
Time With You

First Year





It's finally time for the Flying Class that he has been looking forward to!



Kyuhyun, along with his first-year Slytherin classmates, walked to the training ground in anticipation. Although he knew how to fly with a broomstick since he was seven, he was still excited to learn it at Hogwarts and showed off his superior skills. Yes, he'll become the best Seeker in the entire wizard world! He kept daydreaming until arriving at the courtyard. Then, he saw that a group of students was already standing there waiting— Hufflepuffs. He ignored them and hurried to stand beside a broomstick even before the professor told them. Madam Hooch swept her hawk eyes and addressed them loudly.


"Well, what are you all waiting for? Everyone stands by a broomstick. On the left side. Come on, hurry up. Stick out your right hand over your broom, and say ‘Up!'"


Kyuhyun successfully summoned his broom in one go. He looked around smugly after realizing that only a very handful of students managed to do it. After a while, all students from both houses held a broomstick in their hands except for…


"Up! Up! Up!"


A little chubby Hufflepuff boy who stood beside him chanted desperately but the flying broom only shifted weakly on the ground. He snorted. How could someone at something so simple like summoning a broom? He watched the boy in pity. This kid had ridiculously small hands that probably couldn't even grasp around a broom. No wonder he failed.


"I-I'm sorry, Madam Hooch, I can't do it…"

"It's alright, boy, why don't you go sit there and observe your friends for today?"


In the end, the Hufflepuff boy was dismissed from the class. The professor continued to teach them the basics of flying like how to hold a broom or how to balance yourself while seated. Being a genius boy, Kyuhyun breezed through everything and got praise from the instructor. However, he had nothing to do now since other students still struggled. So, he asked Madam Hooch for permission and went to sit by the Hufflepuff boy who was sniffing. The chubby boy looked up and he scrunched his nose in disgust at the boy's face stained by tears and snots.


"Eww, you're as ugly as trolls' toes!"

"S-Shut up. What is a troll?"

"What? You don't know trolls? Are you a Muggle-born?"

"Y-Yes, my parents can't use magic, hic."

"No wonder you so bad! And stop crying already. You're annoying."

"T-Then, leave me alone…! I didn't ask you to accompany me… hic…"


The Hufflepuff boy kept crying and it bothered him. He didn't know why but it did. And he wanted to do something about it. Kyuhyun snuck a glance at Madam Hooch and carefully took out his wand. He pointed it at the crying boy's face and murmured a spell; "Aguamenti."






A string of water splashed on the boy's face. Kyuhyun put the wand away and snickered at the chubby kid whose face and collar were soaking wet.


"I help you wash your ugly face, aren't I generous?"



The Hufflepuff boy lunged at him and they fell on the ground. Kyuhyun flinched, thinking that he was about to be punched. He closed his eyes and waited for a fist, but nothing happened. He opened his eyes and saw the boy lying on top of him, busy rubbing his face on his robe until it felt damp. After that, the Muggle-born boy looked up at him and stuck out his tongue.


"Now you're as dirty as me, it up!"


The boy's weight on his body and those chubby arms hugging around his chest made Kyuhyun feel strange. He suddenly felt hot in the face and his ears felt like they were burning. He shouted and pushed the Hufflepuff boy off himself.


"G-Get off me, you fat Muggle-born kid!"



The chubby kid yelped and glared at him. His eyes were reddened in anger and tears threatened to spill again, and Kyuhyun suddenly felt guilty. Before the boy lunged at him again or he got to apologize, however, Madam Hooch noticed their ruckus and strode toward them with an angry frown.


"No fighting in my class! I deduct ten points from Hufflepuff and Slytherin!"


Their bodies shrunk in shame from getting punished and even got their houses in trouble. Kyuhyun sighed. So much for planning to be a perfect student. He turned to glare at the chubby boy as it was this kid's fault for ruining his reputation. However, the Hufflepuff boy ignored him and already walked away to join the rest of his house. The class was dismissed and the two houses headed to the next class in separate ways. Kyuhyun ran after the boy and snatched his small chubby hand.



"What now? Can't you leave me alone?"


He chewed his lip. The word "sorry" rolled on the tip of his tongue but it wouldn't fall out. Instead, it was another thing that left his mouth.


