
Sincerely, from Me to You
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After finished the agreement earlier, he went straight to room 301 where his wife had been warded. Thanks to his long legs, less than thirty second, he arrived in front of the room. Slowly slide the front door to open, he peer inside the room and saw his wife is still asleep on the hospital bed. He steps in and slowly close back the door.

He sit on the chair next to his wife's bed. He look at her calm face. Still look so pale like before, her shining eyes is still closing, there's no smile on her beautiful lips. Her lips are blue as well. He tried not to let out his tears out again. Not in front of her. He can't let her see how weak and miserable he is when it comes to her. Slowly, he takes her left hand and grab it warmly. All he can do now is pray. Her hand cold, her whole body still stiff. He kiss her hand and place it to his cheek. Suddenly, her left hand moves slowly and automatically his eyes glance to her face.

"Namjoo?" he called her name two or three more times before finally his wife open her eyes. She stare up in the ceiling before she turns her face toward him.

"Se...Sehun?" her voice still tremble and weak.

He stood up a little bit from his chair to hug his wife. His tears can't stand to hold anymore and slide down his cheek again. He put his face into her hair. Then, he withdrew back and sit again on the chair. His hand still wrapped safely around her small hand while other hand caressed her hair softly.

"I'm sorry,''s all my fault. I do want to tell you about my disease, but...but I can't." he saw her tears slowly slide down on her cheek.

"Why? Why you can't tell me? I'm your husband. I can't just let you go through all this alone. Me, you have me by your side, okay?" his voice shaking.

"It's just that, I don't want to make you worry about me. I don't want to be a burden for you...and...and I don't want to see you become like this...crying for me..." she caressed softly his cheek to wipe out the tears.

His tears slide down more faster this time. He bow down his head to the floor to hide all the tears. Why? Why all this had to happen to them? Can't they just live happily as a husband and wife? Why? He really can't accept all this fact.

"Sehun...look at me, please? Hmm...?"

He wipe out his tears before slowly held up his head to look at her calm face again. She really didn't seem to bother. Like there's nothing happen right now. Her tears all had gone. It's surprised him. She held up her left hand to touch his side face. She smiled. He didn't understand, how come she can still let out a smile in her condition?

"Can you promise me something?"

He just wait for her to finish her sentences, didn't respond. He's not sure if he can fulfill or promise all things that she wants this time.

"When that time will come for me to go, or if I can't hold this disease anymore longer, can you promise me to stay alive? Live happily like we always do together. If you feels alone, I'm giving my permission for you to find someone that can make you happy again, that can make you smile again when I can't do that later. Even if I'm not able to be around with you anymore, I still wants you to be happy. Can you promise me that?"

"Wha...what are you talking about? You don't have to go anywhere. You will stay with me forever. I'm sure, once you get your treatment, you will be healthy again, like before. Please, Namjoo, don't speak nonsense. I don't want to hear it, and for sure I will not ever wants to replace you with anybody. No one can replace you from my heart, for sure. Please, don't do this to me..." Again, the tears rushed falling out on the floor.

"I just want you to be happy, Sehun. That's all what I wants. If God had planned like this, like or not, I have to accept this. Please, Sehun...can you promise that to me?" she asked again in her slow voices.

He didn't have any more choices. He just nod slow unwillingly. He didn't say promise or okay. He just can't. His heart said can't. She wants him to be happy? Without her in his life? It's not going to happen at all because she's the happiness for him. His light. His whole things is only her. His mind can't accept yet all this cruel fact. He just can't.



And just like that, two weeks had passed. In that time, he always been by her side to accompany her through her Chemotherapy treatment. He had told his boss about their situation, gratefully his boss really understand both them and gave as much time as he wants to take care of his wife. Obviously, it's too early for him to bring her home. She had to be monitored by the doctor from time to time.

In one fine evening, he took Namjoo to stroll out around the hospital. When he found some suitable place to sit, he stopped her wheelchair slowly and sit next to her on a long wooden bench. Yes, Namjoo had been told to use wheelchair instead her own legs because it seems like her legs cannot support well her whole body anymore. He remembered when there's one time, she got so many purple bruised on her body because at first, she declined to use the wheelchair. It's because of the disease. She can easily got bruised or bleeding when her body accidentally hit something sharp or whatever kind of shape. That incident happened when he went back into her room from buying some bread and fruits for her, suddenly he found her on the floor.

"Namjoo!!!" he shouted and went down straight to her with all the things that he had bought scattered on the floor. He saw some new purple bruised formed on her right knee.

"What you're trying to do? I told you not to do anything by yourself. You have to wait for me. Now look, you've got new bruised again. Can't you just sit on your bed?" he heard she giggled small and he glanced towards her to see her face, "What? Did you find this funny? I'm serious, okay?"

"Yeah, it's so funny for me. You really have to look at your own face. It's makes my ribs somehow crushed from inside for laughing for you." he managed to let out a small smile.

"I just want to open the curtain more, so I can clearly see the beautiful sky outside, don't have to always worry about this bruised. You know right, I can easily got bruised, so it's somehow becomes normal for me. You don't have to worry again, okay?" she touched his chin warmly. It's obviously makes his heart went fast. He just smiled and lifted her up to place her on her bed again.



His mind went back and shifted his body to face his wife. He take the knitted blanket on her lap and wrapped it around her body, so that she will not feels cold or shivering.

