
Meet me at our spot


Baekhyun sat down at one of the café’s barstools. 

“He still hasn’t called you yet?” 

Baekhyun shook his head. He saw the apologetic look that Minseok gave him, 

“It’s okay though, I wasn’t expecting an answer anyway.” He lied. 

This was a blatant lie, and even his friend knew it was so but didn’t want to press him further on the subject. And honestly, he was thankful for that. 

He knew he was going in circles, but he didn't want to admit how affected he was by it. He can admit that he’s an overthinker, but truly, who wouldn’t be overthinking something like this? 

“Then you should let it go, Baek. It’s not worth losing sleep over it.” 

And he was right. No one was worth losing his precious hours of sleep. 

But this wasn’t just anyone…

“Baekhyun please, I just need this book. It’s very urgent!” 

“Then go get it yourself!! I’m tired of being your personal servant.” 

Him and his brother didn’t get along very well. Obviously. 

“Baekhyun, don’t yell at your older brother like that!!” 

And his mother always took his brother’s side, as if he wasn’t her son as well… 

“This is the third time I've gone out today just to get him his stuff, why can't he do it himself??” 

“He’s your older brother. If he asked for something, just do it, no questions asked!” 

He was honestly tired of living his life like this. If he wasn’t a college student who had no money, then he would’ve moved out already, away from this hell of a house. 

“Excuse me, where can I find the fantasy books section?” he asked the lady. 

She pointed towards the bookshelves at the corner of the library. 

Great. Now all he has to do is find that stupid book and go home. 

He looked through each bookshelf, trying to find what he had in mind. 

After almost 5 minutes of searching. 


He found it. 

“The chamber of secrets huh?? I wouldn’t read that if I were you.” 

Baekhyun jumped in fear when he heard the deep voice. He turned to look at the person who just scared him to death, and oh god… 

He saw a tall ‘very tall’ man standing there and smirking at him mischievously. His black hair was neatly styled upwards, showing more of his very handsome and fine features.

He was infatuated by his beauty. 


He didn’t even understand what he was saying. Was he blinded by his beauty?? Maybe. 

The other giggled at the cute reaction, “I was talking about the book.” He said as he signaled to the book he was holding with his eyes. 


“This is not mine, it’s for my brother.”

“But I wouldn't mind if you taught me about it though.” 

Baekhyun smirked at the beautiful stranger. 

The tall guy smiled back, “I don’t mind it either.” 

Then Baekhyun remembered his annoying brother. Why was he such a pain in the ?

“I- I'd like to do it now, but I'm in a bit of a hurry. How about we meet here tomorrow at 4:00 PM??” 

The other gave him another gorgeous smile, “Sure, but what’s your name though?” 

“Baekhyun, Byun Baekhyun.” 

“Nice to meet you Baekhyun, I’m Park Chanyeol.” 

They stayed on their promise. The very next day, at 3:57 PM, Baekhyun saw the tall guy standing in the same spot as yesterday. 

“You’re here.” Baekhyun said. 

“Yeah.” Chanyeol responded. 

Baekhyun thought that the other got the hint when he said he ‘wanted to learn more about the books’. But surprisingly, the other wasted no time and began to teach him about Hogwarts and the 7 series of Harry Potter books.

“My favorite is ‘the deathly hallows’ one, even though people say that ‘the goblet of fire’ is better. And don’t get me wrong, I think it’s good, but it’s definitely overrated.” 

Baekhyun nodded his head, not understanding any of the words that Chanyeol was blurting out.

He expected the other to get tired eventually and change the subject, but he never did. 

“Which one do you think deserves better?! Personally, I don't think the movies were that great compared to the books, and it would be a shame if you just watched the movies without reading the books first.”

Baekhyun nodded his head in confusion, “Y-Yeah, I agree.” 

Maybe he should try and read the books so he can impress Chanyeol.

He knew it was going to be a complete disaster. 

He didn’t like fictional stories, and this was a nightmare. 

Baekhyun tried so hard to focus and read this goddamn book. “For Chanyeol, please focus for Chanyeol.” He mumbled. 

His eyes were staring at the words, but his brain said Nah… 

“Oh god!! Why did he have to be interested in something I can’t stand???!” He screamed in agony. 

“Mom, Baekhyun is talking to himself again.” He heard his brother say from outside. 

Now, what’s the plan?

“Hey Chanyeol, what do you do for a living?!” Baekhyun popped the question, trying to change the subject to something else other than this Voldemort guy… 

They were currently sitting at one of the library’s tables. This became a routine for them. 

Every day at 4:00 PM, they meet each other in the same spot.

Baekhyun was getting impatient by the day, he really wanted to get Chanyeol’s attention. 

“I’m still a student in college, I’m actually 20 years old.” 

Baekhyun smiled brightly at that, “What a coincidence! We’re the same age.” 

“Oh really?!! Then I'm surprised you haven't read a single Harry Potter book.”

Oh no. Not this again… 

Baekhyun felt like a moron every time the other started talking about the series. 

