♡. End

Cupid ♥ | 빵사즈 [bbangsaz]


"oh I wish I'd find a lover that could hold me" Hanni shot her main subject her most powerful puppy eyes as she sang the lyrics craved in her brain along with the image of her. 


"now I'm crying in my room," she pouted, eyes closed to express her sadness along with the defeated feeling in her heart. 


"So skeptical of love 

But still, I want it more, more, more"


"I gave a second chance to cupid.." second chorus came and the instrumental turned into just piano's playing. 


The song turned into a sappy love song where the girl is trying her best to confess her love after Hanni changed some notes to let her voice stay in it's comfort zone so she can focus more on her expressions. 


Hanni has been confessing since day one, this is her only chance to let Minji know she has been serious all this time and she is not letting it go. Not in this life. 



3rd Person POV. 

Hanni recorded all of the instrumental herself, changing notes to follow her plan, switching the instrumental to focus solely on the sound of the piano tiles. She did all of this herself because it is worth it. Spending days and weeks on this is worth it. 


To express how she feels in a serious matter to the perfectionist sitting below the stage, to the girl that makes her heart flutter by simply just standing up to answer a question. 


To the girl that treats everything seriously. 


To the girl that treats her seriously 


To the girl that still wouldn't recognize her feelings. 


"But now I'm left here feeling stupid." 

"Oh, the way she makes me feel

That love isn't real..." Hanni's dominanting the hall, with that honey sweet voice topped with the piano's gentle melody, she enters their ears and stays in the heart 


"Minji-ah...cupid is so dumb.." the sad smile plastered on the face were enough to make Minji's fans take Hanni's side. She's not leaving this hall with her uniform as neat as usual if she still doesn't understand Hanni's feelings. 


"Hopeless girl is seeking

Someone who will share this feeling" 

Hanni skipped this line, she's not waiting for 'someone'. She's waiting for her


"I'm a fool.... 

A fool for love, a fool for you." She stared deeply into Minji's eyes, almost as if she's singing that line directly to her. 


The original instrumental came back, the feeling like the sun shining after a heavy rain 


"I gave a second chance to cupid

But now, I'm left here feeling stupid

Oh, the way she makes me feel

That love isn't real

Cupid is so dumb"


Hanni continue singing, this time a big smile was on her face, like the sun shining brightly after a heavy rain. 


It didn't take long for the audience to realise Hanni's changes was not only intended to help her confess, but there's another story behind it. 

The girl finally confesses after contemplating for a long time. Sun shining brightly after she gets the secret off from her chest, her shoulder's felt light like the relief after a long day of gloomy weather. 


It doesn't matter if her feelings were reincorporate or not. The relieved feeling is there nevertheless. 




"I'm waiting for you at the back stage" Hanni said into the mic as the song ended and scurried off 


Hanni was picking on her nails as she waited at the back stage. It's been 15 minutes.


Maybe she really doesn't feel the same 


She squat down and hugged her knees, weeping silently to herself 


Kim Minji POV 


I hurried out of the hall after Hanni finished. The students glaring at me on the way to the door 


"Yah Kim Minji! The way to the backstage is there!" One even shouted. 



3rd Person POV


Minji quickly ran back to Hanni after getting what she needed 


She found the girl weeping at the corner of the room beside the closet.




"Get out please, I need some space.." Hanni doesn't seem to realise it was the girl she was so desperate to meet 20 minutes ago that was by the door. The heartbroken girl had her fingers on her face, desperately trying to wipe the tears on her face that won't stop falling down. 


Minji walked closer to her, "Hanni... It's me, Minji." Hanni immediately parted her fingers after hearing that. 


After seeing her eyes Minji quickly hugged the girl, securing her tightly in her arms


"I'm here. Don't cry anymore Hanni, don't cry.." Minji whispered as she rubbed her hand on Hanni's back, desperately trying to soothe the girl in front of her. 


More time passed by as Hanni continued to be in Minji's embrace. She had stopped crying for a while, just enjoying Minji's presence at the moment, like she's always have. 


"Is this a yes?" Hanni asked


Minji didn't reply, she reached inside her pocket and took out a mint-chocolate drink instead 


She pulled out of the hug and gave it to Hanni, staring deeply into her almond eyes



"Minji-ah, you're a really shy person" Hanni said out of the blue as both of the girls were walking home. 


It was after a heavy rain, the girls walked down the hill together, raindrops on leaves landing on they're shoulder as they walked side by side.


Minji stopped pushing her bike and turned to Hanni


"Why are you saying this all so suddenly?" 


"I'm just thinking....you know how I like you so much right Minji-ah?" 


Minji didn't nod, just staring intently at her shorter friend 


"What if one day you felt the same too? But you don't say it because you're too shy.." 


"what are you planning?" 


"Just a shortcut for you to tell me you feel the same too, in a way of course.. hmm"


Minji pulled out a mint-chocolate drink from her pocket, "like this." She smiled 


Hanni and Minji resumed their journey, Hanni's drinking her favourite drink while Minji's beside her. 


A beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky that day, the color was very deep, even the red on top was extra visible. 


Our silent promise, 

Even the universe wants to participate






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