Track #23

Overtime Playlist
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SEULGI found herself lost in heat during that short break they had while filming for the band competition. The staff were still busy with the preparations but Taeyeon came pretty early and she looked obviously bored. Knowing that they have some time to fool around, Seulgi sent a signal to Taeyeon to come down to the dorms.

The singer just chuckled at how bold the younger girl was, making her excited and giddy at the same time. Taeyeon gave her manager a nod which made the lady roll her eyes. She just let her by secretly gesturing that she can go.

Seeing what happened, the program director could only shake his head. He knew exactly what to do and that is to drag some time so Taeyeon can have her fill. If she’s not satisfied, she might throw tantrums during the shoot.

“Seulgi…” Taeyeon called when Seulgi tried to undress her in the middle of a heated makeout. “You know we don’t have time for this, remember?”

The younger girl looked at her with those puppy eyes. “We can’t go all the way?”

Taeyeon couldn’t help but giggle at the cuteness. “We can’t, baby. Can you wait until we’re done here? You can come to my place if you want.”

“You’re free after this?” Seulgi started planting soft yet hot kisses on Taeyeon’s neck, making the latter close her eyes to feel more of the kiss.

“It’s Sunday anyway.” Taeyeon wrapped her arms around Seulgi’s shoulders. “We shouldn’t be working on Sunday in the first place.”

“That’s right.” Seulgi tore her lips from Taeyeon’s neck and took a good look at the singer’s flushed face. She couldn’t help but be excited. “I’ll go visit your house after this then.”

Seulgi gave Taeyeon another kiss on the lips which the older girl gladly accepted and responded to. Seulgi really learned to kiss in the way she wanted in just a short span of time.

“You’re really good now.” Taeyeon commented while staring at the younger girl’s lips. “Such a good student.”

“Because I want to satisfy you.” 

Taeyeon just smiled and rewarded her good student with another kiss. “Have you kissed anyone aside from me?”

Seulgi looked at her with confusion in her eyes. “I told you already, Unnie. You are my first kiss.”

“And you haven’t kissed anyone after that?” Taeyeon started twirling Seulgi’s hair. “I mean, you look this hot and no one approached you?”

“Me? Hot?” Seulgi just sneered as she weakly shook her head. “You can’t be serious.” 

“Do you doubt my eyes, Seulgi? I’m sure a lot of the audience will go crazy about you after this character upgrade.” Taeyeon looked at Seulgi’s eyes that were fixed on her as imprinting her reflection to her memory. If only there was no impending work then she would gladly have herself taken by this y wolf in front of her.

“You think so?” Seulgi tilted her head to the side. “Do you personally like this look?”

“I already like how you look even before all of these upgrades but I won’t deny that you look hotter with confidence on you.” 

Seulgi just sneered at her and oh, how that mischievous smile made her heart race to the point that she wanted to give Seulgi another hickey but the program director strictly warned her about it. They had to cover Seulgi’s hickey last time with band aid and all the people were wondering how she got injured in that certain part of her neck.

Taeyeon could only wish things would get cancelled so that she could spend the rest of the day with Seulgi.

The two shared another kiss and why they were at it, Taeyeon noticed Seulgi’s phone vibrating. And because the phone was just on the bed, she saw who was calling and her mood was suddenly blown off.

“Seulgi, baby…” Taeyeon cut the kiss but Seulgi kept on peppering her jaw with kisses.


“Your manager is calling.”

“Let her be.” Seulgi flipped her phone to reject the call and then went back to business but her phone started vibrating again. Taeyeon’s eyes darkened. She was about to complain to Seulgi but she was taken aback when the younger girl answered the call and put the phone on speaker.

Seulgi then swiftly laid her down in the bed which caused her to gasp loudly. She’s sure the person on the other line heard her voice. The singer instinctively covered her lips with her hands.

She watched how Seulgi smirked before gently removing her hands from her lips. Oh how her heart shook when she watched Seulgi her lips while looking at her.

“…K-Kang-daeri?” Finally, Joohyun managed to make a sound.

“Director?” Seulgi placed another kiss on Taeyeon’s lips. “Do you need something?”

Seulgi continued kissing Taeyeon, making sounds that Joohyun would absolutely hear. The girl on the other line already felt like crying but she kept herself composed.

“Where are you?” Joohyun asked, making sure her voice didn’t shake.

“Hmm?” The smile on Seulgi’s lips widened. “I am having a snack with Taeyeon-unnie.”

Taeyeon gave Seulgi a playful smack while silently laughing. She then wrapped her arms on Seulgi again and pulled her for another kiss.

“…Come back here, Kang-daeri. It isn’t time for a snack. I know you guys are close and all but please be professional and get back to your post.”

Seulgi just sighed. “Why are you so boring, Director Bae? It hasn’t even started yet.”

“Kang-daeri, I am still your senior here and I am the manager of the band. Please have some decency.”

