The Poisonous Betrothal
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It’s been a week since I’ve failed to find myself a fiancé. 

It’s hard to find a young lord throughout 12 districts, and it’s especially harder when you have a specific criteria for that person to fit in. 

I need to find a house that stands neutral in the royal succession war. But I don’t have my own spies, and I have no knowledge in whoever’s standing on who’s side. 

I can’t just randomly pick a guy from - district 8, per se, and assume he isn’t supporting anyone. I need to ensure the man is a safe fiancé choice, before convincing him to form an engagement with me.

But time is running out, and I have barely three weeks until the King announces his recruitment. 

I have been getting fairly on edge recently, and I think my mother notices it. Well, my sister definitely does, because she keeps on asking if I need any sanitary products. 

Chances are getting fairly dim, but tonight, I’ll have a tint of hope coming in. 

The Crown Prince has held a mini-banquet for the young lords and ladies to join. He named it the ball for the younger generations, but I feel like it’s just held for him to observe the dynamics between districts.

Well, while everyone is testing their waters, I will try my best and find a fiancé at the ball tonight. 

My sister isn’t invited, since she hasn’t passed her adult ceremony yet. But I won’t be alone. 

I’ll be squeezed between ice and wind. 


The sentinels swing open large arch French doors, and I step into a room of sparkles. 

The ballroom is two-storeys high. The coffered ceiling is vaulted with diamond-patterned panels and moulded by golden hand-painted details. Hanging from the ceiling are four large prism chandeliers that shimmered against the glasses. Columns of white stucco marble and pillars support the room. The hall is decorated in white and gold, with red wall panels and gilded mouldings. 

I am faced with the same 12 colours, however, young lords and ladies tend to experiment with the shades, giving a more diverse combination of colours. 

Hayoung and Krystal were the first ones to notice my presence. Hayoung, as the daughter of House Ventus, appears in an ivory white chiffon gown, featuring an embellished tulle bodice that shimmers with light-catching crystals, sequins and beads before falling to floaty chiffon skirt. 

Since her colour is white, Krystal and I often that she has to wear bridal gowns all the time. On the other hand, Krystal of House Glacies is presented in a ruffled off-shoulder tulle gown with fitted waistline. Her cyan dazzling gown is crafted in layers of tulle with glitter detailing for a cloud-like look. 

I travel across the ballroom to meet their smiles. 

Unlike the traditional emerald green from Winter Solstice, my own dress is a sage green caped gown, featuring crystal embellishment on the cape that drapes over the sleeveless feature. The crystals are embroidered into tendrils of leafy and petal-like patterns that represent my element. 

We clink our wine glasses with large smiles on our faces. 

“Unnie, have you tried the food? The capitol is surely talented in making the food we send them into luxurious dishes - they are delicious.” Hayoung said. 

“She ate 10 plates already.” Krystal said calmly, earning a glare from Hayoung.

I have never been so glad that I am surrounded by my two best friends. I’ve went through a horrid week, from seeing of my family’s death to trying to find a fiancé. Just seconds within meeting them has already swept all my worries to the back of my mind. 

“I guess I’ll have to try some before Hayoung finishes all then.” I wink.

While we took sips and bites, some figures from other districts approached us. We nod back and barely engage them in a full conversation. All three of us weren’t really socialites, and we only socialise when we need to. 

“Thank god I’ve got you guys here with me. I wouldn’t know how to get through all the fake smiles and greetings.” Hayoung muttered. 

I agree. It feels so comfortable to smile and giggle with my two friends. I wish we could ignore all the ingratiating smiles and forced conversations. I wish I could ignore my own worries too. 

The arched doors opened again, and a family dressed in silver appeared. When Kang Minhyuk appears at the front of his two siblings, I directed my eyes elsewhere, hoping others won’t catch the murderous glare on my eyes. Instead, I directed a smile at Seulgi, who returned a forced curl in her draped-sleeved gown. She always seemed to be intimidated by her two older brothers, and I wonder if there’s some weird family dynamic in that house. 

Glancing at my smile, Hayoung seems to have gotten the wrong idea. “Oh! Here’s your betrothed! We’ll leave you guys alone.” She raised a teasing grin as she pulled Krystal away from me. 

