09 - Testimonies

💗Heart Collision💗
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Some people dig their graves...

They only have themselves to blame...

Another day.

Another trial.

The weekend flew by fast for all of them, and it was time to go back to another stress trial. It was time to go back into the past and finally reveal the truth. Alex knew it all, but she pretended not to. There were things that she had forgotten, but they started coming back. Events from that night played in her head and questions arose as well.

Taking a deep breath, she took the oath and was ready to fire. Her parents continued to glare at her, but she ignored them. Baelhyun got up from his chair and walked over to her, as Chanyeol showed her a thumbs-up. Alex smiled a little and then shifted her attention to Baekhyun.

“According to the evidence and the testimony,” Baekhyun spoke. “Christina had an abortion, right?”


“Why? Was she forced to do it?”

“Objection! It’s irrelevant!” The other side stood up.

“I want to show her state of mind of Christina at that time!” Baekhyun fired back.

“Denied!” The judge said. “Please, proceed Miss Marino.”

“She did it because she was afraid of what our parents might do. When they found out she was pregnant they started putting up a fit and insulting her,” Alex explained.

“How did they insult her?”

“They called her a and that she brought shame to the family. They threatened to kill the baby if she doesn't take care of it.”

Baekhyun nodded.

“So, in the end, she decided to have an abortion. It didn’t change anything. It only brought her in a strange state of mind.”

“Miss Marino,” Baekhyun spoke. “Will you be kind enough and take us back to the day of the tragedy?”

She was aware that this day would come and that she would have to talk about it. Taking a deep breath, she nodded her head. “I can.”

“Alright, Miss Marino,” Baekhyun said. “Please proceed.”

“It was the day that the two of us decided to run away,” Alex began. “Pa Francesco, Diana’s father said he would help us, regardless of the trouble he could have gotten himself into.”


“We need to get away as far as possible!” Chris said as the girls walked through the woods.

“Pa Jean will help us,” Alex said, following her sister.

The two started running all of a sudden, wanting to escape as soon as possible. They both knew that their parents would figure it out sooner or later and that they will go looking for them, so they didn’t have much time to waste.

“I hear cars!” Chris said. “This way, follow me!”

Alex followed and soon they arrived on the side of one of the main streets. Chris looked both ways and took Alex’s hand but suddenly things went wrong. Alex found herself on the ground suddenly as people started to gather. Lifting her head she felt dizzy, but she was looking for her sister.

As she looked to the side, a horrible scene appeared. Chris was under the wheels of the vehicle. Alex’s eyes teared up and she crawled over, holding her hand, but there was no reaction.

“No… no… NO!” Alex screamed.


Alex felt slight dizziness all of a sudden as she recalled that night.


“You! You killed her!” Alex screamed.


“Miss Marino?” Baekhyun called out.

Alex closed her eyes for a moment as scenes started to play in front of her.


“You are crazy! What are you talking about?” Her mother hissed.

“Your lover ran over her! You sent him to get rid of both of us!”

She slapped her. “You’re crazy! I am calling the doctor right now!”


Chanyeol got up from his seat and made a beeline toward her. “Baby girl?” He whispered.

Her hands trembled, but she didn’t reply.


“Did you do what I told you?” Her mother hissed.

“Yes, woman!” The male barked back. “What else do you want?!”

“Shut it!”


Alex blinked, but she didn’t respond. Chanyeol shook her gently, but nothing, she was zoned out. Diana leaned over the wooden bench, her eyes showcased worry and concern. Her aunt and uncle looked worried, and her aunt glared at her parents.

"ARE YOU HAPPY?! I can't believe what you had done. Twins were your children. They were golden. What did you do?! You killed your child, you destroyed a living twin."

"Order in the courtroom!"


"Don't make me laugh!" She hissed. "You don't love yourself let alone children!" Her aunt growled.

“She is unable to testify!” Her dad hissed. “She is under drugs!


“What will you do, huh boy?” 

"I will say everything about the conversation you had with your wife, ensuring she would send someone to kill your daughter and take care of your family's honor." Giacomo hissed. 

Valentino held him by the shoulders. "Do not give them attention, cousin. Please…" 

Giacomo glared at them. The judge was about to say something, but Alex stood up.”ENOUGH! I remember everything…”

They all looked at her, worry on their faces.

“I apologize to the court,” Alex said. “I would like to continue.”

“Are you sure?” The judge asked. “You look pale.”

“Positive,” She confirmed and looked at Chanyeol. “It’s alright.”

"Alright. But if the same thing happens, I will need to ask for a break. Deal?"

“Deal,” She said. 

"Resume, Mr. Byun." The judge said.

"Thank you, your honor," he said, "Miss. Marino, tell the jury everything you know and recall of that night."

