You can't just make fun of my height, Dr Baekhyun-sii!" 


"Okay, careful!" He exclaimed, holding her forearm now as Gayoung's half weight was literally leaning towards him where she got confused as he didn't let go to which she looked at him over her shoulder. "But… Am I not heavy?" 




Baekhyun blinked a couple of times confusingly where the next second, his hand immediately let go leading Gayoung to yelp with gasp as she turned around stumbling forward while Baekhyun was quick to snap out to hold her back but all in vain as the stool fell over with Gayoung on him as Baekhyun stumbled back against the counter to fall down on the floor with her. 


"That was close." 


Baekhyun muttered, leaning against the counter while both of them taking a moment to realize what situation they were in as Gayoung was literally beside him with her arm around his neck while his arm around her waist before both of them slowly turned to each other as their eyes met with a blank stare. 


Their faces were close, her bent leg was leaning over his leg which was stretched ahead, where realizing the close proximity a wave of heat rushed over them as Gayoung could feel her cheeks getting warmer while grasping the close proximity, both of them attempted to pull themselves up but as soon as they began to help themselves up, a bunch of tomatoes fell right over their heads like a flowing water from the counter


"Whoa!" Baekhyun exclaimed, feeling the soft impact on his head with another one as he found the tomatoes falling on the floor through his head with another one to which he let out yet another yelp. "Oh, okay, it's raining cats and dogs and tomatoes." 


He just said it like an emotion but a soft yet loud laughter erupted beside him as he turned to Gayoung only to find her laughing wholeheartedly while clutching her stomach to which he tilted his head with a confused look. "You actually find this funny?" 


And when Gayoung couldn't stop laughing about it, he just shook his head joining her in the task as the soft laughter of theirs echoed in the whole house where Baekhyun who calmed himself to get up with his head almost collided with the counter behind but Gayoung immediately palmed his head and while doing so, her head collided with the counter behind. 


She whined, with her arm pulling back from Baekhyun's neck to rub her head while still laughing where Baekhyun couldn't help but laugh back as he reached out caressing the back of her head with both of them just looking at each other laughing at the moment of them which felt childish but a hidden wholesome of it. 


"Why do you have to be so clumsy?" He questioned as he calmed down, with his hand and arm still around her while Gayoung's brows knitted. "You're the one to talk." 


"Yeah, I'm the one to talk because I'm not clumsy like you." He stated, wandering his eyes around the kitchen before looking back at her with a matter of fact look and Gayoung scoffed. "Well, it wouldn't have happened if you hadn't put that damn bowl there." 




He exclaimed, and when Gayoung just mimicked him, he let out a chuckle before both of them realized the position they were in to stare at each other for a moment and the next second, Baekhyun let go where he was about to get up only to stopped by Gayoung holding onto his sleeve. 


"Where are you going after making this mess?" 


"I did?" He looked at her surprised and Gayoung nodded, before pointing at the scattered tomatoes. "So, clean up the mess and get me the bowl." 


Baekhyun sighed, nodding as he knew that she wouldn't let him go without finishing the task to whine about it the whole day where both of them began to collect the tomatoes where Baekhyun frowned. "What are you even making?" 


"Oh!" Gayoung exclaimed, her eyes sparkling. "I'm making pasta!" 


"Ji-hu's recipe?" He guessed, and Gayoung nodded with a chuckle. "Yup, it took me an hour to get the recipe in my head." 


"Oh, poor guy." Baekhyun muttered, shaking his head where the next second he got a slap on his arm from her as she glared at him. "Don't joke around!" 


He nodded, bumping the tomato lightly on her forehead before keeping it back in the basket where Gayoung just huffed while doing the same as well before chuckling as she stood up with him following suit where the next moment, he was standing on the stool with Gayoung standing by him with a playful grin as it fired back at him. 


However, he was quick to grab the bowl leaving her with a grumpy pout. "Must be nice being so tall." 


"I'm not that-" Baekhyun stopped, as he realized that this situation somehow felt so familiar as he looked down at her to find her same expression before both of them smiled at each other. 


The smile which left unspoken words of how their much coincidences had led them where they were standing right now, something unimaginable yet somehow being slowly glad of it. 


"Here." He handed her the bowl, while getting down with Gayoung holding his forearm with a light tug while something hit her head. "Wait- You were supposed to be late!" 


