
The Rose on My Porch
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GI let out a yawn while looking at the screen. She then took a peek of Irene and was in disbelief when she saw how the girl was so focused on watching as if her life depended on it.

“Do you really like roses that much?” Gi asked, letting out another yawn.

“I just really love watching documentaries.” Irene answered, her eyes still fixed on the screen.

“The sharp growths along a rose stem, though commonly called "thorns", are technically prickles, outgrowths of the epidermis, the outer layer of tissue of the stem. They are unlike true thorns, which are modified stems. Rose prickles are typically sickle-shaped hooks, which aid the rose in hanging onto other vegetation when growing over it.

Some species such as Rosa rugosa and Rosa pimpinellifolia have densely packed straight prickles, probably an adaptation to reduce browsing by animals, but also possibly an adaptation to trap wind-blown sand and so reduce erosion and protect their roots as both of these species grow naturally on coastal sand dunes. Despite the presence of prickles, roses are frequently browsed by deer. A few species of roses have only vestigial prickles that have no points.”

“Don’t you have anything exciting to watch?” Gi asked as she leaned back at the drawer beside Irene’s bed. “And why am I sitting on the floor? At least let me be with you in bed…”

Irene rolled her eyes. “I know what you’re capable of, Gi. Just stay there.”

The girl on the floor crossed her arms as she pressed her lips togethers in annoyance. “If I know you’re gonna treat me like this I should’ve just sneaked out.”

Irene finally laid her eyes on Gi, the monolid beauty wasn’t fazed by Irene’s glare. “Are you already breaking your promise to me?”

“Did I even promise anything to you? Gi scoffed.

The two glared at each other before rolling their eyes in sync.

“Give me the phone, Irene.” Gi suddenly commanded, talking about the new phone.

“No, Seul and I agreed to surrender the phone to me before she sleeps.”

“TCH.” Gi looked even more annoyed as her eyes squinted. “Seul again.”

Irene turned to her once more after pausing the video. “Are you really not interested in this? You don’t like dramas and movies either. I don’t know what to watch with you.”

“Who on earth even claimed that I like watching?” With an angry sigh, Gi just stood up and dusted her clothes. “I’ll just go to my room and think of naughty thoughts. That would be more exciting than this.”

“Hey!” Irene hurriedly sat up. “Are you really leaving?”

Gi slowly turned to her with dropped shoulders. “At the very least let me be in bed with you, Irene…” she whined. “I can just enjoy kissing you all over while you watch your thing—“

The girl was silenced when a pillow came dashing towards her but with unmatched reflexes, she managed to catch it before it hit her. “What’s that for!?”

Gi wanted to throw it back at Irene but a smirk curved up her lips when she saw how red Irene’s face was.

“Stop talking about that stuff with me!” Irene huffed with a flustered face.


Irene was quickly taken aback when she saw the look on Gi’s face. “I guess you’re not worried about what I can do… You are more bothered about what you might do—“

“Shut it, you…” Irene’s fists clenched as she looked away. “I’m not even thinking about it!”

“Oh, Irene… I already know you.” Gi moved closer to the bed. “You want me to feel you again, right?”

Irene covered her ears. “W-What are you even talking about!?”

Gi playfully raised her hands and showed her palms to Irene. “These two feeling your bust—“

“Gi!” Irene instinctively hugged herself. “S-Stop!”

The taller girl just snickered at Irene’s reaction. She then pulled Irene’s swivel chair and placed it near the bed before sitting on it. Irene watched her put her hands behind her back.

“Can I even get a kiss then?” Gi asked with an unexpected warm smile on her face. “Let’s just kiss one time and I’ll send you to sleep. It’s late already. You’re still recovering, aren’t you?”

Irene’s heart throbbed even crazier. “Stop… I said we’re not doing it.”

Gi tilted her head to the side. “I am not even talking about it. I am only asking for a kiss, Irene. You’re the only one thinking about it.”

“Stop twisting my words!” Irene’s eyes widened in embarrassment. “Y-You—“

“Look, baby~” Gi moved her shoulders up and down. “I won’t be using my hands, I promise. We’ve kissed before anyway, what’s wrong with doing it again?”


“Come on, baby~” Gi’s voice sounded even more seductive. “You want it too, right? I’ll be sure to control myself. Just one kiss.”

