chapter eleven

you make me crazy (call me by my name)

this chapter is long overdue, so im sorry for such a delay

P.S.: please listen to (jvke - golden hour) and (stephanie poetri - honeymoon) while reading this


Seungwan doesn't remember the last time she felt this nervous before.

She stood right in front of the body-length mirror, looking at the reflection of herself. She's already dressed up in her wedding suit made by the famous fashion designer in the country, the family’s personal couturier. A white slim fit shirt covered her body and curves like a perfect wrap, with a black tie hanging on her neck. It was topped with a gray four-button waistcoat, and a white suit decorated with a fern-filled boutonniere clipped on the left lapels.

Her appearance looks distinguished, something that covers her anxiety perfectly on such an important day.

The thumping of her heart sounded so loud in her ears, like they were beating just right beside her eardrums. Seungwan placed her palm on her chest, trying to calm down the rapid beating of her heart but they picked up another pace instead. She took a deep breath as her fingertips buzz in an emotion that feels foreign for her to grasp. She can feel cold sweat starting to form on her forehead, something that is not supposed to happen on such an important day.

A crucial meeting with another company never turned her into such a nervous wreck before. Then why did she act like this?

The rap of gentle knocking sounds coming from the door become her savior from getting drowned much deeper inside her own thoughts. Seungwan doesn't remember the last time she felt that relieved before as she slightly turned her body around. "Come in."

It was her mother who joined her inside her changing room, peeking her head inside with a bright smile on her face. "Hi, sweetheart."

"Hi, Mom," Seungwan greeted back with a quick smile before she turned around to check her appearance again. Not long after, her mother joined beside her to also look at the reflection of her daughter.

"You looked gorgeous, honey," gasped her mother as she grasped both of her arms, leaning her body closer to her. "So beautiful."

"Thanks, Mom," Seungwan flashed her a smile before her mother rewarded her with a loving kiss on her cheek after she tried her best to tiptoe. She took a deep breath, trying to ignore the loud thumping that is still going on inside her heart. But no matter how hard she tried, she failed to do so. "Where's Dad?"

"With her," answered her mother curtly, still looking at her reflection in the mirror. "Getting ready for the main event."

Seungwan nodded as her brain reels back to the cruelest one week she had to endure because of her mother and the silly tradition. To not meet Joohyun physically and can only rely on video calls to interact with each other. Missing her touch, missing her warmth, she started to search for the last scent of Joohyun on her pillow. To use her soap when she takes a shower and hugging her shirt she left behind when she sleeps. 

Crazy, she knows, but if it's not for that, Seungwan sure would have gone lunatic. After all, it is still a miracle that she didn't resort to ion and call .


"Very much," admitted Seungwan in a defeated sigh. "I don't remember the last time I felt this nervous before."

Her mother chuckled as she gently guided her body to turn around so she would stand in front of her this time. She let her brush the invisible dust and crease on her suit, watching every movement she made with her delicate fingers. “I still can’t believe my little daughter is already this big.”

“Mom,” whined Seungwan, which brought a laughter chiming out from her mother.

“It’s true. I still remember when you were little, running towards me whenever I came home,” she giggled as it slowly died down, the smile of her face no longer as cheerful as before. “And then I ruin it all, for the sake of my own selfishness.”

She frowned as her jaw clenched tight in dislike. Seungwan always hated it whenever her mother brought up her childhood and the way she grew up, but at the same time, she knows she also needs to make peace with everything for the sake of her own stability. Everything that happened in the past that gives a visible scar to everyone.

"Sometimes I wish I could turn back the time, to when I still did things right, not letting you grow up alone," she sighed heavily, gently cupping her face and Seungwan slowly loosening the clench on her jaw, still looking into her eyes. "I thought letting you do whatever you want and giving you money is enough. I thought it was enough to make you happy and become the person you always wanted to be. Turns out I was wrong, and when I was about to mend things between us, you started to distance yourself from me."

Seungwan looks away as the memory of her childhood floods back. She can still feel the pain of being neglected and growing up with maids as her parents slowly become unfamiliar to her. Everything about them feels foreign, and it's much easier for Seungwan back then to ignore the fact that she did have parents.

