Chapter 16 - After The Storm

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"Was I not clear last night?"

"I need to apologize..."

Everyone makes a mistake... it's human to error, but at the end of the day make it right...

Mrs. Byun sighed as she continued sitting in her chair. Her husband kept pacing up and down the room, his hands on his back as he continued to mumble something unclearly. His mind was roaming over the things he had heard and witnessed and he just couldn’t believe it. After the argument they had last night, he had thought that she would regret it… but what did she do? She offered money. Something that her mother-in-law did to her... so why? This wasn't the wife he knew and it made no sense to him. He married her for her kindness, wittiness, charm, and beauty... but what she did last night was out of character. Not to mention today's action. He was ashamed of it all. Truly ashamed. If Areum refused to see them, he wouldn't blame her. 

He sighed, took a deep breath, and looked at his wife in disbelief, shaking his head.

“Really?” He spoke. “Was I not clear last night? Was last night's argument not enough? Do you have to embarrass yourself even more? That girl did nothing to you, she even put in the effort. Explain it to me. Why?” 

She was silent for a moment before clearing .

"I was too harsh... I... must apologize," she mumbled. "I wasn't thinking straight. I shouldn't have done that... I am ashamed of myself. The fear just swallowed me whole and when I thought about the crash... I... I-"

“You don’t say?” He shook his head. "I'm still in shock by all of it. It's like a bad dream I am waiting to wake up from, but I can't, can I?"

"Concern had clouded my clear judgment..." She went on. "It turned me into a monster and the thought that something might have happened to him... it was just all too much." 

“Areum isn’t a bad girl, and she makes our son happy,” Mr. Byun said. “You want him happy, don’t you? So what if she has a child? I had a child and you accepted me… but last night and today… it’s insulting honestly. None of what is happening to her is her fault. Your ex-husband wasn't any better and neither was my ex-wife, but we stood tall... not caring about what others thought and said, am I wrong?”

She deserved everything he said. She deserved everything their kids said. There's nothing that could erase the anger and pain she caused. The poor woman must have been scared and broken because of what she had done. When had she become so cruel? Had her personal issues with her mother-in-law clouded her judgment? Why did she allow it? She never wanted to be like that woman, but in the end, she did the same. She hurt others around her. 

“Remember how my mom attacked you? How I stood up to defend you?” He asked. “You were also sensitive. You see yourself in Areum… So why? The woman I married would never behave like that.”

She burst into tears. Her husband walked over to her and hugged her. “Make it right, love. Apologize and let’s start all over again, huh? Whatever storm comes your way, deal with it, okay? Even if she refuses to ever talk to you again, she has the right to that. Accept what comes your way.” 

"At least you didn't make horrible jokes like back then," she said through sobs. 

He chuckled lightly. “Areum has a big heart, if she forgave her parents who ignored her for years, she will forgive you as well, but I am just saying, even if she doesn't, you try. So let's do our best, huh?”

She got up and walked out of the office with her husband. While walking toward the roof she tried to calm herself down. But it was no use. How could she misjudge her like that? She truly regretted it… she should have listened to her husband… she should have calmed down. The girl from earlier gave her a rough wake-up call but she deserved it. She wasn't angry at her at all or her family. She was angry at herself for allowing such a thing to happen. Mr. Byun followed his wife as they walked up to the roof area. He opened the door and the two were standing embraced. Mrs. Byun hesitated for a moment but then she slowly walked up to them and sighed. 

"Areum..." She said gently, almost as if she was whispering. 

Areum pulled away from the hug and looked at her, her breath stopping for a moment. Baekhyun looked at his mother. “Yes?” He spoke in Areum’s name.

"I'm sorry for my behavior last night and today. I don't deserve forgiveness, I insulted you not once but twice, in the same way as my mother-in-law," she said sniffing, "My own words choke me of what I said and done to you and my own son. I just let the fear take over and it was like I had no control over my words and actions, I'm sorry." She said, bowing.

“We all have our moments… but I believe in the good of people,” Areum smiled slightly. “I am hurt by what happened, but the words were said and we can't take them back, but I am willing to start over. It will probably take us some time to get to know each other, but nothing happens overnight, right? After all, forgive and forget, right?"