Irene fell silent for a moment. She hid her face from Gi before answering. “J-J-Just one k-kiss, okay?”

Gi tried so hard to stop herself from smiling but she couldn’t help it. She likes this embarrassed look on Irene. She likes the fact the girl couldn’t ignore her for real. She likes the fun there is in teasing Irene.

“Alright, move closer to me.” Gi asked. “I’m not allowed in your bed, right?”

Without a word, Irene moved closer to Gi just like what the other girl asked. Gi then leaned towards her. “Closer, Irene… I am not a ing giraffe.”

“Shut up.” Irene murmured as she moved her face closer to Gi.

The other girl smirked when she’s satisfied with the distance. “Make me.”

Gi then completely closed the distance between them as her lips made a perfect landing on Irene’s lips. Irene might seem hostile for the kiss at first but it was her lips that moved first. Gi could only smile in satisfaction.

Gi continued testing the waters and put some rhythm in their kiss. She would purposely move back a little bit at times but everytime she does, Irene would follow and catch her lips like she gets separation anxiety when their lips part.

They’ve been kissing for quite a while, indulging in the excitement each other’s lips brings, when Gi brushes her tongue on Irene’s lips as if begging the other girl to open up for her but that actually popped Irene’s helium balloon.

The taller girl watched how Irene quickly moved away with that surprised look on her face. “W-What are you doing?” Irene asked.

Gi just smiled at her before looking down. Irene followed where she was looking and was aghast when she saw how tight her hold was to Gi's clothes.

“I was just responding to your invitation, baby.” Gi mischievously answered with a seductive look on her face.

Irene immediately let her go and pulled herself away from Gi. She was too embarrassed to say anything.

Gi stood up from her seat with a victorious smile on her face. “Oh, Irene… Until when will you be able to resist your desire to do things to me?”

“S-Shut up…”

“Don’t expect me to stop teasing you if you’re this cute when embarrassed.” Gi then took a stretch. “I’ll be sure to be here tomorrow to seduce you again.”

With Gi leaving, Irene looked back at her only to see Gi staring intently at her. She was once again taken aback but this time by the way Gi looked so damn attractive despite the serious, nerve wracking look on her face.

“Don’t bother about Seul, Irene… Think of only me until I get my lips on yours again.”

Smile then went back on her face.

“Sleep tight, baby. Good night. See you tomorrow.”

Irene flopped on her bed right after Gi left her room. She buried her face on her pillow before rolling back and forth in embarrassment.

“How do I even control myself when she’s that hot!? How was I able to control myself when I was with Sakura back then!? At this point I am the one who needs self-control…”

Irene contemplated all throughout the night and was only able to sleep shortly not knowing that the answer was right under her nose.


It’s because she never, even once, thought of Gi as just a friend.





“UNNIE, you like bad girls, don’t you?”

Irene almost choked with what she was eating at that sudden question from Seul. The two are on Irene’s porch, spending a lazy afternoon with some cookies and tea.

“W-Why did you suddenly ask that?” Irene wiped her lips. “And what’s your basis?”

Seul looked down on her tea. “You told me that the girl you liked before was a woman hunter, remember?”

“Just because she was a woman hunter means she’s bad.” Irene whined.

Seul looked at her with disbelief. “Are you saying that jumping from one girl to another isn’t bad?”

“I-I didn’t mean to say it like that…” Irene took a deep breath. “She just had her situation…”

“Being in a situation is not a free pass in playing with other people’s emotions.” Seul took a sip of her tea.

“S-She only did it with those who are willing…” Irene answered in a trailing voice.

“Unnie…” Seul sighed. “It’s best not to defend her. Just admit that you like bad girls.”

Irene sank to her seat. “Having liked one doesn’t mean I have a type…”

“Oh yeah?”

Seul let out another sigh. She then remembered the strange note that was left to her. She wasn’t expecting another note but the other one weirdly left one again.

“Anyway, Irene-unnie…” Seul cleared . “You like flowers, right?”

Irene looked at the other girl, wondering what’s with the random questions. “Yeah, isn’t it obvious in my garden?” She forced a chuckle.

“Well, I was just wondering…” Seul took a deep breath. “If you would compare me to a flower, which flower do I resemble?”

