Never Forever

“No” is not an option!
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"A connection between us that won't end
I alone made that big misunderstanding
Woo, cut it in the middle
Woo, is this the end?"
~Never Forever by Taemin~

Kai had blushed to the pretty face of the geek in his arms. He blinked his eyes several times, as he was confused for a second, if the geek was a boy or a girl. Then he shook his head frantically and quickly pulled up the mask of the geek, covering his mouth and nose again.

“Yah! Yah!”, the delinquent slapped his cheek again and shook him too, but the cursed boy was not near coming back to his senses.

Kai cussed in a whisper and suddenly lifted him up. Taemin’s head bumped against the chest of the delinquent.

“Idiot. ing stupid geek!”, Kai hissed in annoyance and carried the cursed boy back into the building, “I’ll make you pay for making ME carry you.”

Students watched them and some were even surprised that the delinquent carried another boy. The milkshake-lover passed by without noticing Taemin in the arms of Kai. The delinquent carried the cursed boy to the theater hall, because that was the only area where today no students would be. He placed Taemin on the couch and cracked his knuckles once again, pulled a chair next to the couch and sat on it. He leaned forth and observed the cursed boy.

“I didn’t even hit you yet… idiot.”, he got worked up about it.

Kai lifted a single brow and then glided his glance to the bag of the geek. Suddenly the delinquent smirked and grabbed the bag with pursed lips and ped it.

“Moschino, huh? Not bad.”, he complimented the bag of the cursed boy and looked inside it, “Let’s see what we’ve got here.”

He rummaged through the things of Taemin, got annoyed by the tangled headset – seriously who still uses corded earplugs when there is something that is called an AirPod – and lowered his brows as he found a little notebook in the bag. It looked very old, like seriously worn out. The cover was already ripped partly, and it was wrapped tight with a brown cord. Kai briefly glanced to Taemin and lowered one corner of his lips.

“Freak.”, he stated and unwrapped the cord, while the cursed boy slept on the couch, like he were knocked out completely.

Kai brushed his palm over the cover of the little notebook and, briefly looked at his own hand. He had a tingly feeling in the tips of his fingers. He shrugged and then opened the old notebook.

“Lee Taemin…”, he read the name and quickly looked up to check the sleeping boy, “So, that’s your name, huh? Alright, Geek Taemin. Let’s see what you’ve written in here… Huh? You are twenty?”

He glanced at the cursed boy once again and shook his head.

“Well, I’m still way more mature than you, that’s for sure.”, he stated and turned to the next page, “Huh? What is this? Is this even Korean?”

The delinquent squinted his eyes, but still could not read what was written in the notebook. Then he turned the page once again and read the following letters with a confused expression.

-Dear Taemin.

Don’t forget that no one else but you is allowed to open this notebook. If you manage to keep this notebook by your side until you turn twenty-one, your curse will be gone. If, you don’t manage it, and someone else gets it in their hands, I must confess that you can’t be cured by charms and prayers anymore.-

Kai lifted a brow and glanced at the sleeping boy with an unimpressed expression.

“Great. He’s not just a geek, but a real freak too.”, he added to another hiss and continued reading.

-The person that opens this notebook will be the one who can lift or worsen your curse. So, it really is dangerous. You don’t want your life to depend on a stranger, right?-

“Wait a minute…”, Kai suddenly whispered with big eyes, “Does this mean…??”


Stay safe, and grow to a strong independent man.-

Kai blinked his eyes several times, as he read the date this note was written in the notebook. It was twenty years ago. He was confused.

“What the actual ? Are you into that ?”, the delinquent questioned the sleeping boy and turned over another page, “Curse: I can’t say ‘No’. First time noticed by my parents – father left home. Second time noticed by my grandparents – mother raised me up on her own. Third time noticed by my doctor – he thinks lowly of my family roots. Fourth time noticed by my chauffeur – I can trust him. Fifth time noticed by my best friend – he nearly made me jump off a roof. Sixth time noticed by the maids – mother had to fire them all…”

The list went on and on. Kai gulped nervously and turned back to the page with the weird written words, that he could not read earlier. But now, suddenly out of the blue, he was able to read it all.

