
Freeze The Moment (English Version)
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Notes: let's pretend that Xiaoting is good at drawing in this storyJ




A smile continued to adorn Shen Xiaoting's beautiful face, with her head still bowed and her right hand still busy engraving the scratches that formed a face like her lover's. Every now and then Xiaoting looked to her left side where her Yujin was sleeping, the sound of the rain seemed to make her sleep more sound. She returned with her drawing, the beautiful face of her lover now perfectly formed on the white paper.

Today is their anniversary, time flies so fast, it doesn't feel like it's been 1 year since they finally got back together. They had just had a beautiful night, one of hundreds of nights where their bodies became one, where their warmth blended in and where words of love went unspoken for Xiaoting to know that Yujin was her world and so she was the world to her Yujin.

"Mine.." she whispered to the sketch of her lover's face.

Her gaze returned to Yujin who had now changed her sleeping position.

"Looks like you're really tired, honey.." she whispered again, smiling, remembering the activities they had just done.

Xiaoting then pulled out her desk drawer, took out a cube-shaped object, she then opened the cube-shaped object, when she opened it she could see a gleam of light emanating from the object inside.

"In a moment, wait for me a little while, Honey..." she whispered again.

Her attention was then drawn to her cell phone, which vibrated indicating that a message had come in.


An incoming message from the mother of the girl she loves, Choi Kang Hee asks Xiaoting to call her 'Eomma' since she found out that Xiaoting is back in a relationship with her daughter.

“ Xiaoting, sorry I have to text late at night. I will accompany Jisung on his business to Edinburgh next week, I had a discussion with my husband, we were thinking of taking you and Yujin there. I was reminded by the message from Tiffany, that one of the ways Yujin can truly overcome her trauma is to face the cause of her biggest trauma. We thought she was ready and now is the time. Please discuss this with my daughter. And please let us know so we can book your tickets right away. Sorry to bother you Xiaoting and Happy Anniversary, Eomma loves you  <3”

Xiaoting then sighed after reading the message from her lover's mother. Is Yujin really ready?She will discuss it with her girlfriend and if she is not ready, she will not force her. Xiaoting then typed the reply.

" Eomma, I will discuss it with Yujin eonnie tomorrow, after that I will immediately inform you. Thank you Eomma, We love you too <3 ”

Xiaoting then put the phone back, she looked again at the diamond ring she bought with her savings.

"Looks like I really have to wait for the right time .." she said to the ring she was holding. She then put the ring back in its place and put it back in the drawer of her desk that her beautiful girlfriend had never touched.

Xiaoting then decided to go back to sleep, she walked to her bed where her lover was sleeping. She then lay next to her lover, looking at the beautiful face of her  Eonnie, She then caressed the cheek of the girl she loves the most in the world slowly because she didn't want to wake her up.

"I hope that after this only happiness will accompany you. I promise to always be there every time you step your foot. I love you, Eonnie.." she whispered before kissing her lover's cheek. Xiaoting then brought her body closer to her lover's body, hugging her lover in her sleep hoping that her warmth could make her girl sleep more comfy.



Now Yujin is standing on one of the piers on one of the beaches in Scotland, this is where the ashes of her best friend are scattered with the North Sea breeze and blend in with nature. Yujin then closed her eyes, trying to feel the sea breeze while in her heart she prayed for her beloved friend, praying wherever she was, her best friend would be happier there.

“My daughter really likes the sea…”

A woman's voice suddenly startled Yujin who was solemnly praying. And she was even more surprised when she opened her eyes and saw that the woman who was already next to her was none other than the mother of the best friend she missed. Yujin was unable to utter a word. She then lowered her gaze, guilt returning to her.

"Yujin, how are you?" the woman asked, and to Yujin's surprise, her tone was very friendly, unlike the last time they had seen each other. Yujin slowly raised her head, trying to look at the face of a woman who looked very much like her best friend.

"I'm fine, auntie. How about you?"

"I'm grateful. I'm fine too." She answered while flashing a smile for Yujin.

The woman looked back at the ocean, her eyes suddenly turned sad.

"My daughter has always loved the sea since she was little, she would whine to me or my late husband to take me to the beach, so I decided to spread her ashes here, her favorite place..."

"Auntie.. I'm sorry..."

"Shhh.." the woman cut off Yujin's words. "I must apologize, my words at that time must have really hurt you."

Yujin shook her head.

"No auntie, I deserve it.."

“No..no.. Yujin, no one deserves such hurtful words, even though I know you are as sad as me. I just…” the woman then took a deep breath. "I was just very very lost at that time .." she continued again.

Yujin didn't know when it started, but now tears were flooding her eyes.

