Ch 12

When Flowers Bloom
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Upon hearing his phone's alarm tone, Yoona slowly gained back consciousness. He smiled and kissed Seohyun's forehead when he found her head on top of his chest once again. Gently and carefully, he guided her head back to her pillow, and the latter moved to cuddle with the extra pillow as he stepped out of their bed. He walks to the balcony and parted the curtains before sliding the glass door open. The sun is starting the rise, causing him to smile and feel the warmth. 


Walking back to the bed, he dives to Seohyun and showered her with kisses, "Good morning, hon. Wakie, wakie. The sun is up." and whispers.


"Hmm, can you check my phone?" Seohyun asked in a mumble as she blink her eyes slowly.


"You think he opened it again?" Yoona casually reached for his wife's phone on top of the nightstand and checks her phone.


"He would." She's sure about it. 


"Oh, there are two saved videos last night." He noticed new videos appeared on the gallery and played the first video as she lays down next to her, so they could watch it together. 


Their lips eventually curved into a smile when Chanyoung's face appeared before their eyes.


"That's around 11 in the evening." Mumbled Seohyun.


"Yeah, he couldn't seem to sleep right away." Yoona pouted as his heart is aching. Chanyoung's cheeks and eyes are swollen, which looks like he had been crying.


"My heart is heavy right now." Seohyun softly says while trying not to shed tears again. "He doesn't deserve this, hon." She cuddles with Yoona without leaving her eyes on the phone. It feels like seeing her son a prison and it breaks her heart once again.


"I know. I know." Yoona kissed her forehead affectionately and the latter pecked on his lips. "He'll be fine." He reassures.


"Yeah, hopefully. But... we need to see Ji-Eun now before we even forget we brought her to the basement." Seohyun reminded. She pulled herself up and got out of bed. She ties her hair in front of the mirror while seeing the doe-eyed from behind, looking at her quietly. "What?" She chuckled.


"Nothing. Just reminding myself that I'm married to the person in the mirror and is the prettiest woman in the world." Yoona sweetly says earning a giggle from his wife.


"Let's go, silly, boy." Seohyun headed outside after tying her hair.


Complying, Yoona grabs her hand and holds it as they walk down the stairs together and proceed to the basement of their house where Ji-Eun had been staying since they drag her inside after knocking her out last night.


"What?" Only to find out she's nowhere to be found. "How did she escape?" Seohyun pick up the ropes that they used to tie her around the chair.


"She knows the house well... or she has an accomplice that helps her out."


"Aish, you should've locked the door!" Shouted Seohyun in frustration.


"What? Why would you blame me? You agreed about this last night too. Who would've thought she'll easily escape? I mean, she got a hit on her thigh, how could she able to do this? Unless she had an accomplice." Yoona got upset and it angers him.


Huffing, Seohyun headed out of the basement mumbling something he couldn't hear. He kicks the chair out of frustration and followed her outside. 


"That was our last chance to know about Kim Taeyeon, Yoona. And an easy way to get into that lab the Agency was talking about." Seohyun continued her rant. "Aish, how did she even escape? You shouldn't have treated her wound. Tsk. Does she has superpowers too?" She raised her eyebrows. 


"I don't know but there's only one thing for sure, she has cameras around our home." Yoona said and went upstairs. He headed to the second floor's last room and looked for the device that detects other cameras around their home in the drawers. When he found it, he started looking for the hidden cameras.


Seohyun on the other hand decided to go on with the day. She went to the kitchen and prepare breakfast for them while her mind couldn't help but cross about Ji-Eun. Last night she never tell them about her connection with the Kims because they knock her out in fear of anyone seeing her. Especially when a firefighter rang the doorbell. They hid her before the firefighter get to see her.




Placing all the hidden cameras on the counter, Yoona sighs in disappointment as he took his seat. 


"What the... we really missed her, didn't we?" Seohyun reacted in disbelief. A total of 10 small hidden cameras are before her eyes. 