"Took you long enough to make me fall and collect tomatoes to realize that." He spoke out, dramatically and Gayoung rolled her eyes. "And it also took you long enough to scare me to tell me." 


He rolled his eyes and Gayoung chuckled. "Okay, now go and let me make pasta." 


"Should I help?" 


"No, you are going to mess it up." 


"I'm not sure if I should leave your clumsy self alone with the pasta, prof. Clumsy." 


"What?!" Gayoung gasped, at the new name from him before something hit her mind again as she looked at Baekhyun seriously. "Did you let go of me because I was heavy?" 


Baekhyun stared at her blankly while blinking. "No." 


"You hesitated." 


"No really." He shook his head, pressing his lips together to hold back his smile where Gayoung scoffed, slapping his arm. "You're so mean!" 


"Ow." Baekhyun groaned, rubbing his arm where Gayoung immediately got worried to panic as she let out a subtle gasp. "Are you hurt?" 


Baekhyun looked at her with a fake hurt expression before chuckling. "No." 


And Gayoung huffed, pushing him away by his arm. "Go away, you're such a…" 


"Such a what?" He questioned, imitating her as she looked around to think of a name and that's when her eyes twinkled. "Such a blue alien." 


He grimaced. "Wait- blue alien?" 


Gayoung nodded, before waving him away to go as Baekhyun sighed dejectedly, not even liking the name like it was his actual name as he kept walking to the room with a grumpy look on his face. "Why did it have to be blue alien?" 


Gayoung couldn't hear his mumble but still smiled at how he grimaced over it while watching him going inside, before she began to make her pasta following the recipe while texting Ji-hu for the confirmation only to get blocked by the male in return where Gayoung scoffed to herself while cursing the hell out of him in her head. 


Baekhyun walked out of the washroom, changed into his casuals while brushing his fingers through his hair before his eyes averted to the watch given by Ji-hu as he kept looking at it for a moment and the next moment, he put it on around his wrist to fastened it with a satisfied nod to himself. 


As he was about to take it off, his mind suddenly thought of Gayoung to show it where he walked out of the room to find her grumbling to herself while the strands of her hair around her face which she kept blowing it off with the red sauce on her nose and cheek but somehow he couldn't find her this messy look of hers messy as he just stood there staring at her without him realizing it. 


However, Gayoung raised her head only to flinch as her eyes met his eyes with the latter also getting startled as a wave of heat rushed up to his ear realizing his doing as he his lips afterwards to walk over to her. 


"Ji-hu blocked me." Gayoung whined, as soon as he stopped beside her and Baekhyun chuckled. "Leave the poor guy alone, will you?" 


"Oh, so I'm the bad guy now." Gayoung nodded, with a much dramatic hurt expression and Baekhyun shook his head. "You're not the guy though but-" 


"If you said prof. Clumsy again, I am going to splash you with the tomato sauce." She warned him with her sharp looking eyes yet he couldn't find a threat behind them as he nodded. "Like you did to yourself?" 




Baekhyun pointed towards her left cheek and nose where Gayoung being Gayoung immediately wiped her right cheek with her already oily hand where both of them gasped together as Baekhyun sighed. "Not, right but left." 


"My hands are oily so I'll just clean it up later." 


She waved it off but Baekhyun didn't, as he watched how it was bothering her so he walked away in the room where Gayoung continued her work thinking he listened to her but to her surprise, she found him coming back to her with some tissues in his hand as the next minute, he was standing beside facing her. 


"Look at me." 


He called out softly, gesturing with his hand towards him and Gayoung blinked a few times before turning her face to him where Baekhyun reached out placing his hand on the back of her head gently to wipe away the sauce and oil leaving Gayoung to stand motionless with a rapid beating of her heart where she couldn't help but suddenly began to notice how focused he was and how gentle he was being warming her heart. 


That's when she noticed another thing, that his hair was down covering his forehead slightly damp as usually he goes with the upward style on work and somehow she preferred this change of style more because it made him look soft not that he wasn't already but it was still unknown to think of the why about it. 




He mumbled, throwing the tissues in the trash bin and Gayoung snapped out with a wave of warmth crawling through her after realizing the doing of hers before taking a step back only to yelp with the impact of her hair being pulled out as her eyes widened to find Baekhyun having the same expression as hers. 


