Seven Tales

Seven Tales

Jisung knew it was a stupid idea to let Seungmin pick the topic for his project. Granted he had assumed that he would get something boring like “How Day6 will revolutionize the world”. Not that he didn’t like the group's music, because he did. Seungmin just took his love for them to a whole other level every time. And there was only so much Jisung could stand to hear about Kim Wonpil before he wanted to bang his head against the wall.


So when Seungmin told him his topic should be about the mythical Kitsune, he was met with a confused expression which only received a blank stare in return. Only a couple hours later - once he was settled at a table in the library with his friends - Jisung realized how serious Seungmin was as he dropped five different books in front of him. 


“You expect me to read all this?” Jisung questioned, brow raised in Seungmin’s direction. 


“That’s assuming you know how to read.” The playful jab from Jeongin was unnecessary but not surprising. He really needed to make a mental note to not let Jeongin and Seungmin hang out alone anymore. Their baby was becoming way too savage for his liking. 


“I’m going to kindly ignore that comment.” Picking up one of the books, he skimmed over the front cover, honestly intrigued with the images on it.


  Japanese Folklore


A very basic and bland title but if anything at least it informed the reader of the contents inside and Jisung’s very basic knowledge of Kitsune was that it was a fox spirit and it was part of Japanese culture. The only other mythological fox-spirit he knew about was the Kumiho, a traditional Korean fairytale that his parents told him when he was younger. It always took the form of a female in order to trick and hurt men, or anyone really. But mostly men, if Jisung remembered correctly. It would be interesting to see how the two creatures compare to each other. 


Rummaging through the other books, he skimmed the back inserts mostly because the titles didn’t give too much away and honestly, Jisung wasn’t sure most of these books had anything to do with Kitsunes. But what did he know? Nothing. 


“Sorry I’m late!” Chan greeted, startling Jisung to the point that he actually dropped the book he was holding on the table, watching it land with a loud thud on its spine before falling open in front of him. There were several disgruntled shushes coming from neighboring tables and one harsh shush coming from the male librarian that was glaring at him. Yet despite his glare, he was very attractive. 


Was he new? He had never noticed him before and Jisung had a keen eye for beautiful people. 


“Sorry.” Chan whispered, bowing in every direction before taking a seat next to Jisung. “Didn’t mean to scare you.”


“It’s cool man.” Jisung waved him off, turning his attention from the librarian back down to the book in front of him. “Huh, how convenient.” He muttered. The page the book opened to was about Kitsune’s physical forms and the typical form they transform into. 


“Kitsunes huh?” Startled again, Jisung flailed as he nearly fell out of his chair, eyes narrowed at Chan as the older male laughed softly. “I’m sorry.”


“I’m starting to think you aren’t.” Jisung huffed. 


“You’re gonna get us kicked out!” Seungmin hissed, waving a small apology to Hot Librarian who was once more glaring at them. 






Silence fell over them for all but a split second before Chan was leaning in Jisung’s space once more, eyes roaming over the opened pages. “What’s this for?”


“One of the history classes I’m taking. I can’t remember.” Jisung sighed as he leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes for a moment. “We’re supposed to pick a topic to write some sort of report, plus a presentation and Seungmin so graciously picked Kitsune for my topic.”


“You’re welcome.” Seungmin smirked over the top of his book. Jisung flicked him off with a huff. 


“Really? Sounds cool.” Chan grinned, picking up one of the books. “I know someone who’s really into mythology.” Cocking his head, Jisung looked at him, curiosity piqued. 




“Yeah. His name is Minho and he’s in my programming class.” Chan paused, looking ahead in thought. “I bet if you asked him, he’d help you with your research.”


Jisung scoffed. “Ask him? I don’t even know him, hyung! You ask him!” They were shushed again and Jisung only then belatedly realized how loud he had been. He dared to take a glance towards the librarian in fear of how strong his glare was going to be, but when he looked, the male wasn’t there. Well that was a close one. Jisung surely didn’t want to be the reason they were kicked out, but it also wasn’t his fault he was always so loud and over the top. It was just who he was. 


