Carrie and Heath's Future

Dating App Match
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Third Person's POV:

It was five years for Carrie and Heath, five years since the two have announced their relationship. Five years since the both of them have met each other's family. Two years since Heath found success on her sideline hustle and has now her own studio which was named Studio MongMin a word play of her Korean nickname given by her old fans when she was a trainee for SZC Entertainment, the word Mong or Blank in Korean as she was often referred to, her facial features looked like Sana Minatozaki but her expressions are always blank. Unpredictable and surprising her fans. Min for her greatest inspiration, Kim Minjoo or Carrie Kim. Kim Carrie continued to flourish as an artist in her own right. Releasing music with her Team or Solo. She also put up a Franchise of her Father's Bakery. She mans the shop whenever she had downtimes from her schedule. She also resigned another contract with SZC as her team already completed the seven years minimum for their time as a group. Everyone thankfully recontracted at SZC, they were after all given creative freedom in their direction and music. Everything seemed fine for the two of them, save for Heather, who was now her own boss.

Heath's POV:

It was one of those days when I was so tired from working with several small brands around Korea, Money wasn't a problem. It was the unbelievable amount of work I had to do on my own together with my team. I was swamped and business was booming, however a lot of entitled customers who are such a headache for me, always asking to revise a certain part of the shoot when I already checked with them if the shots were good to which all of them responded it was good then changes their mind at the last minute. Those are what aggravates me and I am on the verge of quitting and heading back to work for P!nk. I sat back at my desk, I work from home these days because I am too lazy to move from home to the small office I had in Mapo-gu.

"Yeobo, please rest for a while, come and sit with me." I heard her sweet voice as she places a kiss on my left temple.

I pouted at her and almost cried out to her.

"Come on." She replied after placing the kiss.

She held me lightly by the hand and pulled me to the bed and sat me in between her legs, my back leaning against her as she hugged me from behind.

"You've been working non-stop, what's up? Is there any problem at all with your business? You can tell me." I heard her say as she started to massage my head.

I groaned at the touch and her head massage she was giving me it took me a few seconds before I answered her.

"It's those demanding customers who I already made sure the shots were good but then a few days later they'd respond and tell me they didn't like my shots and ask me to redo it." I whined to her.

Which was cut off by her hands massaging through my head. Another groan escaped my lips, earning giggles from her.

"Aigoo! Bad Customers! Here's the deal, I know how you work, you always take good if not the best shots of your subject, so there should be a rule in place before you work on certain projects a consensus between you and the customer. Like say they are allowed to ask for a redo within twelve hours after you've showed them the end results, so that you don't exert much time and effort on their requests." She suggested to me.

"Well, I suppose that's good, twelve hours isn't hard to decide on a matter right?" I replied to her.

"Yeah and also limit the revisions and ask them to pay extra if they're being too difficult to please. Like say a maximum of two revisions and then charge extra for the rest." She replied to me.

"Thank you, yeobo. I truly appreciate all your help." I replied to her.

"If it were up to me, maximum of one revision should be enough." She replied to me.

Then my phone sounded with a message notification, I brought up my phone from my pocket and read it.

Kang Kyeong-soo sent you a message...

I was frozen as I saw the notification, Carrie knew who my Father was, his name which was now flashing on my screen may have triggered another headache. I winced at the sight and I heard her tell me.

"Yeobo. You're not going to see that message? It might be important." She told me.

I looked up to her and pouted at her.

"I don't care if it was important, did he ever think about Eomma, Kyeong-woo and I when he was doing his secretary? Aniyo, he is a selfish bastard. I never needed him, never did I ask anything from him." I replied sulkily my voice wanted to raise but I carefully spoke to her while maintaining the pout.

"Yeobo, it's been twenty-three years, don't you think it's time to let go of all his wrong doings? Come, let's read his message. If there's anything that's awful within his message, I'll answer him for you. Now, relax, breathe and give me your phone." She replied softly at me.

I handed her my phone and she unlocks it using my pin, then she opens the message app. I leaned a little bit more against her chest as she opens the message from my Father.