"Everyday I feel sorry. I feel sorry for you because you need to grow up without a mother and a father thanks to our stupidity. I feel sorry for myself because it took me so long to change, took me so long to realize that the only thing I ever did to my daughter is hurting her," she paused to take a deep breath, Seungwan knew how hard it is for her to even talk about it. "I know we already apologized, but the guilt is always clawing inside. I'm sorry that I'm not being the best mother you ever had."

Her lips tightened in a small smile, reaching out to take her mother's hand inside her grasp. The hand that started to feel old and fragile, reminding her about her age. "Looking back, I despise everything about our family. I hated the company, I hated you and Dad, and I promised to myself that I will never get married. Now that I'm here, knowing the sacrifices both of you made so the company can prosper, I learned to understand why."

The smile on her face widened when she saw a tear slipped out from the corner of her eyes. She gently erased it with her thumb, staring back into her gaze.

"But you are not supposed to understand," choked her mother, biting her bottom lip to prevent more sobs leaving her. "What we did to you was unapologetic. We were not supposed to do that to our own child."

"Yeah, and I will not lie, it pains me a lot," admitted Seungwan softly, still having a small smile on her face. "But you and Dad tried to do better for me. Although it's late, I appreciate everything you two did for me. I didn't grow up with perfect parents, but I will forever be thankful to you and Dad."

She responded with a wet chuckle before pulling Seungwan into a tight hug. Seungwan allows herself to hug her mother back, smiling to herself when she feels her lips kiss her cheek and whispering I love you beside her ear. 

"Now I can believe that my daughter is already big," her mother chuckled as she cupped her face once again. "Joohyun is so lucky to have you as her wife."

"It's actually the other way around, Mom, but I appreciate your effort in trying to make your daughter feel good," teased Seungwan before her mother pulled her in again for a tight hug as she laughed. It's kind of making her worried over the crease that might have formed on her wedding suit because of that.

A sudden knock on the door forced her mother to break the hug. "Seungwan-unnie, they need you on—did I interrupt something?"

There's Ryujin standing under the doorframe, with a surprised expression etched on her face because she doesn't expect her aunt to be in the room together with Seungwan. Her eyes moved to Seungwan for some explanation, but she ignored her as her mother opened to say something.

"Well, I guess I'm going to check on Joohyun now," her mother said with a warm smile on her face. She waited until Seungwan smiled back before turning her head to look at Ryujin. "Your family has arrived, Ryujin?"

"Um, yeah. They are already taking a seat outside," answered Ryujin awkwardly as she scratched the back of her head. "Am I really not interrupting something just now?"

Mrs. Son just chuckled before patting her shoulder. "See you at the wedding, daughter."

She nodded silently as she watched her mother walking towards the door, having a short talk with Ryujin when she passed by her before she continued. As she was about to disappear, she called her. "Mom?"

Her mother turned around with a small hum, and a questioning gaze. Seungwan smiled at her.

"Thank you, for everything."

The older woman blinked her eyes before she flashed her a relieved smile. She gives her a flying kiss before she leaves her alone with Ryujin to check on her bride.

God, calling Joohyun as her bride made her feel nervous again.

"Seriously, did I interrupt something?"

Seungwan rolled her eyes as she checked her appearance once again on the body length mirror standing in front of her. "No, you're not."

Ryujin didn't answer, but she can feel her disbelieving gaze showering down upon her. Seungwan just ignored her as she saw her younger cousin join her by her side from the reflection in the mirror. "You look great, unnie."

"Thanks," answered Seungwan curtly before she looked at her with a teasing smile on her face. "This is the first time you said something nice to me."

"It is bound to happen," shrugged Ryujin lightly, who looked so good and formal in her black suit. There is a similar fern-filled boutonniere clipped on her left lapels, a symbol to tell everyone that she was chosen to be her best woman and will stand beside her at the altar. "People would assume you don't have friends based on how you chose me to be your best woman."

"Let them talk, Ryujin," grinned Seungwan widely, prompting her cousin to raise her eyebrow. "As long as I have you."

