
Love Me, Methodically
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First, know her name.


It's just as easy as ABC. You'll just need an ounce of five second courage. Sometimes, it's not even that necessary at all if you're already used to this.


Knowing her name and getting into a proper introduction is crucial, a first on the list (especially if it's someone as cute as this). It's even much relevant than just having to see her face everyday.


Once you got her name and made yourself known, it's like you already got the access key, the entrance ticket...


To everything her.


"Hi!" I greeted the girl who looked as lost as ever. Honestly, same. But I'm just lost on her rude good looks.


I saw her hesitantly pointed at herself, as if she was making sure if it was really her I'm talking to. You see, she's that adorable already.


"Yup. New here?" I questioned.


"Yes.." Her voice sounded sweet. Just like her aura, her appeal. Even her smell, I'm pretty sure I discreetly sniffed the perfume she wore. Hollister. My kind of girl.


"I'm Karina." I extended my hand to her, and made a countdown on my head. Three, two, one... I'm about to feel her hand.


"I'm Winter." She took my hand. Electricity had sparked. Fireworks had exploded. It rained all things fluffy. Her hand was so soft, and warm, I wanted to sleep on it.


I almost got distracted.


I got her name.






The season?


Shut up, I'm repeating it again.








Her name is beautiful.


Just like her.


Second, smile.


Smile at her. Everyday. Everytime you see her, do not forget to smile at her. Even if you run into a wall, smile. Even if you trip to your shoelaces, smile. Show that perfect set of teeth. Appear as if you're happy (even though you're more than that) to see her.


I saw Winter came inside the room looking for a place to sit. Newsflash, she's still looking lost, and I'm still always looking at her face.


I looked up and waved at her. God, who am I kidding? I was waiting for her to barge through that door.


She instantly recognized me.


I smiled.


The sweetest smile I could offer.


And she smiled back.


She just did. No kidding.


Her lip twitched into a timid smile.


I got distracted for the second time again, because.. was it possible that she looked even more beautiful when she smiled like that?


I motioned for her to come near me because there's a vacant seat next to mine.






I made sure no one dared to sit there. I literally kicked every of those who tried sitting next to me.


I reserved it solely.


For Winter.


"Thanks." She muttered.


And I thanked God too. Because Winter's just there... knowing someone like her exists, and exists in the same time and place as mine.


"No problem." I smiled again.


I will keep on smiling.


So she'll have to keep smiling back.


And I'll see that pretty lips of her turn up into that y curve..





Third, talk to her.


The name and the smiling were just a phase. We'll have to proceed with the real deal here. Talking. It's a way of life. By talking to her, you'll know bits and pieces of information about her.


Also, prepare your goddamn notebook. You will have to take notes.


"So, Winter.. how are you liking this new university so far?" I asked her while pretending to work on a task. I kept my eyes trained on my paper, but all I wanted to do that very moment was to stare at her until my eyes give up.


"Hmm. I liked how things progress here. It's fast paced." She answered.


I stilled. Was I fast? God, I have to tone it down a little.


"Also, the students here are really friendly." Her voice sounded cheery.


I made a mistake of glancing at her. Because I saw her grinning at me. My insides crumbled, not that I'm hungry, but do you know those weird things they talk about, like how you will feel butterflies on your stomach?


Something definitely stirred on me.


Should these be considered butterflies?


This didn't feel like it.


Butterflies are lightweight. This, in my belly right now, was much stronger.


This felt like the whole zoo.


"Uh, t-that's good.. do you umm.. do you go to the zoo sometimes?" I asked her before even thinking about it.


Oh my God.


Did I just ask her that?


Did I just ask her... 'that'? Smack me sideways. That was so random.


Ground, magically bury me alive!


I couldn't look at her. I closed my right eye before I turned to her slowly.


She looked confused at first.


Now, she's looking amused.


And then she's laughing.


My heart couldn't take it. Because it sounded like a song of all angels in the heaven singing together. I wanted to record it and use it as my ringtone, my alarm. I wanted to put it on my playlist and play it on repeat.


"I haven't been in a long time. Why? Will you take me there?" She lightly chuckled.


I'm at awe that she just rode on my stupidity for asking a dumb question out of nowhere like that. She's that cool. I tried to recover and awkwardly laugh with her. "S-sure!"


I will take her to the zoo at this very moment if she'd like to.


I will take her to the moon and back (I read that somewhere).




I'll take her even to the next galaxy.


Fourth, casually ask her out.


I mean, outside. Literally.


Tucking my hands in my front pockets, I asked as casually as possible, "Do you like ramen?"


"My favorite, actually! Why have you mentioned it, I'm craving it now..." She pouted, which I thought could be illegal. If being cute is a crime, she'd be sentenced to life in jail.


"I know this great place! Best ramen in town. Wanna go after class? My treat!" Of course, it's my treat. Gladly. Anything for her.


She glanced at me for a moment and raised her brows. "Really? Because I will not turn that down."


"Yeah, really. It's a date then." I remarked.


I realized what I said.


I regret what I said.




It's not a date, it's not a date.


I hoped she didn't think I thought that way. How many more times will my mouth fail me?


But I saw Winter only smirked.


"Then it will be our first." She said.


I hyperventilated.


When Winter said ramen was her favorite, she wasn't kidding. It was her second bowl already.


"So how was it--"


Before I could even finish, she cut me off.


