Take the blame

Polar Opposites: SeulRene
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Seulgi woke up two hours early than her usual time. It was 4 in the morning and the sun was yet to rise. She went to the kitchen and saw her brothe setting up the counter with baking utensils.

      Her brother said, "I'll be damned. You did wake up on the said time. I don't know what made you think about baking but here are your ingredients and utensils. You know what to do, right? I don't need to bring a fire extinguisher?"

      Seulgi wore her apron and began to prepare her ingredients, "Oh shut up, bro. If you keep joking I am not giving you anything nor let you off the left over icing or some scraps you want to devour."

      It took Seulgi an hour to fully finish her cookies. She had a hard time finding the right flavour. Some were bitter, tasteless, raw, and burnt. After baking, she went back to her room and get ready for school.

      After changing, she went back to the kitchen to take her cookies that was in a red wrapping with a pink ribbon to keep it close.

      "Cookies made with love," Seulgi's brothe said, taking a bite. At first, the latter kept nodding his head as he savor the taste. Then he gagged a bit but didn't show it to his sister. The cookies were too sweet for him. Nevertheless, he decided to acknowledge them, "T-Tastes good, sis It's definitely not too sweet. You really do still have that sweet tooth, don't you?"

      Seulgi spat while rolling her eyes out of annoyance, "Shut up, bro. I'm heading out already. Breakfast is in the fridge so heat it up before you eat it. Au revoir! The angel is off to school!"

      Usually, the moment Seulgi arrived to school everyone will greet her and all of the attention will fall on her. However, it was different this time. Engrossed with the thought of the cookies, Seulgi barely noticed the strange whispers and stares coming from the students.

      "Seulgi!" Seulgi's thoughts were disturbed by Wendy. "Is it true?"

      "I don't want to believe it at first, but it looked so real..." Jisoo added.

      Seulgi raised an eyebrow, "What are you two talking about?" Just then, she noticed the reactions coming from the students around her. "Guys... what's going on?"

      Before Wendy and Jisoo can answer, Seulgi overheard one of the students say, "Who would have thought Seulgi and that damn delinquent..."

      "Tell me about it. "

      "No wonder Irene didn't gave her a hard time when she made contact with Seulgi." Another added.

      Seulgi felt furious. "Can someone tell me what is going on?!" She asked, with the tone of authority yet still gives off her angelic tone.

      Seulgi hated people talking behind her back the most. Especially when she is right there to listen. Instead of confronting her, people would rather keep it to themselves and whisper around her.

      It bother's Seulgi.

      Jisoo handed out a photo to the latter. "It's about you and Irene," Seulgi took the photo. It was a picture of her and Irene at the back of the building where she pulled the latter's collar close to her face. The angle looked like they were kissing.

      Wendy added, "It's all around the school, Seulgi. Everyone's talking about it."

      Irene's hands tremble. The quivering of her hands continued to the point she crumpled the sides of the photo – she is furious, and anxious. 

      Panic rose up in Seulgi's veins. Who... who spread this?! She thought. Her heart thumped rapidly. No. Their stares... their words... no... this can't be happening. Just who did this?! Not again... please... not again. I don't like the whispers, I don't like the stares. Please make them stop! Stop whispering! Stop

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Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #1
please update 😭
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #2
Chapter 10: please update author nim 😭😭😭😭😭
AnneTokki #3
AnneTokki #4
UD 🥺 please
AnneTokki #5
Chapter 10: Please UD please🥹🥺🥹
AnneTokki #6
Chapter 10: Will this be on hold 🥺🥺🥺
cupcaketree123 #7
Chapter 10: Pretty sure yeri is not actually her girlfriend. She probaly saw through joohyun and started plotting this so seulgi would realize if she‘s not true to her feelings, irene will be swepped away. However, seulgi failed big time. Joohyun probably wanted to drive her to the edge but even at such a crucial time, seulgi couldn‘t vocalize her thoughts and feelings. That‘s why she‘s a real coward. However, joohyun still was a bit harsh to her, with the necklace and all. But i mean seulgi slapping her and all ain‘t better. Goddamit, these two gay‘s. Someone make them have a good talk right now. I can‘t stand the angst
akrr1997 #8
Chapter 10: You know… Seulgi is actually toxic. I get that she has a fear, but the way that she portrays herself is just toxic. She has no rights to hit Joohyun. I’m rooting for Joohyun to be in a healthy, loving relationship.
Chapter 10: I don't think Joohyun is in a relationship but I have the feeling that Seulgi might be doing something reckless just to leave the location...I'm down for some angst

As always dear author: Thank you for this amazing update :)
AnneTokki #10
Chapter 10: Thanks looking forward 🙂💛💓💜