Her Dimpled Smile

Words and Melodies


Written words hold much more meaning than spoken ones. Karina now understood her ex’s reasoning when she asked her about why she took up literature as her major upon checking out the lyrics of one of the submitted songs for her upcoming album.


“She’s quite good for a newbie lyricist, no?” Ms. Son, one of her producers asked, settling on the seat beside her. Her voice was laced with excitement. Karina too cannot help but to smile, knowing that the company had again found a gem for its writing aspect. As much as she looks forward to the production of her songs, its lyrics are a thing she is also meticulous about. She made it a rule to every producer she works with to not give her a song whose lyrics are gibberish. Her company also knew that. In fact, she cannot count on her hand how many songs she had rejected just because of a particular reason - its lyrics don't make any sense at all. You can call her narcissist or perfectionist all you want but she will not put up any song that in the first place she cannot connect with just because she doesn’t get what it is trying to imply.


Maybe for the listeners, feel-good songs and songs that are simply pleasing to the ears are enough to make them listen to it. Karina fully understands that because she is also like that as a listener. But if you are a singer - the one who will convey a storyline through singing - a song that is simply pleasing to the ears will not make up for everything. She sings for others to feel and how can she make them feel? The song’s lyrics. That’s it.


Now, she cannot help but to scoff. She is slowly becoming like her ex. Words are becoming her priority. How ironic when they cannot even put out the right words to save their relationship back then.


“Yeah, is she from another company?" she inquired. For sure, whoever could write this good had already worked for several artists even though she's a beginner.


"No, she was actually scouted. The rumor that's circulating is that someone from the company had seen some of her written works posted on a website. A talent like hers shouldn't go to waste so a producer actually convinces her to sign up for the company." At the explanation, Karina nodded in understanding.


"And that producer was you?" Karina teased the older girl to which the latter just sheepishly smiled.


"Of course. Like I have said, a talent like hers shouldn't go to waste." Wendy reiterated.


"Yeah yeah. Rumor my ."


"Try to get along with her. We will be working side by side. So mostly her songs will be given to you." her producer informed.


"You like her that much, huh?" Karina playfully asked. Knowing the latter for already a few years, only a few lyricists have actually sparked her interest in wanting to exclusively work together.


"Hmmm… you could say so." she nonchalantly replied, although the excitement is evident in the glint on her eyes.


"Be ready for tomorrow. We'll have a deliberation on what songs will be included on your next album." were her producer's last words before she shut the door of the recording room.


She should be good.




"Yah! Where are you now?! " she grimaced at Wendy's loud voice booming on her phone's speaker first thing in the morning.


"Enough with the nagging, unnie. I'm only a few blocks away from the building. I'll be there in a few minutes." With that, she hung up the call while massaging her aching head. Her insomnia attacked again last night. It took her several sleeping pills, a glass of wine and a two-hour tossing and turning on her bed before she was finally lulled to sleep. Hence, she could care less about this schedule. They can go on about it without her anyways. Her producer knows her like the back of her hands, Ms. Son would always do a good job in picking suitable songs for her.


“Sorry for being late.” Karina apologized hastily as soon as she settled on her seat. She can feel the numerous pairs of eyes watching her every move but she’s still busy arranging her things as well as composing and settling herself comfortably to roam her eyes around. Well, for sure, they wouldn’t care if one of their highest earning artists would waste some of their time. So she too didn’t mind as she took her time. Well, except for one. She grimaced in annoyance at the light (it still stings) pinch on her side, courtesy of her producer who is shooting daggers at her.



“Shall we start?” Mr. Lee, their CEO announced. With those few words, a staff immediately comes in front of all of them to handle the presentation projected in front.



A list of tracks can be first seen. Karina squinted her eyes to see everything clearly. A bunch of interesting titles caught her eyes at the onset.



“These are the submitted songs for your next album Ms. Yu, which will be released this autumn season. As such, these are all filtered to fit the autumn season vibes.” She nodded in understanding, quite excited already to hurt her fans. Autumn season albums usually contain those songs that speak about longing, regrets, hurt and all other emotions in between these.



“Let’s all choose the songs.” The staff excitedly stated as she proceeded to the next slide.



(Disclaimer: I am no music major. So if you want to read about musical technicalities being really integrated in this fic. I am sad to break it to you but I might disappoint you in that aspect. I really just want to let this plot out of my head.)



‘Feel You’


Karina closed her eyes to feel the song. It has a slightly fast tempo but regardless of it, its melody is quite easy to follow. Not to mention, the lyrics are also so good.


‘Falling leaves, falling me.

Just the solid ground underneath.

I know it's unreciprocated but if the ground is you.

Then, I’ll fall countless times just to feel you.

Even if only bruises will be left behind.’


She heaved a contented sigh as the song came to an end. Not bad for the first song. A bunch of songs followed suit. Different melodies, tunes and instrumentals were being integrated to the songs’ production. So far, only the first song has actually impressed her to the point of wanting it to be on her next album. The songs weren’t bad but she cannot really distinguish it from all the other songs that were already released in the industry.



“Just the first one appeals to you, no?” Wendy murmured beside her. See? This is what she meant by her producer knowing her like the back of her hand and that she isn’t really needed here. Wendy knows her too much to pick the songs, she knew Karina would pick if she’s present.


“I am not really needed here. Just you is enough. You know me too much.” Karina uttered back with a smile.



“Silly, we all know that you still have the last call. So might as well settle everything at the initial meeting.”



Fair point.



Karina is this hands on to her work. Singing isn’t the only thing she is passionate about. Planning for the output she will put out is also taken seriously by her.


It is not only her work, it is her art.


‘One Way’


It surely took me a while to gather up my courage.

