Pt. 2

Candy Hearts


Ten years ago...


Sehun looked at his mother in her hospital bed.  He held her hand as he heard the heart rate machine beep steadily.  The lady had her eyes closed in her slumber.  Sehun had sung her a song for her to fall asleep.  He leaned his head on her chest, hearing her heart beat for himself.  He smiled and closed his eyes; relaxed by the sound of his mother's heart.  It was a rhythm that made him forget about all of his worries and cares; it made him forget about the stress of school and his classmates; it made him forget about his father being depressed; it made him forget that his mother didn't want to live with them.  He fell asleep..


..only until the door was opened abruptly, the door slamming into the wall.  He jolted, seeing a team coming in.  One nurse shoved him aside.  He fell on the floor and watched as the team was pushing on her chest.  And just then, he heard the steady beep on the machine.  He saw the straight line appear on the screen.  He watched with shocked eyes as the team did their thing.  Nothing they did made the steady beep come back; nothing they did made her lungs breathe; nothing they did brought his mother back.


He saw the defeated look on everyone's faces.  The doctor then trailed his eyes to Sehun who was sitting on the floor in shock.  "Nurse Cho, please Mr. Oh out."  He instructed.


She bowed and went to help him up.  Sehun stood up and looked at his mother's emotionless body.  ""  He whispered.


"Nurse."  The doctor said in a stern voice.


"Mom!"  Sehun shouted, trying to fight the nurse's hold.  Tears formed in his eyes and were like waterfalls down his cheeks.  "Mom!!"


The doctor grumbled and took Sehun by the shoulders, pushing him out of the room.  The door then slammed shut.  Once again, Sehun fell on his .  Sehun looked around the hallway.  He saw hearts and streamers on the walls; candy and balloons on every desk.  He crumpled himself up in a corner as he looked at all of the decorations.  "I hate all of you!"  He shouted.  "Give me my mother back!"  He continued.


Patients and medical staff looked at him in confusion.  "You didn't do a thing to save her!  I hate you!!"  He shouted.  "All you care about is this stupid holiday!"  He hit the wall with his fist, causing some decorations to fall.


"We did what we could."  The doctor said as he walked up to Sehun.  "Your mother has been battling cancer since you were in her womb.  You better be happy she survived this long.  She was very strong."  He explained.


Sehun stood up.  "She would still be alive if you guys weren't celebrating this stupid holiday!"  He yelled.


"Mr. Oh, we decorated the hospital to make the patients feel better."  He said.  "Your mother's passing has nothing to do with Valentine's Day." 


Sehun stomped his foot.  "I hate Valentine's Day!"  He walked away from the doctor.


He angrily wiped his tears as he stormed out of the hospital..


~ * ~


Nine years later..


Sehun looked through the library, picking up every book about game coding he could.  He then went to a table.  There was another man there as well; however, he was invested in his botany books.  He had been sitting with this man almost every weekend for the past year, reading books with him.  They had never shared a conversation.  He knows that the man's name is Luhan, mostly because he leaves his nametag on his shirt.  He knows that the other man is into flowers, because he always reads something about plants. 


He opens the first book and reads.  However, one minute turned into five hours.  The librarian walked up to their table.  "Excuse me, we must close the library for the night."  She said.


The pair looked up from their books.  "May I check out my book for the evening then?"  Luhan asked.


"Oh, me too?  I have a few I really need to read before I start a new project."  Sehun said.


The librarian nodded and walked to the desk with them.  "Names?"  She asked.




"Oh Sehun." 


She printed two copies of the take-out slip.  "Bring them back within two weeks, please."  She put a copy in the sleeves of the books. 


The pair bowed and walked out of the library together.  "Do you want to continue reading together?"  Luhan asked.  "I can make some tea and we can read on my balcony."  He insisted.


Sehun raised his eyebrows.  "We hardly know each other."  Sehun chuckled.


"I know you well enough that you're a diligent reader."  Luhan said.  "And you know I'm a plant freak, so.."  He shrugged.


Sehun couldn't pass up the tea though.  "Sure."  He agreed.  "Lead the way."


Luhan walked to his apartment.  He punched in his code and then took his shoes off.  Sehun followed suit, putting his shoes next to Luhan's shoes.  He looked around, seeing many paintings of flowers and trees; of course the balcony had a miniature plant village filled with aloe, lavender, and roses.  He even saw a strawberry almost ready for harvest.  "Wow.."  Is all Sehun could say.


