
Reborn Young [Discontinued]
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Exiting the car with purpose, Tiffany swiftly made her way to the trunk, retrieving the array of iced coffees she'd pre-ordered for the journey to Taeyeon's music video shoot. Armed with a plethora of cups, she embarked on a mission to uplift the crew's spirits, graciously handing out the refreshments while offering encouraging words, a respectful nod, and a heartfelt cheer for each recipient.


"You're taking your barista role in a heartbeat, eh?" Taeyeon the moment she received hers too.


"Yah, I'm just cheering everyone for the filming." said Tiffany in a low tone. She moved closer to her best friend's right ear and whispered, "I prepared for this, how do I look?" she stepped back right after making a turn and winked at her best friend. She's wearing a black skirt matching it with black sneakers and a peach oversized blouse. She especially tied her curly hair with a ribbon and stopped by a salon.


Taeyeon took a photo of her best friend. She softly chuckles as she grabs the apron from the counter and puts it on her friend. "You're still going to cover it though but your makeup is pretty." she said as she stepped behind her and tied the apron. Once done, she taps her shoulder twice. "Let's work hard, Ms. Barista Young. I'm counting on you." she softly said and left her to get her makeup done.


Tiffany turns around and sighs. 'Ever since I've been hanging out with her in that mansion, I've been feeling strange. Aish.' She thought while cheeks blushing. 


"Ms. Young, how about we practice making coffee." The assistant director approached her as he opened the door from the counter. "At least five times before we roll in."


"Yes, thanks, PDnim." She answered as she smiled and put her iced coffee down. "Alright, I got this." she told herself as she grabbed the cup first and then started making the coffee. 


In the coffee shop's cozy nook, Taeyeon focused her lens on her best friend while the hairstylist worked diligently on her locks. Taeyeon couldn't help but giggle as she captured Tiffany's array of expressions—a playful pout here, a momentary grimace there, all interlaced with radiant smiles and the joyous claps that punctuated every successful coffee she made. 'She's having fun though.' she's happy to witness it from her best friend. She didn't regret suggesting her to her director.



While the filming is going on, focusing on Tiffany first, she is ready to serve the coffee in a cup when suddenly someone sneezes, causing her to get startled and she accidentally drops the hot coffee. "Ah!" she jumped in surprised as it hit her foot.


Taeyeon just sprinted right away to her best friend and pulled her gently to her. "You alright?" she asked and checked her legs. Thankfully she's wearing sneakers and it doesn't seemed like she was hurt badly. 


"I... I am. I was just surprised." Tiffany replied hesitantly but she felt embarrassed. "I'm so sorry." she hastily bowed in apologies to the staff and director as she grabbed the white napkin nearby.


"Let the staff handle it." Taeyeon however grabbed the napkin and one of the staff immediately got it to clean the mess on the floor. 


"My apologies." Tiffany bowed once again to everyone.


"It's alright. Please, everyone, focus." The director said while signaling the staff to resume the lights and the camera.


"You got this." Taeyeon cheered on her and she returned to her waiting area.


Tiffany took a deep breath and exhaled slowly before she grabbed another cup and once the director signals, she began to work with the coffee again.


'She's jumpy. Aigoo, you got this, fany-ah.' Taeyeon said at the back of her head while she was watching the shooting diligently. Her song is playing in the background which seems to be giving her best friend some encouragement.




Suddenly hearing a notification from his phone, Yoona/Yuri hastily fetched it out from the pocket of his blazer and realized it was just a spam message. He exhaled in frustration as he put his phone back in his pocket and plopped his arms to his desk.


'It's been three days... I haven't received any text from her. I thought she would respond to any of my messages... but will this be the third day she won't be coming to school?' He thought and realized for the past 2 days, Seohyun hadn't come to school. It's another day in school and so far he hasn't seen her. The principal sent a temporary teacher in her absence. "Will she come today this time?" he straightened himself and looked around the classroom while everyone was busy on their own. 


"Are you talking about Teacher Seo?" One of his classmates heard him.


"Ah, yes. Did you hear anything about her? I mean, the principal hasn't told us the reason for teacher Seo's absence, right?"


"Not yet. But I heard from other students that she's on sick leave."


"Chincha?" he accidentally raised his voice.


"I'm not sure about it but... who knows? Teacher Seo rarely took a leave."


Yoona/Yuri let out a sigh. 'Maybe she's sick because of the bruise she received.' He's worried and at the same time not sure what to do. But suddenly he got a flashback of Seohyun being sick.




Rushing to her girlfriend's apartment, Yoona hurriedly unlocked the door and darted inside, anxiously scanning the rooms for Seohyun. She was concerned that Seohyun might have fallen ill after the heated argument they had the previous night in her apartment.