It took me a millisecond to keep my face still. “He’s not my betrothed.” I answer simply.

Krystal raises her brows, while Hayoung opens . “What?” 

Kang Minhyuk drifts past us. I don’t care if he’s planning to ignore me, but I’m not going to let him slide. 

“Viscount Kang.” I nod in greetings as he walks past, forcing him to direct his gaze towards us. He’s not a high lord yet, so his title is slightly lower than his father. 

I feel Krystal and Hayoung’s questioned gazes on us, as he nodded stiffly. He was about to turn away from us, until a certain voice interrupts the awkward exchange.

“Lady Son?” We direct our gazes to a lady dressed in regal dove blue. Her gown features sequin embellishment all over with a draped sleeve silhouette.

She is Bae Suzy of district 2. A certain lady that… isn’t really favourable in my opinion. 

“Lady Bae.” I nod politely. 

She takes account of my two friends and nods with a smile that looks too fake in my opinion. “Lady Jung and Lady Oh.” Her eagle eyes scans past us. “Oh! And Viscount Kang as well!” She smirks. “It looks like a good time for an engaged couple to chat, huh.”

Kang Minhyuk barked out an awkward chuckle. “We’re not betrothed anymore, Lady Bae.”

Bae Suzy raised her brows. 

“I-Its been cancelled.” Kang Minhyuk forced a smile. I really like how uncomfortable he looks.

I’m sure Bae Suzy has already heard the news, because her brows rose to a dramatic height and widened into a perfect circle. 

“Really? Oh my, I’m sorry.” Bae Suzy exclaimed loudly, earning the attention of half of the ballroom. “You two look great together though! Who cancelled it?”  

The ballroom dies to a deafening silence. I know Bae Suzy is making a scene out of this. She wants to embarrass me. 

But I’m not the one to be embarrassed — this viscount that stands opposite me is the one who created this whole mess. 

I take a casual sip from my own wine glass as I watch Kang Minhyuk force a smile. “U-Uh, well I cancelled it, Lady Bae.” 

He chuckled awkwardly. “I thought that Lady Son and I didn’t really match.”

“Is that why you were strolling in the capitol with another woman?” Another high-pitched voice echoed across the ballroom. 

The crowd gasps, and now almost all of the figures from the ballroom has directed their attention towards us. 

I recognise that voice — the friend of Lady Bae. 

Krystal, Hayoung and I both force down the annoyance in our gazes, as we turned to the golden lady. She appeared in a strappy scoop neck column evening gown adorned with thousands of light-catching sequins and beading in gold shade. 

We all curtsied. “Your grace.” 

Hwang Yeji, the Duchess of Electricon - also the Queen’s niece and the Crown Prince’s cousin. 

Kang Minhyuk is now full-on flustered. He widened his eyes. “N-No, your grace! I-”

Lady Bae took a step forward and clenched my hand. “Aww… I feel so, so sorry for you, Lady Son. Can’t believe your betrothed did you dirty!” Her voice was a speaker that blasted to every corners of the room. 

Hayoung wanted to open , and before I sent her a look, Krystal already held her back. As much as Hayoung wants to argue in my favour, Bae Suzy is not someone we could mess with. Not only that she is the friend of the Duchess, but she is also a lady of District 2 - she manipulates water. Her house is also highly favoured by the King and she herself could drown us all with one single flick of her finger. 

I tried my best to refrain from rolling my eyes. She has done a really good job in creating a scene. 

Instead, I raise a perfect curl on my lips and nodded without a word. 

Kang Minhyuk just remained flabbergasted.

Bae Suzy continues before he could utter a single word. “Lady Son… I am very sorry for that.” She raised a taunting sneer. “Next time, if you have anyone interested, maybe check on your face and change the style of yours.” 

She smirked. “You see, well… men like wilder girls.”

She turned towards the golden duchess, which also had a curl on her lips. “Maybe you could take reference from our Duchess, who knows exactly what to do to keep your man safe in your pocket.”

I know Hayoung is on the verge of bursting, because I feel her glare from the corners of my eyes. Krystal has her hands slipped around Hayoung’s, preventing her outburst, but the icy gaze from her eyes tells me that she is as furious as our windy friend. 

