
Reborn: Tale of a concubine.
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Heart thundering painfully in his chest, Sehun watched the happenings around him. It was utter chaos, so much blood, people sprawled everywhere, some never to get up again, while the survivors fretfully try to escape the several explosive being dropped by winged creatures. Nobles and servants alike were in dismay from the sudden attack.That was the thing about destruction: it didn’t discriminate based on bloodline or species. What had Sehun even more mortified wasn't just the explosive dropping from above, but other set of creatures were chasing down the survivors to end them. It was a massacre, he shuddered inwardly. Frozen in place, unable to react for a long time, Sehun felt something bumped against him. Started he looked down to see Zach, urging him to move his or probably the message was for Sehun to do something? He wasn't sure, but whatever Zach meant, Sehun should do something, standing still wouldn't help anyone or make everything disappear. But even as Sehun thought the words, self-doubt churned inside his chest. What could he possibly do when the situation was already like this? His sister's minions were attacking innocent people, because she had a score to settle with him. All this happening was partially his fault. A series of shouts had Sehun, swirling just in time to dodge a creature's claws that was most likely aimed for him. The creature snarled its mouth dripping with fresh blood as it turned to face Sehun ready to attack for the second time. Like a dark Angel, Blink dropped in front of him, her wings sending out gush of air infused with godly magic that sent the animal whimpering and crawling away in fear. His mother didn't let it, she was on it, grabbing and twisting its neck with a sickening crack. It didn't even twitch before it fell heavily to the ground. Dead. Get grip. His beast scolded, then its tone became softer when it added. No fault, human sister evil. Must help people. His beast was right. There was a lot to do, first he need to find Kai. A moment prior another explosion going off near them, had pushed them apart and Sehun saw Kai rushing to help a group of maids that were being chased by Hars. "Sehun call your helpers, now will be a really good time." Blink descended on another creature, slashing it in half.Her movements today were ruthless and unrelenting, Sehun noted." The royal army won't be here so fast– who the thought it was a good idea to keep the army miles from the capital? I bet after today Kai will surely change things. " She was ranting as she continued to slaughter the creatures, while Lui and Zi fought next to her. "They are delayed because the bridges and teleportation talismans has been destroyed, you and I both know who's responsible.And not many can create a portal, those that could are all here." She jerked her head to a certain direction. Glancing at the direction, Sehun winced from the chaos but he forced his eyes on until he sighted Kai. His husband was helping Wei Ying who had his wing trapped between a Tora's teeth, at the far end from where Sehun was stood. A little close to the others was Lan Zhan, pushing the queen dowager behind him like a protective guard. With a sigh, Sehun pressed the smart device and quickly send the message to the elfin king. The response was immediate and Sehun was grateful to know the elf would be here as soon as he could. With that taken care of, he let his eyes back to his husband. Forming a tight circle around the emperor, the Lans and the queen, were Kai's shadow guards, and two of Sehun's guardians fighting any creature that came close. He sighted Baekhyun and Chanyeol amongst them. Sehun was relieved to see they were all okay. He made toward them, however just as he did, someone suddenly appeared out of nowhere to push him hard, sending him several feet away. When he made another attempt to bypass whomever the they were, the person blocked his path, unwilling to let him get to his destination. Angered, Sehun let his fingers changed to claws , ready to fight the er, but when he looked up he reeled realizing it was his sister. He was taken aback because Sehun didn't expect her to show up. In each hand was a blade, that shone ominously in the morning sun. Other than that one push and blocking his path, she reminded silent and unmoving, only watching him with unreadable expression and Sehun watched her back, willing his emotions to settle. She briefly glanced at Sehun's intended destination before turning her attention back to him. She was preventing him to reach Kai. Sehun noted with renew determination to get to his mate. It felt like an eternity before she stepped closer then, a slow stalking stride as if afraid to get too close to him. Sehun didn't need to think of what to do as he quickly took his lion form and roared loud to her face in warning, he was a beast and she knew better than to stand in the way to his mate. It didn't deter Seung-Wan, she inched closer, her blades now shimmering with heavenly energy that sent a warning to Sehun's head. Rubbing the blades together, she formed two orbs of golden energy that swirled and hovered in the air. This was the power of a goddess, no mortal should be able to wield it, like Seung-Wan was doing. Immediately, she hurled both orbs toward Sehun, aiming for his chest with precision and Sehun was quick to let his wings out. “No!” Gritting her teeth, Blink dove in front of Sehun, pushing out her own pair of spheres—lighter in color and more violet than Seung-Wan's but just as powerful—from her slender, luminous blades. Her orbs collided with Seung-Wan's, exploding into a shower of gold and pale purple light. Sparks flew across the space, searing the ground and building, before speckling the exposed skin and clothes of the people nearby. Despite Blink's attempt to take the strike for him, Sehun was still affected. He reeled from the blast, twisting one of his wings in front of his body like a shield. He gasped as the deluge of celestial fire singed the tips of some of his feathers. They would wither and fall out by morning, but it was a small price to pay. His ribs would not have healed as quickly had the orbs struck him directly. When he looked up, Sehun was glad to see Blink was unharmed and was glaring at her daughter angrily. Seung-Wan on the other hand seem more amused than annoyed. "You've made your choice mother." She said to Blink. "Chose one and discarded one. Well what did I expect?" She had the audacity to sound disappointed. "It's not too late to stop this madness." Blink said calmly. Seung-Wan lifted a shoulder in a lazy shrug. "Just like you I've made my choice, don't try to persuade me." Then her eyes went to Sehun. "Come brother we have a lot to do." She made beckoning gesture as if that would make Sehun go to her. Sehun snorted, and remained in his beast form, clearly indicating he didn't have time for her nonsense. "Now now, are you upset I a nearly killed you?" Sehun didn't answer. She nodded her head as if having expected his response. The next breath, she had Blink in her grasp, one of the heavenly blades going to his mom's neck. It happened so fast Sehun didn't see the movement. "I am not asking Sehun, I am demanding you come with me." Sehun was in his human form. "Or what? You're gonna kill our mother?" Another shrug, but her hand inched some more to Blink's neck. His mom subtly shook her head. The gesture caused a tiny slice to her neck. “Let. Her. Go.” Now he crossed his arms, and his eyes narrowed. If a pissing contest was what Seung-Wan wanted, then a pissing contest she would get. "Oh I will, when you come with me." She said, "Now that you've sent your little cubs away, I have to make do with what I have." He eyes took a dangerous glint. "Father cannot wait to meet you" The reminder of Sehun's so called father was meant to wound him as much as a slash from her blade. And it did exactly that. The words settled in Sehun's core like a rock, like something dense and heavy, oppressive and unbearable. It didn’t matter that he hadn't seen, heard from, his biological father for more than twenty years. Just thinking of the person that provided the to bring him to existence was enough to set him on edge. And he wasn't the only one. Blink had a look of sheer sadness and fear on her face at the mention of the Griff. "Sehun don't let her get to you." Blink told him, her tone anxious.