"What's your name?"

"None of your business. Let me go."

"I'm Kyuhyun, Cho Kyuhyun, a pure-blood."


The chubby boy looked at him in surprise.


"You're from Korea too…?"

"Too? You mean…"

"Kim Jongwoon…" The boy said reluctantly, "Is that all? Let's not meet again."

"Wait, I'm not done with you yet."


Kyuhyun grasped the smaller hand and secretly liked how it fitted perfectly in his. He smiled cheekily.


"I've decided. You're going to be my target to pick on starting from now!"

"What the—!"


He pinched the chubby cheek and ran off before Jongwoon hit him. On his way to the next class, he couldn't stop grinning as he thought of the boy's funny surprised look. He couldn't wait to write a letter home and tell his family that he had made a new friend!




Second Year




Kyuhyun stepped into the Great Hall and smiled once he located his target. He strode to the table where a group of Hufflepuff students was gathering. One of the students was a chubby boy who made a disgusted face as soon as their eyes met. The boy said something to his friends and they left, though not before glancing at him suspiciously. He ignored them and sat down opposite the chubby boy.


"Morning, Fatty!"

"Urgh, it's too early in the morning to deal with you…"


Jongwoon rolled his eyes and continued to eat his breakfast that roused a frown from him. Unlike him who had a few sandwiches in the silver plate and pumpkin juice, the Hufflepuff boy only ate two or three pieces of crackers.


"Hey, you won't last the day if you eat like a hamster."

"Shut up."

"Seriously, don't you have to go to Hagrid's cabin for the Care of Magical Creatures and then to the Dungeon for Potions? You have to walk all day yet you eat so little, Fatty."

"How did you know my schedule? Never mind, just leave me alone!"


The Muggle-born boy pouted and puffed up his cheeks, so he looked even more like a hamster. Kyuhyun chuckled and squished the chubby cheeks as he continued with his real purpose for why he sought out Jongwoon.


"Fatty, you know that today is the audition day for the Slytherin quidditch team, right?"


"You must come to watch me, that's an order!"

"Why should I? I don't care about quidditch and it's not even my own house's audition."

"Because I said so!"


Kyuhyun finished his order and pinched the soft skin one last time before letting it go. Jongwoon rubbed his reddened cheeks and glared daggers at him, but it only made him smile wider. He took out a chocolate frog from his robe and placed it in the chubby boy's small hand.


"Here, it's not a full meal but better than nothing. See? I'm always kind to you, Fatty."

"Just leave already!"


He laughed and got up before the baby fist hit him. He walked away and turned back just before he was out of the doors. There, he saw Jongwoon smiling while staring at the chocolate frog he got from him. Something warm spread over his chest and pulled the corner of his lips up. Turning around, he left the Great Hall while humming happily.





"Next, Cho Kyuhyun, second year!"

"I'm here!"


Kyuhyun stepped forward bravely even though he was the shortest and youngest contestant. The captain looked at him from head to toes before smirking, seemingly approving of his gut. The senior Slytherin nodded and he mounted his Firebolt, ready to take the test. Before that, he looked around the training ground and beamed once he saw who he was looking for. Jongwoon was sitting alone at the lowest stand and waved at him meekly. He was about to wave back but noticed that the Hufflepuff boy's face was quite worryingly pale. Before he got to ponder more, the captain slapped his shoulder while chuckling knowingly.


"Hey, look, this kid already has a sweetheart while you old folks are still single!"

"What? No, Fatty isn't my sweetheart. He's my target to pick on."

"Eh? You call him that? Gotta ditch that nasty nickname, kiddo. If you don't want your Fatty to dump you!"


While the seniors were laughing, Kyuhyun swatted the hand on his shoulder away and glared at the taller student.


"Stop. I'm the only one who can call him that."

"Wooooo! We got a possessive boyfriend here!"


Before he got to glare more, a female senior stepped in and stopped their silly war with a sisterly smile.


"Stop it, Jacob, they're too young to understand love and relationships."

"You're no fun, Angie."