“I recall the driver,” Alex said, looking at her mother. “It was her lover. I remember overhearing a conversation with him and her, and at that time I didn’t pay much attention to it, but they were talking about some plans they had and I remember how he told her that everything was set into action.”

Whispers could be heard as they all looked at the woman in question. The left side was quiet. The jury - all eight members were glaring at Alex's parents. Her mother was going pale, and Diana was glaring at her.


“She’s lying! I would never do such a thing!” The woman hissed. “She’s insane!”

Diana jumped over the fence before anyone could stop her. She wasn't controlling her actions. Everything happened quickly and it left everyone in the courtroom shocked at first. The woman screeched hiding behind her husband, who tried to push Diana away. Diana grabbed her by the hair and scratched her. The latter tried to defend herself but it was impossible, Diana proceed and slapped her.

Jongin ran over and grabbed Diana. “Baby, calm down. She did it on purpose to provoke you.”


The police came running in and separated the two because of the order as Alex got off the stand and ran over to Diana.

“Diana…” She called out. 

Diana closed her eyes and she teared up. She began to relax. Alex hugged her friend.

“That’s it, breathe…” She whispered. 

She glared at her mother. 

“You will pay for this!” The woman hissed. “I’ll sue you for assault!”

"You will pay for the murder. Be happy, I didn't arrest you right now," the judge hissed, "morning break."

Diana glared at her mother who gulped. She hissed at them like a snake. It caused both of them to stagger back. Jongin rubbed her arms.

“Come with me, baby girl,” He said. 

Diana looked at him. "I'm sorry…"

“Hush,” He said. “Don’t apologize.” 

"That was one hell of a pull, you should slam her against the wall," Giovanna grinned.


"What?! I am just giving her tips that grandma taught me. Right, gran?"

The elder woman winked and showed a thumbs up. “Exactly.”

"Mother…" Francesco shook his head.

"Or she can use one karate move," Yuki said.

They all turned around. Haneul chuckled, shaking his head. Diana was amused. 

"Yeah? Show me!"

"Sure. When you girls come I will teach you for free," Yuki winked.

"Haneul, your wife is awesome!" Diana grinned.

The male shook his head at his wife. "I know. Sometimes crazy, but hey I love her." 

Diana elbowed Alex. "Remember, when he was trying to be sneaky."

“How can I forget?” Alex smiled. 

"He wore that stupid grin on his face."


“She has a point,” Alex chuckled. 

"I have that charm on him," Yuki winked.

"As we do," Diana nudged Alex.

Alex laughed slightly. “I guess,” She blushed a little.

"I don't want to be ever recovered," Chanyeol winked at her.

Alex nudged him a little. “Hush.”

“And I never want to be recovered from Diana,” Jongin winked. 

Diana smirked at Jongin. "Oh, I know how to permanently keep you." 

Jongin smirked. “I know.”


The first part of the trial was over and it was time to relax a bit and escape the tension that built up in the courtroom. Her parents wouldn’t stop hissing at her while she was testifying against them. If they could, they would kill her right there and then, but was she bothered by their stares and hisses? No. She took Chanyeol’s advice.



“Yes?” She looked at him.

“At tomorrow’s trial, focus on me,” He spoke. “Ignore your parents. They will try to annoy you and make you angry. You don’t need that.”

She smiled and nodded. “Deal.”

“That’s my baby girl,” He smiled and wrapped his arms around her.


“Ready to leave?” He asked.

“Let’s go,” Alex smiled, getting up.

Chanyeol wrapped his arm around her shoulders and led her out. He had no problems with showing everybody that she was his girl. He was proud and he wanted the world to know. As they walked out, her parents were already in the hallway standing with their lawyer. The moment they saw her, they glared at her and then at Chanyeol. He squeezed his hold on Alex and the two just passed by.

“You’ll pay for this!” Her father hissed after them, but the two didn’t look back.

“Anything they say will be used against them,” Chanyeol whispered to her. “Let them talk and dig their own grave. Are you hungry? I noticed you haven’t eaten anything this morning, and then the headache… you got me worried.”

She nodded. “What else can people like them do, huh? I’m a bit hungry and you? I am fine, don’t worry.”

“Let’s go grab and sandwich from the cafeteria,” He said smiling. “Coffee or juice?”

“Hmm,” She thought about it for a moment. “Coffee?”

“Coffee it is,” He winked and the two continued down the hallway.

The trial was back in session, but this time it was Giacomo’s turn to testify and he had nothing nice to say. Everything that had happened during the time Christina was alive and after her death, left a toll on him. It only deepened the scar. Taking the stand, he looked directly at the evil that sat in the courtroom, not showing one bit of fear.

