Chapter 5.5 - Evidence

Objection, Your Honor! Bakit Ako?
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Evidence: Information presented in testimony or in documents that is used to persuade the fact finder (judge or jury) to decide the case in favor of one side or the other.



Maybe it’s the way how the wind welcomed me that made me feel in such way that I’m bound to enter an unpredicted change… or maybe is it just because of the gloomy weather that caused my senses to conclude into something… pessimistic?


I don’t know.


It’s just…




The bright white lights of the airport, the sounds of boarding and landing airplanes, and the crowd waiting for their loved ones seem to not exist – for my mind is clouded that it covered my whole sight, like how a fog would engulf a forest; a wall could protect a palace.


While I was still on the plane’s cozy chair, sipping from my tea, rereading one of my favorite novels – before my foot took its first step out of its surface, after flagging hours of flight; my thoughts envisioned the heat from the sun – burning my skin, the trunks of vehicles on hazard busting, the loud murmurs and cries of the people who seem to have anticipated this very moment to finally be in each other’s embrace.


Did I speak too soon?


Because from the moment I cross threshold in the frame of this country, the opposite occurred.


Am I worrying?


About what?




I don’t know.


Everything I perceive comes back to that quote from the movie that I watched for over a hundred times.


‘I can feel it in my bones.’


Yeah, maybe a gut feeling?


On the moment that I arrive?! Really?!


Or maybe is it because I’m gonna live alone?


My sentiments were brought to end when I heard a loud ‘Ms. Winter Kim’.


It came from someone who clothe oneself with a formal suit and a dark pair of sunglasses; my family’s trusted bodyguard whenever we put in an appearance in this country – Kuya Bok.


He was holding a small whiteboard where some of my details were written, ensuring that he gets to take home the right Winter Kim.


Contrasting to my relatives, I treat him like a family.


He became the person who I had been longing for. He kept me safe such as how one’s mother take care of her garden; an owner would look after their fur babies.


“Too formal, Kuya” Handing him my luggage joined with light pats on his shoulder whilst showing him a warm smile that depicted the words I opt not to say out loud.


It’s great to see you, kuya.


He let out a light chuckle, knowing fully well what I meant.


“I missed you too, liit.” He disheveled my hair before pulling me to rush our way towards the car, in which he left unattended. Still careless as ever.


He’s been calling me liit ever since he laid eyes on me, telling me that it solely means small.


In my defense, I am a 5’5” woman who gets to be by his side who’s as tall as a tree – he’s 6 feet tall by the way.


“Are you sure na diretso ka na sa school?” His concerned eyes met my nonchalant ones.


Am I sure?






If you would’ve told Winter from three months ago that she’d probably step foot in this country with the possibility of longer self-isolations because of thy introvert self, she would’ve laughed at your face, telling you to stop saying such ridiculous statements.


Who would’ve thought?


That someone like me – The Winter Kim, would choose to broaden one’s horizon and make uncertain decisions; living in a country with full of good cooks, great singers, and competitive citizens.


Who would’ve thought? I myself didn’t.


I didn’t feel the need to answer Kuya Bok’s question. Thus, I did what I was best at.


Shrugging it off.


The downpour of the rain created a melody as I closed my eyes, like it was some sort of hearing aid. Whilst sitting comfortably and drifting to dreamland, I could hear the engine of the car clicking, Kuya’s out of tune humming, and the honks of impatient drivers on the street.


Funny how these factors – when combined, doesn’t seem to be giving a pleasant result. If I were ever to form it into a word, it would definitely be mayhem. Yes, it’s loud, annoying, and unlikely to mollify but it gave the assurance that everything is going to be well.


Great way to kick off my first day as a residing citizen in this country.




Was there a time where you would just want to be in a certain place except from where you are right now?


Because for me, now is that time.


“One bottle of water, please.” If other people are drunk with whatever liquid they are intaking, here’s me – dehydrated.


As far as I remember, I was never this bad when it comes to directions. It’s like, I’ve been walking and running in circles just to find the directress’ office.