"ing hell, save that for Joohyun-unnie," grimaced Ryujin in distaste, while Seungwan laughing her heart out. She knows even though Ryujin looks like she was disgusted with the cheesy remarks, best believe she will use it on poor Jisu. Her laughs died down, and the situation in her waiting room started to become silent again. "Are you nervous for the big event of your life?"

"I don't remember the last time my hands were this cold," chuckled Seungwan as she showed Ryujin her hands, which were slightly trembling if they looked at her palm closely. "But I am ready."

Ryujin grinned, one that looked prideful as she patted her shoulder with enough force to make a sound. "Let's go. Everyone's waiting for you."

The walk towards the altar somehow feels excruciatingly difficult. In every step she took, the anxiety inside her somehow upgraded to another level. Seungwan clenched her palms to make them stop trembling as she left the building towards the vast garden in the backyard.

They decided to do the wedding at the garden of her family's private park, somewhere at the outskirts of the city. This is where she goes to calm down from the pressure and expectation burdened on her shoulders as the leader of the company. This is also where she took Joohyun on their first date, wanting the secretary to know more about her life and introduce parts of her that makes the current Seungwan exist.

Joohyun immediately fell in love with this place, and Seungwan immediately knew they had decided where they wanted their wedding to be held at that time. The private park becomes one of their favorite places, and it's better if everyone didn't know they have christened this place the first time they come here as a couple. Making love in a gazebo where she knew her mother liked to spend her time at and waking up early enough to not get caught by the gardener in such a compromising appearance.

Now the gazebo will become the witness of their lifetime vows, as the memorable place has temporarily changed into a beautiful altar.

Her cousin did not lie when she said that everyone's waiting for her. Their wedding guests barely reached one hundred, yet when she saw all these people already sitting on the chairs they provided, somehow it made them look like a lot in Seungwan's eyes. She took a deep breath, assuring herself that today will run perfectly, before confidently walking towards the crowd to take her place at the altar.

She saw her family and some of her closest friends filled the left section. Jisu is one of the guests, a special request from Ryujin when Seungwan told her she will be her best woman for the wedding. Her cousin's girlfriend sits together with Ryujin's family, somehow she is already close with her aunt as they talked and laughed together. Ryujin dismissed herself for a while to meet Jisu, and based on the blush blooming on her cheek, she just got praised by her girlfriend, in front of her mother.

On the right side, Joohyun's guest already filled each seat provided for the wedding. All the sisters and the children from the orphanage attend their wedding, dressing in their best outfit. She saw Sister Kwon sit at the front row, and Seungwan did not hesitate to approach her.

"I hope we are not making you wait long, Sister Kwon," joked Seungwan as she took the empty space in front of her to make her presence known.

Sister Kwon laughed from her lame effort. "I've waited for this moment ever since I took care of her. This is nothing."

Seungwan smiled before she took her old and frail hand that was on her lap, slightly lowering her body to level her gaze with the woman who took the place as Joohyun's mother. She carefully grasped it gently in her palm, brushing her knuckles. "Thank you for giving me your permission to marry her, Sister Kwon."

The old woman mirrored her smile as she put her other palm on Seungwan. There is something in her eyes that she did not understand, and it seems like Sister Kwon caught her confusion because she was chuckling. "Joohyun is a lovely child who deserved to be loved more than anything else in this world. I prayed to God everyday, wishing someone out there could love her and appreciate her as much as me, if not more. When I saw you for the first time, I knew you were the answer to my prayers."

Something stirred her emotion, she can feel tears prickling at the back of her eyes. Seungwan covers all that with a smile and a small 'thank you' before she goes to the altar and stops bothering Sister Kwon. Ryujin soon followed her while she was shaking hands with the pastor who will officiate her marriage.

"Handkerchief?" asked Ryujin as she handed her a white handkerchief. "Jisu gave me this. She said you might need this during your wedding."

She lightly snorted. "Just hold it for me."

Ryujin shrugs as she draws back her hand, the handkerchief is still in her grasp. Seungwan was about to say something when one of the staff from the wedding organizer she hired suddenly came to her cousin and whispered something into her ear. Ryujin nodded and softly said 'thank you' after the staff was done, before looking at her with a suspicious smirk on her face. "She's currently on her way here. You might need to turn around."

