"I Love You"

Three Simple Words
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The day started wonderfully.


Wonyoung was just packing some things together since she was going to spend the weekend at her girlfriend's apartment.


Right after her classes ended, Wonyoung went home to get her things.


Yujin was waiting for her outside since the younger girl hasn't gotten the chance to make her driver's license yet.

When she got everything settled she wrote a quick note to her parents who were still working.


Almost three full days and two nights with her girlfriend sounded wonderful. The two got together half a year ago.


It was simply attraction at first, some flirting here and there until Wonyoung was the brave one to ask the older girl out.


Yujin was really cute on their first date.


Nervous and a bit clumsy but caring and tried her best to make Wonyoung like her more, which wasn't hard to do for the tall brunette.


Wonyoung's parents knew about their relationship while Yujin still had a hard time talking about her parents in general but the younger girl understood, thinking it must be a rough topic, given that Yujin has her own apartment at the age of 21.



Their friends needed some time to get used to each other since Wonyoung and her best friends Rei and Leeseo were social butterflies who could be a little childish while Yujin's friends Gaeul and Liz are rather calm and shy types of people.


Wonyoung worried that her friends would scare away not only Yujin's friends but also the tall girl herself.


Luckily both sides tried their best, wanting only happiness for their friend, and got along just well after a few days of knowing each other. Meeting up with friends was always fun but having some privacy with her girlfriend was something Wonyoung made giddy all over.


She couldn't hide the bright smile when she got out and saw Yujin in her car. She quickly skipped to her and knocked on the door.

She seemed to surprise the older girl since she could see Yujin jump slightly and bump her head before making her way out



"Sorry for scaring you Daengdaeng, I'm just so excited for our weekend" the older girl couldn't be mad and just smiled at her girlfriend, walking over to her and helping her to put her backpack in the trunk, before going back to her and circling her arms around her waist



"I can't wait to spend my weekend with you"

Yujin said sweetly before pecking the younger girl's lips.



Wonyoung smiled and pulled her back in for a longer kiss, wanting to savor the moment forever even though they have the whole weekend to do so.


When they pulled away, Yujin opened the car door, for Wonyoung to go in before going to the driver's side, and getting inside.

She checked if Wonyoung was wearing her seatbelt before starting the motor, and driving to her apartment




"Want to listen to some music?"

Yujin then asked after halting at a red light.


The drive was going to take half an hour and she didn't want Wonyoung to be bored



"Not really in the mood. I would rather discuss what we're going to do this weekend"

Yujin nodded and glanced at her girlfriend




"Got any idea?"

when Wonyoung didn't answer she took another glance at her, chuckling when she saw a pout




"I thought you already have some ideas. I'm your guest"

the response made Yujin chuckle only more, thinking her girlfriend is just too cute




"Wony, you know by now that I prefer staying home, but I would go where you want this weekend"

she wanted to look at her girlfriend who was quiet right now but she had to concentrate on driving, being at a spot where a lot of accidents could happen.




"We could walk around a Park, go to those fancy restaurants you like, or watch a movie, though I don't know which movies are showing these last days"

she tried again.



When she had to stop in front of the red light, she could finally look at Wonyoung, seeing her on her phone





she called again.



Wonyougn finally looked at her with a grin, showing Yujin her phone where she saw a list of activities. Now the older girl kinda regretted saying Wonyoung can decide




"Okay, Baby that are a lot of things. How about we go out today and tomorrow but stay home on Sunday and just cuddle in bed?"

she then asked, wanting to relax a little bit after the tiring days of classes.


Wonyoung then put a hand on Yujin's shoulder and caressed the spot



"Sure Daengdaeng, we just have to decide on one of the ten restaurants I wanted to try"

Yujin couldn't help but smile, yelping right after when her girlfriend hit her shoulder lightly




"Hey, never hit the driver"

Yujin said driving only with one hand to shield herself from Wonyoung with the other.


The younger girl stopped but took Yujin's hand in her own



"You're a good driver. You would never get into an accident when I'm with you"

the younger commented, making Yujin smile at how much her girlfriend trusts her.



While driving the remaining ten minutes before they arrived at Yujin's apartment, they tried to decide on the two restaurants they were going.


It wasn't easy and most of the time Yujin just agreed with Wonyoung, not really caring where the two would eat.

Her only wish was that one of the two restaurants would be a Korean one where she can eat some stew.

Being the steak expert, Wonyoung went through some critics and found a good steak house they could go to.


Shortly after they arrived and Yujin being the caring girlfriend she is, quickly got out and helped Wonyoung, taking her bag and giving the younger girl her keys so that she could go first and open the door for them.


Yujin smiled while following the taller girl.

