Case: Overdressed?

Literal Partners in Justice

3rd Person POV

Aleena walked into the room, Kaden trailing behind her before closing the door to the meeting room. There were about twelve people in the room, taking their seats and looking at the projector. Usually, cases that are subpar, or just boring cases that does not affect the country, there will only be three people during the meeting. Having quadruple the amount of people in this case must mean it is going to be a big one. Aleena took a seat near the front where Kei See was standing followed by Kaden who took a seat right beside her.

"Thanks all for being punctual for once." Kei See chuckled. He flipped open his laptop, the proector screen light up, mirroring the screen on Kei See's laptop.

"As you all know, there is a rise in the number of chewing tobacco in Singapore, especially in this area. " Kei See paused, circling the area on the map with red highlighter. 

"Our men on the ground have been patrolling and witnessing busy mouths walking around the street with no fear in their faces. Even after seeing their friends getting pulled to the station, they still openly do it with no bloody fear whatsoever. Why is this even happening. Members of public will start another drama about how our men don't do work and they are just getting paid for donning on the uniform." Kei See sigh, shaking his head.

"So what is the plan this time?" Kaden asked, shifting his body towards the table.

"We have narrow down the two possibilities where the seller could be stashing and also selling the chewing tobacco, but..." Kei See paused.

The projector screen flashed another slide, showing the CCTVs at an alleyway within the area. There were four CCTVs facing the opposite sides, not one facing the alleyway.

"The CCTVs placed by the Rochor Division made the criminals jobs easier. As you can see, there is a huge blindspot in the middle of the alleyway, and from what we know, that is where they are operating their illegal activities." Kei See circled the screen once again.

"Hold on, you are telling me the Rochor Division could not just clean up this mess? This case seems quite minor and furthermore, to require two inspectors from different Divisions, is that not too much for this?" Aleena chimed.

The room began to fill with murmurs of agreements to what Aleena just said.

"Yes. Honestly, when I heard about this case, I too thought it was just your everyday contraband case, but this goes way deeper than that. As you guys know, these chewing tobacco sells super cheap. You can get them at $4 or even $2 if they are desparate. They are not only selling in this area, but this few areas." The screen changed to another photo of the Singapore map with some of the neighbourhood names highlighted.


"Pioneer, Sungei Kadut, Pasir Panjang, Kallang, Geylang, Ubi, Pasir Ris, Sembawang and Woodlands. These are the areas we have caught some of them selling and whats worse, they even sell minors that are still in school uniform. So guys, two factors why this case is not your usual contraband case. One, they have spread out to the other estates in Singapore. Two, they are selling and most likely attacking the minors because the littles ones are curious. What makes this even more interesting is, for Pioneer area, they aren't dressed up as someone usual." Kei See paused. He started to hand out photos of various men in quite flashy outfits. There is one with a top hat, another with high cut boots up to their knees. To be fair, they looked like they are dressed for attention, not deflecting attention.

"Why are they dressed up that way? They are attracting attention. Is that not the opposite of what they want?" One officer said.

"Ha-Ah, thats where you are right. They do want the attention, though look at the person in the back of all those photos." Kei See said.

There was a man in basic tee and cargo shorts in the back of every photo taken. He was carrying a duffle bag, slung over his left shoulder.

"This, this is who we want. The overdressed guy is there for the distraction, but the seller in the back blends in perfectly with society. They have always work in pairs, but some even in threes. Till today, we cannot fathom how these people work because these photographs are only taken in Pioneer. The other areas, they are completely different. For example, in Pasir Ris, they sell the contrabands in a phone shop. Not only one, but several."

The room began to fill with questions from the different officers. Some wondering how did it spread this fast. Some wondering why did they only catch this now. Usually the higher ups are fast to not allowing stuffs like this to spread but it seems like they must've thought this is just a normal contraband case.


Aleena's POV

What the .

This case is really blowing my mind away. I suddenly feel my throat tighten slightly. I can feel my confidence level dropping as I hear the rest of the officers discussing about this case. Yes, I am good at my job but so far the cases I have handled are super to the point, literal no brainer even a 6 year old kid could solve it. I have handled major cases but usually with Lin by my side at all times. She really helps me look at things in different perspectives and I mostly put all the puzzle pieces together and thats how I usually solve my cases. I started feeling nervous. Nervous? I think I am about to have a nervous breakdown. I could not feel my hands, feet or even my heartbeat at this rate. I am only two years in and yet they have started to trust me entirely on this case? This calls for a nationwide inspectors, not some ammature who managed to get into the inspector rank just because she had good grades in school. Is it obvious that I am breaking out in a sweat? My right foot started tapping on the floor, my hands gripping each other hoping it will calm me down a little. Suddenly I felt my shoulder being grabbed lightly.

"Are you okay, Aleena?" Kaden said in a soft tone, avoiding grabbing the attention from the rest in the room.

I was taken aback. Was I being that obvious?

"Oh, I am fine. I am just excited for the case." I force myself into a smile.

"Your face is too obvious dude, come let's take a break." Kaden pulled me up.

"Kei See, let's take five. I have some things to discuss with Aleena." Kaden said, pulling me towards the door. Before Kei See could even respond, Kaden closed the door behind us. We walked towards the other side of the building to get to the pantry we initially met the first time today. As we approached the pantry door, I felt Kaden let my hand go. "Oh, sorry. I did not notice it till now." Kaden said, rubbing the back of his nape. Well, to be frank, I did not notice it either.

I sat down near the wall facing Kaden. He took a bottle of the counter and took a sip. Why did he bring me here. Is he already wanting to discuss about the case? I have no clue on where to even begin. I took out my e-ciggerate and inhaled, blowing out a thick smoke.

"Is this your first ever major case?" Kaden asked, folding his arms and leaning back on his chair.

I looked up at him.

"No, but I feel I am unfit for this case. It is just too overwhelming but I did not expect my face to tell that off."

"You know, Kei See must see something in you hence why he chose you to be the second inspector to be on this case."

Was he trying to comfort me?

"The case ... is a bit intense for me. The widespread of criminals throughout the city is something I've never done before. My major cases usually are the hit and runs, money laundering and illegal money lenders. They are usually a one off case but for this..." I trailed off.

"Aleena, you are working with the best inspector from Yishun. Have you not seen me?" Kaden said, gesturing to himself.

I can't help it, I broke into a smile and rolled my eyes. I inhaled on my e-ciggeratte before passing it to Kaden. He looked at me with his eyebrow up, before taking it and inhaling it.

"Do you just assume I smoke?" He said, exhaling a thick smoke.

"No, I assume every officer smokes." I snickered.

"Brave of you to assume such a thing. Luckily, I can't help but have the taste of pineapple in my mouth all day."

"Well, the transition from smoking ciggerattes to e-ciggerattes is always the better option."

"It is. Never regretted and will never go back." He took one last inhale, before passing it back to me.

"Do you feel better now?"

I nodded. Well, I do not feel that good, but definitely better than before.

"We should head back before they start looking for us."

We head back to the other side of building where the meeting room was when suddenly I saw Kei See walking towards us.

"Meeting is over guys. I've brief the rest of them and they will just wait for your call when you guys are ready to plan things."

"Wait what? We were only gone for less than five minutes?" Kaden said folding his arms over his chest.

"Yes I know, but I think what I've said is sufficient for you guys to form a plan. Anyways, I've told the rest that you both would probably need about a week or two to come up with a plan before we head out with this mission. So starting from today, all minor cases will be pushed to the other officers, you guys focus on this. I've got to go now, see ya'll around yeah?" Kei See pat Kaden's should before leaning into me for a side hug.


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