His relief didn’t last for long, however, as a shadow loomed overtop of him, blocking out the bright fluorescent lights overhead. Tilting his head up, he locked eyes with dark brown orbs set in a heated glare that he oh so clearly recognized. He gulped. 




“If you and your friends can’t be quiet, I’m going to have to ask you to leave. You’re disturbing the other patrons.” Even if his voice was smooth like honey, not that Jisung noticed, the contempt behind his words spoke volumes and he knew they - he - was on thin ice. 


“I’m sorry.” He squeaked out. Hot Librarian only gave him a blank stare and it was almost creepy at how eerily similar it was Seungmin’s. At least Seungmin would crack at smile after a few seconds. 


“We’re sorry Minho, we’ll be more quiet.” Chan promised and Jisung froze, eyes wide. 


This was Minho? Hot Librarian - who now probably hated his guts - was Minho the mythology dude? . 


Minho eyed Chan over, a small smirk playing on his lips. “You’re lucky you’re cute.” The blatant flirtatious comment flustered Chan like no tomorrow, the tips of his ears a deep red while his cheeks were a dusty pink. Kinda cute if Jisung has to be honest. “One last chance.”


Chan raised his arms, hands clasped together in thanks. He smiled at Minho before clearing his throat. “Say, Minho, you know a lot about mythology right?”


Minho deadpanned. “That is my major Chan, I told you this on day one.” Chan stared at Minho, both unblinking. The exchange was weird, though the thought of the two of them dating had crossed Jisung’s mind. But Chan would have surely shared that information with him if they were, wouldn’t he? Of course he would! They were best friends after all, and Jisung shared everything with his hyung. 


“Is it wrong to want confirmation?” Chan asked. 


“Is it stupid to ask stupid questions?” Minho shot back, the corner of his lips upturning slightly in what Jisung could only describe as a feline-like smile. Chan rolled his eyes and sighed heavily. 


“Jisung, this is Minho. Minho, Jisung.” 


Jisung flashed him a sheepish smile. “Hello.” It was Jisung’s turn to be on the receiving end of the blank stare and he absolutely hated it. He couldn’t read Minho at all and he was pretty decent at reading people. But Minho…he was different. Then again maybe it was just the air of indifference he gave off that was intimidating Jisung into being unable to read him. Whatever it was, Jisung wished it would go away. And if it weren’t for the fact they were in a library and Minho was already upset at them for constantly being loud, he would have cracked some joke or done something that in hindsight would be very stupid, but at least it would ease the tension. 


“What’s your surname?”




“Han Jisung. I’ll make sure to blacklist you.”


“Minho!” Chan scolded. Jisung’s eyes widened, his heart racing as the words slowly sunk in. He was going to be blacklisted? From the library? That would be a dream come true! Or would it? It would make research slightly more difficult but at least he wouldn’t be pestered by Seungmin and Jeongin to go study all the time! That seemed like the best pro out of the situation. 






“You’re horrible.” Chan grumbled. “Anyway, Jisung has this project in one of his classes and apparently his topic is about Kitsunes.” Jisung certainly didn’t miss the way Minho’s expression lifted, a brow slowly rising. “And since you’re majoring in mythology, I thought maybe you could help him.” 


Minho turned his gaze back to Jisung, making the other feel so small. There was something about the look in his eyes that was just so intimidating. Jisung felt like he was an insignificant speck of dirt amongst this adonis of a man. Was that too much? Probably, but again, hot librarian was very hot and his dry sense of humor was also very entertaining - if not a bit off putting. Jisung was quick to avert his gaze when Minho raised a brow at him, an action that he noticed was quite a frequent behavior. y really. 


Control yourself!


“Well,” Minho hummed as he leaned between the two of them, picking up one of the books on the table. “I can tell you these books here are not going to give you accurate information.”