Mrs. Byun felt bad even more knowing what she had done and to hear Areum was willing to give her a second chance was already hurting her. She opened her arms and looked at her. Areum hugged the woman and patted her back. 

“We all make mistakes, Mrs. Byun,” Areum said. "I'm not perfect either, but I don't hold grudges."

She frowned. I don't deserve this kindness. She thought to herself but she still felt glad because she was offered a second chance. Despite hurting her.

"Would you like to go to lunch with me?" Mrs. Byun asked gently. "After the interrogation that is. I know how important it is." 

“I was thinking about a barbecue, mom,” Baekhyun said. “At the beach house, how does that sound? We can all chat and just relax.”

She looked at her son and nodded. "Yes, I would like that," her voice cracked, "that sounds good. Ah, something fell into my eye." 

“Mom,” Her son looked at her. 

"I'm fine, not the first time I got something stuck in my eye." She blinked, trying to get rid of her tears.

Baekhyun hugged his mom. “Yes, I was angry at you… but you're still my mom. Besides, give me one example of a family who doesn't argue, huh?” 

"Such a family doesn't exist," Mr. Byun jumped in with his comment. 

She hugged her son tightly. "Just be careful, both of you, that's all I ask." She mumbled. "That guy is not a joke is he?"

“We will,” He said. "Everything will be alright, you'll see."

"I'm sorry to interrupt," Chanyeol's voice said, "but Areum is next to be interrogated." 

Mrs. Byun looked at her. "Go, go." 


“I’ll take care of her,” Baekhyun winked. 

"She's with Jongin and Jieun," Chanyeol informed him. "Eunji will interrogate Areum."

“Alright,” Baekhyun said. “I’ll go with her.” 

Chanyeol nodded. "Great! Off we go!" 

The excitement oozed from the male and Mrs. Byun rarely sees it. She was taken aback but very happy. She chuckled as others noticed as well. They all followed after the excited male. Chanyeol skipped happily as if he had no care in the world, as the others followed him. Baekhyun held Areum’s hand the whole time, and slightly pushed her; the two acting like teens. As Chanyeol led them inside the room. Eunji stared hard at one of the papers as her assistant spoke to her something and she nodded. She glanced at them across her glasses. Then at Mrs. Byun and cleared . 

"I apologize for speaking out of term," Eunji said. 

"I needed a rough wake-up." Mrs. Byun spoke. "I deserved it, I admit."

Eunji hid a grin. "That's... Another way to say it. Please have a seat, Areum." 

Areum walked over and sat down, crossing her legs and placing her hands on her lap.

"Luna, I don't need you for now. You can take a break. Chanyeol, take her down to the canteen. Please?" 

Chanyeol's eyes glowed, earning amused glances. "Of course. After you, Miss Yoo." 

Baekhyun raised an eyebrow as he observed his friend. He knew that look  “Not interested in relationships, huh?” He mumbled.

"Not interested in jogging?" 


Eunji pursed her lips and grinned. Chanyeol looked very pleased and led the girl out of the office. Eunji then focused entirely on Areum. 

"Have you received any kind of call from Dal that day?" 

“Not that day, but I have a few days after the accident,”

Eunji glanced at her. "What did he tell you?" 

“That he will take my daughter away from me,” Areum said. 

"." Mrs. Byun said totally out of the term. 

Everybody was amused. Eunji chuckled. 

"Have you felt anything suspicious before the plane crashed?" 

“From the moment I learned he was back, I have been feeling strange, but he had sent Baekhyun a file where he claims I kidnapped Ari and suing me,” She sighed.


Baekhyun raised an eyebrow. "Uh... Mother." 


"You never cuss." He blinked. 

“She does when she is pissed,” Mr. Byun said. 

"Exactly. Can we go on a killing spree?"

Eunji chuckled amused. "No, unfortunately." 

Baekhyun blinked, not believing what he is hearing.

"You're acting as if I'm an innocent being who doesn't cuss, son. May I remind you, you do the same?" She narrowed her eyes at him. 

“When I am pissed,” He mumbled. 

"I'm deaf. I didn't catch that." She retorted. 

“Nevermind, mom,” He replied.

She turned to Areum and Eunji. "Pull the right clutch and he'll do your bidding." 