"Seohyun-ah, where are you?" Yoona called out as she searched through the apartment. Her bedroom, study room, and storage area—all empty. Frustrated, she stepped out, dialing Seohyun's number in haste. "Come on, pick up. Pick up," she muttered anxiously, heading for the elevator. However, just before stepping in, she was startled as Seohyun, looking drained, stood by the lift. "Oh my goodness!" Yoona rushed forward, catching her in her arms before she could collapse.


Seohyun let out a faint snicker and coughed, her gaze half-focused as she looked at Yoona. "You still care, even after last night?" She tried to pull away slightly from Yoona's grasp.


"I'm your girlfriend! How else should I react? Ugh, let's get you inside," Yoona said, gripping Seohyun's arm and leading her out of the lift. She grabbed the plastic bag containing Seohyun's medication. "I've told you to keep meds stocked in your apartment, haven't I? Why do you insist on going out to get them yourself?"


"Because I still can't stand you!" Seohyun yelled angrily, only to be interrupted by a fit of coughing. "How could I possibly ask you to take care of me?"


"You're still upset?"


"This was our perfect chance for that promo! Why won't you see that?!" Seohyun whined petulantly. "I can't stand you!"


"How am I supposed to manage that with you when I have an important match scheduled? Ugh, we're arguing again. Just be quiet," Yoona grumbled, feeling agitated. She scooped Seohyun up in a bridal carry and returned her to the bed. "You're burning up," she remarked, checking Seohyun's temperature with the back of her hand. Seohyun had been drenched by the rain the night before after storming out during their argument.


Seohyun turned away from her, icy and distant. Crossing her arms, she sulked in silence.


"Tsk, I'll grab a damp cloth for you," Yoona muttered as she headed to the bathroom. Returning with a basin and a face towel, she noticed Seohyun clicking her mouse. "What do you think you're doing?" she hastily set the basin down and hurried to Seohyun's side, only to find her registering their names on the restaurant's website. "Hey, I told you I can't go," she reminded Seohyun, her tone tinged with annoyance.


"If you can't, I'll go alone," Seohyun retorted, sticking her tongue out defiantly as she stubbornly clicked 'submit' on the website before retreating to bed. "I can handle it myself," she muttered, reaching for the face towel to place it on her forehead, only for Yoona to swiftly snatch it away.


"If you end up feeling lonely this Saturday, don't blame me. Lie down," Yoona instructed firmly. Seohyun scoffed but eventually complied. "It's just one dinner date; we have plenty of time for that," she remarked dismissively.


"Every Saturday is our dinner date, remember?"


"Yeah, I know. But-"


"That restaurant has a—Achoo!" Seohyun sneezed abruptly, rubbing her nose vigorously.


The doe-eyed girl flicked Seohyun's forehead playfully before gently laying the cold, damp towel on her skin. "Hey, relax and take it easy, okay? You can't afford to be sick before Saturday if you plan on going."


Seohyun let out a deep, audible sigh as she closed her eyes, gradually calming her frayed nerves. Her entire body felt drained, and her head throbbed with pain. It was a wonder she still had the energy to argue with her girlfriend.


Yoona fell silent as Seohyun grew quiet. Her hand gently found its way to Seohyun's left hand, offering a light massage. Witnessing her girlfriend unwell tugged at her heartstrings, yet she felt more than upset that Seohyun still insisted on attending the restaurant's promo. "I'll do my best to make it, but I can't promise," she murmured, maintaining the soothing rub with her thumb. 


"I'm sorry if I can't go to your match."


"It's Saturday, I understand. But I'll make it up to you next time."


Seohyun's lips finally curved into a smile. "Keep going," she whispered, finding solace in the comforting touch of her girlfriend's hand.




"Your hand."


"Oh, you love it?" Yoona smiled in amusement.


"It's making me relax."


"I'm glad. I love you, baby." 


Seohyun's smile widened even further. "Wishing you the best for your match. You'll ace it like always," she said, opening her eyes to meet the gaze of her girlfriend's gentle, encouraging smile. "And if you manage to make it, give me a call so I can meet you halfway."


"Of course, Ms. Seo," Yoona responded, leaning in to plant a gentle kiss on Seohyun's lips, followed by a sweet smile. "How about some cuddling? I've heard it's the best medicine," she suggested sincerely.


"Much better." With certainty, Seohyun pushed the comforter aside and nestled back into her girlfriend's embrace. She let out a soft exhale, feeling a familiar warmth enveloping her in Yoona's arms. "I love you too, Im Yoona," she whispered as drowsiness crept in from the medication she had taken earlier.


