In Your Dreams

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There is an unbreakable bond between souls that transcends words and clichés. It is a bond that exists between those connected by love. Do you believe in the magic of dreams?


  • Fandom: Hetalia
  • Story Number: 203
  • Pairing: France x England (Francis Bonnefoy x Arthur Kirkland) [FrUK]
  • Chapters: 1/1
  • Status: Complete 
  • Warnings: Boy Love ()
  • Tags: Romance, Teenagers, Fluffy & Light, Mild Flangst, Whimsical, Surrealism, Possible OOC-ness, Offhand Plot
  • Start & Completion: 2012/11/06–2013/04/23


I imagined France around 17-18 years in human appearance here and England is 14 (we're talking nation years here, so he just looks 14 but he is much, much older). So France is practically a young adult. Sigh! Young love! An old idea; a very whimsical piece... Very dream-esque and as with most dreams, things hardly make perfect sense, but they just do all the same. We understand somehow even if we don't. Uhh, if you almost always remember your dreams like I do, you'll know what I mean. 

French used:

  • mon jeune maître - my young master
  • s'il tu plaît, croyez-moi - please believe me
  • je t'aime (aussi) - I love you (too)

Original post:


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