"Wait, Karina..."




I didn't know what was happening but she was gazing down at my lips.


Then, she's leaning in close.


Good Lord, what is happening...


The world revolved in slow motion.


I held my breath.


I closed my eyes.


I felt a tissue napkin wiped on the side corner of my mouth.


"Oh." I could only say. But me and all my organs were panicking inside. I only watched this in movies, I only read this in books...


but the actual feeling when someone "you like" made a sweet gesture like this?


You'll combust.


Or was it just me.


"Thanks." I shyly muttered.


"Thank you too. For this." She smiled at me.


"And, Karina? Thank you for being my friend."


You're most welcome,




For now.


Fifth, talk and talk more.


By talking more I mean, often. At class. At lunch break. After class. After dinner. After doing homework. Even when you're doing homework. When you're in bed, when you can't sleep until the wee hours of the night.


Talk about anything and everything.


Explore the depths of her mind.


Know her more.


PS. Don't forget to take notes.


2:24AM on the phone:


Winter: What do you think will happen when we die?

Karina: We'll become ghost. Our soul will float and we can already fly. Only our bodies are transparent, and we can also walk through walls, teleport to wherever place we want, something like that.

Winter: Really?

Karina: No.

Winter: Then what will happen really?

Karina: I don't know. Do I look like I already died?

Winter: I'm just curious.

Karina: It's too early to be curious. We'll cross the bridge when we get there.

Winter: But.. no one can tell.

Karina: Yeah, but stop thinking about it. Not a good thing.

Winter: Karina, I'm not thinking that I'll die. I'm just curious what happens.

Karina: They say there's Heaven and Hell, you go in either of them.

Winter: You believe in that?

Karina: Maybe. It's all about belief, anyway.

Winter: What do you mean?

Karina: People have different mindsets.

Winter: Do you believe in God?

Karina: I do believe there's a superior up there. Like the leader of all the leaders.

Winter: You mean, God.

Karina: Yes. How about you?

Winter: How about me, what?

Karina: What do you believe in?

Winter: I believe in.. love.

Karina: Love at first sight?

Winter: There's no such thing!

Karina: How would you know? Have you ever been in love?

Winter: Hm, I don't know but I, uh.. I like someone.

Karina: Who???

Winter: No one, nothing, I don't know, what about you? Have you ever been in love?

Karina: Do you.. do you have someone?

Winter: Have someone in what?

Karina: I mean, do you have someone.. like a person..

Winter: What? Like in prison?

Karina: No! . Are you seeing someone right now?

Winter: Um, no.

Karina: Really?

Winter: Yeah, I'm alone in my room.

Karina: Ugh! You said you like someone, are you in a relationship?

Winter: Ah.

Karina: Yeah, so?

Winter: It's a secret.

Karina: What the hell?

Winter: Tell me yours first.

Karina: No.

Winter: Fine.

Karina: I like someone too.

Winter: Yeah? Who's that?

Karina: Hmm.. hey, it's 2:45 in the morning already. Time flies so fast whew. Anyway, gotta sleep now. You too. Night!

Winter: Wait, Karina, who is--

Karina: *ends call*


Sixth, drop hints.


Maybe it's about time.


You're both doing great in your friendship, getting pretty closer too. She should've been warned by now, she should've noticed even a little bit by now.


That you're into her.


But do it in a subtle way. Take it slow. One step at a time.


I was contemplating whether I would ask Winter to come with me at the mall to accompany me in buying something, and we could go grab a bite after that, or take her to the park to maybe watch the sunset, take a walk, whatever... but I don't know if she's free today. I'm dying over here just to see a glimpse of her face.


I'm about to send up my message that I wrote and erased twenty times asking her if she's busy and if she wouldn't mind going for a stroll with me today when..


1 New Message

From: Winter

There's this new cool movie at the cinema! I already bought two tickets. Please come with me :(


The odds were in my favor.


The force was with me.


My plan was working out at my convenience. Maybe today I'll hold her hand? Cling on to her arm? Stare at her a little too long? Drop a cringy "you look beautiful today" compliment?


So she'll get it.


This was a risk I'm taking. But I'm serious about taking this on another level.


She picked me up at my house and my jaw almost dropped when I saw what she's wearing. Silly, she's not even wearing a gown or a gala dress but only a simple plain white shirt and slim rugged jeans.


And for me, she looked so fresh, and hot, and beautiful all at the same time.


Before I swallowed a lump and prepared to drop the bomb, Winter surprisingly beat me to it.


"Hi Karina. Umm, you.. you look good. I mean, beautiful today." She scratched her head and looked down on the ground.


I was taken aback.


Hey, that was my line! Stealer!


But my breath already got caught, and my cheeks had heated up. I bit my lip to stifle a smile, I suddenly couldn't look at her straight too.


"You too.." I shyly uttered in response.


When we got in

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2178 streak #2
Chapter 1: so good so good sooo goooooddd!!! i wish this was longer 😞
Chapter 1: I really thought Karina was writing the notes beforehand, then Winter read it that's why she's 'stealing' Karina's moves. 😭
Chapter 1: damn the notes damn they're perfect i'll take note of this HAHAH seriously this is so good thank you for writing this
Db1234 #6
Chapter 1: Wow
Chapter 1: I loved this.
This is so cute 💕
Chapter 1: You're just too good, damn.