
Time With You




Seven years later…



"The score right now is 170 - 140 with Super Junior in the lead! Oh, oh, oh!! Lee Hyukjae passes the Quaffle to Kim Ryeowook who passes it to Kim Heechul next!! And— Score!! Kim Heechul throws a curveball and earns another point for Super Junior! The score is 180 - 140!! Miraculous Star begins their counterattack and successfully takes the Quaffle to the goal and throws! But Shin Donghee blocks it!! Ah! On the other side of the field, Kim Ryeowook almost got hit by the Bludger but Choi Siwon came to the rescue! Lee Donghae also slams another Bludger away before it gets to Lee Hyukjae!!! What amazing teamwork! What? Eh!!? Oh my God!!! While we were preoccupied with the battles between the other players, Cho Kyuhyun has already caught the Golden Snitch!!! The match ends with Super Junior as the winner of the 134th Korea Quidditch Championship League!!!"


Jongwoon, along with the rest of the audience, stood up and cheered loudly for the winning team. The fourteen players came to line up in the middle of the pitch to shake hands after the match. Jongwoon grinned brightly while staring lovingly at the Seeker of Super Junior, Cho Kyuhyun, his long-time boyfriend. The former Slytherin student got chosen to join Super Junior, one of the top quidditch teams in Korea, and became a professional Seeker as he dreamed. As for him, he took over his family's cafe and operated in both worlds; selling beverages and pastries to Muggles while selling self-brewed potions to wizards. The two of them were still in a relationship and their love only grew stronger after graduating from Hogwarts. Both had learned from their mistakes and vowed to never let history repeat itself. In fact, they were so lovey-dovey that the media named them the most adorable couple in the 21st century.


"Everyone, although the tournament has ended, the fun hasn't ended yet! Please stay seated while our MVP, Cho Kyuhyun, says something to you!"


Jongwoon was about to leave the stadium and meet his boyfriend at the backstage, but MC Leeteuk stopped them all. He sat down and looked at the dashing brown-haired man in puzzlement. Kyuhyun whispered something to the MC before flying the broom toward the VIP seats where he was. The tall man stopped in front of him mid-air and he tilted his head, having no clue what his boyfriend had in mind.


"Woon-ah, I have a gift for you."


Kyuhyun presented the Golden Snitch to him. The little gold ball flapped its wings lively but didn't fly off of the man's palm. Jongwoon took it and stared at it cluelessly. Did his boyfriend want to give it because he caught it? The handsome Seeker chuckled and reached out to hold his hand, that one that still held the snitch, and kissed the sphere. Suddenly, the Golden Snitch's layers slowly retracted into its base, revealing a hollow core that wasn't empty…



There was a ring sitting in the heart of the snitch.



"Kyu…? This is…?"

"I love every hour, minute, and second that we spend together. However, I want to stop our time and make it into eternity. Kim Jongwoon, will you marry me?"



Jongwoon stared at the ring and his boyfriend, not knowing what to say. His chest felt extremely warm and light as he looked at the Seeker and nodded resolutely. Kyuhyun broke out grinning at his answer while the entire stadium cheered loudly. Before the taller man got to put the ring on for him, he stopped his boyfriend and asked him to take him onto the broomstick. Kyuhyun smiled and carefully pulled him onto his Firebolt, wrapping an arm around his thin body to secure him.


"Are you alright? You're still afraid of heights."

"Right now, no fear is stronger than the happiness I'm feeling and I want to look at you from the same level while I accept your proposal."

"I see. Then, I'll repeat it, Woon-ah, will you give me the honor to be by your side until death do us part?"

"Yes! Kyu, yes, I do!!"


Jongwoon sniffled quietly while his fiance put the platinum band on his left ring finger amidst the crowd's thunderous cheers. He vaguely heard the Super Junior's players shout congratulations and throw a few teasing remarks, but he was too far drowning in bliss to care about them. Right now, in his eyes and his heart, there was only Cho Kyuhyun. After putting on the ring, they held each other and kissed passionately while the world around them cheered louder.



However, the only thing Kyuhyun and Jongwoon heard was their heartbeats that danced to the same rhythm of love.





"Angie, dear, come check the headline of today's Daily Prophet!"

"What is it now, Jake? My hands are already full of taking care of our monkeys that even magic can't help me!"

"I'll take over. Here, hurry up and read this!"