"Exactly my thought. That obviously works for Taeyeon. And she has deceived our son." The doe-eyed exhaled loudly as he grab the glass of water on the side and took a few gulps of it.


"Poor Chanyoung, he thought she was a real friend." She felt bad for their son. She knows Ji-Eun was the only true friend Chanyoung thought.


"So Taeyeon had been spying on our son. And finally got his hands on him."


"He's obviously a psycho. No normal person can do that to a child."


"Couldn't agree more."


Taking the two plates of their breakfast to the dining table, Seohyun returned to the counter to make coffee. "So much for an early morning." 


"Yeah." Yoona sighs as he took his transfer to the dining area and began his meal. "But the day hasn't even started." He meaningfully said.


As Seohyun returned to their table, she place the other cup of coffee next to his plate and casually take her seat across him. "You know how I feel empty since I saw Chanyoung's feeding chair? I realized It's only been 2 days but here I am... missing him so much already." She sighs as she turned her head to the chair next to her. Her heart tightens but keeps her emotion at bay. There are no tears to waste when she knows their son is stronger than them. And that, he is only waiting for them to rescue him. 


"Definitely the first time we're not seeing him in the flesh feels weird. I thought this was a dream but I also realized how important he is. And how much I love him... and I won't forgive myself if something happens to him before we can rescue him." Yoona firmly says. 


"We're bringing the Kim down, no matter what." Seohyun announced seriously as she hold her spoon tightly.


Yoona smiled proudly at her. "So eat a lot and we have a long day ahead. You need lots of energy." He didn't think twice and share his food with her earning giggles from her as she gladly comply.




Stepping out of the bathroom, Chanyoung sighs as he felt his stomach grumble. He hasn't seen anyone stepping into the room which makes him confused and at the same time hungry. He stepped into the bed and the puppy climb to play with him.


"I'm hungry, Coco-ah." But instead of playing, he is complaining. "When are they going to give me food?" He feels like it's almost lunchtime since he has been a week for hours. He pouted sadly and look at the door while the puppy is in his arms. "Maybe they're trying something, aren't they?" He hates that he can't hear anything from the outside. As if the door is really made for him. "I mean, Doctor Kim is a scientist, so he probably..." he paused as he giggled when coco started his chin. 


"Let's just play." He decided not to think about it and play with the white puppy instead. He runs around the room while he is being chased around, creating squeals, laughter, and shouts whenever the puppy stops playing with him.


Unknown to him, Taeyeon and some of the scientists had been watching him from the outside. They intentionally didn't give him breakfast to see how well he complain and ask for food. But instead, they're witnessing a young boy, having fun with his pet. Everyone is smiling and taking pictures of him. 


"He's not someone that complains immediately or throws tantrums if he doesn't get food. That's actually mature for a 4-year-old boy." Hye-Sun said as she observes.


"I mean, he was able to refuse any food yesterday, so I guess... he can really last for a few days without food. And who knows a month or so. He isn't a normal kid after all." Taeyeon is sure his experiment on Chanyoung is a success. With his strength and not able to consume a lot of food, he is indeed the superhuman he had been dreaming of. He's the perfect one.


"Congrats Doctor Kim." Hye-Sun said as she stretched her hand out.


"No, congrats to all of us." He smiled gratefully as he shake her hand gently. "Give him food before the clock strikes 2." And he instructed the secretary on his right before he leaves. 




Stepping into the car, Yoona handed the paper bag of fast food to Seohyun by the passenger seat but realized she had fallen asleep. 


"Ha! Hon, wake up!" He chuckled as he shake her arm gently. The latter opened her eyes and let out a huge yawn as she stretched her arms upward. "I thought you sleep early last night?" He wonders.


"I did. But waiting for the Kims to appear got me sleepy." Seohyun explained herself as she rummage through the paper bag. She excitedly took the lunch pack of salad out and smiles at her husband. "Thanks, baby." She said before she began to devour it.