“How would you know?” Jisung asked quickly, head cocked to the side as he looked up at the other.


“Librarian, remember?” Minho tapped the badge attached to his button down shirt. Jisung blushed, ducking his head as he indeed did remember. It would make sense that Minho had knowledge of which text contained what content - maybe not all books, but at least the ones that pertained to his major or ones that he found interest in. 


“Right, sorry.”


Minho smirked at that. “You’re cute.” he commented ever so nonchalantely that left Jisung’s heart and head in a tizzy. How could he just do that?! So casually and to a stranger! “Put these books back.” Minho pushed the stack of books towards Seungmin who stared at him quizzically. The dead expression Minho returned was more than enough to get Seungmin out of his chair and hauling four of the five books back to where he found them. “This one though.” he continued, tapping the still open book, a curious gleam in his eyes. “This one is probably one of the most accurate texts we have.” he said before slamming it closed. Jisung winced at the loud thud and was expecting the students around them to shush them once more for being loud. But no noise came and a cursory glance around told Jisung that no one was even paying them any mind.


Weird. Why couldn’t they have actively ignored them from the start? Then again, he probably wouldn’t be having this wonderful onesided conversation with Hot Librarian Minho if they had. Looking back at the book, Jisung nodded his head slowly. “Then I’ll check that one out. Are there other books you suggest?” he asked.


Minho hummed as he straightened. “I’ll have to check the system if we have any of them, but there are a few I would recommend.” Running a hand through his hair, he snorted. “Come back at around seven.”


“Seven?” With a curt nod, Minho turned and started to leave. “But that’s so late!” Jisung whined out. “Can’t it be earlier?”


“Seven or fail the project.” Minho called over his shoulder with a shrug. Jisung groaned and rolled his eyes before closing them. “Don’t be late.”


Jisung nearly banged his head against the table. Minho’s parting words left no room to argue, even if Jisung wanted to throw a tantrum. He just couldn’t understand why it had to be so late? There were a hundred other things that Jisung could have been doing than going back to the library at seven. But, he did want to pass the project and Minho gave off an aura that he knew what he was talking about. Which he probably did, otherwise Chan wouldn’t have suggested Jisung ask him for help.


But would it help? Only time would tell.




Seven rolled around faster than Jisung had hoped. After another thirty minutes of studying, he had broken off from the group to attend his second class for the day and then met up with Changbin for coffee because did Jisung need it. It was mostly to help his nerves for meeting up with Minho later. A lot of good that did. Here he was, standing outside the building and his whole body felt like a livewire. There was a passing thought of if he took his pill this morning, but if he didn’t, it was too late now. Though the idea of having an anxiety attack in front of Hot Librarian was a bit embarrassing. Minho struck him as the type of person to laugh first, continue to laugh, and maybe after ten minutes he would finally ask if you were okay. That was humiliation that Jisung wanted to actively avoid. So taking a deep breath, he did his best to steel his nerves and opened the door, stepping into the overly cold student library. 


The first thing Jisung noticed was how eerily quiet the library was, more so than normal. Usually, there would be the soft murmurs of the students milling about or at the very least the clacking of keyboards as students worked on papers. But there was nothing, just a stillness that only heightened Jisung’s anxiety. Looking around, his suspions were confirmed - not a single soul in sight. Even the front desk where Minho had occupied only a few hours earlier was vacant. It was very creepy. 


With uneasy steps, Jisung approached the service desk, peering over the top and was surprised to see nothing. He had thought that he would at least see something there. A bag, a notebook, a cellphone. Something that told him that Minho was still there. But there was nothing and maybe that’s the reason why his heart suddenly started racing. Or maybe it was the fact that he felt like he was suddenly being watched, but he was certain that there was no one around.