Angelina waved the wand and controlled the kitchen utensils to keep cooking while she left the kitchen. Her husband picked up their children and played with them while she picked up the newspaper. A bright genuine smile immediately spread over her face. Today's big headline was good news about the engagement of a famous Korean Seeker, the current number one Seeker in the wizard world. Below the title was a moving colored image of two men who were sitting together on a broom while hugging and kissing, before pulling away and smiling in joy together. The image then zoomed in to show a platinum ring adorned with a sapphire blue diamond on the smaller man's left ring finger.


"Aww, I know it! I knew from the first time I saw them together that today would come!"

"Of course! I mean, it's pretty obvious how much they're into each other! Although that brat liked to deny it at first, pfft, just a target to pick on? Look where he's now! Hey, dear, do you think they'll invite us to their wedding or not?"


She didn't get to answer because an adorable guest had visited them. A beautiful black tawny owl with brown stripes flew into the living room and dropped a pink envelope on the table. She gave the owl a small piece of meatloaf while picking up the letter. The messenger owl stood still patiently after eating, letting the children pet her while they read the letter.


"Angie, what's the name of this owl again? Mingming?"

"Kkoming, the one Kyuhyun bought for Jongwoon in their third year after Jongwoon said that his family couldn't afford it, together with the snowy owl, Melo."

"Bruh, Couple owls? And that brat dared to say that he didn't like Jongwoon!! That's it. I've decided! I'll tell all guests at their wedding that this whipped husband used to be so in denial!"

"Why are you being mean to your own junior, Jake? It's their wedding. You should tell something cute like how Kyuhyun liked to say behind Jongwoon's back that he completely has his wife wrapped around his finger~”

"Merlin's beard! Angie, you're even crueller than me! …But I love your idea! Hahaha! Can't wait to see that brat's face after his beloved wife found out!"


Angelina chuckled along with her husband and tied a reply to the owl's leg, before sending her off to go back to her owner. She then took one last look at the invitation and beamed.





Dear Langfords,


You're invited to joined in the auspicious union between:



Cho Kyuhyun ❤️ Kim Jongwoon



Please see below the date and time of the wedding, and the location of the Portkey that will take you to the wedding.













Author's note:


Yesterday (Friday) was my company's annual party day so I literally forgot about posting the last chapter  xD

Happy ending for our beloved kyusung ❤️

Harry Potter is a significant part of my childhood that inspired my love for reading and writing, so I'm very happy that I got to do kyusung ver of it!

I included many refs in this story. I'd be happy if any of you read it and go "I remember this part!" hahaha

But most importantly, I hope you like my fic and continue to love & support kyusung  <3

Take care and love you!  <3


ps. I'll take a break this Sunday (28/08) cuz I've been writing for a whole month straight now lmao. I still don't know what to do for next month. Maybe I might continue with Objects of Love or finish the Xmas project. But there's also another project I'm working on...

Anyway, what I want to say is, plz don't look forward too much to next week cuz I might take another week of break if I don't know what to do xD

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Chapter 3: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1519696/3'>Seconds</a></span>
I love hp aus so much so thank you for writing!!! I think this ending was very fitting. It was nice seeing Kyusung develop as people big workout losing their love for each other 💙💙 also kyu is definitely a slytherin and woon a hufflepuff 👌 also x2 the cover is so cute!!
390 streak #2
Chapter 4: Jack and Angelina scene's really refreshing XDDD

Eniwei, I love Harry Potter too! I always enjoy watching it, and now since my son will be 13 soon, I will watch the movies with my son <3
390 streak #3
Chapter 1: Fatty, you should've known that whether you're fat or thin, you're still ugly. So, what's the point of dieting? >> LMAO XDDD;;;

PS : the cover is really cute! Love it! <3
enpress_ellen #4
Chapter 4: Perfect story, my OTP, happy ending and HP universe? All the things I enjoy 💙
_MyName_ #5
Chapter 4: I'm so late, sorryyyy :( but this was a perfect ending for the story <3
This also got me thinking if I should read Harry Potter after many many years, but we'll see.. :D
Lunayaa #6
Chapter 4: Awww so beautiful 😍
Kyusungftw #7
Chapter 4: Sweet and romantic💕 i love how you use all the titles during kyu's proposal to jw. Now i get it why the main title is time with you.
Chapter 4: This ending is beautiful my kyusung heart is full
Chapter 4: I enjoyed reading the full story and the ending is perfect! ♡(> ਊ <)♡ Thank you author-nim, we will wait for your return! (/^-^(^ ^*)/
pinkeussi #10
Chapter 4: Take a good rest author-nim! I'll re-read all yours stories while waiting for you ♡