"Thank you, Sehun." he lifted his head to see that shining eyes and warm smile. Spontaneously, he hug her small body and put in his arms securely. He felt her small hands pattered his back.

"I love you. I will always be by your side. I will not let you go anywhere, without me." he whispered into her ear. Namjoo let out a small breath before she break their hugs. Hold his both arms firmly, she look directly into his eyes.

"I love you too, Sehun. Always and forever. Remember that." she smiled warmly before she lean forward to his face and placed a soft yet warm kiss into his lips. He felt some butterflies in his stomach. He respond to her kiss and open his mouth again to taste her smooth lips. Her lips now is more blue and pale. He didn't care about it because the only important thing right now is she's still and will always be with him forever. He just want Namjoo by his side. That's all. Withdrew the kisses and then, both them grinned and giggled happily. 



"Can you be fine if I left you alone for a while? Just a moment, I need to get you some fresh fruits. Can you promise me not to do anything?" Sehun asked Namjoo while slowly getting up from his chair beside his wife's bed.

"Yeah, sure. I will be fine, don't worry too much about me. I'm not a kid anymore, you know." she grinned prettily to him. 

"I know that also." he pat softly her head while smile warmly toward his wife. "Wait for me, I will be back." he pecked her forehead and walks to the door. He glance one more time to Namjoo and wave his hand. She wave back and smile nodding to him.

After he found a nearby supermarket with the hospital, he went straight to the fruit store. He decided to grab some watermelon and honeydew. Without wasting times, he lined up to pay for the fruits. While waiting one customer infront of him to finish his items, his mind suddenly fly back and reminisced about what Namjoo had told him in yesterday morning.

"Sehun, do you love me?"

He stared into her face for a while and his eyebrows went up a little. "Why do you asking me like that? I bet you already know my answer, isn't it?"

"Just...I want to hear you said that again. Even...yeah I know before this, you already told me that many, back to my question again, do you love me? Like really really love me?" her big shining eyes stared back into his eyes. He can clearly see his own reflection in her beautiful brown eyes.

"Of course. I do and will always love you. I really really love you, Namjoo. Forever." he answered confidently while looking directly into her eyes. He wants her to know and acknowledge how deep and honest his feelings for her since they started dating and until now, they already married. She will be the only one woman in his heart. He will never can replaced her. She got a special place in his heart that nobody can't stir and touch it.

She wake up slowly from her bed with his help and went straight toward him to pull him into a hug. She placed her head on his broad shoulder and slipped her arms around his body. He didn't want anything. He just want his wife to always be by his side. That's all the matter for him. He hug her back tightly and put his face into her silky hair. 

"Thank you, Sehun. I love you..."

His heart melt instantly from hearing that words come out from and  enter directly into his ear. He closed his eyes to enjoy this peaceful moment between them, but suddenly he heard Namjoo spoked in a quiet way near his ear.

"I've got you some gift."

Automatically he slowly released their warm hug and asked, "Gift? What gift? Can I have that"gift" now? Please...?" he said with his buggy eyes and pleading like a small kid asking his mother for a candy.

"Nope, not now. Later, ok?" she caressed softly his cheek and give a small peck into it. Sehun just sighed and made face to his wife to show that he slightly sulking with her. 

"Sir? Sir? Did you hear me?" the guy cashier asked while he slightly wave his hand toward Sehun's face. Automatically, he jump up a little bit surprised.

"Oh...again? What did you ask?"

"Sir, you can move forward and place your items here." the cashier led his hands to show the place that he had mention.

Sehun slightly bow and he move one step to the front and put the watermelon and honeydew that he got. After he's done with the payment, he rushed out from the supermarket and glance to his left wrist to check out the time. It's about 15 minutes had passed. He went straight to his car and drive back to the hospital.

Thanks to his long legs, he arrived at his wife's room within five minutes. He open slowly the door with, "Namjoo! I'm back..." his voice dropped one tone low when he see his wife is asleep on the bed. He closed back the door and walks slowly toward his wife. He put the plastic bag on the table and make himself comfortable on the chair beside the bed.

He stare her pale face for a moment and smile thin appear on his lips. She looks so calm. It's somehow make him feels warm just by looking her sleep figure. He caressed softly her hair and get up from his chair. He kiss her forehead for a while. He didn't have any intention to wake her up when he hear, "Sehun...?" he step back and see that Namjoo slowly open her eyes. She looks directly into his eyes with a beautiful smile, "You're back?" 

His heart pitter patter and he sit down back into his chair. He touch her left-sided cheek and smile back to her, "Yeah, I'm back..." she giggled happily. "Look, what I got for you. It's your favourite!" he narrowed his eyes to the table and her eyes follow to see. He took out the fruits and show it to her. He saw her eyes shining. Sehun laugh amused with her look. 

"'s definitely my favourite. Looks delicious..."

"You want to eat this now?"

"Hmm! I want to eat that now." she nodded cutely to him. He grin and touch her side face. "Wait here, I will come back." Namjoo nodded small. He get up from his chair to search for the knife

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Chapter 3: Actually this is a great starter and I couldn't wait to witness how strong their loves is. As we know, cancer is a terminally ill disease which at certain conditions/stage.. it can't be treated and the medical team will provide high quality life - only treat the pain and control the cancer cells from spreading via chemotherapy/radiotherapy.

I think this will test how deep their love towards each others. Emotional support is the important elements here and I hope there's a scene whereby sehun provides emotional support to her.