Chapter 4: The Indicator

Baby Steps

And needless to say, GodJihyo was right. Maybe Chaeyoung and Jennie might never ever live in peace. And it was shown through the interactions they had after their ‘truce’. 


Instance 1: When they ate at TRiBe after the game

WIthin 15 minutes of entering TRiBe, Jennie has successfully made Chaeyoung question why she even had the slightest interest in that stupid jock over there.



“Don’t you think that this is fascinating?”

“What is?”

“The fact that we can talk like normal human beings instead of having a tigress scolding me.”

Chaeyoung immediately looked away from the menu, eyes narrowing to Jennie who was sitting diagonally across her. “And what exactly do you mean by that?”

“Well, you can’t deny that you always have this scowl on your face whenever you talk to me. You look like a tigress, an extremely fierce one too.”

“And why do you think only you can see that?”

“Cause I’m very extraordinarily charming?” Jennie batted her eyelashes at Chaeyoung, throwing in a quick wink to which Chaeyoung rolled her eyes jokingly.

“Well, sorry to spoil your imagination but it’s definitely because you are annoying.”

“Ouch, you didn’t have to be so honest, now you are hurting my heart.” Jennie laid against Lisa, who shrugged her off without looking, making Jennie pout.

“Too bad, deal with it.” Chaeyoung replied as seriously as she could look before checking in on the gang. The whole group had been deciding on what to get when Jennie started their conversation. Chaeyoung looked slightly panicked when she could see that many of them had already closed their menu, showing that they’ve decided what to eat, and are already engaging in small talks. Noticing how Chaeyoung’s eyes had been running past the whole menu within 1 minute, Jisoo came to her aid, patiently recommending the good dishes. And let’s just say that Jennie doesn’t have any sense of awareness when she repeatedly tapped Chaeyoung’s fingers that were holding the menu. 

The first time, Chaeyoung just muttered a ‘stop it’ while continuing looking through the menu and listening to Jisoo. 

The second time, Chaeyoung sent a glare with the warning.

The third time, Jennie added a flick to the tapping. Chaeyoung dropped the menu, left hand coming up fast towards Jennie’s forehead and provided a flick that made Jennie flinch with a cry. She held her forehead as she looked at Chaeyoung, confused.

“I told you to stop.” Chaeyoung smiled ‘innocently’. Jennie’s hands moved up immediately, wanting to have her revenge. 

“Okay, that’s it, Jennie, please swap seats with me, I can’t believe you guys are behaving like children.” Jihyo stood up, lowkey sighing, and walked towards Jennie’s seat. 

“She started it!” And the classic pointing started when both of them pointed to each other.  “And that’s why I said you guys are like children.” Jihyo shook her head, questioning herself why she is friends with them.  Jennie stood up grumpily, glaring at Chaeyoung, who meronged at her. 

Chaeyoung - 1, Jennie - 0



Instance 2: When Jennie became unreasonable again

The student council members are peacefully working on their paperwork when the door slammed open roughly, startling the 4 members inside. 

“Why is the softball team having training in our field now?” Jennie looked around slightly pissed, making eye contact with all of them.

“Well, in our timetable, the field was free at this time when they came to book it. If your team wanted to use the field, you should have come to book it first.” Chaeyoung replied calmly, showing Jennie the schedules that were on the whiteboard.

“But you know that our season had just started, all of the players would go back and train whenever we are free. Now the softball team is all over the field, we can’t even have a mini practice game. And that field is ours!” Jennie threw her arms up in frustration. Hearing how Jennie was starting to become unreasonable, Chaeyoung’s annoyance level grew. “Excuse me, as far as I’m concerned, the field is a public facility that is open for all students to use. Additionally, the softball team has stated that they have a competition coming up too. And they've booked it 2 weeks earlier.”

“Well, why didn’t they go and book a softball field outside then!?” 

“Why would they if the school has a free field for them?!”

The remaining 3 girls sat in their seats quietly, watching the dispute in front of them. Joohyun opened , wanting to cut in but decided against it. The 2 youngsters should learn how to communicate by themselves. 

“Our fields are literally different in size! Why would they want to train themselves in the wrong field?!” 

“And how would I know? Go and ask their captain!” 

“Oh I definitely will. But for now, I want you to book all the slots for the field for the next 10 weeks. We will be using them.”

Chaeyoung crossed her arms before her. “Jennie Kim, you do know that students are only allowed to book one additional slot outside of their club’s original training right?”

“Does it look like I care about the rules? I am already telling you in advance, now it’s up to you whether you remember it or not, heh. Now ciao!” 

And with that, Jennie dashed out of the room, not giving Chaeyoung a chance to rebut. 

The 3 girls looked at Chaeyoung who was getting redder by the second.         

“Are you okay Chaeng?” Mina approached her slowly. Only to hear Chaeyoung mutter “I’ll kill her the next time I see her.” And Mina backed away slowly once again.