Yoona scoffed and grab the paper bag. "It's past lunchtime, I thought kids got out before lunch?" 


"I know right? There's probably a change of schedule." Seohyun replied while munching.


"No parents haven't come to get their kids too. So you might be right." He shrugged his shoulders in the process while enjoying his salad as well. Both of their eyes are on the school's building, waiting patiently for the kids to come out.


"Ah." Seohyun offered the small tomato to the doe-eyed and the latter took a bite of it with a sweet brief smile. She smiled back before returning to her food.


"Do you think Jessica knows?" asks Yoona as he grabs the bottle of water nearby to have a few gulps.


"If she does, then they're a family of psychos."


He chuckled softly. "But if not?"


"Then she should help us. She should not tolerate this doing from her husband." Seohyun believes so. "But I doubt she will do it. I mean, looking back, she was even defending his son in front of the principal." She remembers their first meeting and she never likes her since then.


"You have the point." Yoona nodded his head before feeding his wife a small tomato too. 


"Aigoo, can't believe he fooled us."


"I know right? I think he was more friendly than his wife and son." 


Seohyun pause to have her water as well and sighs afterward. "I just remember, they have exams after the camping. So they probably doing it right now?"


"Oh, probably. But kindergarten has exams?" Yoona chuckled, didn't expect to hear it from his wife.


"Of course they have. So the teacher can see what have the kids learned." 


"Well, that explains."


Seohyun then suddenly saw a car pulling over in front of the school ground. "Omo, I think parents are starting to arrive." She announced.


Yoona turned his head to his right and coughed as he got choked on his own food. Seohyun laughs and gives him immediately the bottle. 


"Why do you have to raise your voice?" He asked after clearing his throat.


"I got excited. Finish your food, Mr. Im." Said Seohyun as she opened the compartment and took the binoculars. "More cars are coming, dropping the parents at the gate."


Yoona is enjoying his remaining food before he put it aside and finally put his attention outside. "What's the time?" He checks his wristwatch and finds it is almost five in the afternoon. "We are here for the whole day and so as the kids." He is surprised.


"You just realize it?" Seohyun chuckled in disbelief.


"Nah, I wasn't paying attention to the time. So... this means we'll get to see Jessica and Jaehyun driving home instead of somewhere."


"Who knows in another place? Keep your eyes outside." She instructed as used the binoculars again to have closer look. 


Yoona complied and he got quiet. When a familiar limousine pulled over, he and Seohyun looked into each other's eyes for a brief moment. He took his DSLR from the compartment and started taking photos of Jessica that just came out.


"There she is." Said Seohyun with a shake of her head, realizing the bodyguards are blocking their view from her.


"She's just going to pick up her son yet she looks like she's going to a fashion show." Yoona can't help and notice. He chuckled softly as he preview photos on his camera. Jessica is wearing casual attire but

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1120 streak #1
Chapter 22: Good friends? Yulsic... Shin Hye Sun one of my fave actresses
1120 streak #2
Chapter 3: oh my Taeyeon is the villian here? and also Ji eun? im sure Chanyoung will be sad if he knows that his only friend is only being friendly because she was being ordered by someone obsessed to him
1120 streak #3
Chapter 1: Aww Chanyoung is proud of his appa
Chapter 18: Welcome home yoong.

Chanyoung and jaehyun are so adorable.

The trauma that chanyoung has was kind of severe,poor baby.

What if minho is just fooling around?
multistory #5
Chapter 22: Nice surprise...
multistory #6
Chapter 21: Thanks for wrapping this up!!
Chapter 21: wow, finally Kim Taeyeon was died and The Im's live happily ever after

Thank you for your story author-nim
multistory #8
Chapter 20: Interesting the IM’s not seeing eye to eye…

Looking forward to the next update and how you plan to close this out.
Chapter 17: Ok new character reveal. My yulsic heart is pumping again. I probably want for them to be together but i know taeyeon will return for his family.

Im family is really the ideal family.
Chapter 19: oomoo.. omo taengsicku