“H-Hello?” Jisung called out, eyes scanning left to right, searching for any sign of Minho’s presence. A flash of something from his peripheral caught his attention and he was turning to the left, staring at the rows of bookshelves that contained mostly the self-help and diy books. He squinted, thinking maybe that would help him see better - even though he knew from this distance, the shelves would distort the figure he saw. At least he hoped it was a figure. Maybe it was a ghost? A shudder ran down his spine at the thought. More movement and Jisung was sure he saw a grey figure.


“Hey!” he called out as he walked to the bookshelves. “Minho hyung?” Jisung was sure he saw the figure between the first and second shelf, but when he arrived, there was nothing there. Instead, the movement happened again, only this time four shelves back. And this time Jisung was one hundred percent sure he saw something. “Hyung, this isn’t funny. Come out.” he called, feet carrying him to where he last saw the figure. Getting closer, a foul smell assaulted Jisung’s senses and he had to stop and force himself not to throw up as he quickly covered it. Jisung could only equate the wretched smell to what he assumed a dead body smelled like. It was disgusting and if this was Minho playing a game with him - for whatever reason - it wasn’t funny at all. 


“Hyung.” Jisung called out again, doing his best to not gag on his words. There was a flash of silver, Jisung’s head whipping to the side as he tried to follow it, an overly floral aroma replaced the stench that once filled the air. Left, then right, the silver thing seemed to be dashing around the library, and by the time Jisung finally caught up with where he last saw it at the front desk, it was gone. Yet sitting on the desk was two books and what looked like a white note sitting on top of it. Jogging over, he let out a sigh of relief as both scents seemed to fade away and he could finally breathe again. Looking down at the items, he cocked his head, reading over the note a few times to try and comprehend what was being said and how it got there.


These books will help with your project. Take them and go. I have a mess to clean up in the back.




All this time, all Minho was going to do was give him two more books? Did that really warrant a trip to the library so late in the evening? Seriously? Jisung wasn’t sure if he was more angry or disappointed. Angry that he had wasted his time for this, and disappointed because he actually didn’t get to see Minho again. In the end, he settled for being thankful, because he could always come back and see Minho another day. And he was sure whatever was in these books would surely help him ace his project. Grabbing them, he shoved the books into his bag before making a hasty exit towards the door. As he left, there was a faint hint of a deep growl echoing from the left side of the library, but he didn’t dare look back. Something just didn’t feel right - from the figures to the smells, to the miraculously appearing books and note - and Jisung really didn’t want to look deeper into it. 




“unlike the fox of Japanese folklore, who will sometimes change into a woman to marry a man who has been kind to it, the kumiho never appears as a benevolent figure”


“Is that the Kumiho?”


Jisung screamed. He down right shrieked as Chan’s voice broke the silence that had swept over him. He was thankful that he was in the student union and not the library this time. Even so, he could still feel Minho’s glare as if he was there. 




Jisung hadn’t seen the other since that weird night at the library, but then again he had actively avoided the area altogether. The books were only providing so much information, and there wasn’t anything interesting that Jisung wanted to write about. The thought of Minho being able to provide more useful information had crossed his mind many times, but that wasn’t enough to persuade him to go back to the library. 


 “,” Chan laughed as he stared at him. “Are you okay?”


Panting, Jisung clutched his chest. “My heart still beats. A little too fast but it’s beating.” Chan laughed again at that. Reaching out, he rested his hand on Jisung’s shoulder. 


“Good, don’t want you in an early grave.” He commented. “So how’s the project going?”


“Oh, it’s going.” Jisung sighed as he closed the book. “I hate this.”


Chan raised a brow, taking a seat next to the other. “What’s wrong?”


“The information is so boring!” Jisung groaned, frowning. “All the books have the same information and it’s just so…” Jisung waved his hand in the air before dropping it on the table with a heavy sigh. 


“What did Minho tell you about it?” Jisung tensed and shifted in his seat, looking away. Chan raised a brow and smirked. “Jisung, did you talk to Minho?”