“Hm?” Irene won’t deny it. That was actually an interesting question. “Let me think…”

Seul anxiously stared at Irene while waiting for her answer. She was actually hoping that Irene would compare her into that one flower.

“You…” Irene started. “Because you are cheerful and very kind and you always bring light wherever you go, I’d like to think of you as a sunflower.”

Seul instantly looked away. “Sunflower…”

Irene worriedly looked at her. “You don’t like it? I think a sunflower really fits you.”

“Really?” Seul smiled faintly. “Then… h-how about her?”

“Who?” Irene asked.

“The other one… You, unexpectedly, can tolerate her. You guys even hangout at night, right?”

“W-Well, yeah… I guess she wasn’t that hard to talk with… Talking to her is the best way to keep her in my watch.” Talking using that language.

‘It’s because you like bad girls, Unnie…’ Seul shook her head in disbelief. “What flower fits her then? You kind of have a grasp of what she’s like, right?”

“Oh well…” Irene looked away to hide the blushing of her face. “I think… If she’s a flower, she’d be a rose.”

‘There it goes!’ Seul coiled into her seat. The ugly writing of the other one flashed on her mind again.


“Our Irene loves roses.”


A very random note but Seul knows that the other one is actually building up a fence.

Irene immediately reached out to her in worry.

“Seul!” The other girl shouted. “Are you okay? Is there something wrong?”

“N-Nothing…” Seul forced a laugh. “I-I think I got bitten by an insect…” She lied while scratching her leg.

“Don’t tell me the ants are back again on my porch!?” Irene tried to search for insects but Seul stopped her and calmed her back to her seat.

“I-It’s fine, Unnie… Can you proceed on telling me the reason why the other one is a rose?” Seul tried to fix her posture. She grabbed one cookie and stuffed it whole in .

“Hmmm…” Irene fell deep in her thoughts again. “I don’t know… I think she’s just really beautiful… Just like a rose. She also gives this mysterious aura… Like a red rose.”

“Unnie…” Seul called, almost sounded like she was whining. “You see us using the same face, don’t you think I am also beautiful?”

“Of course you are beautiful, Seul!” Irene chuckled at the sudden expression of jealousy.

“Then you should’ve also said something about me being beautiful as well!” Seul pouted, she stuffed more cookies in .

“Ya!” Irene laughed even more as she tried to stop Seul with her violent eating. “What are you even doing, silly!”

“Don’t be so close with her, Unnie!” Seul said, cookie crumbs fell from her lips. “She might just be deceiving you! She might go for an attack if you let your guard down!”

Irene just smiled at her.

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gtz_2021 #1
Chapter 25: 🤗♥️♥️
66 streak #2
Congrats for the feature!
Dokusho #4
Chapter 27: That was really a good read!
Chapter 27: Irene and Seulgi deserved this ending. After Gi's suffering for decades, she deserves someone like Irene that gave her colors to feel alive again. This story will have a special place for me. All of the characters are unforgettable and thank you again Shortcut48-nim for this. You are an amazing writer. <3
Chapter 25: I'm crying my heart out in the previous chapter and now I have to cry all over again with this one! I know I still have two more chapters to read, but first, I would like to thank you author nim for this masterpiece. It was an emotional roller coaster ride for me and I'm so excited to see how this story will end.
daerkxxxxx #7
Chapter 17: Chapter 17: felt an utter disgust on this chapter yet it sad this scenario really happen in this world. Parent shall be the protector of their child, those sickos deserved hell. Pray for all the childs. Thanks authornim for this, reality hits the hardest😭.
Chapter 5: Dang. I was right. It made me sad after knowing Seulgi's trauma. And what Wendy said was also a sad reality about people with this kind of mental illness.
Chapter 3: Since the last chapter, and in this chapter, I could see that Seulgi might have DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) because of how "Seul" explain she's "sleepwalking" and based on her reactions that she feels like she's alseep for the whole time when her other self "the seductive one" is present and I have a hunch that Wendy might be her psychiatrist or someone who knows about Seulgi's history or situation. I'm curious how the story will unfold, especially Seulgi's character.
1758 streak #10
re-read some of the chapters and boy this story hits!!! thanks again for always sharing your creation and stories with us!!