Seungwan snorted again before she turned around, her back facing the crowds. "Do I really need to do this? It's been a week since the last time I saw her physically."

"It's about the surprise, unnie," chuckled Ryujin when Seungwan scoffed at her response. "Just endure this for a little bit more."

The older woman ignored her because her heartbeat suddenly picked up their pace and thumped so loudly underneath her chest. She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself, trying to not let the anxiety gnawing inside her take over the control she got over herself.

This is it, the moment she has been waiting for is finally going to happen. She can listen to the sound of someone walking on the grass, like they were walking right beside her. When the crowd gasped in awe, Seungwan clenched her cold fists tightly. The urge to turn around is huge, but she doesn't want to ruin this wedding just because of her own selfishness. If people want her to be surprised, then so be it.

Ryujin took a step closer to her. "You might want to turn around now," she whispered.

She takes another deep breath—just for a precaution—before slowly turning around. And when she landed her eyes on her, everything stopped. Even her breathing and her heartbeat.

There, stood at the other end of the aisle, is the woman she fell in love with. Someone who manages to look different after being away from her for a week, in a good way. Beside her, stood her father, having his hand being held by her.

Joohyun looks beautiful and Seungwan thinks it's an understatement.

Her bride let her black long hair loose this time, the soft strands cascading through her shoulder and framed her beautiful face perfectly. The white wedding dress is not something extravagant. It's simple, yet accentuates her curves and hugs her body perfectly. Nothing too much on Joohyun, just like how her secretary likes it, and Seungwan can feel herself falling deeper with the stupid expression currently etched on her face.

Seungwan gasped softly when Joohyun suddenly smiled at her, leveling up her beauty in a way she didn't know existed. She is too starstruck with her soon-to-be wife, she doesn't even realize tears are starting to fall down from her eyes. Seungwan finds out when Ryujin approaches her from behind and hands her the handkerchief she rejected earlier.

"Thanks," chuckled Seungwan before she dabs the tears off from her cheek carefully to not erase the makeup she got on her face. When she looked at Joohyun again, she was giggling while looking at her, and Seungwan couldn't help but to mirror the same expression.

Is this how falling in love with the same woman for the second time feels like?

The wedding soon began as the little children from the orphanage walked first while throwing fresh flower petals to decorate the aisle. Her father guides Joohyun as they start to walk together towards the altar, accompanied by a beautiful wedding song. They were occasionally greeting people during their walk down the aisle, but Joohyun always finds her way to look at her afterwards, and Seungwan just can't erase the smile carved on her face.

She erased the gap between the three of them once they were close enough with the altar. Seungwan didn't forget to bow towards her father, who was chuckling from how eager she looked to finally have Joohyun by her side.

"Don't forget to care for each other," said her father with life advice as he gave Joohyun's hand for her to take.

Seungwan nodded before she took her hand in her grasp, having Joohyun again in her touch. She basked in her warmth, slender fingers encased in a silk white glove. Seungwan can't help but to bring her hand towards her lips, kissing her near the knuckles. She looked up to find Joohyun staring at her, something she's missed from the one hellish week they were away present in her gaze. There's a light blush adorning her cheek, and Seungwan never knew holding back to kiss someone they loved the most can be this agonizing.

"We finally meet again."

Joohyun smiled from her choice of words as she circled her hand around her arm. She fits so perfectly with Seungwan and it drove her crazy. "I missed you too. Your hands are very cold, by the way."

Her face mirrored her expression before they took their first step towards the altar, hand-in-hand. Seungwan cannot find it in herself to stop staring at Joohyun, now that she has her on her side again. Standing together with her, walking along a path destined for them. She appreciates her side features, shining and mesmerizing as her skin sparkles in her eyes. The view made Seungwan blurted something she would never regret. "You are so beautiful."

The faint blush on her cheek turned redder. That just makes Joohyun look more beautiful in her eyes as they finally arrive at the altar, where the priest have waited for their presence. "I would say the same about you."