“I gotta go.” Sitting up, Jisung started stacking the books and closing his laptop, preparing to put his things back in his bag. 


“Sung, stop.” Chan chuckled as he grabbed Jisung’s arm, forcing the other to still. “Why didn’t you talk to him? He doesn’t bite.” Turning, Jisung pouted. 


“Maybe. But he’s so handsome and intimidating and -“


“You’re scared to talk to him because he’s handsome?” Chan asked. 


“And intimidating! Don’t forget intimidating.”


“Oh my god.” Chan snorted and released Jisung’s arm. “I can’t with you.” He sighed, shaking his head. 


“I can’t with me either.” Slipping the items into his bag, Jisung shouldered it as he stood. “I need to go. Maybe I can find some other books at the public library.” 


“Just talk to him .” Chan exasperated. “I’m telling you, he’ll have all the information you need.”


Jisung decided to ignore him, giving him a small smile before taking his leave. He knew he should go and talk to Minho, that was really the only reason Chan had introduced them to each other. Well that and because Jisung was just too noisy. But there really was something about the older that just had Jisung feeling so small and helpless. And for that indiscernible reason alone, he was absolutely not going to talk to the other. 




In the end, Jisung wanted to kick himself for going back to the library that evening. He had told himself he wouldn’t go there. Not after what happened. He had made an absolute fool of himself before and after the meeting in the library and he couldn’t blame Minho for not wanting to face him. To simply just leave him a note along with the materials. And yet somehow Jisung found himself at the front of the library at twilight. Well not somehow , he knew how he got there. His feet had carried him there. His brain had told him to go there without actually telling him. 


Sighing softly, he grabbed the handle of the door and pulled, only to be met with resistance. He tugged a few more times and the doors moved together ever so slightly. Jisung frowned, eyes scanning over the glass panes, landing on the hours of operation. Open from seven in the morning until seven at night. Pulling out his phone, he double checked the time, the frown setting deeper on his face. It was only six fifteen. Why was it closed?


Even though he knew it was useless, he tried opening the doors again. Predictably, they didn’t open, but that didn’t stop Jisung from pouting like a child, kicking them in his frustration. He had come all this way for nothing. But maybe that was a good thing. In reality, he wasn’t sure if he would be able to face Minho, even if he really did need to poke around his brain. It was probably for the best, to spare him any more humiliation. 


Sighing, Jisung his heel to leave when something silver flashed in his periphery. It reminded him of what he saw the other night. Curiously - or stupidly, it was debatable - Jisung followed the flash around the corner of the building, searching. It wasn’t hard to spot it again, just down the back alley of the building, by the treeline. It wasn’t really a forest behind the building, but the campus had a small gathering of trees - a tree farm maybe - that surrounded the area. It wasn’t big enough to be considered a forest, but large enough where the campus was cut off from the main roads and the hustle and bustle of the busy city. Nothing to be afraid of, but as he drew closer to the last spot he had seen the silver “thing”, a sense of fear washed over him, weighing heavily on his chest and making it difficult to breathe. 


Jisung paused in his tracks, taking a moment to try and calm his racing heart as he took in his surroundings. With each passing second, the sky grew darker - night eventually falling - the lamp posts lining the sidewalks and corners of the buildings, illuminating the area in waves of solar-powered artificial light. The wind blew - the cool autumn air creating a chill running down his spine. It was that perfect temperature to remind him winter was coming, but wasn’t there just yet. A slight nip that would normally leave him feeling energized, yet tonight it left him feeling so cold and alone on the empty walkways. Jisung’s attention turned back to the tree line, catching movement from within. 


He knew he shouldn’t go, that only idiots would walk into a wooded area in the dark and alone. But he needed answers. He needed to know what he had been seeing, if anything at all. Taking a breath, Jisung gathered what courage he could find and entered, the darkness of the night growing steadily darker with each shaky step he took. This was exactly how he was going to die, stupidly walking into a dark wooded are on the notion that he saw something . It was like a horror movie. Very fitting considering he was in the middle of spooky season. Leaves crunched loudly under his boots, only adding to the eerie atmosphere. Jisung’s eyes scanned his surroundings, trying and failing to find the source of the silver flash he had seen just a few minutes before. 