So, what’s the problem perhaps?


The language.


I can’t understand some of what they said. They’re not like Kuya Bok who speaks slowly in order to communicate well with me.


All I remember are ‘sa kawila’ and ‘ah malapin lang ‘yan, teh’. Did I remember it correctly?


“Ano iha? Hota?”


I don’t think I can survive today.


“Uhm nevermind. Thanks.”


Can there be just someone who understands my way of speaking?


“Jimin Karina Yu. Rank 1.” I turned my head and walked to the side from where there was like a ceremony?


Ah! They surely know the place I’ve been finding since God knows when.


I decided to endure the agony of my water-deprived throat and just continue with my find the directress escapades. I can buy a gallon of water later.


I walked forward…


And forward…


Until I stopped.


My eyes darted to the girl who was proudly taking her award.






And probably breathtaking because I think, I’ve been holding my breath for a while now. Which means that I also wasted too much time watching the ceremony. Goodness, I’m running late.


If there is one thing that I despise the most, it’s not arriving before time because for me – on time is late.


But… The girl… She looked so…




It’s like she just had her first delish meal of the day. So ecstatic that it displayed a child’s happiness when their favorite season arrived.


If it were not for these papers that I’m holding right now – and also about to pass. I would probably probe myself on why are my first impressions of a specific girl, smiling in front of a large crowd, diversified as… something I would not like to name.


Mostly my first views of non-familiar people come out as ‘they’re weird’ ‘too scary’ ‘must avoid’.


But this one turned out different.


Why, though?


I don’t know.


Finally! After taking forever of mapping the university with my footsteps; the directress’ office!


“I was expecting you Ms. Kim.” She clasped her hands together and smiled weirdly?


Typical, ‘head of the school’ gestures.


“Yes, directress. I apologize for the slight delay but I would like to personally hand these to you and be on my way this instant. I don’t want to be under the impression of a tardy transferee.” I politely said as I handed the requirements that they emailed before my flight here.


“Hm. I like your determination. I hope you’ll enjoy your time here Ms. Kim.”


Closing the door of some super high official of the school was never not an easy task to do but speeding my pace as I head to my assigned classroom was. Beads of sweat and heavy pants came out of my system.


By the moment that I was in front of our door, I inhaled a large quantity of air and wiped the sweats that formed on my forehead. Here goes nothing…


“Good day, Prof. I apologize for being late. I just needed to pass some requirements to the directress.”


When he realized who I was, Prof started introducing me to the class and hypothetically declared two questions with one sentence.


Am I really going to love this degree?


We’ll see.


I roamed my sight to check for available seats.


It felt like a sack of rice was taken off my back – relieved, that there are still plenty of unoccupied chairs.


Although my eyes only resolve on aiming the spot in front; beside the girl whom I saw on stage earlier.


I don’t know.


I don’t know why I was walking towards that seat, with no hint of hesitations. It’s like my feet have minds of their own.


And just like that, the girl who cluelessly took my breath away – I still have no idea why, who seems to be the kind of 'looks like could kill you - would kill you' person, is now my seatmate.




I miss having soup dumplings. It’s wiggly figure, soft texture, and savory broth. Maybe that’s the reason why I settled for this so called soymay?


Did I treat it as an alternate of soup dumplings?


Actually, no. I enjoyed it as it is – like how I’m slightly enjoying the pushing and pulling of this unspecified group of friends in front of me.


Wait. One of them is heading towards my table?


Oh no.


“Hello. Winter Kim, right? I’m Shin Ryujin. Pwede ring Ryu na lang kasi ‘yun naman tawag nila sa’kin dito pero if you want you can call me bab-“


Baby? What?


They introduced themselves one at a time while I just gave them smiles and handshakes.


What am I suppose to say? I’m not really a people person.


But comfortable may be the word that could explain what I feel right now. These people may be a bunch of loud speakers but they get along really well. It’s not the same as when you put different sound systems in one room where they’ll produce incoherent noises.