Seungwan smiled proudly, knowing that she indeed looked good for today's occasion. Joohyun releases the hold she got around her arm, and Seungwan almost prevents her from letting go until she remembers that they are about to exchange their vows.

Their wedding started with greetings and prayers from the priest. Seungwan secretly takes a deep breath to not let Joohyun know how nervous she is. How her heart beats so loud she was afraid Joohyun could hear them pumping in her chest. She moved her feet, her legs twitching. This is not the same composed CEO Seungwan usually is.

"It would be nice if you stay still on your spot, Ms Son."

She pouted childishly from the warning Joohyun just whispered to her, only for Seungwan to listen and to not interrupt the priest with his prayer. "We are about to get married and you still call me with work honorifics?"

"Well," Joohyun paused to give her a quick glance before she focused back on the priest in front of them. "Does it work to make you behave?"

The pout on her face turns into a flat line as her body does stop fidgeting, proof that indeed it was working. She can feel Joohyun teasing her with the smile that she covers as a polite expression, but Seungwan knows her long enough to know that she is currently playing with her. 

It feels like ages until the priest finally reaches the part where they need to exchange their vows. He told them to face each other as two little girls who lived at the orphanage walked down the aisle, holding a basket filled with two handcrafted silver rings for them to wear on their fingers. It’s special rings Seungwan specifically ordered her family’s jeweler to make.

He took the basket from the little girls and said thank you to them before walking back to where he was. Seungwan can only stare at Joohyun now, as her view becomes centered towards her and everything else starts to blur.

Seungwan only broke her gaze when the priest called her name to take the ring she was going to put on Joohyun. She nodded when the priest told her to say her vow before she slipped the ring to Joohyun’s finger. Seungwan took a deep breath, she could feel her anxiety starting to come back and formed a clot in the base of . But when she looks at Joohyun, everything disappears as the words easily roll out from .

“I choose you and promise to choose you as my wife every day we wake. I will love you in word and deed. I will laugh with you, cry with you, scream with you, grow with you, and craft with you.” Her breath hitched when Joohyun’s smile widen because , she shines so bright and she looks so beautiful and is she really going to be her wife? “To be your kin and your partner in all of life’s adventures is all I could hope for in the world. Loving what I know of you and trusting what I don’t yet know, I give you my hand. I give you my love. I give you myself, the good, the bad, and the yet to come.”

She carefully takes off the white glove to reveal her pearly white skin and perfect fingers that always know how to touch her right. Seungwan gently slips the ring to her finger, finding the silver band fits so perfectly like a beautiful crown she deserves.

It’s her turn after Seungwan is done putting the wedding ring on Joohyun’s hand. Her much smaller palm looks so adorable when they get compared with her own, like Seungwan just can engulf them in an easy grasp. Holding her softly like she was fragile and she’s afraid to break her if she holds it any tightly.

“How lucky am I to call you mine? Your love and trust makes me a better person, each and every day. For all those times that we have been together, there’s always been a mutual understanding that’s only shared when two people love each other truly.” Seungwan tried to hold back her tears this time, because she didn’t expect Joohyun to think of her like that. “You were there for my greatest challenges. You encouraged me to grow. You helped believe in myself and become the person that I am today. In your arms and by your side, I know I can do anything. I’m proud to call you my wife.”

Joohyun carefully slips the ring to her finger, and Seungwan is in awe looking at her ring fits so perfectly in her hand. The feel of the cold band against her skin, and the slight weight they added as she moves her fingers to remind her with whom she just tied her life with.

The only thing inside her mind right now is to kiss Joohyun. To finally breathe again after suppressing her feelings for a whole damn week. To claim what officially hers.

So when the priest said, “You might kiss the bride,” Seungwan did not hold back.

Seungwan immediately sought after her lips as she reached out to her face. Gently cradling her cheek in her palm as they met in the middle. She can feel her soul and her sanity melts into the touch she missed for a week that feels like a lifetime. They still fit like a puzzle, and the invisible rope that binds her heart to love someone wholeheartedly suddenly disappears.

“Never leave my side again. Please,” whispered Seungwan as she connected their forehead together. She closed her eyes as her senses started to get overwhelmed with Joohyun. The scent of her favorite perfume, the softness of her skin, the fanning of her breath.