He was really going to hate himself. “Hello?” he called out, cringing as his voice broke the silent void. “Is anyone out there?” He waited, watching his step so he didn’t mistake the sound of the leaves for the sound of someone speaking. Though it would be hard to mistake the sound of leaves as a voice, but Jisung was known for many talents, why not have that be one of them?


A stick broke behind him - Jisung whirling around so fast that he almost lost balance. Standing there, not too far from the entrance, was a large….creature. That was the only word Jisung could think of using to describe it. Out of reflex, Jisung’s body moved to take cover behind a few trees - self-preservation in effect for once.


The creature standing before him was definitely something out of a Grim’s fairy tale. A bipedal creature with large feet connected to powerful-looking legs that were covered in grayish hair. Or was it fur? Jisung couldn’t be certain and he sure as hell didn’t want to try approaching the thing just to find out. It snarled, snout raised high in the air as its nostrils flared.


It was sniffing .


Golden eyes scanned the dark tree line that Jisung was hiding in, passing over him with each sweep, that it had to be some sort of miracle he hadn’t been spotted. Sharp claws glinted in the moonlight and Jisung could feel his pulse begin to race, a soft gasp leaving him. The creature’s ears twitched and it’s head whipped around, eyes boring straight in Jisung’s.


This was it. This was how he died.


There was a ferocious howl that sent shockwaves of fear through Jisung’s body. The creatures maw stretched open wide in such a grotesque way that Jisung was sure it could fit a whole human body in there without much trouble, or at the very least, whole limbs. It gave another howl, it’s claws flexing. Jisung could see the muscles in it’s legs flexing, twitching slightly. It should have clicked in his head, but it didn’t. So when the creature leapt forward, Jisung stared in a stunned silence as the near seven foot creature came barreling towards him, eyes locked directly on him. His heart was racing - blood pumping loudly in his ears. The lumbering creature made to pounce and all Jisung could do was raise his arms to block the attack.


Jisung expected searing hot, unfathomable amounts of pain. He expected his body to hit the ground, loud snarling next to his ear as the creature tore into him, but it didn’t come. Nothing came but a hard thud and whimpering. Cautiously, Jisung lowered his arms, eyes darting around frantically before landing on the scene before him. The creature was pinned to the ground, a slender hand wrapped tightly around it’s muzzle as it futilessly attempted to try and free itself.


Jisung followed the hand up the equally slender and toned arm, all the way up to a very beautifully sculpted face. A very familiar looking face. 


“M-Minho?” Silver ears twitched, turning towards the sound of his name as a pair of deep purple eyes found his. The face looked similar to Minho, but different at the same time. Last time Jisung saw him, Minho certainly didn’t have ears. tails? He squinted, counting again and yup, there were seven tails. “What the actual ?!” he squeaked out.


Minho raised up a finger, signaling Jisung to wait. His attention turned back to the creature under him, humming softly. “Now Channie, what did I say about attacking innocent people? And a friend of yours, no less.” he tutted, flicking the tip of the creature’s nose with his finger, making it howl weakly and whimper once more. 


Chan?! That was Chan?


Jisung’s eyes widened as they stared at the creature that was now rendered practically useless. Able to get a better look at the creature - not that he hadn’t had a great opportunity when he was getting ready to attack - he did sort of resemble what Jisung thought a werewolf was. Was Chan a werewolf? Was it even a full moon? The questions were racing in Jisung’s mind and while one could easily be answered if he just looked up at the night sky, all rational thought had left his brain because there was a werewolf right in front of him! And a kumiho! 