Chaeyoung - 1, Jennie - 1



And the points gradually kept adding up as the 2 started bickering once again, almost every single time they met. Those around them were getting tired of their arguments but it has come to the point where they’ve started betting on who’s going to win that round. 

“I can bet Chaeng will be walking out angrily.” Momo whispered as she stood behind the wall, peeking out to see if there was any movement from the clubroom. 

“Nah, this time it was Jennie’s fault, so maybe Jennie might accept defeat and Chaeyoung will walk out smug.” Dahyun whispered back. 

The 2 were walking towards the baseball club room when they saw Chaeyoung storming annoyedly into the said room. They could hear words like ‘deadline’ and ‘rejected’ hence they’ve concluded that the reason why Chaeyoung was so mad was due to their captain’s negligence and they’ve forgotten to submit some important document to the school council. 

‘Poor Chaeyoung’, they both thought. It’s hard enough to be doing so much admin work for all the clubs, so when they have irresponsible leaders like Jennie Kim, they would have to stay back and do even more work due to the last minute submissions. 

They shot back behind the wall when they heard the door open. Footsteps were heard and they came out after the footsteps faded. They then rushed into the club room and saw Jennie looking dejected on one of the beanbags. 

“Hey Cap, why the gloomy face?” Dahyun asked, trying to get confirmation that she won the bet. 

Jennie sighed and stood up, “This year’s annual camp will be cancelled. Chaeyoung rejected the proposal because I submitted it a week late and the field has already been booked for external events.”

Dahmo jaw-dropped at that. “Jen! How could you?” “We were all anticipating the camp, for the marshmallows..”

Jennie pouted at their responses. “How would I know Chaeyoung would be so strict with the deadline? At most we can just have a camping outing at the beach instead!”

Dahmo lit up with that, “Oh yes! We definitely prefer the beach then!” 



All was fun and bickerings till the day this announcement came through the PA system during their regular YME radio broadcast. 

“And while the basketball club is slowly making their way up, our baseball club has been very much successful over the past 5 years. The club has brought back 4 wins from their first 5 games of their season. And did everyone hear? The captain, Kim Jennie, has successfully caught the eye of the National Baseball Club’s coach. They have approached Kim Jennie with the opportunity to try out for the national team and if successful, we will have our first ever national athlete in this school. Do stay tuned for more updates regarding this! Now, onto our art clubs…”

And since that announcement, Chaeyoung had found herself anticipating Jennie's figure every time the door opened but was always met with disappointment. Even when she glanced down at the field, she could only see the baseball players, with their Vice-Captain Seungwan and Coach Kim. 


Tuesday, 4pm, YME University Student Council Clubroom

‘So the news of Jennie going to the National Stadium to train was true huh.. I thought she would still have trained together with her team but I guess the skill level there must be higher.’ Chaeyoung thought as she once again glanced at the closed door. 

She quickly brought her eyes back to her laptop screen as the door opened. She glanced up again, and saw Joohyun and Seungwan walk in together. 

“Hey! Have you had lunch? We bought some extra incase you haven’t eaten. We know how much you love your fish and chips.”  Joohyun said as Seungwan placed the food on the table in the middle of the room. 

Chaeyoung grinned at the thoughtful couple. “Aww, thank you! I haven’t had them in soooo long!” Chaeyoung exaggerated as she bounced towards the centre table. 

“Really? You looked like you’ve gained a bit of weight though,” Seungwan asked innocently but immediately got her punishment when Joohyun slapped her shoulder. 

“Hey! That’s mean!” Chaeyoung said as she sat herself down on the couch. “Homework assignments and council paperwork has been overwhelming me, I didn’t even have the time to do any workouts. So no judging!” Although it was in a ‘serious’ tone, Seungwan could tell that Chaeyoung didn’t take her comment to heart. 

Chaeyoung started unpacking the boxes of food as Joohyun bid goodbye to Seungwan. 

“See you later, bae!” And the door closed after Seungwan stole another peck.

Joohyun walked over to the table and sat beside Chaeyoung, helping to open up the side dishes.

“Where is Seungwan unnie going? Isn’t she gonna eat with us?” Chaeyoung asked as she wiped her utensils. 

Joohyun shook her head, “Nah, she has to meet Coach Kim to discuss their strategies for the upcoming game. I heard the competition is tough, the team they are going up against won some sort of important match last month.”

“Oh. Does the whole team discuss it together?”

“If I am not wrong, I think only the captains and the catcher are involved in discussing with the coach, then they will pass down the discussed plan. But Seungwan is only going with Lisa today, Jennie has training at the Stadium. I hear she has to train almost every single day after classes.”

Chaeyoung hummed, putting another chip into . “No wonder I haven’t seen Jennie around recently.”