Relieved, Yoona smiled warmly, unwilling to release her sick girlfriend. She planted gentle kisses on Seohyun's forehead several times before gradually drifting off to sleep alongside her as the sun was setting behind the curtains.


End of flashback...


"It's Saturday tomorrow, right?"


"Yeah, but we don't have school. Are you-"


"Thanks, I think I have an idea of how to find Ms. Seo," Yoona/Yuri said, rising quickly and rushing to his locker. Grabbing his belongings in a hurry, he dashed off as other students arrived at the school early in the morning.




After a full day of filming, exhaustion lingered in the air. Despite that, Tiffany wore a bright smile, expressing gratitude to the staff and bidding them farewell before finally reaching Taeyeon's van in the parking lot. Collapsing into the plush seat, she released a long, heavy exhale, finally allowing herself to relax. 


"Today feels like the most rewarding kind of exhaustion," she declared, a giggle bubbling up right after.


As the manager settled into the driver's seat, she noticed Tiffany. "You did an excellent job today, Ms. Young," she complimented warmly. Having been impressed by Tiffany's skills during the filming, she handed her a tumbler as a keepsake from the music video shoot.


"Thank you, Unnie. This means a lot," Tiffany expressed her gratitude. "By the way, where's Taeyeon?"


"She's just changing at the moment. She'll join us shortly," the manager informed, flipping on the radio which began playing a lively pop song.


"I have no doubt her song will be a hit once more. It's got that trendy vibe, you know," Tiffany asserted confidently.


"I know right? But Taeyeon likes the song, which means it won't be a hit."


"You've got it all wrong with your conspiracy theory, Unnie. It's not as if every time she dislikes a song, it becomes a hit. Take '11:11' for example – it was her favorite and a massive hit. We should trust her loyal listeners; they have a knack for turning her songs into hits. I can practically see the future, and this song is stuck in my head. It'd be a shame if the public missed out on it." Tiffany confidently defended her perspective. 


The manager chuckled softly. "You truly are her biggest fan."


Tiffany grinned proudly, nonchalantly shrugging her shoulders. At that moment, the door swung open, and her exhausted best friend finally joined her inside the van.


"Are we stopping by a restaurant, or heading straight home?" inquired the manager, firing up the engine.


"How about swinging by my favorite barbecue spot, Unnie?" Taeyeon proposed, a wide grin lighting up her face as she turned to her best friend. "It's a celebration for nailing today's filming!"


"You goof." Tiffany chuckled, playfully nudging her arm. "Let's head straight home, shall we? I'm itching to relax and rest."


"No, we're heading to a barbecue joint to enjoy the night," Taeyeon insisted, and the manager nodded in agreement, affirming her choice.


"Alright, if that's what you want." Tiffany relented, conceding the point. She opted to unwind in her seat, conserving her energy instead. As the van journeyed on, she and Taeyeon lapsed into a tranquil silence, accompanied by the gentle melody of a song.




As Yoona/Yuri made his way out, relief washed over him. He had successfully managed to book a table for two at the same Han River restaurant where he missed having a dinner date with Seohyun. Walking towards his car, he suddenly panicked at the sight of a familiar van pulling over nearby. Scanning the area, he spotted a trash bin and hastily hid behind it. Peeking out cautiously, he noticed Taeyeon, Tiffany, and the manager stepping out of the van.


"So they're heading out without giving me a heads-up this time?" He scoffed in disbelief, feeling a bit left out. However, as he observed their excited and cheerful expressions, a genuine smile spread across his face. Waiting for them to enter the barbecue spot next

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1120 streak #1
Chapter 11: Lol Fany become serious and probably upset when Tae mention she'll meet teacher Seo that's why she immediately said see you later and hung up the phone...
Chapter 10: Omoo, yuri in yoona's body. Then Seo kiss her >,<
1120 streak #3
Chapter 10: Oh so now it's Yuri's turn to live as Yoona... But what about Jessica? Is the really her or Yoona's soul in Jessica's body?
Chapter 9: Yoona back to her body? Really? How about yuri?
RunningTRussia #5
Hi, I just located this story looks pretty cool! Thanks for continuing this yoonhyun story
1120 streak #6
Chapter 9: Oh so Yoona is back in her body?
multistory #7
Chapter 8: Look forward to your next update.
1120 streak #8
Chapter 8: Oh so i think the reason why Jessica hasn't been around is she must've entered Yoona's body?? and oh Seo be careful from now on...
Fire_trek 340 streak #9
Chapter 1: This was an interesting start to a great story! I can’t believe fate brought YOONA and Seohyun back together again(although she’s a “he” now) I’m happy to see where this goes
1120 streak #10
Chapter 6: Cliff hanger hehehe 😁😁😁