Each of Wonyoung's steps was bouncy and she turned around a few times to see how Yujin was feeling as well.


Yujin wouldn't be surprised if their cheeks hurt at the end of the day from all the smiling. Right after Wonyoung opened the door to her apartment she let herself fall onto the sofa




"It's going to be the best weekend ever"

she said and stretched out both of her arms.



Yujin chuckled and closed the door before putting the backpack away and walking to her girlfriend.


She then got on top of the younger girl and pecked her lips



"Of course, it's the best weekend. You spend it with me"

Wonyoung chuckled and put her arms around Yujin's neck, pulling her closer




"You're right"

she whispered before kissing her girlfriend.



The kiss was soft and short but both giggled either way, way too energetic right now



"Gosh, I love you"

Wonyoung then said, making the older girl smile




"You're really the cutest"

Yujin replied and leaned in again, kissing Wonyoung a little longer this time, which the brunette had nothing against.


After the kiss, Yujin stood up and pulled her girlfriend up where she was sitting




"Come on, you wanted to go out and walk around. Let's go to the park" Wonyoung nodded and got up but changed her clothes, wanting to wear something more comfortable.



She was glad that the restaurant they chose to go to today was close by and wasn't too fancy that they could go just in simple jeans and a hoodie. It was the middle of fall and getting colder.

Wonyoung was already planning on stealing one or two of Yujin's hoodies.


Of course, she would buy her a new one for Christmas since her birthday was a month ago, but Wonyoung wanted to be one of those girlfriends who steal their other half some piece of clothing.


She loved Yujin's scent and wanted to be around it 24/7.

When the two got out of the apartment, Yujin took Wonyoung's hand in her own and guided her to the park which was only a five-minute walk away.



When they arrived at the park, Wonyoung quickly got her phone out and took a couple of pictures. Yujin groaned at first but then got a better idea, trying to photobomb every picture.


At one point she stopped when she saw the glare her girlfriend send her but to make it better she took out her own phone and took some shots of Wonyoung.


The younger girl had to laugh when Yujin started to

imitate some photographers they saw at some show




"Give me your best smile"





"Yes, fabulous. You're an ICON darling"




"Pretend to be beast and give me a rarrrrr"




"Fly my little bird, spread out your wings"

Yujin said with an accent, making Wonyoung laugh but she still did what Yujin told her to.



Some people were staring at them but the two didn't care, only concentrating on each other.

In the end, Wonyoung waved Yujin to come closer and they took a couple of selfies together.


One with just the two smiling, one or two with them making weird faces and a pose, and lastly some couple poses where they squished their faces together, Yujin back hugging her and Wonyoung pecking the older girl's cheek.


They were just in the park for five minutes but they felt free and content with each other. Being done with all the pictures, Wonyoung took Yujin's hand and intertwine their fingers.


When both of them are on campus, they only see each other for lunch, free classes, or the club their both members of.


There wasn't a lot to talk about their classes, that's why the two started to talk about random things, just enjoying their time together and laughing at what the others said, which wasn't even funny.


They just didn't care about anything other than the person next to them. They stopped their walking for a moment to see that the sun was already settling down.

Wonyoung shot a few pictures while Yujin just watched her and pecked her cheek from time to time, a gesture she does when she thinks the younger girl is too cute for her own good.



Wonyoung loved the attention she was getting and let the older girl do what she wanted.

However, when she was done with the pictures, she waited for another cheek kiss, only to turn her head and meet Yujin's lips with her own.


The older girl chuckled in between and let their lips press against each other before moving softly.

Wonyoung kissed back with the same passion, pulling Yujin a little closer by holding the collar of her jacket.



Yujin tried to pull away a few times but Wonyoung pulled her back in every single time, making her wonder how long the girl could hold her breath



"Don't you want to go to the restaurant?"

Yujin then asked in between.


Right after she asked, Wonyoung's stomach made a growl, making the two laugh and pull away




"Maybe you're right, but I'm not done with your lips"

Wonyoung then said, pecking her girlfriend's lips for the last time before moving in the direction where the restaurant is.


Yujin chuckled at her words and followed her, tickling her side for a short moment, making the younger girl squirm and glare at her for a second




"You have my lips the whole night if you want"

she then said, making Wonyoung smile again




"I'll take your word for it"

she answered with a wink.




The couple then walked to the restaurant with both whining around, telling each other how hungry they are.

When they arrived at the restaurant they were guided to a table by the windows.


They already knew what to drink and told the waiter.

Since they walked to the restaurant they decided on a simple red wine. Each of them ordered another drink, not wanting to get tipsy on their weekend together.


Since they decided to share their food they didn't need much time on ordering a steak and some pizza.