Joohyun smirked slightly at Chaeyoung, “Why? Does someone miss her? I’ve heard of someone having a little crush on our dear captain.”

Jaw agaped with her chopsticks in , Chaeyoung stared at Joohyun in disbelief. She then scowled when she remembered that she had only told Jihyo about this before, Jihyo must’ve accidentally spilled the beans. 

Joohyun laughed at Chaeyoung’s reaction. “No worries, your secret is safe with me. And no, Jihyo did not tell me willingly, it took a lot of convincing and threats to get her to spill. I apologise if that seemed out of line but I was worried about you. You were zoning out so much that I thought something huge had happened and I really wanted to help you.”

“Aw unnie, you could’ve just asked me, I would have told you too! Thank you for worrying about me though, I’m touched.” Chaeyoung wiped away a ‘tear’ from the corner of her eye, making Joohyun roll her eyes playfully. 

“So how’s everything going? Seeing how you bicker with Jennie though, I’m guessing the feelings have faded away?”

“I.. honestly have no idea unnie. It’s almost like, I want her to get out of my sight and stop annoying me, but at the same time, it feels so weird that she is not disturbing my life..”

“You guys have such a love-hate relationship. When will you guys finally get together?”

It was Chaeyoung’s turn to roll her eyes, “I am not even sure of what I am feeling, why would I mention anything to her? Who knows? Maybe this is just an infatuation because of what happened at the chalet.”

To Chaeyoung, it was the fact that they’ve slept together (although none of them could remember the experience) but to everybody else, it was that Jennie had offered to send her home. 

Joohyun hummed silently as they continued eating. 

The silence was broken when Chaeyoung suddenly stood up and rushed out of the room, towards the nearest bathroom. Joohyun followed closely behind and by the time she got into the bathroom, she could hear Chaeyoung throwing up. She went to the only cubicle that had the door slightly closed and saw Chaeyoung bent over the toilet bowl.

“Gosh, are you okay?” Joohyun asked worriedly as she patted Chaeyoung’s back.

Chaeyoung nodded weakly and flushed the toilet. She stood up slowly, feeling a little nauseated. 

“I’m okay.. I must’ve eaten something bad earlier.” Chaeyoung said while wiping after rinsing. 

“Thank god, I almost thought you were pregnant.” Joohyun jokes. 

Chaeyoung stiffened. But laughed softly after 1 second to look normal. When they walked back into the council room, they saw Seungwan sitting on the spot that Joohyun was sitting on previously, eating their leftovers. Seeing the 2 girls staring at her, Seungwan raised her head slowly, “What? You guys finished eating right?” 

Joohyun smiled and shook her head at her cute girlfriend, “We’re good, you can finish the rest.” 

Chaeyoung, who was still a little shaken by the slight possibility that she might be pregnant, grabbed her bag and phone, “I’ll be going first then, unnies, I’m not really feeling very well.”

“Why don’t you give us just 5 minutes, Seungwan can drop you off.” Joohyun said while Seungwan nodded with full.

Chaeyoung nodded and sat back down, muttering a ‘thank you’ while sipping her juice again.



Tuesday, 6pm, Chaeyoung’s house

The couple waved goodbye to Chaeyoung as they drove off. Chaeyoung went to her room directly and sat in front of her desk. She pulled out her small diary which marks her menstrual cycles.

“Okay, it last came on the 18th of March, and today is the 5th of May, crap…” Chaeyoung sighed deeply.

Taking 5 minutes to calm herself down and think about all the other possibilities, Chaeyoung decided to attribute the menstrual delay to the amount of stress school has been putting her through. Her period should be here anytime now. 

But just to be sure, she went online and ordered 2 pregnancy kits from a nearby pharmacy, ensuring that the package would be delivered without any description on the package, in case her mother was the one receiving the package.


Hope you guys had enjoyed this chapter! More to come hoho

I'll try to update as quickly as possible before all my assignments start to pile up OTL

Do drop me a comment and let me know what you guys think and if you guys have any suggestions! Till next time~

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fluffy77 #1
Chapter 8: author, maybe an update soon? I'm really looking forward to seeing Jennie's parents reaction
Mimowhipped #2
i see mimo i click hahaha
Chapter 8: I'm nervous of what Jennie's parents reaction. I hope they will also support them.🙏
Chapter 8: One pair of parents done, now I feel the second pair it's not gonna be as easy 😅
Chapter 7: Still waiting for your update 🤟
Chapter 7: When will u update, fighting:)
Chapter 7: Authornim, is this available on Wattpad? I'm always late reading your update since I don't get notifications here 😩
114 streak #8
Chapter 7: chaennie's relationship development here 🥹
Chapter 7: i love chaennie moms
it was an amazing chapter
thanks author love u
Chapter 7: Omg I'm so happy for you update!!!
Thanks author u are the best