She felt her soft palm pressed against her cheek, and her thumb wiping the tears Seungwan didn't realize had escaped from the corner of her eyes. She opened her eyes to see Joohyun smiling at her, tears b in her eyes, and love shining from her beautiful chocolate orbs. "I will always be by your side, love. I promise."

A chuckle slipped past her lips before she kissed her again. This time, the cheers coming from the invited guests slowly becomes louder in her ears, making their presence known again. 

They broke their kiss with a wide smile carved on their face. Seungwan laced her fingers with Joohyun before she turned her body to see the people whom she just shared the most magical moment with. Everybody is on their feet, clapping their earnestness as they cheered over the newly married couple. Her mom is crying happy tears, and her dad is there to calm her down from her emotion while looking at her with pride in his eyes.

Seungwan looked at Joohyun again, who was smiling bright as she looked at Sister Kwon and the people from the orphanage. She keeps her eyes on her until she notices, until Joohyun faces her so Seungwan can kiss her lips again before they leave the altar. 

The coldness from Joohyun's ring searing through her skin, and Seungwan can't help but to smile wider from the revelation.

That she just got married with the greatest woman of this generation.


She sat on the bleachers in the garden, watching people dance in the main area of their wedding's reception. Happiness is thick in the air, and Seungwan smiled from the fun things she is currently witnessing.

Their reception begins with the newly wed couple sharing their first dance as wives. In a span of a week, Joohyun has refined her dancing skill, to the point she was better than her. Seungwan can't help but to feel curious, wondering what her wife did during their separation. She thought it has something to do with her mother, but Joohyun told her she just had a hidden natural skill in dancing. Seungwan can only laugh from her answer before she kisses her passionately, almost forgetting about the world around them if only her mother doesn't ruin their moment.

Ryujin is already with Jisu, teaching her how to dance like Joohyun and her, which resulted in her feet often getting stepped on by her girlfriend. There is no pain in Ryujin's expression, only laughter and love as she kissed Jisu for the mistake she just made. To assure her that she's okay and they are just having fun.

Sister Kwon—being Joohyun's first dancing teacher—was happily dancing with the little kids of the orphanage. She might be old, and her movement might be slow, but Seungwan can see the passion and her happiness within her move.

"Should I be worried that you are starting to lose your stamina?"

Seungwan perks up from the familiar soft voice, and pat the empty spot beside her for Joohyun to sit. She looks so beautiful underneath the moonlight, with a simple and elegant white dress adorning her body, falling just perfectly right above her knees. A wonderful pair for her navy blue shirt and white trousers.

Joohyun accepted her invitation as she took the space beside her, letting out a loud sigh once she settled and comfortable. Seungwan snickered as she took her palm into her hold, the one where her wedding ring wrapped around her finger. The cold feeling seared on her skin from the silverband quickly setting their throne in one of Seungwan's favorite things. She interlaced their hand, and Seungwan still can't fathom how her small palm fit so perfectly inside her grasp. "Having fun with Mom and Dad?"

"Fun is an understatement," deadpanned Joohyun tiredly, like her soul just got out from her body, and Seungwan chuckled from her reply. "I didn't know Mom is so passionate about dancing with her daughter-in-law. And Dad can only mouth 'sorry' to me as she saw me twirling around because of Mom."

She smiled from the small change. It's no longer 'Mr. Son' and 'Mrs. Son' for Joohyun. They have become her new parents, and Seungwan likes how it sounded so natural when Joohyun says it. "Now you know the reason why I can dance."

Her wife snorted as they got basked in silence, quietly watching the people that means a lot in their life having fun and being connected with each other. Getting to know each other now that they have become a big one family with this marriage. Laughing over shared jokes and dancing through the song like there is no tomorrow. 

Seungwan fixed her position when Joohyun dropped her head on her shoulder, wanting to make her comfortable while taking a rest. It's been ages a week since the last time she had Joohyun in her arms, and Seungwan kissed the top of her head to tell her how much she missed her. 

"Tell me how you cope living without me for a week."

