End (3/3)

Midlife Crisis

"Hyung, can you explain what is this?"



Kyuhyun dropped two familiar white envelopes on his lap. The brown-haired Alpha looked equally pissed and sad and it scared him a bit. Jongwoon had never seen his boss looking this angry at him. In fact, he believed it is the first time his Alpha actually got angry at him so his heart ached so much. And he didn't even have to open the letters to know why the other man was upset.


"...A resignation letter and a custody withdrawal form."

"Why? Hyung, are you going to run away again?"


The emphasized "again" made him flinch. With that, his Alpha basically confirmed every suspicion he had; that Kyuhyun had always known he was the Omega from that night and that the man is the father of his children. However, the Alpha had never said it directly before, either out of respect or worry or whatever. So, he guessed that Kyuhyun might be really furious this time that he confronted him. And for a very short split second, Jongwoon did decide to run away from everything again. He was really tired, of the discomfort brought by pregnancy, of emotional distress due to being treated coldly by his Alpha's family. After being gaslighted for almost half of his life, he just wanted to spend the rest of it in peace. He had no idea what kind of a face he made while drowning in thoughts but Kyuhyun suddenly turned pale. The Alpha sat down beside him on the bed and held his hands, and he could tell from the slight tremor that his Alpha was nervous.


"Jongwoon hyung, I'm sorry. I shouldn't be angry at you when you're already stressed from my family's cold treatment. Please give me a chance and don't go anywhere else. I'm doing my best to change their minds! It'll take time but I'll definitely do it! So, hyung..."

"...I did consider it, running away, I won't lie."

"You did? That's a past tense so what about now?"

"Honestly, I'm not sure myself yet... Can you give me time to think about it? I want to focus on our babies now."

"Of course, I always respect your— wait a sec!! Jongwoon hyung... did you just say... our babies...?"


He looked away from the surprised Alpha and didn't say anything, just pouting. But he also didn't push the other man away when Kyuhyun hugged him and placed his large hand on top of his smaller one on the tummy.


"Jongwoon hyung~ I didn't catch it just now so can you say it again~?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."


"I want to eat strawberries."

"Right away! Wait for me, babies, Daddy will bring yummy strawberries for you and Mommy soon~"


Jongwoon blushed at his Alpha's baby talk and shooed the younger man away. Although he had decided to open up to his Alpha, he still couldn't get used to being treasured and didn't know how to respond to such warm affection. But he hoped that he could return it some day so that he could repay Kyuhyun's kindness. Smiling with blushing cheeks, he patted his tummy and whispered a secret to his babies; words that he planned to speak to his Alpha one day.


"Uncle Jongwoon!"

"Let's play with us!!"


The twin boys of the Cho Family, Hajun and Yejun suddenly ran into the room and came to hug him. Jongwoon beamed and hugged them back happily. Then, the boys told him that they wanted to show their mother's dolls collection to him. He did plan to wait for his Alpha to come back first but the hyper twins were impatient. In the end, he just messaged Kyuhyun where he would go and accompanied the twin boys.





"Uncle, Uncle, look!! Aren't these dolls cute?"

"They're beautiful! Hajun-ah, thank you for showing me around."

"Uncle Jongwoon! A pig with wings!"

"Yejun-ah, don't climb the shelf. It's dangerous."


The twins took him to one of the rooms where their mother kept her porcelain dolls collection. Although the dolls were beautiful, Jongwoon was more focused on keeping the two boys out of trouble. Being only six years old, Hajun and Yejun were very energetic and curious. The twin boys kept asking him questions or dragged him here and there to show off the dolls. Occasionally, Yejun tried to climb a shelf but he stopped the boy in time. He secretly sighed in his heart. Would his twin boy and girl be this handful too? Luckily, his Alpha would be there for him so he had nothing to worry about. He smiled as the thought of Kyuhyun and successfully prevented Yejun from climbing a shelf. However, he soon noticed that Hajun had been strangely quiet for a while. Hit by a sense of foreboding, he quickly looked for the other twin boy and his heart clenched at once, seeing the boy hanging on a wobbly shelf. His heart then completely stopped beating when the shelf toppled over.