“State your name for the court,” Baekhyun spoke, leaning on the desk.

"Giacomo Ferrero."

“How did you meet the twins Marino?" Baekhyun asked.

“I started to work at Francesco’s vineyard and that’s how I met them,” He explained.

He nodded. "How did your relationship with Christina Marino start?"

“She would often spend time at her uncle’s place and she loved to paint, so from time to time I would catch her in the stable with the horses as she painted.” He started. “At first, we would often talk, and then with time we developed feelings for each other.”

"Has she ever opened up to you about things that bother her?"

“She would tell me things about her parents and how they treated her,” He said. “They had strict rules that she had to follow.”

"Meaning, she is meat on the market who gets sold from hand to hand." He was blunt. "In Italian society, women are not supposed to think but to obey and submit. Her parent's command over her faith. Wouldn't you agree?"

“I would,” He confirmed. “Every time she

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32 streak #1
Chapter 11: Haha... loved the boys special night out....chanyeol and Alex's date Nighy was so amazing, lovely, sweet, romantic and full of surprises..so considerate of him.. that's why I love them... their relationship development and understanding level was so strong and warm.. so happy for them..it's so comforting..really enjoyed reading this whole chapter..loved the way things are going on and how their relationship is developing each day..
32 streak #2
Chapter 10: Maybe the evidence of Alex's mother dirty truth... also glad that almost everything is going smoothly and getting into a more right direction... so happy for the couples..glad that they got such loving, supportive and understanding life partners... that dream..I think Chris really wanted both of the girls to let go things now and moved on their own lives.. felt so bad for her Chris that she had to go through such pain, trauma, stress and abuse... just hope both Chris and Alex get their deserved justice...
Chapter 9: This is a punch in the face courtroom drama going on!! I don't see how the parents will win. They will be going to jail more likely.
The phone calls home to Yeol's mom and Jongin's mom are precious! I loved them!
I can't wait for the next chapter! Great job!!
Chapter 8: This was such a sweet chapter, it showed how supportive the guys are for the loves of their lives (super jealous.) It had it's sad moments which it needed for remembering the past but overall so much love was going on. ❤
Chapter 7: Doing my best to catch up!
Wow, wow, wow! So much is going on! I have always said that the scariest monster is not the made up one in your imagination but the real human. The most atrocious things that have ever happened to humankind have been done by other humans 😭
You cannot call those people parents, they do not resemble the definition in the least.
Thank goodness for the loving support for the girls and how strong they are. Just Wow!! What an update!!
Chapter 6: I really liked this chapter, well with the exception of Alex's scumbucket parents that is. It was such a fun chapter with the Marino family wedding and then that engagement 😍 oh la la!! I also thought the horseback riding moment was very romantic. It would not happen that way for me irl, I'd probably fall off and be dragged when my foot gets caught in the stirrup. 😭 their all gonna laugh at me!!
Oh well, romance is thick in this chapter ❤😘😍
Chapter 5: So for some reason I thought that Yeol would be the one to make a move (😉) before Jongin, like it isn't Kai on stage seducing us. However, it would not make for a good story since Alex is in a more delicate situation.
I put on my thinking cap right 🤔
So I loved how Alex's family teased the couple. I'm ready for a big happy Italian wedding too!! Don't forget my name on the invite list!! ❤
Chapter 4: I had to chuckle about Jongin cooking. Yes, I know he has been taking lessons and he is doing lots better but come on!! The waffle maker? Anyone? Haha 😅😅😅
How about their meet and greet. Ba-BAM!! 😘😘😘
Who am I to talk, I met my last pysch, I mean bf online and I jumped him fairly early. 😱
I gotta catch up with these international shenanigans!!
32 streak #9
Chapter 9: Loving the way things are going on among the couples.. so happy for both of the couples.. so excited for their korean family time.. felt bad for Alex and Chris's boyfriend.. also what Diana did to Alex's mom was so right..really love baekhyun's character here.. between Alex's parents, I think it's her mom who's in much more than worse... the whole trail part was so emotional and heartbreaking... but glad that all of the evidence were against those pathetic peoples who were selfish, ignorant and destroyed their children's life in such a cruel way.
32 streak #10
Chapter 8: Glad that both of the girls opened up to the boys... they were so lucky to have the boys... so lovely, caring, supportive and understanding... Chris's whole story made me so emotional and heart broken.. felt bad for her boyfriend ... yeah, agree... Alex's parents destroyed everyone's lives.. aww.. finally jongin and Diane's wedding planning...and chanyeol proposed to Alex.. so happy for the couples.. they deserve the best and happiness.. that's a huge step to testify that the girls ex-boyfriends are going to do...loved this chapter authornim.