Welcome to the chaotic story of Life and Death living in one roof

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Have you ever wondered what would happen is Life who's a sunshine incarnate, been living with human for milleniums and probably the nicest being to exist lived with Death who's deathly (AN: see what i did there :>) afraid of animals, never interacted with technology EVER and has problems with her emotions? Well fear not cause I did just that and now I'm gonna show you the chaos that is my imagination :D


Hi!!! :D I decided to put this fic in a seperate place so don't be shocked if you don't see it in the compilation I had here. I hope you guys have fun while reading this :DD

The chapter aren't in a chronological order btw so sometimes some characters introduced in previous chapter will not be present in other chapters cause its further back in the timeline of event or forward and whatnot so I hope you guys don't get confused with that one. I'm writing this thing on the fly and whenever I get ideas for certain parts I need to fill so I hope you guys can forgive me for that. Also please please please comment your thoughts cause it really help me identify where I lack, where I need to improve, where I overcompensate and need to dial it down and overall boost my confidence that you guys are enjoying reading this and that because you enjoy this you want to help me improve the story by giving me critiques and comments :D

get it?? Lira??? Libra??? Libra - B = Lira


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WluvsBaetokki #1
Chapter 3: Awwww I felt the pain
Chapter 3: (ಥ﹏ಥ)
1692 streak #3
Chapter 3: Life isn't always sugar and rainbow... Hiks hiks that's so true. Lira went from escaping death to live with Death Incarnation in one roof XD
Chapter 3: With all the frustration with work, I wanna cry with Wendy 😭
1692 streak #5
Chapter 2: Awww match in heaven
happystinko1512 #6
Chapter 1: wow this is too cute honestly! such a great idea and it feels like the characters are perfect match with wenrene personality too! looking forward to your update, author-nim!
Chapter 2: This is so cute! Can't wait to read more scenarios about them!
Chapter 2: This is nice💙❤️ Looking forward for the next chapters☺️
Chapter 2: looking forward for more already! (/^▽^)/