Closing his eyes, Sehun pinched the bridge of his nose trying to block the flood of bad memories threatening to burst through the dam he had carefully constructed around them in his mind. Sensing someone approach him from behind, Sehun that was on high alert rapidly turned to see a fire hound intending to sneak attack, however Sehun easily dodge, kicking the hound to the side as it let out a pitiful sound that did nothing to crack the ice in his heart. One look was enough, he would recognize the traitor any minute. She made toward him again but just as Sehun was ready for her, to end her existence altogether, Seung-Wan stopped her. "Stop, the are you doing!" The fire hound took her human form, eyes on Sehun. "I thought he's supposed to die?" Sehun didn't understand why Jennie chose to side with his sister, and where she fit exactly. Had she been truly against them all along? According to what the Byuns told them when she was brought in earlier, the day the fire goddess came to heal Blink, she had suspicious and had deliberately set a trap that Jennie fell for and thus she was found out by them. They suspected she had been in league with the bad side for quite some time. Their investigation proved Jennie had done bad things, like being responsible for Mark's death and providing information for Seung-Wan in places the latter didn't have access. Also being the one to deliver the note to the queen dowager by Seung-Wan's instructions and influence the queen's decisions. The person that provided the houndbane that was used on Hyoyeon was her as well. The list of her crimes was long. She had been the one to track down the kids from the capital, like Mina and sent them to Seung-Wan for her sickly experiments. No one saw it coming, hence they were stunned speechless. "Not yet." His sister said. "Now go do what you're supposed to do." Sehun went to grab her, but his sister let out a"ah ah not so fast, I am still holding our mother hostage." She grinned and Sehun had to watch the fire-hound trot away, and Jennie even dared to wink at him to provoke him. Pushing down his anger, Sehun turned to face Seung-Wan."Fine let mother go. You can take me like you wanted." He didn't know if Blink was truly powerless to escape or she was bidding her time. He wouldn't want to test Seung-Wan cruelty yet again, especially remembering how she sent those creatures specifically for his mom, and she would have truly died if not for the fire goddess. Speaking of which, where was she when her beloved sister was in this situation? The mothers better not give him crap about not interfering with mortal affairs . The she being involved was enough reason to get involved themselves. "Now step forward slowly. No funny games." Seung-Wan warned, her eyes watching him keenly. "No funny games" Sehun repeated her word, raising both hands in the air but didn't make an attempt to move. He would stall for a little longer for his mate to catch sight of him and come to him since Sehun couldn't go to Kai. With that thought, Sehun briefly glanced at Kai's direction, hoping to give a hint, only to let out a choked sound. His husband was being held by two basilisks, their wicked claws at ready to bleed him dry and have a taste of him, if he as so much moved slightly and other two basilisk were hovering over him, their hungry eyes on him. Kai wasn't the one, Lan Zhan, Wei Ying and even Baekhyun were being held by other creatures. The rest that were trying to get to the captives were kept busy by the endless wave of animals in their path. Fear and anger threatening to burst out of his chest, Sehun snapped his attention back to Seung-Wan that was gazing at him with that psychopathic grin he hated. "I am not a fool Sehun" she regarded him carefully . "I've watched you and your people for two life times and know how your brain works. Those people will die to protect you, so taking you by force is out of the way." She tilted her head. "The best chance I have to make things move fast is for you to come with me willingly. And you can only do that if you know the people you cared for are in danger. Their lives are in your hands Sehun. Do not think for a minute I give a damn if they die or not. Preferably I will like to end them right here and now so that they wouldn't interfere with my plans. But I am willing to play your way. And trust me it's not an act of mercy." She concluded. No wonder she had been a step ahead of them over and over again. She truly knew them all well. "How do I know you won't have your minions kill them when I come with you?" If it were a few weeks ago when he thought his dead sister kindhearted, Sehun would've believed she was just spurting nonsense, but now he knew she was capable of being as evil as she wanted without a care in the world. She shrugged. "You don't, but do you have a choice?" He really didn't. Better yet comply and make sure his people – like she called them – were out of danger first. Then he would think of a way out. Gritting his teeth, Sehun gave a nod. "let's go." Blink jerked slightly, the fear in her eyes unconcealed "Sehun you can't, you know what she wants." She said in a small voice. Sehun did. However –no matter what I would not die today. That was the
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Ghadino94 #1
Chapter 44: Pls don’t stop writing about sekai stories🥹🥹I love all of your works 😍😍😍
Exoleris1485 #2
Chapter 44: This chapter was so lovely and cute. This story was really great to read. Loved reading it. Please don’t stop writing sekai you are the best. Will be waiting for you to come back with another story. 💕
740 streak #3
Chapter 44: Such a lovely ending, Yasmin.❤️ Everything has come full circle and all are happy and protected. The babies are so sweet and they all have such delightfully distinct personalities. Thank you for giving us a happy ending as well as a glimpse into the future for Kai and Sehun, and their kingdom.