"Do you like my plant nursery?"  Luhan asked.  "I grow some things here to sell at my flowery."  He lit a match.  Sehun watched the lantern light up the balcony. 


"It's so cool.."  Sehun muttered.


Luhan his portable burner to boil some water.  Once it was ready, he poured the water through a strainer that had some ground tea leaves inside.  "Perfect."  Luhan smiled contently. 


Sehun opened his book and smiled as he smelled the fresh brewed tea.  "Did you grow the tea leaves yourself as well?"  He asked.


Luhan hummed.  "I love preserving tea leaves."  He said.  "I think I might sell tea too."  He held his chin.  "What do you do?"  He asked.


"Oh.. Just game coding."  Sehun said.  "When did you start loving plants?"  He asked.


"I've always loved them."  Luhan answered.  "My grandfather was a farmer, my dad loved t his bonsai tree - so I suppose it was just passed down through the generations.  It's quite stress-relieving to prune flowers and have a beautiful harvest."  He let out a relaxed sigh.


Sehun grew a smile.  "You have a very sweet smile."  Luhan commented. 


"Oh.. Th-thank you."  Sehun looked down at his book.


Luhan put the bookmark back into his flower book.  "I really like your personality."  He said.


"My personality?"  Sehun tilted his head.  "I don't.. Get along well with too many people.  Are you sure?"  He asked.


"You're just quiet and reserved, nothing wrong with that."  Luhan shrugged.  "But when something interests you, you grow this sweet smile.  I've seen you while reading discovering something that will most likely help with your coding.  Your a-ha! face says it all."  He explained.


Sehun's cheeks blushed naturally.  "I.. I suppose.."  He scratched his neck.  "You're very calming."  He wanted to compliment back.


Luhan gave a faint chuckle.  "I like you, Sehun."  He said.


"L-like?  So.. You want to be friends?"  Sehun asked.


"I'm not sure if I'm about to ruin our new friendship, but.."  Luhan sighed.  "I want to date you.  You have everything I want in a romantic partner."  He continued.


Sehun widened his eyes.  "R-really?  Y-you're not just h-hum-humoring me?"  He stuttered.


Luhan shook his head.  "I can understand if you don't feel the same way.. After all, we did just meet."  He laughed sadly.  "That and the chances for you to like guys is pretty slim."


Sehun pouted his lips and looked to the side.  "No.. I figured out I liked guys when I was in high school."  He corrected.  "That's another reason why I don't have many friends."  He continued.


Luhan furrowed his eyebrows.  "Oh.. I'm sorry.." 


"No, don't be."  Sehun held Luhan's hand.  "Let's.. Let's get to know each other.  I finally found someone who is interested in me, so.. I'm willing to open my heart for you."  He ended with a smile.


Luhan returned the smile.  "I'm going to do my best to make you smile like this all the time."  He promised.


~ * ~


Present - Christmas Eve


Luhan looked at the flowers outside.  He had a wall of roses protecting the window of his shop; two ferns guarding the door; a wreath welcoming guests on the door; daisies surrounding the perimeter of the shop; grape vines wrapped around the lamp posts; and a small fountain in front of the shop.  A bird was taking a bath in the water.  He smiled as another bird followed into the fountain and they bathed together.  They preened water off each other's feathers. 


"Han," His coworker gained his attention, "I'm heading out.  Do you need me to do anything before I leave?"  He asked.


Luhan looked around to see that the flowers had been tended to; the floors have been swept; the window has been cleaned; and the countertops have been wiped off.  "You should be good, Xiumin."  He said.  "Enjoy Christmas."


"You, too."  Xiumin smiled.  "I get to see my parents tomorrow.  I haven't seen them in a few years."


"I'm sure they would be thrilled to see their son on such a special day."  Luhan said.  "I get to spend time with a stubborn guy."  He laughed.


Xiumin laughed as well.  "Does he hate Christmas too?"  He asked.  "What does Sehun like?"  He joked.


Luhan looked at the countertop.  "He likes to make good memories."  He answered.  "He might not like the day, but he likes the memories."  He explained.  "I want to replace his bad memories with good ones.  He's had a tough childhood."  He continued.


Xiumin furrowed his eyebrows and slumped his shoulders.  "I.. I didn't mean to be rude."  He pouted his lips.


"Don't worry about it, not too many people can understand his personality."  Luhan said.  "He seems tough and hard to get along with on the outside; but on the inside.. He's the sweetest thing, sweeter than chocolate.  He just needs commitment."  He explained.