-Eternally, the chosen one you shall be-

“WHAT THE ?!”, he screamed in shock and dropped the notebook.

Then he briefly glanced to the cursed boy and then back to the notebook. He slapped his own cheeks and shook his head from left to right and picked it up. Nope, Kai would not believe in this bull. No ing way. This geek was into black magic and the delinquent was not into that at all. He took a deep breath, sighed in utter annoyance, and leaned back on the chair. He lifted his right foot and poked Taemin’s side.

“Yah! Wake up already! FREAK!”, he shouted, but the cursed boy still gave no reaction, so Kai leaned forth again, his face was close to Taemin’s, “Yah? Are you dead? Maybe you really are cursed…, are you?”

He poked the cheek of the geek with his index finger and became a little unwary, as he leaned forth too much and suddenly the chair slid back. The delinquent fell on his knees and his elbow landed in Taemin’s stomach, making the cursed boy open his eyes widely, gasp desperately for air and straighten up immediately. His forehead bumped against Kai’s temple and made the delinquent hiss in pain.

“W- What?”, Taemin stuttered and took deep breaths.

His heartbeat increased in an instant, while Kai caressed his head and jumped up and down and ran in circles.

“Ouch! You ing idiot!”, he yelled and wiped away the single tear from his right eye, “That hurt!”

The cursed boy looked at him and realized that he could hear the voice of the orange-haired boy. His heart raced. Then he spotted his notebook that was clenched tightly by Kai. Taemin did not know what should freak him out more, the voice or the notebook no longer being in his possession? His breaths became irregular. The delinquent realized that the geek had noticed it in his hand and pursed his lips unapologetic.

“What have you done?!”, Taemin shouted and instantly got up from the couch.

He approached Kai and wanted to get back his notebook, but the delinquent raised his arm up high, making it impossible for Taemin to reach his notebook as he was smaller than the orange-haired boy. Kai watched him, as the cursed boy jumped. Taemin was close to get it, but the delinquent got on his tiptoes and smirked all evil.

“I won’t give it to you, we gotta talk first. So, stop jumping already.”, he said with a chuckle and was startled when the cursed boy suddenly stopped hopping.

Kai blinked his eyes in surprise and then nodded all satisfied. Taemin’s eyes doubled in size. He trembled. There it was. That feeling. He felt like suffocating. His body was controlled by the orders

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Currently trying to get back on this fic. I’ve taken a long break.
Thank you all for being patient and understanding!
I’ll see you soon! \(^w^)/


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Harrie1234 #1
Chapter 17: Hey, what a great story! when will the next chapter be up? Thanks!
Chapter 2: God the first chapter was so good honestly totally hooking the fish, wanna knew more.
Chapter 17: I KNEW IT!
Snehyun #4
Chapter 17: ❤😅okay so,the curse seems to protect itself huh...they can pass it to each other but can't get rid of it.How will they come together then?🤔 I feel like the monk has lot more to say but didn't chose to...let's see how they work together 😊.
750 streak #5
Chapter 17: It still never ceases to amaze me how parents can talk about their children like they’re buying and selling real estate. It was funny when Baekhyun approached Jennie to ask if she wanted to marry him, as they would never look on each other that way. Everything is a colossal mess. About the curse though, how can it be broken if they can’t get close due to the electrical shock? My guess is that they will have to figure out a way around it?
Beau1996 1380 streak #6
Chapter 17: I'm still confused - they need to be together to break the curse but they can't be together because of being electrocuted?? What happens when Taemin turns 21?
NctzenStay #7
Chapter 16: This book is so good that I stayed up till 5:08 am in the morning I started this at 10:25
NctzenStay #8
Chapter 14: This story is mad lit 🔥
Chapter 16: I finished all the chapters TT-TT
I can't wait to know what happens next!