Kang Kyeong-soo: Hyewon-ah. Is it okay if I ask for your help?

Kang Kyeong-soo: I need your help, my Ttal. Please, help me. I was recently diagnosed with stage 4 Lung Cancer. All of my family's savings are already depleted, my sons couldn't take care of me anymore because they also have their own families now and I didn't want to bother them. My wife currently is out of work, because she was redundiated. Please help me. Even if it's just for food expenses, please. I beg you.

Kang Kyeong-soo: ๐Ÿ™Have mercy on me, please help me.

She read it aloud while I watched her scroll through my phone. The message was sent on Messenger App on Facebook. It was all he has honestly, he was too old for Technology advancements. I sighed at the message and closed my eyes feigning I didn't hear or see anything.

"Yeobo, you can help him. You have the money to do so, we have means to help him." She replied to me.

The problem with Appa was he never learns his lessons, he always had it easy even when his parents were still alive, he can easily get money from them. He also has three other siblings so I don't get why he's asking me for help now.

"Andwae. I don't want to help him. Let him die of hunger and of his sickness. I don't care if he dies a miserable life." I replied to her.

She looks over me softly and caressed my cheeks in the process.

"Probably let's buy him some groceries, let's start with that, I can ask Wendy Unnie to buy him groceries." She replied to me.

Wendy Sunbaenim of Red Velvet was in Canada right now for her world tour Solo Concert.

"Ani. Let's not bother Wendy Unnie." I replied to her.

"Don't be too hard on him. Please." She replied to me softly and placed a kiss on my lips.

A gentle peck, would normally calm me, but I just can't put into words how dumb he must be to ask me for help. I already gave him the pardon that he needed and I am not yet ready to embrace him and welcome him back to my life, especially not now that I am beginning to make a name for myself with Studio MongMin and I am doing what I love to do.

"You can easily say these things because you didn't grow up in my circumstances. You don't understand what I've been through because you met me at a time I was beginning to be okay." I replied to her rather calmly.

I got up from bed and carried my Laptop with me to work on my client requested revision somewhere else. She watches me as I walked out of our shared room, she has since moved in with me when she renewed her contract with SZC several years ago. all her kids had their own apartments and her schedules have freed up unlike before when she was super busy, these days she mostly spent time on her Franchise of Appa Taehyung's bakery around Gangdong. We lived in Gangdong in an apartment we rented. So she can still work and get to her Franchise easily. The apartment was big and spacious, I transferred my laptop to the open area living room. Still sulky about her suggestion to help Appa who was in Canada currently and have Wendy Unnie deliver them groceries is something I don't want to ask from Wendy Unnie, she's busy with her concert and barely had time for herself let alone deliver those groceries. I sat in the living room and continued to work on the revisions. I also sent a message to this hard to deal with client informing him that if he asks for a new revision, I would have to charge him an extra fee, citing that I had him look at my shots prior to leaving his shop and I also gave him my schedule for the week which was this coming Friday and only that particular day, I told him he can take or leave it because I was fully booked until the following three months. Which was a lie of course, but I had to really assert my rights to refuse his absurd revision requests which was five times now if I am keeping count. Soon, I heard her footsteps, quietly padding through the living room. The couch shifted and I was enveloped in a side hug.ย 

"I won't force you, if you really don't want to help him." She says to me softly and paused.ย 

"I just thought it was a good opportunity to show him kindness instead of getting him back for the years of neglect he did. Please think about this more." She whispers to me almost inaudible if not for her pressed lips against my temple.ย 

"I don't need to think about it. I'm sure about it. He won't get a dime out of me." I replied to her.

"Yeobo, for me, please think of it for me, I can help you with his treatments just in case you need an extra hand. It's just a Luxury Ad for me, I can accept one of the brand deals I have and shoot an ad and then we can give him that money. It's not going to hurt you if you helped him as a final act of accepting his apology." She whispers into my temple as she showers my temple with tiny kisses.

"Ani. You can't and won't use your money to give him an

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