Xiumin nodded and looked down.  "I'm glad you could be there for him then."  He said.  "I don't really know anything about him, but I'm sure there's a whole new world with him."  He chuckled.  "You give him the best day."  He put his thumb up.


Luhan copied, putting his thumb up as well.  "Wish me luck!" 


Luhan sighed once Xiumin left.  He went to lock the door before opening the register door.  Midway counting, he heard a knock at the door.  He saw a man with a business suit having a frantic look. He raised his eyebrows and looked at the time.  About to wave him off, he saw a tear roll down the man's cheek.  His chest hurt seeing the sad man.  He put the money in the drawer and closed out of the screen.  He then went around the counter to unlock the door.


"I'm so sorry, I really need to get something."  The man put his hands together.  "I haven't seen my wife for over a year."


Luhan nodded and gave an understanding hum.  "What are some things she likes?"  He asked.


"She loves hearts and the color purple."  He answered.  "She loves light fragrances." 


Luhan looked around and picked up a vase.  He looked at the heart design he made on it.  He was saving it for Sehun.  However, he knew that the man needed it.  He put in three purple hibiscus flowers coupled with some budding white flowers.  He tied the vase with purple sparkle ribbon.  He took a card and a pen.  "Here is the card, write what you wish for her to know."  He smiled.


The man gently took the pen and card.  He blushed as he wrote what he wanted to say.  "Thank you so much."  He said, taking out his wallet.  "I know you stayed past closing.." 


"It's fine, I'm here to help people."  Luhan said.  "If my passion can help you make good memories with your special person, then my dream has come true."  He held his heart.


The man wiped a tear before taking out all of his cash.  He didn't count it, he just handed the bunch to Luhan.  "Take it all, you have made me so happy."  He said.  "I need to go before they close the gates to our apartment.  I will never forget your kindness."  He bowed.


Luhan returned the bow before watching the man power walk out.  He smiled and held his chest.  "What a lucky lady."  He whispered.  He counted the money.  He put the amount due in the register before putting the rest in his pocket.  After closing the drawer, he turned off the lights in the shop.  He then went into the room in the back. 


He looked at the second pot he was making, just in case he broke the one earlier.  "Good thing I made two." He laughed.  "Time to make memories with Sehun."  He sat down and picked up his paint brush.  He painted the outside a bright blue and painted the heart a dark blue, highlighting it with white.  He then put a collection of blue and white flowers in the vase.  He smiled proudly when it was all finished.  A blue sparkle ribbon made it complete. 


He secured it in his car as he drove home.  He then quietly went into the apartment.  Sehun was already asleep.  Luhan washed the day off of him before sneaking into bed.  He put his arms around Sehun and relaxed.  Sehun woke up faintly to hold Luhan closer.  Sehun put a kiss on Luhan's lips, holding him so close, they could feel each other's hearts beating.  "I love you."  Sehun whispered.


"I love you too."  Luhan returned the whisper.  "I'm sorry for being home late."


"You have a business to run, it's okay."  Sehun patted Luhan's head.  "I get to have you all day tomorrow."  He said with an accomplished tone.


Luhan laughed and snuggled closer.  "That you do."  He sighed happily.  "I can't wait for tomorrow.  It's not coming soon enough." 


"I agree."  Sehun returned.  "We need our rest though."


"I'll try.." Luhan pouted.


Sehun only waited five minutes before Luhan fell asleep.  He laughed inwardly and slowly fell asleep himself. 


~ * ~


The next day came - Christmas!  Luhan always decorates for every holiday.  The whole apartment was covered in snowflakes and fake snow; a tree in the corner and houses under it.  Luhan quickly started on their meal.  Sehun watched Luhan working hard on everything.  He felt a little guilty.  "Do you want any help?"  He asked.


Luhan looked back with wide eyes.  "I got it!"  He said.  "You just sit there and be beautiful."  He smiled.


Sehun tilted his head.  "Oh.. Okay.."  He sat down and watched Luhan go from cabinet to cabinet, getting dishes out and setting up the table.  "Dad should be here in an hour."  He said.


Luhan looked at his watch.  "Perfect."  He said.  "Siwon should be here shortly.  It's going to be the best, I promise, Love."  He looked at Sehun with a big smile.


Sehun returned the smile and stood up.  He then put his arms around the Chinese male.  "Thank you for doing everything for us.. But I want to help out too."  He gave his opinion.


Luhan turned around and put his finger to Sehun's lips.  "I told you from the first holiday we celebrated together-"


"You do all the decorating."  Sehun quoted.  "But I don't want you to be burnt out." 


