Feelin' Blue

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All the times that Donghae wrote and composed songs he wants to sing with Hyukjae, and the one time he did not.


Hyukjae, of course, was sulking.

(Based on Donghae revealing that Blue Moon is supposed to be a duet with Hyukjae, and Hyukjae thinking that California Love is a song they would be singing together.)


P.S. Stream D&E's songs from the 10th Anniversary album! 


Donghae finishes recording his solo songs without Hyukjae's knowledge because damn, he was really busy and packed with schedules. With that being said, Donghae did not want to bother the other and simply went on with his own schedules and recordings. 


Maybe, he just thought it wasn’t much of a big deal that Hyukjae does not get updated with what Donghae does for his own song.


Except, Hyukjae was pouting and whining. Muttering a few words here and there about how Donghae is stupid and being secretive now.


“I thought you always open your heart to me? And you said I was the secretive one. Way to go Lee Donghae, you did not even tell me something like you know, having a girl group member join you for your song.” Hyukjae grumbles as he munches his burger, glaring at Donghae.


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1489 streak #1
Chapter 1: this is really good!!
LeeLenaMx #2
Chapter 1: I can see this happening in real life. Thank you for sharing this sweet story
Chapter 1: kyaaa~ this is so beautiful, realistic and sweet. i literally have a big smile on my face right now. thank you for writing!
1587 streak #4
Chapter 1: Donghae's old "Seoul people really hurt me" comment is all I can think of when Hyukjae rants about how Donghae is supposed to have his heart open while he is the secretive one. Haha, but Hyukjae is truly the more pouty and whiny of the two these days. Even if it's only (kinda) playful since he's too busy to be seroius. Still, he's truly the handsome genius composer's biggest fan, and as such demands dibs on his songs. Which only makes sense because Donghae is so good at writing things with him in mind. 🤭

As lovely as the version of Blue Moon that we got is, I do kinda feel like we were robbed of Hyukjae's pretty voice in it. Would be great if they did eventually do a version together, even if only a performance. Because we know how much they love to feature in each other's "solos" during concerts. (Next D&E concert, even virtual, when? ;_;) Luckily neither will have to sulk in the future over being left out of a song they wanted to share, since after last comeback they said they don't want to make music apart again. 💙

Thank you for this adorable fic!
Chapter 1: This is really beautiful, sweet and cute~ it feels very realistic and it was so enjoyable to read. Thank you so much for writing this <3
Chapter 1: Awww this is so sweet 😍😍 but its true. The lyrics to Blue Moon and Red Muhly parallel to eo. Its insane 😍😍😍
Anyway is it true the beer part in USA? I didn't know tht 😍😍😍💙💙💙💙💙
970 streak #7
Chapter 1: This is very realistic considering how Hyukjae is really so busy. Have they actually recorded their duet of Blue Moon?
Thank you so much for sharing.
Chapter 1: This is so cute, my heart can't handle it. I love this😍
This sounds so interesting
1455 streak #10
Chapter 1: I can only imagine a jelly, pouty, whinny and sulky babie (^o^) then blushing and feeling giddy with butterflies in the end! ヽ(^o^)丿 ahahaha this is so domestic and cute :)
Thanks authornim! ^^