At times like this, it’s important to stay calm and composed. As much as I want to punch both the aqua and electricon in the face, I know they are not people I could mess with.

My family and my house’s safety comes first. 

I lower myself into a curtsy at the golden figure. “Of course. It would be a great privilege and honour to learn from the Duchess.”

The Duchess merely returns a smile that looked like a challenging smirk, as she nodded back at my curtsy. Meanwhile, knowing that she hasn’t triggered any outburst from me, Lady Bae faked a smile and left with a flicker of her hair. 

With the exit of two powerful ladies, the crowd’s attention dispersed as the ballroom returned to a lively blend of voices. 

“Excuse me? What’s up with her?” Hayoung swore under her breath. The glare on her eyes could shoot holes on Lady Bae’s back. She was about to raise an arm from her side, probably to cast a thunderous gush of wind, before Krystal pulls her back again with a frighteningly cold touch. 

“She’s district 2. We can’t piss her off.” Krystal says so, but her glare remains on Lady Bae’s silhouette as well, threatening to freeze her into ice at any second. 

Hayoung was about to protest when I realise there’s still a man in front of us. 

Kang Minhyuk’s cheeks has bursted into flames as he found himself embarrassed by the two ladies. He was about to leave but again, I’m not going to let him slide off easily. 

“Viscount.” He shoots me a glance of annoyance. Ah, I am finally seeing his true self - his real personality that had been hidden when he was betrothed to me. 

“Even if I was with a girl, it’s none of your business anymore, Lady Son.” He scorned. 

Krystal and Hayoung widened their eyes, but I continued my speech. 

“No, I’m not interested in your private life.” I remain calmly. 

“What I wanted to say is that a week ago, my family only received the cancellation of our betrothal from a messenger. Do you think it would be more appropriate if you could’ve went up to my family and cancel it by yourself, and not have a messenger do it on your behalf?” I wasn’t loud, but my voice was clear. 

At least, clear enough for the people around us to hear. 

Kang Minhyuk shrank further into his own robe. “Fine. I’ll give you an apology - I’m sorry that our betrothal is over.” He spat. “That’s the words you wanted to hear, right?” 

“Well our family deals are still going on, so I don’t see any problem with that!” He hissed then walked away with a fuming face. 

Hayoung and Krystal looked absolutely furious, but I raised my lips into a proud curl. Serves him right for cancelling the betrothal. Because of him, I will be forced to become the Prince’s wife. Lady Bae and the Duchess were annoying, rubbing the embarrassment in my face, but that man was worst. Because of him, my whole family will be murdered. 

Just embarrassing him here in the ballroom is not even enough to compensate for my loss. 

“Oh my gosh, Naeun. They are absolutely ridiculous - three of them!” Hayoung exclaimed. “First of all - water and electricity - that combination . They both just wanted to embarrass you in front of the crowd. I’m sure Suzy was just salty that you ranked 1st in the annual Ms. Elantris beauty ranking last month.”

I frown. “What?”

“It’s the annual beauty ranking by the capitol’s best selling newspaper! You didn’t know?”

I really didn’t know. Why would I care about beauty rankings when my whole life is in danger?

“And that dude over there? He cancelled your betrothal through a messenger? What the hell is wrong with him?” Hayoung’s voice was getting dangerously loud.

“Language.” I remind her. 

“The next time I see him I’ll get him swirling in a tornado.” Hayoung muttered. 

“The next time something happens, we’ll act it up for you. You don’t have to hold everything by yourself.” Krystal turns to me with a warm smile. 

I feel the warmth rising up against my chest, and I have the sudden urge to just blurt out everything to them. 

Everything - From my visions to my death and the annihilation of my house. The way I need to find a fiancé but I don’t know where and how to start, the way I might die one year later, and the way I’ve always been placing my family first for my whole life. 

But I know, I can’t tell them these things. I don’t want them to be dragged into my mess. If I was going to die, I hope they would be safe when Prince Myungsoo takes the throne. I might be able to warn them in advance when the time comes, but I can’t tell them about my visions and my fiancé. It’s too dangerous for them to know my secrets. They could be used by my enemies. 