Jongwoon rushed forward without hesitation and picked up the boy from the falling shelf. Then, he turned around and used his body to protect Hajun just as the shelf crashed on top of them. The glass panels shattered and cut into his back as he whimpered in devastated pain, feeling a sharp pain in his knees. Although his stomach luckily didn't hit the floor, the impact of the falling shelf still spread to that place. Beads of sweat formed all over his body as he felt intense pain in his belly as if he was slashed open alive, and his pants felt wet and sticky. Despite that, he still protected the boy in his arms as well as trying to comfort the frightened twin and keeping the boy from getting closer. Before fainting, he heard hurriedly footsteps and smelled a familiar red wine pheromone which made the pain in his body slowly dissipate...


"JONGWOON HYUNG!!! Hang on just little more! I'll save you now!!"



Jongwoon exerted his last bit of energy to reach out from under the fallen shelf to grasp his Alpha's hand, his vision becoming blurry and his voice shaking.


"O-Our babies... Save them..."

"Hyung!!! No!! Wake up!!! Don't fall asleep!!! Our children and I need you!!! Jongwoon hyung!! I LOVE YOU!!!"



He fainted.




When Jongwoon came to, he was already at the hospital. He was exhausted beyond words and he felt sore all over his body, especially at his abdomen... His babies!! He panicked when he realized that he no longer had a baby bump. He tried to breathe slowly to calm down as he rubbed his flat tummy. What happened with Hajun and his babies? How long has he been unconscious? What about his Alpha...? Getting dead worried and impatient, he was about to take out the IV needle but the door to his room was opened first.


"Oh, you woke up sooner than I thought."

"Madam Cho... Mister Cho..."


The two elder Cho stepped into the room and he started to feel nervous. He didn't forget that his Alpha's parents were disapproval of him. Nevertheless, he cared more about his mate and his babies, not to say that he was worried about Hajun too. So, he shook off the anxiety and asked straightforwardly.


"... Excuse me, what happened after that? Is Hajun-ah safe? What about Kyuhyun and our babies?"

"Hajun-ah is a bit shocked but he's unscratched, thanks to you. Kyuhyun-ah was able to call an ambulance in time and the doctor successfully performed a surgery to save the babies, though they still have to be in the observation unit for a few days."

"I see... Thanks heaven. What about Kyuhyun? Where's my Alpha?"

"This is the exact reason why we come to see you."


The old lady approached him while her husband hung back with an unreadable gaze. Kyuhyun's mother took out something from her purse and placed it on the bed, and his heart almost stopped at the sight of the items— a custody withdrawal form and a cheque with two hundreds million won written on the paper. Jongwoon didn't dare to touch them and looked at the older woman in apprehension.


"Madam... This is...?"

"We're grateful for your help saving Hajun-ah and for giving two precious grandchildren to our family. However, your duty ends here. Consider that money a reward for your hard work and leave."


His heart completely sank at this moment. Although he could see this coming miles away ever since Kyuhyun first introduced him to the Cho Family, it still hurt so much to be treated like a commodity, getting thrown out as soon as he was no longer useful. He picked up the two paper and bit his bottom lip so hard that it drew blood. Did he really have to leave his Alpha and his babies...? Is it really not his place to be by their sides...?




Jongwoon tore the form and the cheque to shreds and let them scattered on the bed. Then, he lifted his chin high and bravely looked at the two elders with determination.


"No, I'm not leaving my babies and my Alpha, not now, not ever."

"And what can you do about that? You know better than anyone that you're not welcomed here."

"I don't know and I don't care. I used to be a coward... always running away from everything, a shadow of my past, my mistakes, and even my own feelings. However, I've had enough of that now. Kyuhyun taught me that it's okay to let go of the past and dream of the future, that being old and imperfect didn't strip one of the right to be happy. Therefore, I don't care how much you're going to pressure me or what schemes you'll use. I'll never let go of my precious family— my husband and my babies!!"


He panted after shouting everything in one breath. The courage that he didn't know he had in him made blood course through his body and fill him with confidence. No. He isn't going to let anyone or anything separate him and his loved ones! Jongwoon stared at the two elders, daring them to take away his treasures. Mister and Madam Cho looked at each other without saying anything. Then, to his absolute surprise, the two people bowed their heads at him with remorseful looks.


"Kim Jongwoon-ssi, we apologize for every mistreatment and harsh word that we subject you to it, both directly and indirectly."

"Even though we should behave like respectful elders, we judge you based on prejudice despite not knowing you well. We truly couldn't apologize enough..."