"I shower with your soap. I sleep while hugging your pillow after spraying your perfume on them. I feel like a lunatic," sighed Seungwan as Joohyun laughed after learning how huge is the toll for her wife to be separated from her. Seungwan raised her eyebrow from her reaction. "What about you? How did you cope living without me for a week?"

"This might sound cheesy but a sleep call does help," shrugged Joohyun as she watched Seungwan's thumb brushing through her knuckles. "Listening to your voice oddly makes me sleep better."

"No wonder whenever I waited for your response after I told you about my day, I got answered with silence and snores instead."

Joohyun points her finger at her. "I did not snore when I slept."

She simply grinned from her warning as her eyes scanned her features. Beautiful pair of eyes that are always looking at her so deep it feels like Joohyun was staring into her soul sometimes. Her cute little nose Seungwan sometimes would randomly peck the cute tip. And lastly, her soft red lips that fit her own whenever they got engaged in a liplock. So sweet, so addictive, Seungwan badly wants to kiss her right now. "Can I kiss you?"

Her wife raised her eyebrow. "We just got married and you still ask for my permission to kiss me?"

Seungwan shrugs. "Just to make sure."

The beautiful woman blinked as she noticed her eyes also landed on her lips. Seungwan unknowingly tightened her grasp on her soft hand, desperate to just lean forward and caught her lips but she held back because she wanted to know her answer. "Ye-"

She didn't let her finish as she kissed her as soon as she got the answer she wanted. Joohyun kissed her back and she could feel her palm pulling her collar tight. Her hand slowly crawled up, grazing her nail against her neck before it landed on her cheek to keep Seungwan close. And it's not like Seungwan wants to break the kiss either when she just slipped her tongue inside , tasting the wine on Joohyun and she can feel the alcohol starting to intoxicate her brain.

They were forced to break the kiss when Seungwan caught a yell of protest coming from the crowds who they invited as their guests. Seungwan pouted while Joohyun laughed, kissing the corner of her lips to erase her frustration before she stood up while holding her hand.

"Come on," Joohyun gently tugs her arm while pointing towards where the crowd is with her head. "People are waiting for us. Let's not forget we are the main star for tonight."

Seungwan chuckled before she stood up and let Joohyun lead her to the crowds who were waiting for their arrival.


The wedding reception is over just right before midnight. Both of them are exhausted after throwing such a happy party, but it does not stop them from kissing as soon as they enter their hotel room which they book for two nights because of the wedding. It's a sloppy kiss, and they share giggles in the middle, but Seungwan likes it and she can't get enough of it.

"I will take a shower first," muttered Joohyun before Seungwan closed their gap to kiss her again.

"Why don't we take it together?" asked Seungwan against her lips, hot breath fanning against . Seungwan kissed the corner of her lips, her cheek, her jaw before she reached her neck and gave her skin an open-mouthed kiss. "To save time?"

"There's never 'saving time' when it comes to showering together with you," snorted Joohyun as Seungwan laughed and let her turn around in her embrace. Joohyun silently asked for her help to undress her from the white dress she wore. Seungwan complies as she steals a kiss on her nape before pulling the zipper down to reveal her . Her kisses continue, and Joohyun needs to personally stop her from advancing further with her gesture. "Calm your , Seungwan."

"I have been holding back for a week. You can't blame me," grinned Seungwan guiltlessly as Joohyun rolled her eyes before she retreated to the bathroom to take a shower. 

Seungwan kills her time by scrolling through her phone, finding several messages coming from her work partners and associates, congratulating her for her marriage. They did not forget to mention Joohyun in their text, and Seungwan appreciated their messages by sending them a short reply of thank you.

"Who are you texting with?"

"Some of our work partners and associates who somehow knew we were getting married today," answered Seungwan as she put her phone on the small table in front of her before she looked up to find Joohyun clad in her bathrobe, looking fresh after taking a shower. There's still makeup adorning her face, she probably planned to clean it after showering. Seungwan whistled in appreciation from the sight in front of her. "Looking nice, babe."

Joohyun rolled her eyes again. God, it feels so good to be able to see her signature reaction again. "Your turn."

