

Minho didn't know if this was a good idea. He felt ridiculous. But wasn't it ridiculous of Yoona to invite him to her wedding in the first place? Her ex-boyfriend?

It wasn't as if they had parted on bad terms. The break-up was mutual. They just wanted different things in life. And even if they had once loved each other sincerely, their relationship had no future.

Only unlike Yoona, Minho had not entered a new relationship. Instead, he had buried himself in work, trying to deal with the break-up that way. While he had managed to do just that, Yoona had found a new boyfriend and got engaged.

Their breakup had been a little over a year ago when he got the invitation to her wedding. And even though he was happy for her, he did feel like a loser if he showed up there alone.

This he had also told his best friend Key. And in one of their drinking sessions, Minho had let him talk him into ordering an . And when they were drunk, it all sounded perfect. They would hire a hot woman - hotter than his ex - to play his girlfriend for the evening, totally in love and over the moon.


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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 2: I forgot that last line about having a real date!
Beau1996 1380 streak #2
Chapter 1: Re-reading and enjoying!
970 streak #3
Chapter 2: Will this actually be the start of something permanent?
Thank you so much for sharing.
970 streak #4
Chapter 2: Will this actually be the start of something permanent?
Thank you so much for sharing.
nikki_cro #5
Chapter 2: Oh this was so great! I know it says completed but I'd love another chapter if you're so inclined. One a few years from now, with 2min reminiscing about how and when they got together. Freaking, Key is the bomb here though.
Beau1996 1380 streak #6
Chapter 2: Cute and smexy!!
Chapter 2: Bless Key!!!!
This was intense and amazing!
But I feel bitter: I would love to read the aftermath now 😭
shojinryori #8
Chapter 2: Aww, that was cute! I’m sorry it was so short though… but I look forward to your next story!
Chapter 2: You really is my favorite writer. AMAZING!!!! XD LOVE THIS TWO SHOT SO MUCHHHHHHH
Chapter 2: this is so gooddd !! love both of their character and the storyline and the ty scene so hott,, they're too adorable and hot at the same time so please continue their date and more y scenes hehh (~‾▿‾)~