"You do a lot too."  Luhan said with pouty lips.  "So let me do me, kay?"  He kissed Sehun before turning back to the stove.


Sehun pursed his lips as he wrapped his arms around Luhan's waist.  Luhan held one hand while stirring with his other hand.  Soon after, Siwon showed up before Mr. Oh.  Luhan had their meal prepared and had the guests talking with Sehun.  Meanwhile, Luhan ran to their bedroom to get changed.  He changed into a suit with a bowtie.  He straightened his jacket and combed his hair.  He nodded in the mirror.  He then sprayed perfume - a light scent of ginger and fern.  Lastly, he picked up his vase of flowers.


Walking out of the room, Mr. Oh stood up and bowed as Luhan walked across the apartment to where Sehun and Siwon were standing.  Above them was a mistletoe.  He blushed before looking at Sehun.  Sehun looked at the flowers.  "So beautiful.. Did you make the pot?"  He asked.


Luhan hummed.  "I've been practicing pottery since October.."  He admitted with red cheeks.  "I wanted to make something for you." 


"You do too much for me."  Sehun accepted the flowers.


"Well you deserve everything."  Luhan teased.


Sehun blushed and looked at his father, who had a proud smile.  "Are we ready to begin?"  Siwon asked.


"Yes."  They answered at the same time before giggling.


"Oh Sehun, do you take Luhan to be your life-long partner - the love of your life - until death?" Siwon asked.


Sehun breathed in and out.  "I do."  He answered.


Luhan blushed.  "Luhan, do you take Sehun to be your life-long partner - the love of your life - until death?"  Siwon asked the same.


Luhan nodded.  "I do."  He answered.


"Are there any words you would like to say to each other?"  Siwon asked.


Sehun breathed in once more.  "I know that I'm very stubborn and hard to get along with, but thank you for giving me a chance; thank you for moving into my shell and making me feel so comfortable.  I will love you until the day my heart stops beating."  He held his heart. 


Luhan fought the tear in his eye.  "I grew up knowing that the best way to make happy memories was to spread happiness to other people.  We had something in common: reading our interests.  And seeing you diligently reading and taking your work seriously made me know that you were the best for me."  He said.  "Thank you for not shutting me out; thank you for not pushing me away."  He bowed his head.


Sehun lifted Luhan's chin.  They made eye contact, their eyes sparkling and glossy together.  "You may kiss."  Siwon mentioned.


Sehun leaned closer, putting their lips together softly.  Mr. Oh clapped.  "That's my boy."  He said proudly.  "Thank you for taking care of him, Luhan." 


Luhan bowed to the older Oh.  "I know life hasn't been the easiest for either of you."  He started.  "I will help you out any way I can.  And if the way to help is by loving endlessly, I'll give all my love to you and Sehun."  He finished.


Mr. Oh hugged Luhan.  "Thank you.. Because of you, I get to see my boy smile again."  He sniffled.


Sehun's heart felt a mixture of guilt and happiness.  "I'm sorry for being a demon while growing up, Dad."  He said.


Mr. Oh shook his head.  "You had all the reason to be upset."  He said.  "Your mother would be so proud of you if she was here.  She would love having Luhan too."  He continued, a soft smile on his features.


"Let's visit your mother tomorrow, Sehun."  Luhan said, holding Sehun's shoulder.  "I want to meet her."


Sehun sniffled.  "Thank you.." 


"We can make candy heart necklaces and leave them with her."  Luhan said, picking up a bag from the table.  He took out a box that had a candy necklace kit.  "You said that you bonded with your mother with candy hearts.  I want to bond with her the same way."  He continued.


Sehun didn't know what to say.  "I love you."  Is all he could get out as he hugged Luhan tightly.


"I love you too."  Luhan whispered.



Aws~ We can see why Sehun was so jaded at first.
Luhan gave a loving arm to him <3

I hope everyone has a good day today, and a good week!
For those who celebrate: Merry Christmas!!


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You’re an amazing writer! ❤️
736 streak #2
Chapter 2: Suhan and Luhan are just adorable! This chapter was great, and it was emotional as well!
736 streak #3
Chapter 1: The first part was adorable and I can't wait to see what happens next!

Luhan and Sehun make such a good couple and I already love them! I like how the story progressed. For Luhan it is a special day, but for Sehun, it wasn't, but in the end, Sehun turned and decide to prepare a surprise for Luhan!


Thank you!
736 streak #4
Oh, I am loving this! Can't wait to read it!