“We might have started off on a bad foot, but I am starting to like you, Mrs. Byun,” Areum was amused. 

The woman smiled. "Ah, I have my moments, oh right, I have a photo album at home, so I'll bring it today," she grinned. "There's a lot to talk about."

“More embarrassing stories?” He narrowed his eyes.

"There is one," his father said. "Amongst many."

“Curiosity is killing me, Papa,” Areum grinned. 

"He used to be afraid of thunder so he'd always sleep between us until the age of 12." She smiled. 

“But now he can sleep somewhere else,” Jongin winked. 

"In Areum's arms," Eunji added dramatically.

Baekhyun narrowed his eyes. “Kim’s…”

Eunji giggled, high-fiving her husband. 

“Eunji’s hasn’t changed much,” Areum chuckled. “Shall I remind you, Mrs. Kim?”

"I have zero regrets and shame. Go on," Eunji winked. 

“Even when you got drunk and stole all the bras from university and burned them with the slogan let’s be wild and free?”

"It was wild, everybody had fun," Eunji shrugged. 

“Mhm,” Areum winked. 

The guys chuckled. “I’m sure Areum has similar stories, not only my wife,” Jongin stood on his wife’s side, winking.

Eunji loo

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Fire_trek 350 streak #1
Chapter 17: Areum is too pure for this world! She forgives Mrs. Byun and that’s very sweet of her. Now Mrs. Byun wants her to call her “ma” that was a lovely wrap up for that storyline. But now we have Dal talking about “kidnap her” who is he talking about, Ari? This is going out of control! He needs to be stopped..
Fire_trek 350 streak #2
Chapter 16: What a hypocrite Mrs. Byun is! What’s her deal? And to offer Areum money to leave Baekhyun alone? I’m glad that Eunji stood up for her friend. Areum seems too nice to do it herself.. I hope Areum is okay because all of this can truly affect a person’s psyche. I’ll leave on a good note.. Ari called Baekhyun “papa Baek” she’s so precious:))
Fire_trek 350 streak #3
Chapter 15: I understand the precautions that Mrs. Byun has but the way she acted was uncalled for and unacceptable… it’s a shame that Baekhyun’s sister had to come to their defense, Mrs. Byun should’ve known better than to act like that. She even went through the same with a divorce! “A pure girl?” Areum is as pure hearted as they come smh
Fire_trek 350 streak #4
Chapter 14: Eunji and Kai are so couple goals! It was cute how they got together and all of their little past memories and good on her for “disposing” of her mom’s husband.. I see Baekhyun made a 180 in his attitude. That’s adorable and ew Dal is back :(
Fire_trek 350 streak #5
Chapter 13: I can’t believe Dal was behind all of this! Not surprising but I’m pissed about it.. and Jieun is such a precious soul. I’m happy that Eunji got a chance to be a mother. I’m skeptical about Baekhyun’s mom, she seems like trouble for the couple of Areum and Baekhyun…
Fire_trek 350 streak #6
Chapter 12: I can’t believe Areum and Baekhyun are officially official!! Now the will they, won’t they is over, I’m glad because they truly deserve each other:) and what’s the deal with Eunji and her dad? Let’s see
Fire_trek 350 streak #7
Chapter 11: Wow two great things happened in this chapter; the kids(Areum, Baekhyun, and Chanyeol) are alright and Areum’s parents are with her and they came around! Also Ari knows that Baekhyun likes her mommy :))
Fire_trek 350 streak #8
Chapter 10: I’m learning so much from this fic, it’s very educational lol I’m glad that Baekhyun understood what was going on with Areum. I need someone like Eunji in my life, she sure is a spitfire! The cliffhanger.. let’s see what type of magic they pull out with this one haha
Fire_trek 350 streak #9
Chapter 9: Areum has been through so much with that monster :( You would think her parents would try to support her but they don’t, hopefully they will come around. And now with Eunji as her lawyer things are going to get interesting.. the case file on Baekhyun’s desk can attest to that…
Fire_trek 350 streak #10
Chapter 8: Now Baekhyun knows that Areum has a child and he’s comfortable with it, that’s great. Also it’s a small world, funny how Chen and Chanyeol know each other, I bet they will aid in the future of Baekhyun/Areum. And they both are volleyball players? This is more than a coincidence