"Mister Cho... Madam Cho... Please raise your heads. I understand that you're just worried and care about your only son. It's reasonable that you'd be wary of me."


Jongwoon looked at the two older persons and smiled. He was never angry or hated his Alpha's parents because he understood their point of views. He was just happy that he got accepted and didn't have to leave his family. Still smiling, he bowed his head in return.


"Mister Cho, Madam Cho, thank you so much for letting me be with my Alpha and my babies."

"Ah, that should be our words," Madam Cho smiled kindly with a trace of guilt. "Thank you for making Kyuhyun-ah happy."

"We truly misjudged your character and we regretted it," added the head of the Cho Family.

"I told you! Appa, Eomma, that my mate is a good person!"



A grin naturally formed on his lips when he saw a familiar brown-haired man barge into the room. His Alpha greeted him with a doting smile and calming pheromone before sitting down on the bed beside him. Kyuhyun hugged him and nuzzled his nose against his gland, inhaling the baked bread scent. Seeing the reunited couple in their own world, the two elders decided to leave the Alpha and Omega be after giving a slight nod. As soon as the taller man's parents left, Kyuhyun whined.


"Jongwoon hyung... do you have any ideas how scared I was seeing you under the shelf with blood pooling beneath you? I thought I lost you..."

"Sorry... But I'd do the same in a heartbeat even if I had to choose again."

"I know. That's why I love you, hyung. You're very sincere and caring beneath your aloof exterior. Your ex-mate is stupid for cheating on you and calling you a broken Omega. If there's anything that breaks, it's his pitiful brain. Well, I'm glad for his foolishness though or else we wouldn't be here together now~"

"So, you really know everything about me from the beginning? Huh? Did you pull a string and got me in the job as your secretary too?"

"No! It was a total coincidence that you applied here and got chosen. I was equally shocked when I saw that day! You got this job by your own skills, hyung. You can ask Hyukjae hyung if you don't believe me!!"


Kyuhyun pouted and squeezed him harder. The Alpha's larger hand came to rest on his (now) flat tummy and rubbed it absentmindedly in circles.


"Hyung, do you believe in fate and love at first sight?"

"Obviously, no, seeing how things end with my old mate whom I fell in love at first sight with and got together recklessly..."

"I know you'll say that, hyung," Kyuhyun chuckled, "but I do believe in them, especially after meeting you..."


His Alpha closed his eyes as if he was recalling a past while swaying their bodies in a calm rhythm.


"...That night at the bar, it was supposed to be Hyukjae hyung who went there to make a business deal. However, his Omega mate got sick so I went in his place and we met by chance. Hyung, you were pretty drunk back then so you might not realize it but the compatibility of our pheromones were very high. I could tell at the first glance that we were meant to be and that's why I took you back to my room.

When I woke up and found out that you ran away without leaving behind your name or number, I got very possessive and searched for you crazily until I found you working at a cafe. I even went there to secretly watch you. However, I gave up approaching you because you seemed like you wanted to forget about our first night... So, I just accepted the heartbroken and told myself that maybe our fate ended here.

But then you suddenly showed up before me, being pregnant with our babies, no less! My secretary didn't know about you and you also didn't know that you'll work for me. It was obvious that fate wanted us to reunite. Plus, I could never shake off the regret for letting you go that time. That's why I decided that I wouldn't lose you again this time and will pursue you if you'll have me~"

"... Even though I've always pushed you away and keep you at an arm length?"

"I won't force you to accept me, hyung, " Kyuhyun intertwined their fingers, "considering what you've been through in the past relationship. Plus~"


His Alpha grinned mischievously and brought their connected hands to his lips to kiss it.


"Just you accepting me as your husband and the father of our babies are enough to make me overjoyed~"

"Did I? I don't remember telling you about it."

"Hyuuuung! I heard everything you said to my parents! I'll never let go of my precious family— my husband and my babies! Ah, my Omega mate is so cool~"

"S-Shut up. Don't you have something more important to do than teasing me?"

"You finally returned my feelings. Is there anything more important than that? Or did you mean that you want to see our babies? I can take you there but you need to recover first!"

"Our babies are equally important but that's not what I meant, dummy."


