Episode 46 - Lonely

Rollin' in the Deep

     It was a long walk home in the middle of the chilly, drizzling night. After checking Sandeul into the hospital where the nurses didn’t know how many days, weeks, or months until the treatment would work, Shinwoo stumbled over his dragging feet as he journeyed home. He was cold, hungry, exhausted… and most painfully, alone. 

     How long would it be until he would see any of his friends? Sandeul was back in the hospital, Baro was locked up, and who knew where Jinyoung could be by now? His only hope was to be reunited with the maknae after the night lit by the full moon was over. But there was a possibility that Gongchan would be too upset and embarrassed to return. Gongchan didn’t know that the audience actually enjoyed B1A4’s performance. Shinwoo remembered how concerned Gongchan was about his transformation taking place that night, and yet all the members encouraged him and said it would be okay… But it wasn’t. At least not to Gongchan. 

     It tugged at Shinwoo’s heart to think that werewolf Gongchan would change back to his normal self in the morning, realize what happened onstage, and never forgive himself, possibly never returning, and full of shame. Shinwoo gave a shaky sigh as his tears mixed with the raindrops on his cheeks, wishing and hoping that Gongchan wouldn’t be too hard on himself. Shinwoo needed at least one friend to come back.

     Climbing the steps to the apartment, Shinwoo finally arrived and unlocked the door to his home. After taking off his soaking shoes and leaving his dripping backpack at the door, he went straight to the couch and collapsed onto it. His whole body ached and was chilled to the bone. But as soon as he stopped shivering, Shinwoo slipped into a deep sleep, dreaming about Jinyoung the vampire, Sandeul the zombie, Baro the kind-hearted thief, Gongchan the werewolf, and himself as a plumber; all five members together and performing happily on stage. 

     It wasn’t long until the rain clouds cleared up and sunlight peeked through, warming Shinwoo’s sleeping body and drying him. Shinwoo’s heavy eyelids opened a crack in the blinding light, not believing what happened the day before. Just as he rubbed his eyes and thought about making breakfast to fill his growling stomach, he heard footsteps outside his door. Shinwoo looked over and saw the door handle slowly turn, which made his heart race. Realizing he forgot to lock up last night, Shinwoo leapt to his feet about to yell, looking for anything he could use for a weapon. 

     The intruder swung the door open and staggered inside, quietly as if he didn’t want to be heard. 


     As he stepped into the light, Shinwoo could see that his youngest friend had a very rough night. The freshly ironed suit Gongchan wore to the concert was now soaked through and hanging on him in shreds. The fedora Baro gave him was missing, and the one shoe that he still had was torn apart at the seams. Even though he had dark bags under his eyes from not getting any sleep, Gongchan seemed completely alert when he apologized, “Hyung… jinjja mianhae. It was my fault for ruining it all. But I couldn’t hold it back for much longer! The full moon was out, and I–”

     “Don’t worry about it,” Shinwoo managed to smile as he handed over a towel. “The performance went well.”


     “Everyone thought it was special effects,” the older one continued. “It really wasn’t your fault. Anyway, it was a pretty successful gig. We performed two and a half songs, and we should be proud of ourselves.”

     Despite those encouraging words, Gongchan hung his head in defeat as he dried himself off. “I should’ve tried harder though. I’m sure the other members are upset with me…” After a quick scan of the room, he said, “Wait, where are they? Is anyone here besides us?”

     Shinwoo shook his head, feeling the gloom return. After slumping back on the couch, Gongchan following, Shinwoo explained everything that happened and why the other three were missing. “So, it might just be the both of us for a while.”

     Gongchan’s forehead wrinkled in despair as he thought about each of his poor friends who were all alone. No friends or family members with them. Not even pets to keep them company! 

      Noting the worried trance Gongchan was in, Shinwoo patted his shoulder. “Let’s not get carried away with the ‘what ifs.’ Jinyoung and Baro said they’ll be back someday, and I’m sure Sandeul will be fully recovered in no time. Right now, I’ll get you a new outfit and some breakfast. I’m sure you’re starving.”

     “And tired,” Gongchan said before yawning. “There’s nothing more exhausting than being a werewolf.” He shuddered as the blurry memories from last night came back to haunt his mind. 

     Shinwoo found a set of warm pajamas and passed them to Gongchan with a kind smile. “Well, I’m glad you’re back. At least I don’t have to worry about one of my friends leaving. Until the next full moon anyway.”

     Gongchan gave a tired smile back, “And I’m not going anywhere until then.”

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2034 streak #1
Chapter 50: Oh, the story has ended? Wasn't expecting that. But also glad that they all got that happy ending they deserved. Anyway, I had fun reading this and maybe some day see me again in any of your other stories. Good luck for your future endeavours. Take care!

PS you didn't Mark this story as completed. Just letting you know ^^
2034 streak #2
Chapter 49: Ooh, you got me there!! For a moment I thought Sandeul is turning into a zombie again. Also, I'm glad they are having a good time with gigs and all. And if that's Jinyoung at the end, then I'm curious of why he's back. I mean if he's back for good? Anyway, will be eagerly waiting for the next update ^^
2034 streak #3
Chapter 48: Sandeul is permanently cured? He really won't turn into a zombie again? Wonder how they managed to do that. Also, how did Sandeul know where Jinyoung and Baro was or up to? Wasn't he a zombie already when those decided to do what they did? Anyway, Gongchan and Shinwoo having fun at the grocery store was cute. But them spilling out the entire orange bin, did they face any repercussions? I'm curious of that. Can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon ^^
2034 streak #4
Chapter 47: Oh no no... What's wrong? That cliffhanger is illegal. Anyway, I'm kinda glad that Shinwoo and Gongchan had each other in times like these. Can't wait to see how things would go further. And now that I've caught up with all the chapters, I'll be eagerly waiting for the next update ^^
2034 streak #5
Chapter 46: Aww poor Shinwoo! But at least Gongchan is with him. I mean they are there for each other. Anyway, can't wait to see how this develops further. Will be back later to do so ^^
2034 streak #6
Chapter 45: That was the hospital where he's getting treatment? And I wonder what Baro did this time. Also, where's Gongchan and what he's up to? Can't wait to see how this develops further. Will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #7
Chapter 44: Sandeul chewing on things, I mean other people's arms/shoulders and even his own hands is kinda funny. And I get where Jinyoung is coming from. Just hope there might be another way to handle this situation. Anyway, can't wait to see how things would develop herein. But will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #8
Chapter 43: Oops, it did turn out like that in the end? At least the organiser took it as a special event and it's ready to do any future recommendations. That's a good thing right? Also I'm curious, was Sandeul biting on Shinwoo all the while they were talking to that manager? If so, what did she think about that? Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #9
Chapter 42: Ah, I thought I had caught up with all the chapters and was waiting for an update. My bad! Anyway, I'm glad that their planned performance went without any hitch and the crowd seemed to be enjoying their music as well. But they are gonna extend their performance now? I mean the members are all not in their best condition. So it's kinda making me anxious. Hope, that would go smoothly as well. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2034 streak #10
Chapter 41: It was nice to see what each of them felt while waiting for their performance to begin. But since it is just starting, my anxiety is still over the roof, wondering about everything that could go wrong. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^