Was Minho a kumiho? Jisung pouted in thought. No, he couldn’t be, not according to the information he already knew. Unless Minho was secretly planning to attack and kill him right now. So if he wasn’t a kumiho, then what was he?




Jisung jumped, taking a few steps back at how close Minho suddenly was to him. The strong smell of flowers wafted between them, warm and welcoming. It was a scent he remembered smelling before, and the memory of that night in the library came rushing back to him. That scent had been Minho? Then was that other smell because of… Looking back, Jisung was horrified to see the creature - Chan - was gone.


“It’s fine.” 


“It’s not fine! What if he kills someone?!”


“He’s not going to kill anyone.” Minho assured.


“He tried to kill me!” Jisung exclaimed, a little hurt that one of his best friends actually wanted to kill him. And Chan was the nicest one of his friends too.


“He was freshly turned, he didn’t have much control over his instincts.” Shrugging, Minho gave him a gentle smile. “Channie hyung would never do anything to hurt his friends, especially you.” Reaching out, Minho moved to pat Jisung on the head, but he ducked away. Yanking his hand back, Minho stared at him Jisung with worried eyes. “Jisung-”


“So Chan is a werewolf?” He interrupted and Minho nodded. “And you’re a Kitsune?” Another nod. “So that’s the reason Chan wanted me to talk to you about my project.” Realization seemed to dawn on Jisung and Minho would be lying if he said the other didn’t look cute.


“What better way to learn about the mythology than to hear it straight from the horse’s mouth, sort of speak.” Minho sheepishly laughed. Jisung groaned and rubbed his head forehead as he tried to process the information he was just given. Everything about mythical creatures was true. Well maybe not everything. But the fact that werewolves and kitsunes existed could only mean that other supernatural creatures existed as well. Right? 


“You look so cute, lost in thought.” Jisung’s head snapped up as Minho carefully ran his thumb over the area between his eyes, relaxing the wrinkles that had formed there. “I’m sure you have a lot of questions.”


“Many.” Jisung mumbled, looking away from the other. Minho pulled his hand back and smirked at him.


“I’d be happy to answer any questions you have, over dinner if you’re willing.”


“Dinner? T-tonight?” Jisung gasped out. Minho nodded. “Are you going to look like this the entire time?” he asked worriedly.


Minho laughed. “No. I’ll change forms. So what do you say?” 


Biting his bottom lip, Jisung mulled over the options in his head. He really didn’t have anything to lose. At least Minho wasn’t going to savagely attack him if he turned his back on him. Or at least, that’s what he read. Kitsunes are supposed to be benevolent tricksters. He also had a ton of questions he wanted to know, like how long had Chan been a werewolf? How did Minho know Chan was a werewolf? But the biggest benefit of agreeing was that he was going out on a date with Minho. Would dinner be considered a date? 


“Do you want it to be a date?” Minho asked, lips curled in a smirk. Jisung pouted at him for that. He also needed to know about that ability and how to keep Minho from using it. 


“Um, yeah, I’d like it to be.” 


“Me too.” Minho smiled and Jisung felt his heart melt at how beautiful it was. Supernatural creature or not, Minho was absolutely gorgeous and Jisung was so excited. Minho disappeared behind a few trees and Jisung waited patiently for him to reemerge, and when he did he was back in the form that Jisung was used to - Mr. Hot Librarian. 


Holding out his hand, Jisung took it, lacing their fingers together shyly, a small flush dusting his cheeks. Minho giggled at him before tugging his arm and leading him away.


A month later - right before winter break - Jisung got back his grade for his history project. It was a 98% and Jisung was more than happy to flaunt it around in front of his friends who continually questioned how he got such a high mark. He told them it was a secret and while Hyunjin theorized it was because he was sleeping with the professor, Jisung didn’t miss the knowing gaze Minho shot his way, returning it with his own wink.

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Chapter 1: Please update more, it's so well-written and i can't wait to read the next chap
745 streak #2
Chapter 1: I enjoyed reading this one! 💗🌹