Please never stop writing about SeKai, they bring such vivid life to your work, as do the other characters that we love. If you decide to leave AFF, please let us know where you will be taking your future stories. I will always support you.
charinamus #4
Chapter 44: Thanks for great stories authornin
Pshintani #5
Chapter 44: This was truly such a sweet ending, I loved this chapter. Its up to you if you wanna continue writing here or somewhere else.... but if you do decide to write somewhere else, please let me know. Thank you for writing this beautiful story
Chapter 44: I love your writing!!!!!!!! Please still write Sehun and Kai and anyone else you want to. I will miss you if you stop writing here as I really enjoy your talented storytelling. I hope if you do decide to stop writing here that you will leave your stories and account here for us to read and any new readers to find and enjoy.

This was a good ending, I like the way you took us through the years with them. You answered some questions voiced and unvoiced. You give a clear path that they were traveling as a family and kingdom. You tied-up loose ends and showed us a very happy couple and family. Thank you!
XiaoShixun #7
Chapter 43: More kidssssss
740 streak #8
Chapter 43: It was my favorite chapter as well, I even read it a couple of times.

There is never a dull moment in the Byun household and I love that Mina is still there with them. It’s also obvious that Baekhyun is her favorite. Little Steph is a sweetheart as well, I am still laughing over Baek and the paternity test. I can’t wait for the wedding.

Kai and Sehun are still the same and it’s hilarious that Kai has absolutely no control over his dragon, especially where his mate is concerned. It was also great to see Sehun send those ministers packing, Hyunjin is the rightful Crown Prince.

Lastly, I also enjoyed Blink visiting and the hellacats still being with Sehun. Thank you so much for this update, I am sure I will read it again before the next one.
Chapter 43: I can see why this was your favorite one to write, I really enjoyed reading it too. My favorite part is how the four hellcats are so protective of Sehun and everyone knows they are there for him, not Kia.

I can't understand why the minister/counselors would think Sehun would oust Hyunjin. Especially this many years later with hearing and seeing Sehun treat him lovingly as his own. I wonder if the minister was thinking of marrying his son or a close relative to the girl to take the throne maybe?

It's cute how Beakhyun is the only one to take Mia to task for changing the natural order/timing of change with her abilities just because she is curious. It only works because she loves and respects him so much and he is not afraid of her or what she can do.
I love his son, and how he had a DNA test to see if he was Chanyeols. The way Chanyeol teases him and laughs about it is fun too.
Thank you for this great chapter looking forward to the next. Hoping you have a good week.
740 streak #10
Chapter 42: Now they are mated in every sense of the word. It was nice to see them without a care in the world except each other. Thank you for another lovely chapter.