“I’m fine, don’t worry.” I smile. “Douchebags and loudmouths aren’t worth our time.” I lowered my voice and took another sip of wine. 

Krystal smiled. “I knew you were always stronger than this.”

We share a bright grin. 

“Cheers.” Krystal raised her glass. 

“Yea! Cheers to getting rid of a douchebag as your future husband! Good thing he wasn’t.” Hayoung added. 

They are both important people I have. When I have found myself a fiancé, I have to ensure that they are safe too. I’ll make sure that they will also be unscathed in this succession war. 

I have two extra friends to protect. 


Instead of focusing on Bae Suzy and Kang Minhyuk, I have better things to focus on.

I scan through the flock of colours, observing the dynamics between houses, and wondering if any young lords are safe to marry.

It’s hard to spot who stands on Prince Kai’s side and who doesn’t.

I don’t have spies of my own, and I don’t know the darkest political deals between the districts.

But tonight is a wonderful chance for me to find a possible candidate of my fiancé, and I know, if I don’t seize this opportunity, my chances would be low, and soon, my family and I will die.

A screech of trumpets pierce through my thoughts.

The gilded arch doors swing open, and the main protagonists of the banquet appear.

The first to appear was the Crown Prince, who appears in a red military uniform, with a golden sash and badges adorned on his chest. Then, it was the eldest Prince and his sister, whom also appeared in red. Without hesitation, I squirm closer to Krystal when I see the murderer’s expressionless face. His presence only reminds me of the nightmare vision I had. I could still hear his venomous whisper against my ears. Krystal raised her brows silently, wondering what’s wrong.

I force back a smile to her.

Instead of looking at my family’s murderer, I focus on the Princess instead. She wears a strapless evening gown crafted in sparkly tulle, featuring a dramatic bow on the bodice and adorned with hundreds of sparkly beads and sequins.

Something a Princess would wear indeed.

We all curtsy at the royal siblings, until two men emerged at the end of the grand entrance.

Oh Sehun, the recently appointed High Lord of District 5, wore an ivory white suit featuring a tint of crystals and sequins that resembled his sister’s gown. His entrance with Prince Kai was no surprise to the crowd, since he is one of the closest friends of the Crown Prince.

However, someone unexpected appeared.

The Marquis entered with an ebony tunic suit in an ombre of manganese violet and blackberry purple. His cape, detailed with crystal beads and rhinestones, swayed as he strolled into the golden ballroom. The dozens of ladies shot admirable glances at the Marquis as he walks past. Though the lord of district 12 is higher ranked than the other 11 districts, it is surprising that the Crown Prince has chosen him to enter the ball alongside the royal family.

Clearly, I’m not the only one surprised, as I find widened eyes and raised brows all over the court.

The crowd was quick to conceal their astonishment as the Crown Prince cleared his throat and began his speech. He gestured towards his half-siblings and his childhood friend, then he introduced the Marquis as his advisor. It looked like the King has appointed the Marquis to work for both his majesty and the successor of the crown.

Only I know that Prince Kai will not succeed in the royal battle.

He will die under the hands of Prince Myungsoo.

With the fall of the Crown Prince, I wonder where will his supporters go - including Lord Oh Sehun and the Marquis. The mind-controlling lord might be able to get away from Prince Myungsoo, but the Oh’s might get caught by the murderous Prince.

I make a mental note to take care of Hayoung and her family, once I’ve found my fiancé.

The Prince continues his speech. It was a short one, as he addressed us as the younger generations of Elantris, and his future companions when he rules the kingdom.

After the Prince’s speech, we clapped our hands into a polite applause. But before the crowd disperses, the Princess raises her lips into a purposeful smile. “My brother has kindly held this ball for the sake of our future Kingdom.” She linked her arms with her half-brother. “Please enjoy yourselves tonight.”

We nod politely as I shot a glance at Princess Jennie’s closer-related brother, who stands an arm away from his siblings and remained expressionless. It’s funny how the Princess seemed more clingy towards his half-brother rather than her full. I couldn’t help but to linger my gaze on the royal family, wondering the secrets behind them.

