
Don't Come Closer
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November is the month when the temperature starts to drop. The rain was also still pouring from the sky, it lasted until the morning. Making the trees that stood tall in the forest shrouded in fog.

It was Thursday already, a week seems like it passed in a blur as her dad left the town. Caused the woman to live alone in the house. This is not the first time her dad left her for work. So she was like getting used to it because she is also keeping herself busy by working in a small coffee shop that keeps her warm when she was outside her house.

The coffee shop ain't quite busy. Only several people enjoying their morning coffee while staring against the street. Pinelark is a small town located in the middle of a forest. People have to drive for around two-three hours to get into the main town.

But for her, she rarely get out of this town. The woman would go to the main town only if she's bored or need to buy stuff that doesn't exist here. Aislee was getting used to the arrival of tourists that come out from outside this town. They're coming from other countries, other nations, and some from other continents because Pinelark went viral on the internet after several tourists showed a video about the beauty of Pinelark in autumn and winter.


But somehow it only lasted for a year after there were a case of tourists missing repeatedly every month. Very strange it is but residents of Pinelark didn't feel in the least bit of danger, including her. The rescue team did find them but they're no longer alive. Their bodies are often found with scratch marks everywhere, the rescue team suspected it to have been from bear attacks. And even more strangely, electronic items such as cellphones and handy cams are always found damaged.

The more she think about it, the more she get confused because for her, the forest was just an ordinary forest, with the various species that lived within it wishing to be respected and not disturbed by humans. Maybe these tourists have ventured too far into the forest and disturbed their habitat so they fought back.

Aislee immediately brushed her thoughts away when she heard the door chimes softly, followed by the person who has become her best friend here.

"Damn the rain won't stop till now huh" Said Johnny, as the man walked towards you behind the cashier.

The rain is no longer poured harshly now, leaving only a small drizzle but still enough to get her clothes wet if she's walking outside. "Have you met Alma in the main town?"

Johnny just came back traveling from the main town delivering some logging and other stuff carried by his truck. He is a hard worker and he lives with his mother here. "Nah. Her sister told me she left the town yesterday for work related"

"Uuuh.. Poor guy. Your relationship status is like long distance one, now its super mega long distance" The woman laughed, mocking him as he shove her arm softly in a joking manner.

"So do you want any drink logging man?" He simply nodded. Ordering his usual coffee without telling her what his order is because she already know he will ask for the same order.


Once she delivered the coffee, Aislee decided to sit with him. Having a little conversation about life, laughing along together for around three h

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Chapter 12: Baekhyun in pink faux jacket and Kohl rimmed eyes is an absolute eye candy😘
Chapter 11: Girl, ask that grandma about these werewolves! She definitely knows something🤭
Chapter 12: Spent more time with each other because I want to see you interact more 🤍
749 streak #4
Chapter 12: He came back, I can’t wait for the conversation that follows inside, as well as Aislee’s reason for not calling.
Jaesongjoong #5
Sounds like a good story
december0898 #6
Chapter 12: oh my aislee got herself an instant date haha looks like the chapter will be interesting. thanks for the update
749 streak #7
Chapter 11: She needs to get more information from Grandma, she’s a walking encyclopedia on werewolves. I wonder if she might have been involved with one at some point. I’m also hoping Aislee decides to call Baekhyun soon. Thank you for the update.
december0898 #8
Chapter 11: seems like grandma had encountered a wolf before.. thanks for the update.
Chapter 11: Yess an update!! ^^ Girl you should call Baekhyun and ask about what your grandma told you so that you could interact more with Baekhyun
Chapter 3: Don't know why but the last scene was kinda funny 😂