They just combine perfectly. They’re one.


“Ryu, ang gulo mo! Punta ka nga muna do’n kay Yeji oh!” I followed where Ning pointed out of curiosity about this new name.


But instead of seeing a new face, I saw her.




The guy looks happy beside her. Eyes becoming crescents, lips forming a wide smile.




“I’ll head upstairs first. See you around, guys.” I bid farewell because I heard that our next class will have its oral recitation. Even if I’m new, I need to participate in this. It's important to be fair whenever you are part of a class, so out of respect, I would willingly join the recitation even if I know nothing with their discussions.


I walked in a pace of a snail whilst thinking. Maybe it’s the way I’m clenching my fist or how I crease my forehead that I knew that I am acting out of my normal.


I just transferred here last week so why am I having foreign feelings?


It’s not familiar like the sound of my footsteps echoing the hallways, the windows of every room reflecting my likeness, the voices of the professors loudening. It's different and new.


It’s still early to start my roller-coaster ride of a journey in this campus, though.


Is it because I’m still adjusting?


Oh? Maybe It’s the culture shock?


Or is it because…


Of this certain girl who seems to be intimidating and cares less about the people who are not dear to her; seldomly speaks whenever we’re in class for the reason of focusing and taking notes attentively.


This certain girl who never even took glances at me if ever she’s beside me in classes; she who stopped my process of inhaling and exhaling air; she who made me feel like I’m someone who doesn't deserve warm eyes, genuine smile, and a simple ‘Hi’.




Am I doomed?


I don’t even acquire the slightest idea on how I reached my seat safely. Or on how did I pass those flirty banters of every student I ran into.


What’s important is my mind is still functioning after all the thoughts that’s lingering.


Following professor’s announcement of the oral recitation is the opening of the main classroom door; revealing the darling appearance of a lovely woman flashing her classic creased forehead and dazzling mole.




I described her like how I would describe the fluffiest cake I’ve ever tasted.


From the moment she arrived my mind just produced adjectives I have never used on someone before…


Could it be?






It started.


The adversity a first-year student could experience has started. Let the aggressive response to the first student who was called to recite be a solid proof.


If the Australian professors would classify her answer; they’ll give the word rubbish.


Larson’s answer is out of the question and merely impossible to conduct if ever the situation happens in real life.


Larson’s done for.


If there is a way to save someone from the ill luck they are going through; it is in the way of raising your hand and volunteering to recite the precise answer.


So, she did.


She bailed out Larson from the incoming bombs and fires that are bound to come her way.


She’s astounding.


Karina Yu is astounding.


Now has come to the point where she was opt to answer her prepared question. When she heard the word ‘modify the morality of human acts’, I took heed of her physical reaction; her body tensed and eyes panicked.


Concluding that she’s not confident in this category.


And I was right…


She conveyed a wrong response.


I’ve done so many recitations my whole life to know how the professors would react on such erroneously answered question; some would fume, some would degrade, and some would correct.


I just happen to notice the crumpled fist of Prof Ciriaco, the tapping of the pen, and the clenched jaw; as if asking the que

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Thank you!
this was the most draining and dreadful chapter i had to write.

aussie’s lane chap was plotted like this kasi akala ko, kaya ko. akala ko lang pala. */humagulgol

i hope this was worth the wait :))


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amoybabysimj #1
Chapter 23: misshu author where na you, panindigan mo iyak ko otor (⁠~⁠ ̄⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠~
13 streak #2
miss you po. i mean. miss ko na si aussie at bucky. uwi na kayo pls
Hatdog_alien #3
Chapter 1: tapos na birthday ni karina 😔
where na u po
miss u, balik ka na 😔
harryperezeo #5
Chapter 1: Aussie na maputi hahahha
miss ko na sila 😭😭😭
565 streak #7
Miss ko na po opo 😭
157 streak #8
*knock knock* tao po? 🥹
miss ko na sila 😭😭
tor, balik ka na pls huhu.