But instead of the Princess, the crowd seems to be focused on someone else.

I hear a scoff from Hayoung. “The Marquis is handsome, but he’s really extraordinary. It’s already a hard job to gain the trust of the King - now, he even works for the King’s son.”

Krystal narrowed her eyes. “That lord is not someone to be messed with.”

I filter out their conversation naturally, as I stare back to the crowd and scan for my possible fiancé candidates.

I mutter lowly. “Do you guys know which houses voiced their support for the Crown Prince?”

I need to eliminate those houses first.

I am not going to become the wife of the losing Prince, let alone siding with him.

“Well, district 1, for sure.” Hayoung answered. Of course the Queen’s family was a given.

“District 3 seemed to have a friendly relationship with the Prince.” Hayoung continued, as we shoot our glances to the three orange siblings who were engaged in a smiling conversation with the Crown Prince.

I thought of the favour that Lady Choi owes me, wondering if I should strike a betrothal with her family. Honestly speaking, her younger brother Choi Minho looks handsome.

“House Ignia had been loyal servants to the King for years, it’s a given that they will stand by the wills of the King and support his favoured son.” Krystal answered.

Well, that means I can’t get my hands on Choi Minho then. When Prince Myungsoo gets his throne, he’ll definitely annihilate House Ignia first. What a shame.

“There’s also my brother, who’s definitely gonna support the Crown Prince…” Hayoung trailed off and took her gaze throughout the crowd, but Krystal turned towards me.

“Why are you asking this?”

“It’s nothing.” I took a sip from my glass to calm my raging heartbeat. “I was just curious.”

I’m starting to feel a sense of dread in my stomach. Hayoung has already named three districts that I cannot betrothed myself with. I’m left with less than half of the 12 districts, and not even all of them have young lords available for me to engage myself with.

I gulped down another glass of wine. I don’t want to die. I don’t want to become the Princess consort. I don’t want my family to be executed.




Lords and ladies almost line up to catch a conversation with the Crown Prince. It’s a gesture of politeness, of course, since he was the one who held the banquet. 

I pay attention to the colours of suits and gowns as they approach the Prince with fawning smiles. Pink: District 8, Orange: District 3, Indigo and graphite: District 11. 

Usually I can just stand by the side while lords and ladies place their attention on Prince Kai, but the blue lady in front of us kept on shooting glances towards my way, to the point where I feel a sense of annoyance in my chest. Of course, I show none of my personal emotions throughout the encounter, though when she drifts off to the crowd, I could

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HELLOOOO!!! NEW CHAP IS UP!!! Sorry for making everyone wait so long and I just realised it's been almost A YEAR? 😭 I'm extremely sorry -- hope this new chap will make up for it and I promise I won't make you guys wait too long next time!!!


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changjo95 0 points #1
Chapter 25: This is so good please update soon ( don’t keep us waiting for so long ) thank you for your hard work 😊
6v6_francella #2
Chapter 25: Chapter 25: Oh, and god, did this Taemin make me blush and giggle! <3
6v6_francella #3
Chapter 25: Chapter 25: Wah...Chapter 25 on May 25th! Lol, jokes aside, I LOVE how this chapter ties so many loose ends and creates such a strong foundation for the . I have fallen in love with both your writing and how Naeun seems so oblivious to how much she adores him. You've written the female protagonist so well tho - she's so strong and smart, and uh! perfect....💖
Chapter 25: Thank you author nim, love your update <3 hope taemin and naeun can make up soon :"(
samz02 #5
Chapter 25: authornim welcome baaaaack 😭🥹 planning to re-read the story because I have a goldfish memory and forget easily lol, thank you for updating and looking forward to what’s to come!
Chapter 25: FINNALLY 😭😭😭😭
Chapter 25: OMG FINALLY AN UPDATE😭😭😭😭😭
Thankyou so much authornim, anyway Happy SHINee Day✨💎
Pingkans15 #8
Chapter 25: Thank you for updating🥰
Happy SHINee Day
changjo95 #9
Chapter 24: This story is so good please update it soon
Pingkans15 #10
Chapter 7: love the story, hope for the new chapter.