Seulgi let out a loud sigh as she dropped herself to lie beside Taeyeon. “Understood, Di-rec-tor. I will be back there right away in accordance with your will.”


Seulgi ended the call and let out another sigh. “Annoying…”

Taeyeon poked Seulgi on the cheek. She admits Seulgi is hot when annoyed as well. “What’s wrong with the two of you?” Taeyeon found herself carelessly asking. She didn’t want to ask anything about Bae Joohyun but her curiosity won’t let her be. “Last time she declared you guys got something and then you were even hugging in public. What happened to that sweetness?”

Taeyeon’s chuckles made Seulgi look at her. 

“She rejected me before I even confessed to her.” Seulgi answered coolly as she pushed herself to sit up. “And then when I started playing with you, she suddenly became interested in me again.”

Seulgi lent a hand to Taeyeon to help her stand up. The younger girl then helped her fix her clothes. “What’s with that confusing attitude?” Taeyeon sighed. “I guess that’s why our little wolf is rebelling right now.”

For some weird reason, Taeyeon found herself caressing Seulgi’s face. The younger girl just closed her eyes before pulling Taeyeon into a hug. The action surprised the singer but there was some weird comfort in that embrace.

“Tonight, I am going to show you what a rebellious wolf is like.” Seulgi gave her another mischievous smile that made her bite her lower lip.

Taeyeon poked her cheek again. “I am looking forward to it.”




“AND she really went with her.”

Seungwan monotonously said while watching the car where Taeyeon and Seulgi rode disappear from her sight. She still couldn’t believe how Seulgi changed so drastically like that.

The other members were left in the practice room, cleaning up the remaining mess but Seulgi just ditched them and escaped with Taeyeon. She was like a teenager in puberty.

“You should’ve said something to her, Director Bae.” Seungwan turned to Joohyun who was checking the pointers the production team gave them.

“Me? What should I tell her?” Joohyun asked nonchalantly, eyes still fixed on the material.

“Director Bae…” Minjoo worriedly called. “Are you just going to give up on Seulgi-unnie?”

That question made the young director flinch and awkward silence covered the room. Everyone was waiting for her answer.

“Give up?” Joohyun put the material down and looked at everyone. “Me? Giving up?”

For some reason, the room suddenly brightened up even though all the lights were already on. But then everyone panicked when they saw tears rolling down Joohyun’s smiley face.

“D-Director Bae!” Minjeong called. “What’s happening?”

“Director Bae!” Jimin also came to Joohyun’s aid.

Ryujin just scoffed and continued with whatever she was doing. Seungwan noticed her reaction and just sighed.

Minjoo immediately got some tissues to help Joohyun in wiping her tears. Joohyun didn’t even notice that she was already crying until the girls panicked.

“I’m sorry…” Joohyun forced a chuckle. “I-I didn’t really intend to cry.” The young director sobbed. “What am I even doing? Ha-ha…”

“Director Bae…” Minjeong felt so bad for Joohyun. Seulgi was really ignoring her a lot even during the shoot. When they performed in front of Taeyeon earlier, Seulgi didn’t even take a look at Joohyun even once when she used to stare at her the whole performance before.

The bassist was still wearing her goggles and had her eyes down the whole time. What surprised them was Taeyeon’s professionalism, quickly pointing out what the band is missing. 

The singer said that the addition of a rhythm guitarist has surely completed their music, but for some reason, she wasn’t moved at all. Worse, she said that it came to her as just a noise.

Sure they were good. Sure they were skillful. But it lacked something that they used to relay properly with their performances before—emotion.

“You are performing a song relaying how much someone is losing control but you were just standing there with a blank face. Even backup musicians would give a better facial expression than what you guys showed.”

That was Taeyeon’s comment that thickened the atmosphere. Even the program director thought that it was lacking the same impact that they used to have so he believed Taeyeon wasn’t throwing any tantrums for not having her fill. She was offended as the singer of the song. She was offended as an artist.

“I know I might get bashed with your fans but this is my song that you’re performing.” Taeyeon let out a sigh as she moved her judging sheet to her right. “This isn’t a highschool band competition. Wait no, highschool bands will be offended to see you performing like this on television. Please don’t be too comfortable with being the first placer now. You might lose the medal for being too comfortable.”

Taeyeon proceeded on talking about how songs are produced. It’s not just the singer, there are a lot more people involved in the process. And in her case who doesn’t write her own songs, as the singer she’s the interpreter of the song. She gives her all to properly relay the song and if the band will just do it lousily like that, the makers of the song will surely get offended and disappointed.

Seungwan had nothing to say but sorry. She knew that they weren’t in their best condition. It felt like they were moving with an unknown body part and they all knew who was the reason for it.

Usually, it was Seulgi who would be the one to initiate a practice session but despite knowing that she’s the biggest reason for the poor performance of the band, she chose to be selfish and escaped with her playmate.