The captain sighed in shame but did stop teasing him. Then, they resumed the test. He only had to fly one round around the training ground, the faster, the better, all the while doing mid-air maneuvers as the captain instructed. It was a piece of cake for him, of course. It had always been his dream to be the best Seeker so he had been practicing since he was young. Naturally, he blew the test away with ease. He grinned smugly after seeing that he only had to land in the circle to finish the test. Ha! He couldn't wait to hear what Jongwoon had to say about his cool performance!


"Help! Someone fainted!"

"Take him to Madam Pomfrey!"


Kyuhyun got distracted by a commotion and looked away from the course. From the sky, he saw a few older students surrounding someone wearing a Hufflepuff robe… Jongwoon! His heart raced in panic faster than when he was taking the test. He immediately changed the course of the broom and dove toward the crowd, ignoring the call from his house's seniors. He landed at the same time when a Gryffindor senior carried the Muggle-born boy up. Those pinch-able cheeks seemed to lack colors of life and it punched a hole in his heart. What happened to Jongwoon who was so lively…? Kyuhyun quickly ran after the Gryffindor senior to the Hospital Wing, not caring even to take off the protective gears.


"Kid! What about the test!!?"






"Fainting because of hunger…?"

"Yes, Mister Kim seems to starve himself lately, looking at his condition. Sigh, even though children around your age should eat a lot because you're still in a devel— Mister Cho?"


Kyuhyun ignored Madam Pomfrey's lecture and ran to the kitchen. The scene of Jongwoon eating only a few pieces of crackers for breakfast still played vividly in his head. He grabbed a few ham & cheese sandwiches and pumpkin juice, before running back to the Hospital Wing. At first, Madam Pomfrey didn't let him in because the patient needed rest, but he reasoned that he only wanted to bring snacks for his friend. So, he was let in but under the condition that he had to leave soon. In the vast empty ward, Jongwoon was the only patient on that day. He sat down beside the bed and stared at the Hufflepuff boy.


"Fatty, I know you're awake."

"... You're here to laugh in my face, aren't you?"


Jongwoon murmured while sitting up. Although colors had returned to those chubby cheeks, the boy still looked sick. Rolling his eyes, Kyuhyun began his insults while unpacking the prepped meal.


"Yes, you're a fool. I already warned you but you didn't listen to me. See, I even missed my test and had to wait for the next year."


"None forgiven. Fatty, you should've known that whether you're fat or thin, you're still ugly. So, what's the point of dieting?"


"Most importantly,"


Kyuhyun tore the sandwich into bite-size and force-fed it to the stupid patient.


"You're less ugly eating a lot than starving yourself, Fatty."

"K-Kyuhyun, I can eat it myself…"

"Shut up and just eat."


In the end, Jongwoon gave up and resigned to be a good patient, waiting for him to feed the sandwich. After that, he also fed the pumpkin juice and wiped Jongwoon's mouth. Good. Jongwoon's chubby cheeks looked redder than before now.


"Dessert time. Where is the chocolate frog I gave you this morning?"

"I-I already ate it."

"Liar. Give it to me so I can feed you."


Kyuhyun demanded while pinching the boy's cheek. The Hufflepuff boy nodded and took out the treat from the robe pocket. He tore the package and caught the chocolate frog before it jumped away. He fed it to the boy who ate it reluctantly. Is it true that chocolate helps recover stamina? Is that why Jongwoon's cheeks are getting redder? He wondered as he cleaned his hand and wiped the boy's mouth after he dirtied it again while eating. Aish! This kid really couldn't do anything without him!


"That's it. I'll join you during breakfast every morning from now on!"

"What? No, Kyuhyun, you have your own group of friends so don't waste time with me."

"But I want to be with you."


An unbelievable sentence left his mouth and stunned both of them. Jongwoon's whole face turned red and Kyuhyun felt that his ears were on fire. He coughed and quickly elaborated.


"Cough, I mean, you're such an easy target to tease. Of course, I want to be with you!"


"I'm leaving."


Kyuhyun stood up abruptly but the Hufflepuff boy grabbed his robe. Jongwoon bit his lip nervously before speaking up with a flushed face.


"You're a jerk, Kyuhyun, but a likable jerk."


He almost couldn't hear what the chubby boy said and Jongwoon immediately hid under a blanket. He was about to ask what the boy meant by that but Madam Pomfrey showed up first, and he was basically kicked out. Walking back to the Slytherin common room, Kyuhyun wondered if he got sick and should go back to the Hospital Wing to get checked…



Why did he feel so light and giddy as if he was flying, even though his feet were rooted on the ground?