He shrugged his shoulders at the comment, “How about we talk about something else?” 

“But I haven’t told you about ‘the cursed child’ yet.” 

Baekhyun couldn’t say no to that. 

So, he stayed and listened like he always does.

Things were getting out of hand. 

“You have a crush on him and the only thing you know about him is that he likes Hogwarts?!” Minseok said with a cocked eyebrow. 

“I know more than that!” 

“Then what’s the problem?!” 

Baekhyun sighed defeatedly, “The problem is he doesn’t want to talk about anything else.” 

“Then just ask him out.” 

“But what if he rejected me?!” He said while biting his thumb anxiously. 

Minseok shrugged, “Then move on.”

“This is life. If someone spits on you, then make lemonade with it.” 

He scrunched his face in disgust, “That's not how the saying goes. You're disgusting.” 

After lots and lots of thinking, Baekhyun finally decided on what to do. 

“Hey Baek, wanna hear something interesting??” 

Baekhyun nodded for him to continue. 

“I brought my Harry Potter analysis book with me today!” 

He sighed. 

“Chan, can I tell you something first??” He said as he grabbed the other’s arm. 

Chanyeol gave him a puzzled look, “Yeah?” 

They sat down at the table, their table. 

Baekhyun extended his arm to hold Chanyeol's large hand in his small one.

Here goes nothing. 

“W- We've known each other for two weeks now, and I had the best time while you were telling me all about the wonders of the Harry Potter world. It was very pleasant to see how passionate and engaged you were whilst telling me about something you liked, and I really enjoyed that. But there's something I've been thinking about for a while, and I don't think I can hide it from you anymore.”

Baekhyun breathed as Chanyeol listened to him intently. 

“I-I like you…a lot.” 

Chanyeol looked astonished by the confession. 

Baekhyun tried to avoid any eye contact as he timidly intertwined their fingers together, “I’ve liked you for a while now, and I wanted to know i-if you felt the same way?!” 

He finally looked up and saw the other’s facial expressions. 

Oh no. It didn’t look good. 

Chanyeol looked very confused and lost to say the least, “I-I…”

Baekhyun immediately released the other’s hand as he giggled ruefully. 

“I-It’s okay, you don’t have to answer me now.” He got up from his seat.

The gaze that Chanyeol gave him said everything. 

“This is my phone number. You can call me whenever you make up your mind.”

And there he was, sitting on the barstool while regretting every decision he made in his life. 

“Yeah, you’re right. I should let it go.” 

He wasn’t the last man on earth anyway. There are so many fish in the sea, and he shouldn’t be hung up on a random guy who likes Hogwarts. 

After all, maybe this wasn’t meant to be. 

“You want me to make you some lemonade??” Minseok said as he ruffled his hair. 

He wanted to say no since he knew the reference to that, but oh well… 


And yeah, maybe sitting in a café alone while drinking lemonade was a bit pathetic. But Baekhyun had nothing better to do so… 

He felt his phone buzzing in his pocket, announcing the arrival of a new message. 

It's probably from his brainless brother asking him to do something because, apparently, he cannot move a single bone in his body. 

He got his phone out with an exasperated expression. 



“Meet me at our spot, now.” 


He didn’t have to look twice. He knew exactly where to go. 

He finally got there, with short sporadic breaths. 

“Y-You’re here…” 

Baekhyun felt very agitated at that moment since he didn’t know what the other had in store for him. 

Chanyeol smiled brightly at him, “Of course.” 

What was he going to say?! Baekhyun felt like puking.

“I- I thought you'd never reach out.” 

He felt like he was going to cry, and Chanyeol didn’t even give him an answer yet… 

But then, the taller walked closer and closer to him, until he was facing him directly. 

“How can I ignore the little cute guy who doesn’t like Harry Potter but pretended to just for me?!” 

Baekhyun was startled by the statement, “Y-You knew…?” 

Chanyeol giggled at his cuteness, “Of course I did. And to think that I was just talking about it because I liked you as well, and I didn’t even know that you liked me in that way to begin with.” 

Oh wow, they were both idiots then… 

“I just wanted to talk to you about something I knew very well…I wanted to sound smart and impress you. But my brain didn't think of the possibility that you might like me, and that I didn't have to make you endure another story about Hogwarts just so I could talk to you.” He laughed at his dumb brain. 

Baekhyun laughed as well, “You knew I didn’t like it, and you kept doing it anyway…Such great gameplay you have there.” 

They both laughed at that. 

“So…Does this mean that I can take you out on a date now?!” Baekhyun bit his bottom lip to hide his uncontainable smile. 

“Only if I get to tell you about what happened to Harry dur—” 

But Baekhyun didn’t let him finish the sentence as he attacked his plump pink lips with his. And thankfully, Chanyeol seemed like he enjoyed the kiss so much that he even forgot what he was going to say. 

Finally, Baekhyun figured out a good way to silence the other so he could use it the next time he gushed about Harry Potter.



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Beau1996 1372 streak #1
Chapter 1: Super sweet!! What we do for love!!