They thought about ordering pizza as well but their taste was a little different, making them choose something both are satisfied with.


The two didn't really talk while eating, way too concentrated on the food. They fed each other from time to time or exchanged some furrowed eyebrows about how delicious the food was.


Other than that, they enjoyed the evening and made a toast on the best weekend. Today was Wonyoung's turn to pay for the food since Yujin picked the Korean restaurant for tomorrow and will pay then.

They wished the employees a nice evening and got back to Yujin's apartment.


The older girl felt how her girlfriend was bouncy again and she could already guess the reason why.




"Do you want to go somewhere else before we go back?"




"We're almost there"

Wonyoung responded.


Yujin just wanted to tease the younger girl a bit




"I know but I don't feel like going up right now. We could go to a karaoke bar or go to the movies"

Wonyoung frowned at her suggestions, making Yujin chuckle and pull her girlfriend closer




"Not to your liking? I thought you want to go out and have fun"

Yujin then said




"We can also have fun inside your apartment"

Wonyoung then said in a slightly seductive tone





"Ohh you're right, we could play some board games or video games" 

she couldn't help but laugh after seeing her girlfriend's reaction.


Wonyoung, finally realizing that she is teased, hit the older girl and walked ahead, leaving a still laughing Yujin who tried to catch up




"Wony, don't be mad at me. I was just joking around"

Yujin said while trying to calm down.



She heard a scoff from the younger girl and smiled softly at how cute Wonyoung is.

She then saw her apartment a few feet away and had an idea.


She quickly run to her girlfriend and lifted her up and on her shoulder. Wonyoung yelped at the sudden action




"Let me down, you're going to hurt the both of us"

she then said but couldn't help but chuckle at her girlfriend's action.


Yujin ignored her girlfriend's complaining and run with Wonyoung on her shoulder like she was a bag of flour.




"Be lucky I love you"

the younger girl commented and let Yujin do what she wanted.




"The luckiest"

Only when they were in front of the building Yujin lived in, did she let her girlfriend down.


Before Wonyoung could hit her, Yujin took her hands and pecked her lips




"Thought you want me"

she then said in a lower voice, looking deep into her girlfriend's eyes.



The younger girl shuddered lightly and nodded, making Yujin smile and open the door. It was a race to her apartment, both trying to be first.


It was useless since Yujin had the keys but the two were so into the little game that they didn't realize it until they got to the front door.

Being inside the apartment, both kicked their shoes off and run to Yujin's bedroom, celebrating their first weekend together.




Yujin woke up by smelling something delicious.


Another thing she loved when Wonyoung was sleeping over at her.

She can't wait for them to move in together but that should wait until they are together for longer.


She moved out of the bed, got some clothes on, and got to her kitchen. watered when she saw Wonyoung wearing one of her long shirts.


She knew the younger girl was only wearing underneath since the shirt stopped a little under her and every time Wonyoung got something from a higher shelf, Yujin had the perfect view.




"Stop starring at my and set the table"

she then heard Wonyoung's voice and snapped out of it, going to her girlfriend to greet her with a peck on her cheek




"Slept well?"

she then asked while getting two plates out of the cabinet




"Always in your arms"

the younger girl answered, earning herself another peck when Yujin needed to get something from a shelf next to Wonyoung.





"Need help in finding something?"

she then asked with a chuckle.



While Yujin was getting some things out with one hand, her other was busy touching Wonyoung, pretending as if she was doing nothing.




"I think I found everything"

the older girl said, pinching the younger girl's before moving back to the table.



Wonyoung shook her head and concentrated on the food, not wanting to let anything burn.

When everything was settled they sat down and Yujin thanked Wonyoung for cooking




"You're welcome my love"

Wonyoung said and they started to dig in.



While eating they discussed today's plans.

They thought it would be better to go to the restaurant for lunch, reading that it's full in the evening.


They also agreed on going to places that are near the restaurant, like the small craft shop where Wonyoung wanted to buy a candle or the camera shop where Yujin wanted to look for a new film camera.

When everything was settled and the food is eaten, Yujin cleaned up while Wonyoung took a shower.




The older girl had to laugh when she saw her girlfriend wearing one of her sweaters but let her be, liking it when Wonyoung was wearing her clothes.

Yujin got ready herself, giving Wonyoung

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Chapter 1: Really cute and wholesome. I hesitated to read it at first because of the tags 'Trauma' and 'slight angst' but it is a really really good story.
I could feel every emotion while reading and the two have such a beautiful relationship.

I hope to see more Annyeongz Stories from you in the future. It's awesome to see about how many girl groups you write😍😍
Chapter 1: annyeongz 😭
this is amazing authornim, thank you
Chapter 1: THAT WAS SO CUTE!!