Third Year




"Are you ready, Kyuhyun?"

"Yes, you can start at any moment."


Jongwoon nodded and opened the hidden compartment in the bag, taking out a Golden Snitch. The little ball spread out its transparent wings and flew away. Kyuhyun counted until fifty and kicked off from the ground. The Firebolt took him to the sky and he chased after the elusive ball. The Golden Snitch zigzagged, dashed up, and dove down. If it was someone else, they might have a hard time catching the Golden Snitch. However, it was a child's play for a genius like him. As soon as the ball flew off from Jongwoon's palm, his gaze followed it closely and he never let it out of his sight. So, he was able to catch it in no time. He landed on the ground and ran to the Hufflepuff boy who was checking a pocket watch.


"How was the time?"

"Minus two minutes and twenty-three seconds from the last record."

"Not bad but could be better."

"You're too strict with yourself, Kyuhyun. I think you're already good."


Although he was actually happy to hear that, he didn't say it out loud. He lay down on the grass and stared at the evening sky. The sun was setting and the moon would rise soon. He thought back to that day when he ditched the test to see Jongwoon who fainted. Actually, he was very sad and disappointed but he accepted the truth. He could retake the test again in the next year anyway. Two days after that, however, one of the team's Chasers; Senior Angelina, came to see him and told him that the captain agreed to let him take the test again. At first, he thought smugly that his skill was so good that the team decided to give him another chance. It was only after he passed the test and got accepted as a substitute that he found out, that Jongwoon personally sought out the captain and begged for a chance for him; going as far as promising to be turned into a cat if he failed the test. He asked the chubby boy after that and got a shy smile in return.


"I just want to help you like how you always take care of me."


Him? Taking care of Jongwoon? He remembered sneering at the Hufflepuff boy but Jongwoon only beamed brighter. The boy then suddenly hugged him, causing him to stiffen up. He had no idea what to do and got even more panicked when the shorter boy glanced up. Under the chubby boy's puppy eyes, Kyuhyun hesitantly wrapped his arms around the squishy body. He closed his eyes and felt his heartbeat increase…



And he realized that he might have a crush on the Muggle-born boy.





"Hey, can I ask you something?"

"It's rare of you to ask me instead of ordering me around but sure."

"Why do you hate flying that much? Even asking the headmistress to drop you off the class?"

"Ah, that…"


Kyuhyun turned to look at the boy lying beside him. After trailing off, Jongwoon quieted down and put his fingers near his lips. He frowned and grasped the boy's hand before he got to bite his fingers. To make sure that the boy couldn't do that, he hooked their fingers together and glared at Jongwoon. The Hufflepuff boy blushed and pulled away his other hand from his mouth, playing with his bang instead.


"Well, you know that I come from a Muggle family, right? My magic only manifested when I was nine but before that, I was an ordinary boy. Just like you, I used to dream of flying among the clouds but everything changed on that day…"


The Hufflepuff boy trailed off again and the smaller hand in his hold was shaking. Kyuhyun squeezed it and shook his head, implying that you can stop, but Jongwoon just smiled with a pale face and continued.


"I was only six when it happened. I went back to my grandma's house and found an old broomstick. I rode it and pretended to fly, you know, just like in a cartoon. But the broom actually flew and took me to the sky. I remembered screaming so loud that I lost my voice after that for a whole week. It took me so high that I couldn't breathe and the coldness bit into my bones. Eventually, I couldn't maintain the grip and fell off…"

"... What happened after that?"

"I fainted even before seeing the ground. I guess some Auror saved me and used Obliviate on me. Though my memory somehow came back after my magic manifested and I developed acrophobia. There, you have my backstory now."


Jongwoon shrugged as if he was fine but his shoulders were shaking. So, Kyuhyun put the boy's head on his shoulder. The chubby boy went quiet for a while, before turning to lie on his side and snuggling closer to him, their hands still hooking. He didn't say anything and let the Hufflepuff boy hug him. After a long while, Jongwoon spoke up while playing with his robe's lapel.


"What about you, Kyuhyun? Why do you want to be a Seeker?"