Jongwoon sighed dramatically. Then, he turned his back to face his Alpha and bowed his head, revealing his nape and his gland that still secreted a mouth-watering scent of baked bread. His ego inflated a bit at Kyuhyun's sharp inhaling of breath and couldn't resist releasing more pheromone purposefully to seduce his Alpha mate.


"Hurry up and mark me, Kyuhyun."

"... Are you sure about that? Jongwoon hyung, once I cross the line, I won't be able to restrain myself anymore."

"Oh? You don't want to do it then? Fine. I guess I'll just have to find another Alpha— Ah!"


His gland was bitten quite hard but he didn't feel hurt at all. If anything, Jongwoon was overwhelmed by ecstasy of being fulfilled by his Alpha. The red wine pheromone that was injected into his body quickly soaked his baked bread and left lingering scent on him. Even after the marking process was done, Kyuhyun still held him tight and kept kissing his nape around the biting mark, not that he minded it. Actually, he was extremely happy like never before during his miserable past years. He found an Alpha who loved and cherished him for who he was and they even had babies together. He couldn't ask for anything else in his life. Except...


"Kyuhyun, once I fully recover and our babies are a bit older, will you accompany us to see my parents? I have so many things to tell them, including how I met my Alpha."

"Of course, I'll go with you no matter where it is."

"Really? Then, I want to go on a picnic and make up for that time."

"We can go to plenty more together in the future, you, me, and our babies."

"I want us to be there together on our babies' first day at the school, their talented show, the guardian meeting, and every special occasion."

"We'll always attend them together and come home together with our babies."

"It'd be nice to go to an amusement park or a zoo together. Going overseas during a family vacation sounds great too."

"Leave it to me. I'll prepare everything and make sure that all of our family have a wonderful time."



"Can I say something selfish...?"

"Be selfish as much as you want with me, hyung."



"...I love you."

"Mm, I love you too, Jongwoon hyung, my beloved Omega..."


Jongwoon smiled and settled in his Alpha husband's embrace, letting sleep take him just as the sweet and protective pheromone covered him like a wool blanket on a cold winter night.




He finally found his home.




Author's note:

Happy ending for kyusung!!! Yeah!

Initially, I thought of having Jongwoon run away with babies and Kyuhyun chase after his wife. But I felt like that'd be too much cliche so you got this instead   xD

There's one extra chapter left! Could be next week or next next week, depending on when I finished it.


Take care and love you!   <3

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_MyName_ #1
Chapter 4: Okay, all of the extras were great, but yeah the two last were my favourites xD it's cute how Ahra and Jongwoon got to be a team so quickly, Kyuhyun doesn't stand a chance against them :D
Chapter 1: sooo cute can't wait to read moreee
400 streak #3
Chapter 4: Jealous Kyu is really something! And the one who could make him soooo damn jealous is always Siwon xD

Btw, I love extra 6, you know why (⁠。⁠・⁠/⁠/⁠ε⁠/⁠/⁠・⁠。⁠)

PS : I want to see a picture of Jongwoon's smooth and slender legs please! (⁠ ⁠/⁠^⁠ω⁠^⁠)⁠/⁠♪⁠♪
Chapter 4: Nothing can beat fluff on Sunday, thanks Author-nim
And we got to see seductive foxy JW too, nice!
Rinirin07 #5
Chapter 4: Fluffy .... Fluffy .... Fluffy...🥰
Fluffy, cute & HE is my favorite Kyusung story

Author-nim you never fail to amaze me, your plots are really creative and expected 💙

Hyuk and Hae's son being named Eunhae is such a good pick and I love it too much 💙

I don't think I'll be the only one who favors the two last extras 🤭

Thank you for the happy end, looking forward to the next story author-nim! ♡⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)⁠♡
Glossic #7
Chapter 3: Such a cute feel good story. Thanks for writing this <3
Chapter 3: omg the ending was so cute! cliche or not your stories are really fun to read, thank you author-nim! 💙

huhu where could I get a man like Kyuhyun 😭 so excited for the extra chapter ♡⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)⁠♡
Chapter 3: I hope you are feeling okay authornim. Fighting!

I love the development of the story. How Jongwoon started to feel better and trust his Alpha. I will be qaiting foe the extra chapter. 😊
400 streak #10
Chapter 3: Yeay happy ending!

But I thought this would be the last chapter 🤔

Eniwei, I was trying to find Siwon in this chapter LOL would be really funny to read about Kyuhyun's reaction hihihi