Chapter Sixteen

The Walk Back Home

Author’s Note: This story is set in an alternate universe, in an imaginary town and country, and during an ambiguous time period.


“Are you coming to the after party?” Jaejoong asked him, sliding up next to him at the food table.


Pouring his drink, he looked over at him and gave him a shrug. 


Giving him a look over, Yunho took a sip of his punch. “Nice outfit.”


“Is that mockery I spy?”


Yunho bit his tongue from saying what was on his heart: “That’s more Jaehyun's speed.”


Shaking his head, he swallowed his punch. “Of course not.”


Jaejoong flushed. Scratching his sideburn he muttered, “Thanks, and, aah, back at ya.”


“Why the stutter?”


“What stutter?”


And Yunho started laughing. “I’m only playing. But, yeah, I feel like a clown.”


“Where’s the clown wig?”


Yunho simply stared at him. “Haha.”


“At least you look like a handsome clown.”


Yunho swore he almost choked on his drink. He tried to calm down by telling himself that Jaejoong didn’t understand the gravity of half of what came out of his mouth.


Aki saved Yunho from having to say anything.


“Jaejoong, hey, come dance with me!” Aki said, wrapping her toned arms around Jaejoong’s arm. She saw Yunho and smiled at him, white teeth contrasting against her shimmering red lips. 


“Yunho, hey, you look so nice.” She slipped around Jaejoong and stood next to him, her grip on his arm not relenting. Jaejoong was frozen.


“Thanks. You too.”


Yunho wondered if he should help.


“Aww, thank you!” She said, giving her dress a quick glance, as if checking to make sure she was in fact wearing a nice outfit. 


Aki was in formal makeup and dress. She looked like a fairy in her shimmering lavender, off-shoulder tulle floor length gown. She truly was a pretty girl. Yunho could see why Jaejoong was in this ‘complicated thing’ with her. She looked so fragile that any cross word would have her disintegrate into shimmering dust. 


Yunho didn't want Jaejoong to hurt or use her, however, but he could see where all the reluctance lay.


Yunho gave Jaejoong a questioning look. He averted his gaze and tried to gently pry Aki off.


Tucking curly, scintillating tresses behind her ear, she said in a high pitched voice, “So, what were you talking about?”


“Nothing much,” Jaejoong retorted, sounding short. 


Yunho said in unison with him, “The after party.”


Aki’s eyes lit up even more, if that was possible. She silently cheered, pumping up a dainty fist. “So excited.” And she asked with zeal, “Are you going? Jaejoong throws the best parties.”


“Wow.” The boys made eye contact. “Now I must go.”


“You’re coming?” Jaejoong said, brightening up. He finally released Aki’s fingers on his arms.


“Maybe,” he quickly said, taking a sip of his drink. 


“It'll be fun.” Aki winked.


The song that was playing came to an end and a new song started. Aki screamed in excitement. "I love this song."


Both boys knew what was next. Yunho gave Jaejoong a look of pity, but it was his fault that he refused to cut her off—and that would be for the good of both of them. 


Yunho saw his exit, however, and he seized it. Smiling at the two he said, “I’ll see you two kids on the dance floor.”


Just then, in an elated tone, Aki said, “Jaejoong, dance with me.”


There was no way out of it. Yunho waved at them as they parted ways.





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The story is almost over! I’m so sad bc this was my slice of leave and now I’m going back into hiding bc I’m going through a two years long writer’s block🥹🥹🥹


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Reader00071 #1
Chapter 27: I loved the story, it was interesting.
Reader00071 #2
Chapter 22: It must be so difficult to have feelings for a friend, the friendship can never go back to it’s initial state if both friends don’t have the same feelings.
Reader00071 #3
Chapter 15: Your story is so good, i cant put it down. I love how the injured friendship is slowly healing, I love how YH stands his ground sand doesn’t let JJ totally manipulate him. Thumbs up to you, very good story.
Reader00071 #4
Chapter 9: YH is too easy, I would have never trusted a traitor friend. JJ could have just manipulated you right now. I hope JJ has really changed.
Reader00071 #5
Chapter 8: This is getting more and more interesting as the story evolves. Great writing dear author.
Reader00071 #6
Chapter 3: Wow, love this high school drama, poor YH he hates everything yet I think deep down he likes everything.
Reader00071 #7
Chapter 1: Poor teenager YH, growing pains. The story is quite interesting so far.
leanonme #8
Chapter 27: This is super cute, their dynamic is to die for! Thank you for sharing this story ❤️ truly warms my heart !
Brownsugar40 #9
Chapter 27: I loved this story
NinePlusOne #10
Chapter 27: Thanks for returning to Yunjae even for a bit! It was a fun read!