Act One

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The nations try to survive a meeting for deciding who to cast as who for an upcoming charity play.


  • Fandom: Hetalia
  • Story Number: 09
  • Pairing: none
  • Chapters: 1/1
  • Status: Complete 
  • Warnings: Plotless Nonsense, Expletives, Stereotypes, Mild Racist Jokes, Crack, (Attempts at) Humour
  • Start & Completion: 2012/10/07–2016/04/01


A short and pointless (attempt at a) crack fic for April Fools. This was my very first attempt at fanfiction for the Hetalia fandom, and I originally intended for it to be serious and multi-chaptered, though I don't remember anymore what I originally had in mind for this.

Original post:


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