There is no turning back. Just a one way road.

I will now race towards you.

But ‘I like you’ is a cliche way to properly describe how I feel.


How about promising to tie your undone shoelaces for you?

Arranging Friday movie nights?

Bringing an extra jacket in winter time?

Memorizing the recipe of your favorite coffee?


Little things but a promise of forever.

Will you let me?

My love, there is only one way.

I’ll open this passenger door, ride with me.




Karina could only let out that one expression after hearing the sixth song unroll. The song has its addicting melody that will just leave you bobbing to it from the start until the end. She looked on her side and Wendy too is sporting that ‘impressed’ look. Guess, a confirmed side track for her next album.




She clutched tightly on her arm rest, quite excited for this next song as soon as she heard the acoustic instrumental smoothly ringing throughout the conference room.


I have had my eyes on you ever since.


Oh. Okay, another sweet song coming through. Karina initially thought after hearing its first line. Now, she is deliberating because as much as she likes the instrumental of this song, two songs with almost the same point or perspective in one album is something she does not want to release.


Hopes were high as you returned my gaze.

Stolen glances, exchanging smiles.

A picture-perfect relationship afterwards,

Until you let your shining fame burn it all up.


Gladly, she was wrong for those initial thoughts.




Letting you go was the hardest thing to do.

Sadly, you have made it bearable when you told me you aren’t happy anymore.

My love, your wish is my command.

I’ll steer myself away from you.


From U, I’ll turn away way way way…


Cold eyes are boring into mine for the first time,

When you break into me,

How our distance and your busyness have built the walls between us.

You let go of what could be a permanent ‘us’, for a temporary ideal facade of ‘you’.


Letting you go was the hardest thing to do.

Sadly, you have made it bearable when you told me you aren’t happy anymore.

Your wish is my command.

I’ll steer myself away from you.


From U, I’ll turn away way way way…


Wow. That song hits close to home. As soon as the next stanzas reverberated, it took every ounce in her not to think that this song was made to tell how much she must have hurt someone who did nothing but to make her happy back then.


“And that concludes our listening party.” her train of thoughts got cut off at such an announcement from the staff.


Karina heaves a deep sigh to calm herself of the unnecessary emotions and thoughts she tried to bury for the past year.


The dimming lights turned clear after a few moments and so did her vision of the entire room. She should have roamed her eyes the first second she arrived. With that, she might have prevented her heart from leaping out of her chest the moment the view of a familiar person sitting on a far end chair in front of her entered her line of sight. She too is staring back at her. But unlike Karina, she isn’t stunned. If one would look at it clearly, a longing smile was actually plastered on her face as she stared at the dumbfounded expression of the singer.


“So, what songs should we include? Any thoughts, Karina-ssi?” For the second time, the staff’s voice pulled her out of her reverie. She abruptly tore her gaze away from the familiar figure while trying to compose herself to not choke on her own words. This sudden encounter was just too overwhelming for her.




“Uhmmm… I like ‘One Way’ and ‘U-turn’.” she simply stated.




“I second that.” Her producer agreed. “Also, ‘Feel You’ isn’t a bad choice for a b-side.”


Everyone nodded at their opinions.





“Oh yeah, before I forgot the other reason why you are badly needed here.” Wendy interjected playfully, still refusing to let go of this topic a while ago.







“Karina, I would like you to formally meet Minjeong. The new lyricist I am talking about. I figured you will like her works. She was actually the lyricist of your two chosen songs.” the older girl informed, to which earned a few mesmerized claps and expressions from everyone inside the room.



This time, anything that will possibly happen will not shock her anymore.



Fate is now playing its game on her again.



Her producer really figured it out. This person in front of her knows exactly how to get her heart ever since.







“Nice meeting you, Minjeong-ssi.”



“Hello, Ms. Yu.” the latter replied with the infamous dimpled smile she showed her back then on their first meeting. A distant memory that started everything.





“Hello, Ms. Yu.” she stopped reading her calculus book at the sudden greeting. When she looked up, a smiling sophomore student (judging from the color of her ID sling) welcomed her.


Karina threw her a questioning look, eager to get back on her readings.




“C-can I get your number?” After hearing the latter’s intention of approaching her, she cannot help but to scoff inwardly. A little bit insulted. Does she give off the vibe of a person who will give out her numbers to strangers freely?



“I g-got dared by them…” she pointed out to a group of friends on the table on her right.



“If I wouldn’t be able to do it. T-they will make me pay for their lunch for a whole month and you know I just cannot —” she was going to cut the latter’s ramblings when one of her friends already did on Karina’s stead.




“Just tell her already that you like her ever since the first day of school, Jeongie.” That confession earned a bunch of chuckles from the occupants of the other table and a groan from the younger girl in front of her. As for Karina, it made her smile inwardly. She hates to admit it, but she does find the person in front of her a little cute.




“Aish…stupid Ryujin.” Karina heard the latter sternly muttering under her breath.



“I am sorry! J-just forget that this happened, Sunbae.” She frantically apologized and soon dashed out of the library with her head hanging low.


Karina just clicked her tongue in amusement at the peculiar turn of events that one afternoon.


Minjeong succeeded on her goal though after constant and persistent tries.


To be continued…




A/N: How's everyone doing lately? Just finished my internship so another Winrina short fic. Just a few chapters as usual. Hope y'all had a good read. Until the next chapter! 


Any comments are highly appreciated. Thank you for reading! Take care y'all <3 


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Chapter 2: this is so cutee ^*^
Chapter 2: hope they will be happy now
Chapter 2: 😍
575 streak #4
Chapter 1: Oh this looks good
Chapter 1: ❤️❤️❤️