She nodded as she passed her by, stealing a kiss on her cheek before she retreated to the bathroom. Her is already in a semi-hard state while she is in the middle of showering, and Seungwan can't help but to plan her first night with Joohyun as a married couple. What type of position they are going to do, or they will just let the night lead them on.

But when Seungwan came out from the bathroom, she was greeted with the sight of Joohyun in their bed, already fast asleep in her bathrobe. 

Seungwan chuckles from the sight while accepting the fact that they will not do anything ual tonight. After all, today is pretty tiring and she can't blame Joohyun for already sleeping. She also heard from her mother how Joohyun woke up so early today due to nervousness over their wedding, she almost thought she didn't sleep at all the whole night. She silently changes her bathrobe into a simple white tee and shorts, before carefully coming towards Joohyun to not wake her up when she notices the makeup still covering her beautiful face. Seungwan couldn't help but to smile from the adorable sight before she took the makeup box Joohyun brought along with her. 

Her hand rummaged through the box and took out a bottle of makeup remover and cotton pads. She carefully wet the cotton pad with the makeup remover, and started cleaning her wife's face who was startled as she woke up from the sudden cold contact.

"I'm just cleaning your face," defended Seungwan when Joohyun grunts in protest before she falls back to sleep. Seungwan giggled from the childish behavior as she continued her task, meticulously cleaning Joohyun's face from the simple makeup she wore for their reception. There's still a few more grunts coming from her sleeping wife, especially when Seungwan was cleaning her lashes and eye bags, but she remained asleep and Seungwan successfully removed her makeup.

She is not done yet with her task as she helped Joohyun wearing her t-shirt and shorts to not let her sleep while being covered with a bathrobe. There's not much resistance coming from her, probably because she is deep in her sleep already as her breathing sounds steady.

Seungwan finished her task by covering Joohyun with a blanket before she joined her to sleep on the other side of the bed. "Sleep tight, my love," whispered Seungwan carefully to not wake her up before she kissed her forehead and made herself comfortable in her spot. She pulled Joohyun into a hug from behind, burying her face inside her nape before she joined her to the dreamland.

Tonight, it's not a pillow that she hugs to sleep.


this is like... my second time (?) writing wedding scene and wallah im sorry IF THIS NOT REALLY QUITE DELIVER I TRIED MY BEST


anyway, if u find joohyun smiling a lot in this chapter, its bcs this is her wedding bro like what do you expect hjhfjfhshfhsk but really i just feel like she will smile a lot during their wedding idk

plus, i got the wedding vow from the internet jkfkjsfkskjfk bcs i dont really know what to write to explain them and i rarely come into this kind of wedding so i dont really know what people say during their exchange of vow

lastly, please leave a comment and let me know what you think about this story so i can use it as my motivation to start writing for the next one! if you want to interact with me, you can find me on twitter (just follow, i will accept)! feel free to also support me by buying me a coffee!

that's all from me. thank you for reading, i hope you enjoy and like this, and see you in the next chapter!

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thank you for reading this story! please feel free to leave a comment and follow me on twitter @msginguin!

hopefully you like it!


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Jamelhynne12 #1
Chapter 15: Not Sister Kwon after they got married 😞
Seungwanniepuppy #2
Chapter 15: Bjh is so generous for forgiving ssw that fast.hoping there will be a payback time.
Chapter 15: Oh nooo Sister Kwon 🤧
1693 streak #4
Chapter 15: Oh no! Just when Joohyun got married, this have to happening....
Chapter 15: Noooooo, not the angst! I wasn't prepared for this and still not ready! The way Joohyun is already breaking down... I can't... 😭😭😭

So glad Seungwan is staying strong to hold her. 😢
Chapter 15: "please be prepared for the upcoming ones too" oh boy now I'm scared 🤧
len_rinto #7
Chapter 15: Oh noo 🥲🥲🥲
Chapter 15: i missed this story but oh sister kwon 🥺
Taitai84 1226 streak #9
Chapter 15: Oh no if joohyun loses sister Kwon just months after her wedding, she will be devastated
Skye1234 #10
Chapter 15: Thank you for the update.