“Yujin.. Dear.. I'm sorry, for making you cry…”

Yujin hastily wiped away her tears, trying to stop her tears. Seeing Yujin's condition, the woman then hugged the girl who was a friend and the girl who was loved by her late daughter.

“Alice loves you very much,dear. When I got home from the procession of releasing my daughter's ashes, I immediately regretted having said those words to you, because I immediately remembered my daughter, she would surely scold me if she knew her mother's attitude towards the girl she loved. Yujin, I have forgiven my daughter's departure, I'm sure she is happy wherever she is. Therefore, it's time for you to forgive yourself, dear. Alice would be very sad to see that you still can't forgive yourself..."

Yujin nodded, still in the arms of the woman she previously thought hated her.

After they let go of their embrace, they chatted for a while, talking about the habits of the girl they both missed, at that moment they knew that they could finally talk about Alice without feeling sad, because they knew that was what Alice wanted, wherever she is now.

Not long after they said goodbye, the woman who was the mother of her best friend said goodbye, and now Yujin was back alone on the pier. She then turned her gaze to the sky giving her best smile to her best friend who she was sure was looking at her right now.

“Alice, I love You, maybe not like your love for me but I Love You. You have to be happy there..”


Yujin then turned her body towards the sound.

"Eomma .." she then jogged to her mother, she then hugged the woman she loved so much.

"Thank you, I know for sure you asked Alice's mother to meet me..."

Kang Hee then her daughter's long hair. “This was your Appa's original idea, and thankfully Alice's mother didn't change her addresses so we had no trouble finding her. And Yujin, we will do anything for our beloved daughter…”

Yujin tightened her hug. "Thank you again, Eomma, I love you."

"Me and your Appa also love you very much, dear. If he was here he would want to be hugged too…”

"Appa is still not done with his business affairs?"

Kang Hee then let go of her embrace. She then shook her head.

"It's a good thing that you and Xiaoting came along, otherwise I'd be very lonely here, your Appa from the moment we first set foot in this country has been immediately busy with his business matters..."

Hearing her lover's name mentioned made Yujin remember her lover.

“Where is Xiaoting, Eomma? Wasn't she with you earlier?"

"Oh, she said she wanted to buy something. just call her."

Yujin nodded, she then took the cellphone that she kept in her bag, she then immediately made a phone call to her lover. It didn't take long for Xiaoting to pick up the call.

" Hello .." Xiaoting answered on the other side.

"Honey, where are you?"

" Ohh.. I found something interesting .." Xiaoting replied enthusiastically.

"What's that?"

" Secret, I'll show you later .."

"You must have bought something weird again..."

“ Tsk.. you always have bad thoughts. You'll see, you'll like it. ."

"Okay. Where are you now? Me and Eomma will pick you up."

" How about we meet at home? I still want to go around …”

"Yaaah Xiaoting! why are you walking around without me?”

" Because this is part of the surprise, honey . "

"I don't like you having started playing secrets like this..."

" Please be Patience dear. I know you're already starting to miss me .."

"Says who?"

" Me .."

"Tsk.. Well then, Eomma and I will go home first,  don't go around too long... Umm.. I miss you..."

" Hahaha.. Well, what did I say? Yes Honey, I won't be too long.. and I miss you too plus I love you .”

Yujin felt her cheeks start to heat up.

" Honey? Are you still there ?”

"Hmm, yess.."

" Okay, you drive carefully ok .."

"Okay honey.. Bye. I love you.."

“ And I Love you too …”

Yujin hung up the phone.

"You just make me jealous .." Kang Hee commented after hearing her daughter's conversation with her girlfriend.

"You must have been like that too .." Yujin replied.

"Nope, your Appa isn't as romantic as Xiaoting... tsk tsk... I'll ask Xiaoting to teach your Appa..."

"Hahaha... but I can see from Appa's eyes how much he loves you, Eomma. Don’t worry."

"Is that so?" Ask Kang Hee

Yujin nodded.

"Still, I envy you."

Yujin just answered her with a smile.

"Umm Eomma, looks like we have to leave soon, the air is getting colder..."

"You're right, then. Come on."

The mother and daughter walked to the car holding hands.



Yujin and her parents were chatting while enjoying their tea in the yard of the house that Jisung bought a few years ago. Even though the afternoon air was cold, their togetherness made Yujin feel warm.

"Yujin, why hasn't Xiaoting come home?" Jisung asked.

Yujin shook her head.

"She hasn't replied to my message, maybe she's still going around .." Yujin replied casually.

"Are you sure she's going around on her own? Could it be that she has another girlfriend here..."

Yujin just shook her head, she knew her Appa wasn't serious.

