Summer Gives Me Butterflies

Wanted: Bedspacer
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The electricity came back on shortly after we finished talking last night, so we said our good night and went back to our rooms to rest because we still had work to do tomorrow. In the morning, I went through my daily routine before going downstairs, and as usual, Summer would sit on the first step of the stairs and wait for me to come down. She has her milk bottle in  but when she saw me coming down the stairs, she threw it down and raised her hand for me to pick her up, which I immediately did.


She giggled cutely, wrapped her tiny arms around my neck, and kissed me on the cheeks. The gesture made my heart flutter, and I couldn't help but smile at her.


"Good mowning, Tita Wina," She greeted me and smothered my face with kisses while greeting. I squealed with delight as I carried her into the kitchen where I knew Winter would typically be. She would constantly advise me to eat something before I leave for work and would throw daggers if I refuse.


Akala mo naman nakakatakot siya.


We entered the kitchen, and I was correct in assuming that Winter was cooking with her back to us while wearing an apron. Summer wiggles her legs as I set her down on the countertop. I gave her a nice nose poke and turned to face Winter, who was not aware of our presence.


"What are you making?" I asked. Finally, she turned around and saw us and gave us a small smile.


"Pancakes and hotdogs lang. Matatapos na 'to. Umupo ka na muna," she said, taking two plates and Summer's bowl with her. I picked up Summer and carried her to the dining room table where I sat her in her highchair beside me. After a short while, she placed Summer's bowl on her highchair and a plate in front of me.


"When are you going to work?" I asked as Winter sat across from me. She took Summer's small spoon and assisted the child in eating her porridge. I poured maple syrup over my pancake and topped it with whipped cream.


"Pag gising ni Gigi. Tulog pa eh," She replied while wiping the leftovers from Summer's mouth with her hanky. Oh, right. She's on leave pala today.


"Is it yummy, my love?" Winter asked sweetly, and Summer quickly nodded and smiled at her Tita. I couldn't help but smile as I watched their interaction, but it quickly faded when I remembered what Winter and I discussed last night about having kids.


I've known for a long time that I don't want kids because I feel that having them would be a huge responsibility. I am aware that I am not destined to become a mother since I lack the necessary skills. I would much rather be a wealthy aunt who only spoils her niece and nephews. But now that I'm seeing Summer and experiencing the happiness she's been bringing me every morning, I'm seriously reconsidering my decision. It must have been wonderful to wake up every morning to the kiss of a little ball of sunshine.


"You're not touching your food. Baka ma-late ka," Winter said making me break my trance. "Penny for your thoughts?" she added.


I shook my head slowly and took a bite from my pancakes. "Just thinking stuff."




Only the sound of Summer's iPad playing Blippy's intro song could be heard as we ate our breakfast in quiet comfort. Who would have imagined that I had the intro music of Blippy memorized? When I told Winter that I had to leave after finishing my breakfast, she offered to wash the dishes, and I gladly accepted. I took my Chanel satchel bag, leaned in closer to meet Summer at eye level, and kissed her on the cheeks as if it were the most natural thing in the world.


"I'll see you later, okay?" I softly whispered as my fingers caressed her fluffy cheeks. She excitedly nodded, reached for my chin, and pulled me in close. She kissed me on the bridge of my nose, and I couldn't help but giggle. This is fun! It gives me butterflies.


Summer gives me butterflies


"Wabyu, Tita Wina."


"Love you, too, my Summer."














"Cut! Krystal,

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hello! i did not ghost this story and rest assured that i'll be updating this once im done with the socmed au on twt. it's a jmj au hehe
you can check it here:


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revelink98 #1
Wow. It’S been a year. Balik ka na po!
tao po...
Chapter 74: Kelan sila ikakasal huhu i miss this 😭😭 balik kana otor 😭😭
Happy anniversary
Hello authorr sana masarap ang ulam mo today
Neonbleuu #6
Chapter 74: otor parang awa mo na, wag mo po ito ighost 😭
venvennn #7
Chapter 56: otor hueihUie☹️💔💔😓☹️☹️😓☹️
hakinxg #8
Chapter 74: ghosted na ba?😞
hakinxg #9
Chapter 74: ghosted na ba?😞
lilili_oli #10
Chapter 74: Is this ghosted or authy is just resting? I hope it’s the latter. 😭😭😣