"Oh no." 


"Where did the watch come from?" She complained, and Baekhyun bit his lip with a sheepish look. "Uh, I just tried it out and I came to show you." 


And the way he said it was like he was giving an explanation of something he did wrongly while giving her a innocent look to her where Gayoung couldn't help but find it cute where she shook her head only to yelp again making Baekhyun to gasp the next second. "Careful." 


"How will we get it out?" She whined, with a cry face and Baekhyun stared at her with an intent gaze before clearing his throat. "We'll get it out and I'll be careful not to hurt you." 


"Okay, I want to nod but I can't because my scalp will hurt." 


Baekhyun chuckled and she narrowed her eyes at him. "Don't laugh." 


"Okay," He nodded, tilting his head as he tried to untangle her hair but it was too difficult to see from afar while he couldn't even twist his wrist which would hurt her scalp even more and he sighed where Gayoung gave him a panicked look. "What? You can't untangle it? Don't tell me I have to cut my hair? I can't cut my hair-" 


"Quiet." He immediately interrupted, with a done look. "I get you love talking and I do as well but rambling won't get you anywhere unless it's a museum." 


"I don't ramble." She glared at him and Baekhyun's forehead creased. "Glaring at me won't get you untangle your hair though." 




"So," His eyes suddenly changed into a hesitant expression as he cleared his throat while nodding with his chin toward himself. "Can you come closer?" 


Gayoung's heart stopped for a second as her slight widened eyes bored into his hesitant ones for a moment before without saying it through her words, she took a step forward to him where his figure towered over her with her head stopping right by his neck while his head tilting sideways as she could feel his breath fanning right against her cheek leaving a warmth through her chest while her hands clasped behind her. 


The two of them haven't been this close to each other and so as they were, they were feeling like a bunch of teenagers caught up in a close proximity moment, but it was true that they haven't been close to anyone all this while so it was understandable for them but it was somewhat different. 


They weren't awkward, nor were they uncomfortable but there was something in between they couldn't point out but still felt it like a rapid beating heart of theirs like a warmth surrounding around them yet it was unknowingly different. 


"It's done." Baekhyun leaned back his head where Gayoung also tilted her head towards him only to make their eyes meet too closely where she turned her head away only to bump it against his wrist to let her hair down on her back with his watch kissing the floor yet again. 


Gayoung gasped and Baekhyun sighed. "I knew it." 


He bent over picking up to look at the broken glass of it with a hurt expression as looked at her. "This is the third one." 


Gayoung bit her lip, blinking a couple of times before smiling. "It's okay, I'll compensate you for this!" 


"Like how?" 


"Like my pasta." 


"No, thank you, I have yet to take care of my kids and hospital and…" He paused, looking at her with a done look. "Prof. Clumsy is really not good at taking care of herself." 


"Hey, we're partners." Gayoung spoke. "We're supposed to do that together." 


A soft smile graced his lips before nodding. "But I still can't take the risk of the pasta." 


"That was mean!" 


"Still a fact." 


He chuckled, walking away with another chuckle as he heard Gayoung's huff from behind yet it brought a smile on their faces to themselves. 






12:34 pm 



"Rock, paper, scissors!" 


Baekhyun and Yixing shouted, before holding out their hands to find them doing the rock sign before beginning to do it again. 


"Rock, paper, scissors!" 


And as both of them held out their hands, Yixing exclaimed loudly. "Yes! I won!" 