"You seem to just know Xiaoting yesterday.." said Kang Hee defending her future daughter-in-law.

Jisung shrugged her shoulders. "Seungcheol, who has only been in a relationship with his girlfriend for a few months, has already proposed to his girlfriend, what is Xiaoting waiting for?" Jisung muttered.

"Maybe she's waiting for the right time..." said Kang Hee representing her daughter.

It would be a lie if Yujin never thought about it, especially a week ago she had just received the wedding invitation of Mashiro and her fiancé. But Yujin tries to stay positive, maybe Xiaoting needs time and maybe she needs time too. Unknowingly she took a deep breath.

She then felt Kang Hee holding her hand.

"When the time comes, Xiaoting will definitely ask you the question you've been waiting for..." Kang Hee said to her daughter.

"I'm not waiting eomme .." Yujin replied trying to deny it.

Hearing that Kang Hee just smiled.

"Eomma will always pray for your and Xiaoting's happiness..."

"Thank you Eomma."

“Speaking of Xiaoting, why does the person walking here look so much like your lover?” Jisung said while staring at the gate of their yard.

Yujin suddenly turned around, her eyes spontaneously widened when she saw the appearance of her lover.


Walking towards Yujin and her parents, Xiaoting is now wearing typical Scottish clothes, not just typical clothes but clothes that Scottish warriors usually wear in movies, while carrying a guitar that Yujin doesn't know where she got it from.



"Wow... Xiaoting? what are you wearing that costume for? Looks like today isn't Halloween?" Jisung commented when Xiaoting was already standing near them. Yujin could see her lover's cheeks were already starting to turn red from embarrassment.

"Umm.. ahhh this will be very embarrassing, but I want to sing something for your daughter.." said Xiaoting still with red cheeks.

Kang Hee gave her best smile while nodding her head to the girl her daughter loved.

Xiaoting then set her sights on the girl who to her was her universe, looking deeply into her eyes. Xiaoting then started strumming her guitar and started singing.


I Wanna Grow old with you – Acoustic version

Another day without your smile
Another day just passes by
And now I know
How much it meansFor you to stay right here with me

The time we spent apart
Will make our love grow stronger But it hurts so badI can't take it any longer


If she had to remember her separation with Yujin, Xiaoting seemed to have to pat herself on the shoulder because how could she pass the day without seeing her lover's smile? because if she thought about it, she wouldn't be able to do it now. She will not be able to be separated from the lover she loves so much, because the separation for her is precisely the reinforcement of her love for the girl who is now looking into her eyes with tears in her eyes, but does she want to do it again? No, Xiaoting can't afford it, she wants to spend her time and age always with the woman she loves.

I wanna grow old with you
I wanna die lying in your arms

I wanna grow old with you

I wanna be looking in your eyes

I wanna be there for you

Sharing in everything you do

I wanna grow old with you



Xiaoting sang the song until it was finished witnessed by the girl she loved and her parents. When Xiaoting strummed the last note, Yujin then got up from her seat and jogged to hug her 'warrior'.

"Hello My Warrior.." she said as she let go of her hug but her arms were still wrapped around her lover's neck.

"Hi.. do you like my song?"

"I love it.."

Xiaoting then smiled at the girl's answer, she then kissed her lips with a rhythm that was slow at first but then heated up.

"Ehem .." Jisung's voice made them aware that someone else was near them.

Xiaoting then faced the parents of her lover, she then bowed.

"I'm sorry.." she said.

"Ts.. come on yeobo, we need to leave them

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Sandyarmy2003 #1
Chapter 16: oh noo....poor yujin...xiaoting go find ur girl...she needs u
onlyyujinchoi #2
Chapter 15: Need to wait 1 month , i guess hmmm hope that is all well with you Authornim😉
onlyyujinchoi #3
Chapter 15: Pleasee we neeed update😩😫😭
Ujung_06 #4
Chapter 14: oh no... why is yujin suddenly like this? does it have something to do with her father? like opposing their relationship? can't wait for the next update!
Sandyarmy2003 #5
Chapter 14: oh god..poor xiaojin...I sm very curious to know why yujin has to act this way...it must be so painful to act like u don't know the person...whom u r actually on love with...will be waiting for ur next update!
Chapter 14: Well, this was not what I was expecting... What happened Yujin? God, that song was so sad. Thank you for the update!
Chapter 13: Welcome back! Thank you for the update, I loved it! I can't wait for the next chapter
narshon #8
missed this story tt
Chapter 11: Who is that boss? I need more information! I'm also curious about how baby Yujin survived and ended up in that orphanage. I'm alredy excited for your next update!
Sandyarmy2003 #10
Chapter 11: this id amazing..excited for the next update