Seungwan could feel it, even though Seulgi is being nice to the younger ones, she could feel how awkward her best friend is to her. Seulgi even turned down her suggestion about singing. The wound that was brought by what she did to her in the past was most probably opened after her recent heartbreak. And knowing that she is somehow responsible for how Seulgi ended up, Seungwan couldn’t talk to her about the current situation.

“Don’t worry…” Joohyun wiped her tears and forced a smile. “I am not giving up on her. I will surely make her come back to me one of these days… I will… For sure…”

There was a loud scoff from Ryujin. “I don’t know where your confidence is coming from. Do you think that someone like you can win against Kim Taeyeon?”

Minjeong was about to scold Ryujin but Joohyun stopped her.

“That’s true. Kim Taeyeon might be a tough opponent and I know that Kang-daeri also has a crush on her.” Joohyun agreed with what the rhythm guitarist said, looking at Ryujin face on. “But I know that Kang-daeri isn’t the type to have her feelings change in just a short period of time. She might be playing with Taeyeon-ssi right now but I believe she still has me in her heart.”

“Pfft!” Ryujin tried her hardest not to laugh. “You’re really that confident that you have her heart, huh?”

“I am.” Joohyun did answer with full confidence. “If she doesn’t love me, she wouldn’t react like that after our conversation on the beach. I just really have to correct my mistakes… I know I can’t undo the hurt that I gave her but I don’t want to give up just like that. I just know… The Seulgi that loves me—”

Joohyun just smiled foolishly to herself before weakly shaking her head. Her eyes went back to Ryujin. “...The Seulgi that I love is still there. I will do everything to pull her back on the surface.”

“How will you do it though?” Minjeong asked. “Even us are a bit awkward with this new Seulgi-unnie.”

“But you know the old Seulgi well, right?” Joohyun asked, which made the members of the band look at each other. “I need your help, everyone. Let me take my Masteral Class about Kang Seulgi from you all. I believe if I get to k

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0 points #1
Chapter 40: thank you authornim🥹🫶🏻
The songs on each track are the best, thanks author-nim ¡ENCORE! ¡ENCORE!
1755 streak #3
Finally added the playlist to my account going to reread while listening for the feels!
MYOBusiness #4
Chapter 40: S-soowan sounds like a n-nice n-name.. HAHA
MYOBusiness #5
Chapter 39: THIS IS SO GOOOOD! I enjoyed this story so so much! I can't believe how many times my heart breaks because of the events that happened and how it warms me at the same time. Ahh~ The roller coaster!
My favorite part is when Seulgi first sing in public! Not because they sang a song I like (btw the song recommendations here are so good! It's always nice listening to it while reading the chapters) but because I believe that's the first crack from our wolf, not only from the facade she had that time but also a breakthrough from her old self in general. I wanted to celebrate with her for that haha.
There's a lot of memorable scenes and I can't pick just one! The bands' dynamic is always fun to see. Reading each perspective from the characters is so refreshing that I felt what they're going through at the time and understand all the decisions they made, may it be good or bad decisions (of course it's all because of how cut-nim wrote it~). Also, witnessing Seulgi gain confidence made me emotional. All the problems and how she battles with herself about the things that holds her back just makes my heart break when clearly, she has so much potential. Everyone wants the best for her and that's what I want too that's why I've been rooting for her until the end! All you really need is good people on your side and that's a win already!

P.S. Ack! I finished late :( But I'm back! Hi cut-nim! Thank you for sharing this universe too, it's amazing as always :)
Oct_13_wen_03 #6
Chapter 39: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Chapter 1: reread 2nd time.. ☺️☺️ just casually count numbers whenever I reread stories...
Chapter 30: i can't stop coming back to this chapter.. the moment with joohyun and seulgi in the karaoke really hit a spot in my heart. i've also been listening to 노래방에서 by jang beom june all day because of how meaningful the lyrics were, the song is beautiful so thank you for sharing it with us!!
Chapter 39: i'm crying in my class, my heart hurts but in a good way. that's how you properly put an end to a story, wow. i now remember why every day i would come here and binge all our your stories. it's because you're so incredibly talented and you truly know how to put emotions into words. i've had a soft spot of writing and i really admire the way people can express each emotion and feeling in the form of words. i don't mean to be cheesy but i think you are by far my most favorite writer, solely of the fact that you can make me laugh, cry, and experience these feelings i really don't think i will be able to in my own life because im too much of a coward (much like seulgi lol) and i tend to stay away from what i've never experienced in fear of what the outcome would be. so i thank you for giving me the chance to feel so many things just through the magic of your words and writings. i wish you well!! stay happy and healthy dear author ^^
Chapter 37: i cant help but imagine kang hanna as kang hanna from 200 pounds beauty, is she the inspo of seul's mom? i loved that movie and it really touched my heart so if it is, you have excellent taste author ^^.