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31 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 30: TT TT TT.... cause I'm happy... awww... loved the whole chapter.... different events but the same lovely warmth... emotional and heartwarming chapter... can't get enough of them... for a sec I thought they were about to welcome another new member..hehe.. uww... I'm in love with this lovely and cute couple... and the whole family.. they made me cry and smile at the same time while reading this chapter... last scene was too amazing... loved the ending.. I think I can read more bonus chapters about them.. ugh... I just don't want to say goodbye to the couple and family..it's heartbreaking... this story becomes one of my favorite one.... I'll highly recommend this story...well written everything... so catchy and lovely... thank you authornim for writing and sharing this amazing and heartwarming story ❤️ 🤗🥹🫶👍🤩😍♥️🥺🙌👏 take care of yourself and stay safe...authornim fighting and have a wonderful day or night ❤️
31 streak 0 points #2
Chapter 29: Uwww... so happy for the lovely couple and their family..also the rest of the couples... aww... feeling so emotional and happy... loved their little flirting moments....rainy night and the muddy part were so cute and lovely..sweetness overloaded... happiness delight... really enjoyed reading this whole chapter... they really made a special place in my heart ❤️
31 streak 0 points #3
Chapter 28: Awww... this chapter was so amazing, catchy, heartwarming and sweetest became too emotional and couldn't stop crying... actually it brought out all kinds of emotions though... so happy for them..and loved their family time.. also the last part of this story.. really enjoyed reading the whole chapter.. I'm also going to miss them.. they really became like a part of my daily life.... cause I took time to read it slowly though.. and I didn't want to say goodbye to them so soon.. they really became one of my favorite healing couple...
31 streak #4
Chapter 27: I'm a crying mess now.. it's a tears of happiness though.. actually and for real I cried two or three times while reading this chapter... authornim congratulations you successfully made me cry.. TT TT TT.. you really did an amazing work on this chapter..not only this chapter but every single chapters... so happy for them.. the new member, cherry 🍒 or ha Yoon.. awww.. loved how he was so amazingly supportive, caring,understanding, loving, and thoughtful husband these whole time... also loved their cute moments.. specially ice cream moment..hehe... all those moments actually were superb... aww... so emotional and heartwarming chapter... I'm in love with them and their family... 🥺🥺🥹🫶🫶🤗🤗😍😍 too much happy for them 💓 ❤️
31 streak #5
Chapter 26: It was such an emotional and heartwarming chapter full of two lovely couple's story of closeness and togetherness after all these.. it became one of my favorite chapter...hehe.. I really love all of the characters, their presence and chaos but this moment is indeed... this couple needed and maybe slightly wanted this only alone couple time.. the readers also needed this..hehe.. really enjoyed reading this whole chapter.. loved all the lovey-dovey couple moment, all the fluffy and blushing moments..hehe.. specially the confession and revelation parts where they expressed their previous past and present struggles, feelings, emotions and thoughts about each other... loved how they accepted each other so warmly and sweetly... finally They're happy together ❤️
31 streak #6
Chapter 25: Woah.. I really loved the fluffy and sweet moment.. specially the alone time and last part.. game part... so happy for yoora and junmyeon..also ji hoo and sera.. became so emotional too.. uww.. those little flirty and fluttering moments between the couple.. woah.. r they planning to welcome a new member..uwww..hehe... aww... last part was superb and so heartwarming... loved it so much authornim.. ❤️
31 streak #7
Chapter 24: Uwww... so lovey-dovey couple moment .. fluffy, sweet, lovely, cute, clumsy, heartwarming and cheesy moments..haha... blush blush and blushing...hahaha... couldn't stop smiling while reading the whole chapter... ❤️ aww.. so happy for the couple.. also loved how the kids protected each other's side and how the couple comforted each other... they're one of my favorite couple and family.. love fool.. I mean couple..baekyoung..hehe.. and I'm also in love with them 😍...really enjoyed reading this chapter..just loved it authornim...
31 streak #8
Chapter 23: Loved this chapter so much authornim... so happy for all the couples... also loved the new beautiful beginning of their relationship.. the togetherness and closeness... they're just made for each other...finally...
31 streak #9
Chapter 22: Aww..the second kiss.. hehe.. loved that little moment.. oh new appearance..omg.. granny... feeling so emotional and sad.. hope everything goes well for her and them..loved the way they strongly and warmly understood and comforted each other.. specially gayoung when she told him all those comforting words when he needed that the most...they also became one of my favorite comforting couple too...became so emotional... heartbreaking still wo heartwarming chapter...
31 streak #10
Chapter 21: Uwwww.... I'm in love with them... they're so lovely and cute together indeed... loved all the new relationship development, chemistry and bonding time... new phase of their lives... so happy for them..loved all the lovey-dovey couple moments... hehehe.. glad that everything is going so well and smooth between the.. they indeed needed this.. also that take off cloth part and elevator awkward part were so funny.. aww.. dream bucket lists came true.. really enjoyed reading this whole chapter.. fluffy ball...