
Where did we go wrong?
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"Love!" Winter jumped when someone suddenly hugged her from behind but get relaxed immediately when she smelled her perfume. It's Karina.

She's at Karina's building. It was their routine everyday. Winter will walk her home because Karina's apartment was just a few blocks away from university. It's also their quality time because they would talk about everything and anything while walking. Winter could always tell her everything she wants to say and Karina would always understand and listen to her. Winter will do the same for her. Karina just understand her, more than anyone else ever would. Karina just gets her on a deep and emotional level. They both always have that bond between the two of them.

And maybe, that is one of the reasons why Winter cannot let her go. So she will still hold her hand, as long as Karina would let her.

Winter smiled before she turned to her girlfriend. She gently kissed her forehead before Winter asked her.

"How's your day?" Karina pouted before she leaned her head on Winter's shoulder.She smiled, Karina looked so cute whenever she would do that.

"I'm so tired. Our professor never gave us a break!" She exclaimed and Winter chuckled. Shenget the books that Karina's holding, she mumbled thank you. 

"Why it is needed for us to study scientific problems? I'm a culinary student! I will never be a freaking scientist!" She added and Winter laughed at her rants.

"Let it be. At least after we graduated, you will be able to do what you really love and you will never be a freaking scientist then." Winter said while removing the strands of her hair that was covering her face. Winter hold her hand and smiled.

"Let's go?" She asked her, and finally Karina smiled.


They were already at the school gate when Karina asked her.

"Did you received my messages?"

Oh you mean when you text me so early in the morning that 'we need to talk'? Yes, I did. But I will never tell you that because nothing good ever come out every time that sentence is being said.

Winter want to tell her that but, "Di

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tipine #1
Chapter 3: This was so sad…
But so good 😭😢
Chapter 4: 😭😭😭😭😭😭I cant