"Sorry to disappoint you but it's not something grand. I just thought it was cool."

"Hm, I see."

"...And I don't want to be compared to my father who's an Auror."

"Didn't know that you're rebellious on top of being a jerk."


Jongwoon's light giggle beside his ear and the fingers drumming on his chest made him feel dizzy. He quickly changed the topic before the Hufflepuff boy noticed his racing heart.




"Sorry for calling you Fatty. I won't do it again."

"I'm very happy that you finally dropped this stupid pet name but what's got into you?"

"It's Senior Angelina and her friends… They told me that I should stop and apologize to you if I don't want to lose you…"

"And why don't you want to lose me…?"


The Muggle-born boy asked while dragging his fingers down to his tummy and Kyuhyun lost it. He rolled on top of the boy and cupped the chubby cheeks, before kissing the plump lips. Jongwoon's arms came to hook around his neck and the boy kissed back. Both being inexperienced, their kiss was very clumsy and they didn't know what to do with their tongues. Despite that, just their tongues brushing their lips or awkwardly rubbing were enough to ignite their entire bodies. Had it not been for the need to breathe, both of them would have kept tasting each other until the end of time. While Jongwoon was panting for air, Kyuhyun pecked the reddened lips and gently bit the bottom one.


"Are you satisfied with my answer?"

"Mm, no? I want to hear you say it, Kyuhyun~"


Kyuhyun groaned in embarrassment but indulged the Hufflepuff boy anyway.


"Fine, I like you so I don't want to lose you. Be mine, Kim Jongwoon."

"Why did that sound more like an order?"

"Because it is."


He whispered and kissed his boyfriend's forehead, earning a happy giggle. After that, they returned to the castle as it was almost dinner time. On the way to the Great Hall, their hands were glued together and they kept looking at each other and chuckling while blushing like a fool. Looking at Jongwoon's beautiful smile, the familiar light and giddy sensation returned but he embraced it gladly and knowingly this time. Kyuhyun beamed and tightened their connected hands.



He couldn't wait to write a letter home and tell his family that he had found something he loved as much as flying!




Author's note:

Surprise, surprise! Did you think that the festival had already ended?  ;)

Tbh, it actually ended at the daily fic lmao. But then I realized that it's almost Yesung's birthday now so why not do kyusung fic marathon? Therefore, I'll post more fic until Yesung's birthday!! Hooray!

This is Harry Potter AU so it might not be everyone's cup of tea, but I hope you like it anyway~

Take care and love you!   <3


PS. Yes, I'm the one who draws the cover  xD

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Chapter 3: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1519696/3'>Seconds</a></span>
I love hp aus so much so thank you for writing!!! I think this ending was very fitting. It was nice seeing Kyusung develop as people big workout losing their love for each other 💙💙 also kyu is definitely a slytherin and woon a hufflepuff 👌 also x2 the cover is so cute!!
400 streak #2
Chapter 4: Jack and Angelina scene's really refreshing XDDD

Eniwei, I love Harry Potter too! I always enjoy watching it, and now since my son will be 13 soon, I will watch the movies with my son <3
400 streak #3
Chapter 1: Fatty, you should've known that whether you're fat or thin, you're still ugly. So, what's the point of dieting? >> LMAO XDDD;;;

PS : the cover is really cute! Love it! <3
enpress_ellen #4
Chapter 4: Perfect story, my OTP, happy ending and HP universe? All the things I enjoy 💙
_MyName_ #5
Chapter 4: I'm so late, sorryyyy :( but this was a perfect ending for the story <3
This also got me thinking if I should read Harry Potter after many many years, but we'll see.. :D
Lunayaa #6
Chapter 4: Awww so beautiful 😍
Kyusungftw #7
Chapter 4: Sweet and romantic💕 i love how you use all the titles during kyu's proposal to jw. Now i get it why the main title is time with you.
Chapter 4: This ending is beautiful my kyusung heart is full
Chapter 4: I enjoyed reading the full story and the ending is perfect! ♡(> ਊ <)♡ Thank you author-nim, we will wait for your return! (/^-^(^ ^*)/
pinkeussi #10
Chapter 4: Take a good rest author-nim! I'll re-read all yours stories while waiting for you ♡